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On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day

On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.

A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn.

B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.

C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week

D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.

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0n Thursday price dropped and then rose again. 查看材料

0n Thursday price dropped and then rose again.


The deal agreed on Thursday looks promising in that _____.A.European farm ministers finall

The deal agreed on Thursday looks promising in that _____.

A.European farm ministers finally reached a consensus.

B.the link between farm products and subsidies is removed.

C.farmers would definitely accept the direct payment to them.

D.European farm products will reach a lower price level than the world.

Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.A. Bang

Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.

A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn. B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn. C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.

听力原文:WB Good morning, I'd like to reserve twenty-five rooms for a conference that I'm
organizing in June.

MA Okay, I can help you with that. Do you want to reserve a room for a reception on the night that the attendees arrive?

WB No, we're holding the conference at Carlson College. That's all taken care of. We just need to find a place for the attendees to stay. The guests will be checking in on the Thursday the sixth and leaving on Saturday the eighth.

MA Very good. With that many rooms, I'm sure we can offer you a good deal. If you give me your e-mail address, I'll put together a price quote and send that off to you later on today.

Where will the conference be held?

A.At a hotel

B.At a college

C.At an office park

D.At a convention center

Dr Margaret Chan of China will be the next Director General of the World Health Organizati
on (WHO). After her appointment, she told the World Health Assembly she wanted to be judged by the impact WHO's work has on the people of Africa and on women across the globe.

In her acceptance speech, Dr Chun said: "what matters most to me is people. And two specific groups of people in particular. I want us to be judged by the impact we have on the health of the people of Africa, and the health of women... Improvements in the health of the people of Africa and the health of women are key indicators of the performance of WHO." "All regions, all countries, all people are equally important. This is a health organization for the whole world. Our work must touch on the Lives of everyone, everywhere," she said. "But we must focus our attention on the people in greatest need."

Dr Chun was nominated as Director-General on Wednesday by the WHO Executive Board and her appointment was confirmed on Thursday by the World Health Assembly. The Director-General is WHO's chief technical and administrative officer. She was previously WHO Assistant Director General for Communicable Diseases and Representative of the Director-General for Pandemic Influenza.

Dr Chan obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and also has a degree in public health from the National University of Singapore. She joined the Hong Kong Department of Health in 1978, and was appointed as Director of Health in 1994. As Director, she launched new services focusing on prevention of disease and promotion of health. She also introduced new initiatives to improve, communicable disease surveillance and response, enhance training for public health professionals, and to, establish better local and international collaboration. She has effectively managed outbreaks of avian influenza and the world's first outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The procedures for the current nomination and election process were decided following the sudden death of Dr LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director-General, on 22 May 2006. At its meeting on 23 May, the WHO Executive Board agreed on an "accelerated process" for electing a Director-General.

In her speech to the World Health Assembly, she said: "In leading WHO, I will like all my predecessors by WHO in its efforts to improve world health are subject to scientific scrutiny, or yield their secrets under a microscope. You know the ones I mean: lack of resources and too little political commitment. These are often the true killers ."

Ending her address, Dr Chan repeated her pledge to work hard to improve the health of people around the world. "The work we do together saves lives and relieves suffering. I will work with you tirelessly to make this world a healthier place."

Chan, 59, is expected to take office in January for a five-year term. The U.N. agency has been led by Dr. Anders Nordstrom of Sweden who was appointed by the Executive Board as Acting Director General of WHO in May. He will continue in this role until a new Director-General takes office.

The Chinese government on Thursday congratulated Margaret Chan after she was confirmed as new chief of the World Health Organization. It is the first time a Chinese national has been elected to head a specialized U.N. body, Jiang Yu, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said. The Chinese government fully supports Margaret Chart as the director-general of the WHO, Jiang said, noting that governments of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions also actively supported her.

Chan is capable, experienced, which left the members of the WHO Executive Board a deep impression and won wide support from WHO member countries, the spokeswoman said. It is believed that Chan will fully implement her promise and work together with all members f




As Ford Motor's board of directors gathered to hold its quarterly meeting Thursday, specul
ation was growing that the world's No. 2 automaker was prepared to acquire the automotive operations of Sweden's Volvo. Merger (合并) speculation that has been widespread throughout the industry for months has focused on a possible Volvo-Ford linkup since a report last week that Volvo had hired a Wall Street investment bank to explore a possible sale.

Ford's board meeting was to be held in Dearborn, the Detroit suburb where Ford is headquartered. Chief spokesman Vaughn Koshkarian declined to comment on the agenda or the Volvo rumors. President Jac Nasser, speaking at an industry conference Tuesday night, also declined to say where Ford was negotiating with Volvo. But Nasser again said Ford was open to using its more than $ 20 billion cash reserve to expand the company's global reach.

