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Which sentences use the rhetorical device of irony?

A、The American dream promised older people that if they worked hard enough all their lives, things would turn out well for them.

B、But what are an individual’s chances for a “good” old age in America, with satisfying final years and a dignified death?

C、And though I’m as leery of certain polls as anyone, this margin of credulity is too wide to be discounted.

D、He stands there, his feet braced, his head high from the soaring mountain of his huge neck, and he wonders where he is.

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更多“Which sentences use the rhetor…”相关的问题
Which of the following sentences contains an appositive clause?A.It is no use crying over

Which of the following sentences contains an appositive clause?

A.It is no use crying over spilt milk.

B.It happened that we were all at home that day.

C.Where did you get the idea that I could not come?

D.Germany is, to be honest, the key to the integration of the EU.

Which of the following sentences does NOT contain subjunctive mood?A.Heaven helps us.B.The

Which of the following sentences does NOT contain subjunctive mood?

A.Heaven helps us.

B.Their advice was that I use a new name, move to a new place and start a new life.

C.Her pale face suggested that she was ill.

D.It is high time you wrote your own life.

Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an adverbial clause?A.I will come with y

Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an adverbial clause?

A.I will come with you if you can drive me there.

B.I disagree with you in some points while I admit what you say.

C.It is our duty to serve the people.

D.The materials are good for use because the cost of core part is not high.

Which of the following sentences are ambiguous? If you know how, use tree diagrams to show
how these sentences are ambiguous. (1) The children put the toy in tile box. (2) The professor s appointment was shocking. (3) No smoking section is available. (4) Jack refused to change his decision.

Which of the following sentences has a formal subject(形式主语)?A.It was 5 o"clock when he

Which of the following sentences has a formal subject(形式主语)?

A.It was 5 o"clock when he came here.

B.It is no use trying it again.

C.It was yesterday that I met her.

D.I find it easy to get on with her.

Which of the following sentences is true according to this article?A.The Oregon lawyer was

Which of the following sentences is true according to this article?

A.The Oregon lawyer was arrested because his fingerprints were found near the scene of the terrorist attack.

B.What happened to Brandon Mayfield also happened to some other people.

C.Police officers often use fingerprints successfully to catch the very criminals they wanted.

D.A fingerprint scan have already been a ticket for an individual to get into a building.

Which of the following sentences do not contains grammar error?()

A、The number of people who own cars are increasing

B、When a student need to remember is that when taking an exam, you should not cheat

C、As a college student, we should use personal computers in a proper way

D、Mar likes hiking,swimming, and riding a bicycle

Which of the following sentences is fight according to the passage?A.75 percent of people

Which of the following sentences is fight according to the passage?

A.75 percent of people in the online poll had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books and cell phones in the bathroom.

B.Nearly all of Americans think cell phone use is impolite during religious activities.

C.90 percent of people in the online poll admitted they would be unhappy if they were given an online gift wish.

D.30 percent of people in the online poll believe that people should get in touch with each other frequently because of the demand of business.

Which of the following sentences is courteous?()

A.If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the UK.

B.As director of your department, you will have to get your employees to use the correct forms.

C.This is the second time I’ve written.Can’t you get anything right?

D.Let’s review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.

Punctuation makes the written language intelligible. It does the job, on the page, of the
changes of pitch, pace and rhythm which make it possible to understand speech. Unsurprisingly, therefore, a requirement for some knowledge of how to punctuate makes an early appearance in an English curriculum.

The trouble is, that necessary though punctuation is, the task of teaching it to children is considerably more challenging than it might appear. For example, it is possible that to instruct children about writing in sentences by telling them about full stops and capital letters is to court frustration and failure. The notion of the sentence as a statement—a free- standing chunk of information—is something that children come to gradually. As written work grows longer and more complicated, so the perception of sentence increases. Good teachers will, in their teaching of early writing, watch for the child's ability to compose in sentences, and then point out how the use of punctuation will define them more clearly.

So, where, in all this, comes the mechanical definition of a sentence—that it needs a verb, for example? The pragmatic answer is that it comes nowhere at all. Adult writers do not, on the whole, look back at their sentences to make sure they contain verbs. We all surely feel our sentences intuitively. Most of the time, to be sure, they will contain verbs. Occasionally, though, they may not—and where's the harm? What is certain is that you cannot possibly use the grammatical rule as a tool with which to teach a seven-year-old about sentence-writing. The child can be nudged and helped towards writing in sentences, but on the whole he will not do it until he is ready.

The point is that punctuation is an aid which the writer brings into play to illuminate an already formed idea. Before you can learn the punctuation, you have to know what you want to punctuate. Thus you teach capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to a child who is already writing sentences, questions and exclamations. The development of a child's writing will always be a step ahead of the punctuation, and to reverse the process in response, say, to the short-term demands of a curriculum is to put later progress at risk.

Which statement can best sum up the main idea of the passage?

A.it is necessary to require the knowledge of punctuation in an English curriculum.

B.Punctuation is very important in written language.

C.Punctuation can make sentences more clear.

D.Punctuation should be taught after the development of children's writing.

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