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Miss Wells has been late for school quite recently. After class, her teacher, Professo

r Thyme talks to her. She apologizes:()

A.Oh, I’m awfully sorry, Professor Thyme, but I really will try to be on time.

B.Oh, dear! I’m sorry, Professor Thyme.

C.Ok, I’m sure to come earlier next time.

D.Please excuse me this time. I won’t be late next time.

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更多“Miss Wells has been late for s…”相关的问题
Wells Fargo has been sued by a group of struggling homeowners, who say the bank worked with them in bad ________________.





Where has Miss White been to?A.Suzhou.B.Nanjing and Beijing.C.Both A and B.

Where has Miss White been to?


B.Nanjing and Beijing.

C.Both A and B.

A.Fred has made other plans.B.Freds flight has been delayed.C.Fred is li

A.Fred has made other plans.

B.Freds flight has been delayed.

C.Fred is likely to miss the plane.

D.Fred is never punctual.

听力原文:Why is Miss Shen going back so soon?(A) Yes, she enjoyed her visit.(B) Yes, it's

听力原文:Why is Miss Shen going back so soon?

(A) Yes, she enjoyed her visit.

(B) Yes, it's a successful business.

(C) No one has been told.





When timber has been purchased on a ("per unit of volume") harvested basis, the losses ass

When timber has been purchased on a ("per unit of volume") harvested basis, the losses associated with miss cut logs are borne by the ______. If the timber has been purchased on a lump-sum basis, inattention to bucking decisions can create large financial losses to

A. landowner, timber buyer B. timber buyer, landowner C. forest manager, logger

听力原文:M: Now, what seems to be the trouble, Miss Green?W: I've been very dizzy lately,

听力原文:M: Now, what seems to be the trouble, Miss Green?

W: I've been very dizzy lately, and last night I had a stomach.

What do we learn about the woman?

A.She is better now.

B.She was ill.

C.She has been ill.

听力原文:M: You must be sad about your best friend's taking a job in Texas. It's so far aw

W: Yeah, I'm really going to miss her. But at least I have a good reason to visit a new part of the country now.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She intends to visit her friend in Texas.

B.She sometimes travels abroad for her job.

C.Her friend has never been to Texas before.

D.She hasn't spoken to her friend for a long time.

听力原文:This is going to be a brief meeting. You are all aware of the damage caused by la
st week's hurricane. Many buildings in this area have been seriously damaged. Our premises have also been declared unsafe. So, we will now have to move to the office on 21st Street. For many of you this will mean a rather long distance to travel every day. I know we will all miss being near the harbor. However, the city council has approved our restoration plans and work has already begun. If all goes well, we may be back here by the end of the year.

What is the purpose of this announcement?

A.To announce expansion plans.

B.To inform. customers of attractive offers.

C.To launch a new pension scheme.

D.To announce a new location for the office.

听力原文:Hello, everyone. I'd like to tell you a story about Miss Richards. Miss Richards

听力原文:Hello, everyone. I'd like to tell you a story about Miss Richards.

Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school. Sometimes the new classes learned rapidly, but sometimes they were very slow, and then Miss Richards had to repeat things many times.

One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several weeks when Miss Richards suddenly asked, "What is water7 Who knows? Hands up."

There was silence for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad but then one boy raised his hand. "Yes, Dick?" said Miss Richards encouragingly. He was not one of the brightest students in the class, so she was glad this boy could answer.

"Water is a liquid which has no color until you wash your hands in it, then it turns black," the boy replied.

What was Miss Richards?

A.A chemistry teacher.

B.A physics teacher.

C.A science teacher.

根据材料请回答下列各 Lee Lok Sze was the first woman in Hong Kong to reach both the North
and South Poles.In1992 and l993,she went to Mount Everest and the Taldamkhan Desert in Xinjian9.“l wanted to be an adventurer when l was small.I have loved reading adventure books since l was a child.”Since 1970,Miss Lee has always been on trips,travelling to different parts of the world with a back packand a sleeping ba9. She said that these journeys changed her values.“After visiting these places.I started to treasure my life much more than before.During this time,I came to realize how small I am in the universe,but nothing in this world is unsolvable(不可克服的).” Miss Lee said she had a lot of unforgettable experiences on her journeys.There was one terrible storm at sea when she was returning from the South Pole.The whole team was happy to be re.turning home after a one year stay at the South Pole.During the storm,waves reache.d heights of upt0 30 meters,as high as a 10-story buildin9.She stayed calm at the time and took steps to protect their research findings.She hoped the rescuers(救援者)would find them even if they lost their lives.Part of the ship was destroyed and a lot of water came in.Luckily they all survived,but she came away from the experience with a realization about the power of nature. Miss Lee is also the founder of the China Polar Museum Foundation.Building a polar museum has always been her dream.According to Miss Lee.me museum will use advanced technology to help develop scientific work in polar areas.Als0,it will provide places for scientists to do research. What is special about Miss Lee’s travel?

A.She was well equipped in her travel.

B.She traveled on her own to both Poles.

C.She was the first woman to Mount Everest.

D.She was the first HK woman to both Poles.

听力原文: When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf W
ar, scientists feared environmental disaster. Would black powder in the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun?

Many said "No way. Rain would wash the black powder from the atmosphere. But in America, air sampling balloons have detected high concentrations of particles similar to those that were collected in Kuwait. Some oil didn't catch fire. It has formed huge lakes in the Kuwaiti desert. They trap insects and birds, and poison a variety of other desert animals and plants.

The only good news is that the oil lakes have not affected the underground water resources. So far, the oil has not been absorbed because of the hard sand just below the surface.

Nothing, however, stops the oil from evaporating. The resulting poisonous gases are choking nearby residents. Officials are trying to organize a quick cleanup, but they are not sure how to do it. One possibility is to burn the oil. Get those black-powder detectors ready.

What is the problem with the elm tree near Jackson Hall?

A.It has grown too tall for its designated space.

B.It may be diseased.

C.Its branches are being broken off.

D.It no longer hears from.

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