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第2部分:阅读判断 (第16~22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文

第2部分:阅读判断 (第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)




Going Back to Its Birthplace

No sporting event takes hold of the world’S attention and imagination like the Olympic

Games The football world Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America;baseball’s World

Series is required viewing in North America;and the world table Tennis Championships attracts

the most interest in Asia.

But the Olympics belong to the whole world.Now,after travelling to 17 countries over 108

years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern Olympics

was held.

Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an honour,

The 16 days between August 13 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,up from

Sydney’s 199. Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the Taliban

government didn’t let women do sports.There is also a place for newcomers East Timer and


A total of 10.500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5 3 million ticket—paying

viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.

Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as possible.The

Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis

monuments.The final event will be a historic men’s marathon following the 0rjgihal route l"un by

Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.

The ancient stadium at Olympia.first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,will

stage the shot put competitions.And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modern Olympics

was held,is to host the archery (射箭)events.

If the well—known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games.the 39 new

venues add a modem touch to the city of Athens The main Olympic stadium.with a giant glass

and steel roof,is the landmark(标志)building of the Olympics.

“We believe that we will organize a‘magical’Games.”said Athens 2004 President Gianna

Angelopoulos—Daskalaki.“Our history with the Olympic Gaines goes back nearly 3,000 years,

and Athens 2004 could be the best ever.”

16 The World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asian countries

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

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根据短文,回答 16~22 题。 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容帮每个句子

根据短文,回答 16~22 题。


The Science of Persuasion

If leadership consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is one of the leader's essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic (有魅力的) and the eloquent. Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by several principles that can be taught and applied.

The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cases. Second, people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, as well. So it's worth the time to uncover real similarities and offer genuine praise.

Third, experiments confirm the intuitive truth that people tend to treat you the way you treat them.It's sound policy to do a favor before seeking one.Fourth,individuals are more likely to keep promises they make voluntarily and clearly.The message for managers here is to get commitments in writing.Fifth。studies show that people really do defer to(服从)experts:So before they attempt to exert influence,executives should take pains to establish their own expertise and not assume that it's self-evident.Finally,people want more of a commodity when it's scarce;it follows,then,that exclusive information is more persuasive than widely available data.

第 16 题 Experiments have confirmed the assumption of many executives.()



C.Not mentioned

阅读短文。完成 22~26 题。 第 22 题 文中使用“太空垃圾场”的比喻,旨在说明()。

阅读短文。完成 22~26 题。

阅读短文。完成 22~26 题。 第 22 题 文中使用“太空垃圾场”的比喻,旨在说明()。阅读短文

第 22 题 文中使用“太空垃圾场”的比喻,旨在说明()。

阅读短文。完成 22~26 题。 第 22 题 文中使用“太空垃圾场”的比喻,旨在说明()。阅读短文

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