Last year's acquisition of Chrysler by Daimler-Benz led to a panic of talks among automakers looking to strengthen their position in an industry beset (困扰) with too much production capacity worldwide. The conventional wisdom is that smaller automakers will be ill-equipped to compete in the 21st century as the industry becomes dominated by several international automakers.

Volvo, one of the world's smaller automakers, produces less than 500,000 vehicles annually. Last year it sold 100,227 cars in the United States, one of its largest markets. Ford reportedly has been courting Nissan Motor which is in debt as well, and turned down an offer last month for a 20% share in the Japanese automaker. Ford also lost in bidding late last year for financially troubled Kia Motors of Korea.

Analysts (分析家) say Ford and Volvo are a better fit. "The Volvo thing is more practical than anything else," said analyst David Healy of Burnham Securities. "Ford, which is becoming good at cost-effectively developing a variety of very different cars with the same basic chassis (底盘) and major parts, could help Volvo expand its product line," Girsky said. "If you could bring a premium price," he said, "Ford has similarly expanded Jaguar's vehicle line since it bought the British Luxury automaker in 1989."

Girsky, however, does not expect Ford to overbid for Volvo. "They had every opportunity in the world to buy Kia Motors and they walked away from it because the price got too high," he said. "I don't think Ford needs Volvo; it would be nice to have Volvo, but only at the right price."

The widespread concern over the possible merger is caused by______.

A.the Thursday board meeting of Ford Motor

B.a report about Volvo's exploration of a sale

C.the unfriendly relationship between Ford and Volvo

D.the stock changes in Wall Street investment bank

听力原文:W: Oh, Dan. Come on in. Ive just graded the midterm exams for your class. You had
one of the highest scores. So, what can I do for you? M: Dr Wilson, Im really worried about the paper due tomorrow — you know that case study. So far I havent done a thing beyond gathering the data, and I have two more midterms tomorrow morning. I was hoping youd give me an extension till Friday. W: Well, Dan, when I assigned the paper during the first week of the semester, I emphasised that late papers would be punished. Youre free to turn in your case study late, but Ill have to lower your grade for it. If I gave you extension, it wouldnt be fair to the other students. Youre a good writer, Dan. It shouldnt take that much time to turn your data into a solid report. M: But I havent even made my outline yet, and Im having a hard time with the computer analysis of the data. W: It sounds to me like youre just putting it off. M: I really am working on it, but I just cant get it finished and Ive got to study for two other tests by tomorrow afternoon! But I might be able to get it done after class...maybe...by midnight tomorrow. W: Hmm…I didnt specify what time the paper was due. But Im leaving campus at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, and they lock this building at 11:00 p.m. M: Still, if its under your door when you get in Thursday morning, you cant say I turned it in late, right? W: Right. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What does Dan want Dr Wilson to do? 14. What is one reason Dan gives for his problem? 15. What work has Dan already completed on the paper?13.

A.His computer isn"t working.

B.He has to study for exams.

C.He didn"t understand the assignment.

D.He won"t be on campus until Thursday.

听力原文: Speaker OneMan: Good morning.This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets wester

听力原文: Speaker One

Man: Good morning. This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets western gas. Gas started pumping through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday, sending gas from the Tarim and Chongqing gas fields in western Xinjiang and Shanxi Provinces to Shanghai. At 9:00 am on National Day, PetroChina President Jiang Jiemin pushed a button at a gas compression station at Jingbian in Northwest China's Shanxi Province to launch the 4,000-kilometre-long pipeline Construction of the pipeline began on July 4, 2002 and cost more than 140 billion yuan (US $16.9 billion). It will transmit 12 billion cubic meters of gas a year.

Speaker Two

Woman: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Lu Yongxiang said in Beijing Thursday that his academy and the Academy of Sciences of Russia (ASR) planned to build hightechnology parks both in Northeast China and in Russia's Novosibirsk. Representatives from CAS Changchun Academy and the ASR Siberia Academy signed a memorandum on seven cooperative projects Thursday morning at CAS headquarter. While carrying out the new form. of science and technology cooperation in building the hi-tech parks, Lu acknowledged, the two sides need to start appropriate research projects on the principle of equality and reciprocity. N. L. Dobretsov, vice ASR president who aim heads ASR Siberia Academy, said the hi-tech parks will epitomize increased cooperation between Russian and Chinese science communities.

Speaker Three

Man: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its market share in China. According to the plan, hundreds of components for Passat and Polo, its two dominant cars in China, will get large price cuts of between 25 and 80 percent starting Oct. 1. The price adjustment "will offer more preferential prices and lower the maintenance costs for consumers" as the corporation has formed "batch-produced ability for components" and set up an "after-sale service network" around the country, said a company spokesman. The spokesman said insurance premiums and purchasing and usage costs will also decline. Consequently, the two cars will become more competitive and help consumers regain confidence in the car market. China's car market is price-sensitive, but experts noted that price cuts only have short-term effects. In the long run, other factors will win out. Shanghai Volkswagen is one of the top car sales companies in China.

