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听力原文:M: So, when are the other guys going to get here? The flight is taking off in 45

minutes. They'll stop boarding in 5 minutes.

W: It's 10:30 already. They were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. I told everybody when to meet here.

Q: When is the plane taking off?


A.At 10:30.

B.At 10:20.

C.At 11:15.

D.At 10:45.

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更多“听力原文:M: So, when are the other…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?M: I've written and rewritten it so ma

听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?

M: I've written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it.

Q: What can we learn about the man?


A.He is modest.

B.He is satisfied.

C.He is proud.

D.He is upset.

听力原文:W. So how are you getting along with Debbie's cat?M: Well, she never comes when I

听力原文:W. So how are you getting along with Debbie's cat?

M: Well, she never comes when I call her, she spills her food, and she sheds all over the place. can't wait till Debbie gets back.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.The cat is a lot of trouble.

B.The cat is quite friendly.

C.He doesn't get along with Debbie.

D.He's glad Debbie gave him the cat.

听力原文:Who do you think is going to be the new coach?(A) I'm hoping it'll be Jared Smith

听力原文:Who do you think is going to be the new coach?

(A) I'm hoping it'll be Jared Smith.

(B) Congratulations! When do you start?

(C) So far, he's been doing a great job.





听力原文:W: Hey, Charles. You're so early today. When did you start running?M: I got here

听力原文:W: Hey, Charles. You're so early today. When did you start running?

M: I got here at 6:20 and ran 13 laps before 7. I have2 more to do, and then I'll be done.

Q: How many laps is the man supposed to run today?


A.20 laps.

B.15 laps.

C.37 laps.

D.32 laps.

听力原文:W: I often mistake Jim for Bob. Can you tell them apart?M: No, they look so much

听力原文:W: I often mistake Jim for Bob. Can you tell them apart?

M: No, they look so much alike that they even confused their mother sometimes when they were young.

What is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob?

A.They are twins.

B.They are classmates.

C.They are friends.

D.They are colleagues.

听力原文:W: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.M: When

听力原文:W: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.

M: When you take the subway, you don't have to deal with traffic. I never drive any more.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He never drives his car in order to avoid accidents.

B.He often suffers from the heavy traffic, too.

C.He can't agree with the woman any more.

D.The woman should take the subway to avoid the traffic.

听力原文:M: So, when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minu
tes. We can't wait here forever!

W: It's 10:30 already? They are supposed to be here by now! I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.

When is the train leaving?

A.At 10:30.

B.At 10:40.

C.At 10:25.

D.At 10:45.

听力原文:W: So how are you getting along with Debbie's cat?M: Well, she never comes when I

听力原文:W: So how are you getting along with Debbie's cat?

M: Well, she never comes when I call her, she spills her food, and she sheds all over the place.

W: Oh, that's too bad! When will Debbie take her back?

M: I even can't wait till Debbie gets back.

What does the man imply?

A.The cat is a lot of trouble.

B.The cat is quite friendly.

C.He doesn't get along with Debbie.

D.He'd glad Debbie gave him the cat.

听力原文:M: How do you manage to feed your family when food prices are so high? W: We have

听力原文:M: How do you manage to feed your family when food prices are so high?

W: We have a garden and some fruit trees, and we raise some fish in the small pond.

What does the woman's family do about the high sort of food?

A.They produce part of their own food.

B.They sell their own produce.

C.They feed their family on cheap food.

D.They buy food from farmers.

听力原文:M: When docs the next train leave?W: You have just missed one by 5 minutes. Train

听力原文:M: When docs the next train leave?

W: You have just missed one by 5 minutes. Trains leave every fifty minutes, so you'll have to wait for a while.

How long does the man have to wait for the text train?


B.10 minutes.

C.45 minutes.

D.50 minutes

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