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听力原文:W: Don't you think it is harmful? Working all night and sleeping in the daytime?M

听力原文:W: Don't you think it is harmful? Working all night and sleeping in the daytime?

M: Oh. I've stopped that already. Now I'm on three days and off two.

How does the man arrange his work now?

A.He works three times as much as he did before.

B.He has two free days for every three days he works.

C.He works three nights every two weeks.

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更多“听力原文:W: Don't you think it is …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Why don't you go to bed?M: I have to finish this homework first.Q: Why does th

听力原文:W: Why don't you go to bed?

M: I have to finish this homework first.

Q: Why does the man stay up late?


A.He has to finish his home work.

B.He doesn't know it is very late.

C.His mother wants him to do homework.

D.He can't sleep.

听力原文:M: I don't know what to do.W: I can't help you with this decision.Q: What does th

听力原文:M: I don't know what to do.

W: I can't help you with this decision.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She will not make the decision for him.

B.She doesn't want to give him any help.

C.She will help him later.

D.She will give him some advice.

听力原文:M: Are you really going to buy that painting? Where will you hang it?W: Yes, I th

听力原文:M: Are you really going to buy that painting? Where will you hang it?

W: Yes, I think it would brighten my living room wall. Don't you love the way the blues and greens blend?

Q: Where does the woman plan to hang the painting?


A.In the hall.

B.At an exhibit.

C.The kitchen.

D.Living-room wall.

听力原文:W: Do you plan on flying to the United States, Jack?M: Yes. It costs a lot but th

听力原文:W: Do you plan on flying to the United States, Jack?

M: Yes. It costs a lot but the trains and buses don't run the day I'm going. So I have no choice.

How would Jack get to the United States?

A.He'll go by plane.

B.He'll go by train.

C.He'll go by bus.

听力原文:Don't you want to visit the city hall while you're in town?(A) Yes, I'll visit th

听力原文:Don't you want to visit the city hall while you're in town?

(A) Yes, I'll visit the museum next week.

(B) I do, but I don't think I have enough time to do it.

(C) No, it's located at the intersection.





听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.W: (whispering) I don't know what to do with all th

听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.

W: (whispering) I don't know what to do with all these knives and forks and glasses. What do I do?

M: Ah, so that's the problem, don't worry, it's easy. Use the cutlery from the outside to the inside. After each course the dirty dishes and cutlery will be taken away. The different glasses are for different kinds of drink. If you get stuck, just watch someone else.

W: OK, OK. I think I've got it. Could you explain some more about etiquette? I don't want to do something that looks really stupid!

M: Well, the most important thing is not to make noise when you eat. Parents always tell their children "don't talk with your mouth full" and "never chew with your mouth open".

W: OK, so that's a bit different. Sometimes it's polite in Asia to make noise. What else?

M: At a formal meal, in a place like this, you should always have your napkin on your lap and don't rest your arms on the table either. If you are at someone's house, it is always polite to compliment the cook. I guess that last part is the same everywhere in the world.

W: Well, although you guys didn't cook it, thanks for a great meal!

M: It's a good job I didn't cook it, I can burn water!

W: What do I do if I need to leave the table? Do I need to say where I'm going?

M: Don't go into too much detail. The safest option is to just say "please excuse me for a minute".

W: OK, well, in that case. Please excuse me for a minute.


A.eating all of the food.

B.using the right knives, forks and glasses.

C.going to the toilet.

D.drinking too much wine.

听力原文:M: Will you buy these two shirts?W: Yes, please pack them for me.M: Okay. Will th

听力原文:M: Will you buy these two shirts?

W: Yes, please pack them for me.

M: Okay. Will that be cash or charge?

W: I want to pay by check if I may.

M: Certainly. That's cash, then.

W: Cash?

M: Yes. Both money and checks are considered cash. Only credit cards are charge.

W: Oh.

M: Just make the check out to the Family Store.

W: Okay.

M: And I'll need two pieces of identification. A driver's license and a major credit card.

W: Well, here's my driver's license, I don't have any charge cards.

M: I need two numbers. Your student number is on the ID, isn't it?

W: Yes, it is. Do you need anything else?

M: Just put your telephone number on the front of the cheek.

W: Okay.

M: Good. Now let me give you your license, your ID, and your pack age. And thank you for shopping at the Family Store.

W: Thank you.


A.At school.

B.In a hospital.

C.In a shop.

D.In a park.

听力原文:M: Don't you think his talk was boring?W: No, not at all.Q: What does the woman t

听力原文:M: Don't you think his talk was boring?

W: No, not at all.

Q: What does the woman think of the talk?






听力原文:W: I feel hungry.M: What about some bread?W: Oh, I don't like bread. Do you have

听力原文:W: I feel hungry.

M: What about some bread?

W: Oh, I don't like bread. Do you have some hamburgers?

Q: What does the girl want to eat?





听力原文:M: Vicky! Have you heard the news?W: No, Sam. What do you mean?M: You know all th

听力原文:M: Vicky! Have you heard the news?

W: No, Sam. What do you mean?

M: You know all the classes we've missed because of the snow?

W: Uh oh ....

M: Yup-we're going to have to make them up and the dean says it will have to be during spring break.

W: Sam! We have our-vacation all set! What are we going to do? Do the others know?

M: I don't know but I certainly can't afford to miss five days of classes this semester, with that week I was sick ....

W: But I really don't want to cancel our trip. All of us have already made our plane reservations!

M: I can try to call the travel agency; maybe they can refund our money. But before we do anything we need to speak with our professors.

W: You think they'll excuse us from class?

M: Probably not. But I was talking to Mark this morning and he said that one of his professors told him that they could make up the class at a different time.

W: Wow--that's great! Which professor was it?

M: I don't know. But we're going to have to speak to all of them anyway.

W: Why didn't they add extra days at the end of the semester before summer classes?

M: Because of the graduation date, which can't be changed.

W: Are other colleges around here doing the same thing?

M: I would imagine set---it's been such a bad winter and we've missed too many classes. We do really need to make them up.

W: I know, I know. I was just really looking forward to this vacation. The idea of the sun and the beach!

M: Oh look, there's Professor Miller right now!

W: Come on, let's go talk to her!


A.They may not be able to take their vacation.

B.It may snow during their vacation.

C.They are going to need more money.

D.They may miss graduation.

听力原文:M: You're going to Chicago tomorrow. aren't you?W: Yes. I thought I'd fly, but th

听力原文:M: You're going to Chicago tomorrow. aren't you?

W: Yes. I thought I'd fly, but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.

Q: How will the woman get to Chicago?


A.By plane.

B.By car.

C.By train.

D.By bus.

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