Speaker Four

Woman: China strives to build the "remanufacturing" industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries, said Xu Binshi, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in Beijing Wednesday. "China will also set up related auxiliary industries, aiming to promote the national economy and realize re-employment and sustainable development," said Xu at a national workshop on "recycled economy". He went on to say that remanufacturing and self-renovation are considered in China's medium and long-term plans as a priority development theme and a key technology in the manufacturing sector. From the 1990s on, there have been enterprises in China studying remanufacturing, said Xu. Although the remanufacturing project is yet to be mature, he said, it is a "sunrise industry" and a potential giant industry, which has the ability to improve the quality and performance of products, reduce material consumption, save energy resources and protect the environment. Xu added that the crucial step of putting forward China's remanufacturing industry is to establish relevant laws and standardize business activity and market operation.

Speaker Five

Man: China plans to regulate fireworks industry. The Chinese government is planning to strengthen safety supervision over its scattered fireworks manufacturers to reduce the rising risks of accidental fireworks explosions. Sun Huashan, deputy dir

听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?F: Speakin

听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?

F: Speaking, please.

M: Oh, hi, Mrs Boshwell. I called yesterday morning, but you were out.

F: Oh, yes, I am sorry I didn't have time to call you back.

M: That's all right. You see, we are going to expand our company and we decide to buy two more vans.

F: Oh, that's good. So what do you have in mind?

M: We have read through your catalogue and are impressed with that new model of TOYOTA G4000.

F: That's really a nice model with enough space for 14 people. It's been out in the market only for a month.

M: Yes, we really like that except for one thing...

F: What's that?

M: The price. $15,000 is really too high.

F: Well, that's about as low as we can go.

M: But the price of other car dealers is a bit lower than yours.

F: But considering the good after-sale service, you'll find our price reasonable. It is guaranteed for seven years here.

M: I am clear that you are well-known for your after-sale service, but if you could go a little lower, say $13,500 for each van, we'll place the order right now.

F: Well, since you are one of our old clients, I think I can give you $13,800 for each.

M: All right. So that would be $27,600 in total. How shall we pay you?

F: You can transfer to our account. Our account number is CT6753.

M: OK. When can they be delivered?

F: Next Thursday, I think. Oh, just a moment, can I have your name again, please?

M: Thomas Duverney. That's D -U -V-E -R-N-E-Y. And my mobile phone number is 9345895215.

F: OK, I've got that. Thank you.

? Look at the notes below.

? Some information is missing.

? You will hear about a car purchase on the phone.

? For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.

? You will hear the conversation twice.

D& K Car Dearler

Car Purchase

BUYER: (9) Thomas ______

MODEL: (10) TOYOYA ______

QUANTITY: (11) ______

TOTAL PRICE: (12) $ ______

GUARANTEE: (13) ______ years

DELIVER TIME: (14) next ______

CONTACT NUMBER: (15) 9345 ______


听力原文:IBS=Initial Business SuppliesLG=Lacey GraphicsIBS: Initial Business Supplies. Goo

听力原文:IBS=Initial Business Supplies LG=Lacey Graphics

IBS: Initial Business Supplies. Good morning. LG: Good morning. This is Lacey Graphics. I'd like to place an order, please.

IBS: OK, I'll just get an order form. Right. Now, It's Lacey Graphics?

LG: That's right We have an account with you.

IBS: Sorry. I didn't know. I'm new here.

LG: Oh, that's OK.

IBS: Could you give me your address, please?

LG: Yes, of course. It's Unit 5, Hailsham Industrial Estate, Hailsham.

IBS: And that's the delivery address?

IG: Yes.

IBS: And could I have your name, please?

LG: Well, I'm Liz Price, but I'd like you to address it to the 'Office Manager', please.

IBS: OK. Fine. Now what's the order for?

LG: We'd like 10 boxes of printer paper.

IBS: I'm afraid we haven't got any printer paper at the moment. Will photocopy paper do?

LG: Yes, that'll he fine.

IBS: And when would you like it?

LG: Well, as soon as possible, really. We've nearly run out.

IBS: I can get it to you on Thursday, if you like.

LG: That's great. Thanks.

IBS: And how will you be paying?

LG: Well, you usually send us an invoice.

IBS: OK. And that's to the same address?

LG: That's right.

?You will hear three telephone conversations.

?Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.

?After you have listened once, replay each recording.

Conversation One

?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man making a call about a delivery.

Customer Order Form Order Reference XR4930

Date Received 27/5/99

Customer Name Lacey Graphics

Delivery Address (1)______

Hailsham Industrial Estate


For the attention of: (2) ______

Order Details 10 boxes of (3)______

Delivery Date (4)______

Payment Method Invioce

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