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You may be exposed to ()like pedophiles and burglars without being aware of it.A、hunterB

You may be exposed to ()like pedophiles and burglars without being aware of it.





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What Is Anthrax? There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately. Some people

What Is Anthrax?

There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately. Some people are worded that anthrax may be connected to terrorist attacks or that terrorists may spread the germ that(1)the disease. Federal officials and police are investigating this and taking measures to protect us.

In the meantime, it's important not to panic over anthrax. The chances that you and your family(2)at risk are very tiny. One of the ways you can feel better is to learn about anthrax. When you know what it is and(3)you can get it, it doesn't seem quite as scary.

So, what(4)is anthrax?

Here are the facts on anthrax:

Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by a germ. Although it's most common in farm(5), like sheep, cows, pigs, horses, and goats, there's a very small chance that people can get it, too.

Anthrax spores (a version of the germ in a protective shell that can live in the soil for years) cause the disease.

People may get anthrax if they are exposed to anthrax(6). But here's the important part: just being exposed to these spores doesn't mean that a person will get(7).

For people to get sick, they would have to breathe in thousands of these spores all the way into their(8). Or they'd have to eat meat contaminated with anthrax or handle(9)that has anthrax spores. This may sound scary, but even when people come(10)contact with the spores, it's unlikely that they'll get sick.(11)the bacteria do not get into the skin, digestive tract, or lung, the disease won't develop.

Anthrax is not spread from person to person the way the flu can spread from family member to(12)member or classmate to classmate.

Anthrax is very rare. Until recently, anthrax wasn't even talked about because it was so rare-- and it still(13)! Even with all of the anthrax cases you are hearing about right now(and many of these suspected cases will turn out not to be anthrax), a person's chances of getting anthrax are about the(14)as they were before you heard about anthrax on the news -- very, very low.

If you still feel scared when you hear about anthrax, remember that it's extremely unlikely that

you or your family or anyone you know will ever be(15)to anthrax spores.





What Is Anthrax (炭疽)? There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately. Some

What Is Anthrax (炭疽)?

There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately. Some people are worried that anthrax may be connected to terrorist attacks or that terrorists may spread the germ that______(51) the disease. Federal officials and police are investigating this and taking______(52) to protect us.

In the meantime, it's important not to panic over anthrax. The chances that you and your family______(53) at risk are very tiny. One of the ways you can feel better is to learn about anthrax. When you know what it is and______(54) you can get it, it doesn't seem quite as scary.

So, what______(55) is anthrax?

Here are the facts on anthrax:

Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by a germ. Although it's most common in farm ______(56), like sheep, cows, pigs, horses, and goats, there's a very small chance that people can get it, too.

Anthrax spores (孢子) (a version of the germ in a protective shell that can live in the soil for years) cause the disease.

People may get anthrax if they are exposed to anthrax______(57). But here's the important part: just being exposed to these spores doesn't mean that a person will get ______(58).

For a person to get sick, he would have to breathe in thousands of these spores all the way into his______(59). Or he'd have to eat meat contaminated with anthrax or handle______(50) that has anthrax spores. This may sound scary, but even when a person comes______(61) contact with the spores, it's unlikely that he'll get sick. ______(62) the bacteria do not get into the skin, digestive tract, or lung, the disease won't develop.

Anthrax is not spread from person to person the way the flu can spread from family member to______(83) member or classmate to classmate.

Anthrax can almost always be successfully treated with antibiotics (抗生素).

Anthrax is very rare. Until recently, anthrax wasn't even talked about because it was so rare — and it still______(64)! Even with all of the anthrax cases you are hearing about right now, a person's chances of getting anthrax are about the______(65) as they were before you heard about anthrax on the news — very, very low.





根据以下材料,回答题What Is Anthrax (炭疽) ?There"s been a lot of talk about anthrax on the


What Is Anthrax (炭疽) ?

There"s been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately. Some people are worried that anthrax may be connected to terrorist attacks or that terrorists may spread the germ that 51_______ the disease.

Federal officials and police are investigating this and taking 52_______ to protect us.

In the meantime, it"s important not to panic over anthrax. The chances that you and your family 53_______ at risk are very tiny. One of the ways you can feel better is to learn about anthrax.

When you know what it is and 54_______ you can get it, it doesn"t seem quite as scary.

So, what 55_______ is anthrax?

Here are the facts on anthrax:

Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by a germ. Although it"s most common in farm 56_______ ,like sheep, cows, pigs, horses, and goats, there"s a very small chance that people can get it, too.

Anthrax spores (孢子) a version of the germ in a protective shell that can live in the soil for years)cause the disease. People may get anthrax if they are exposed to anthrax 57_______ .But here"s the important part: just being exposed to these spores doesn"t mean that a person will get 58_______

For a person to get sick, he would have to breathe in thousands of these spores all the way into his 59_______ . Or he"d have to eat meat contaminated with anthrax or handle 60_______ that has anthrax spores. This may sound scary, but even when a person comes 61_______ contact with the spores, it"s unlikely that he"ll get sick. 62_______ the bacteria do not get into the skin, digestive tract, or lung, the disease won"t develop.

Anthrax is not spread from person to person the way the flu can spread from family member to 63_______ member or classmate to classmate. Anthrax can almost always be successfully treated with antibiotics (抗生素) . Anthrax is very rare. Until recently, anthrax wasn"t even talked about because it was so rare-and it still 64_______ !Even with all of the anthrax cases you are hearing about right now, a person"s chances of getting anthrax are about the 65_______ as they were before you heard about anthrax on the news——very, very low.

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The hospital may have exposed the patients to the viruses, becauseA.they tried to protect

The hospital may have exposed the patients to the viruses, because

A.they tried to protect their delicate instruments.

B.they didn"t follow the policy accordingly.

C.they didn"t know how to follow the policy sometimes.

D.they have good intentions but the end result is bad.

听力原文:W: Hello Jack! You don't look well, and what seems to be the problem?M: Actually

听力原文:W: Hello Jack! You don't look well, and what seems to be the problem?

M: Actually it is big suffering for me. Every year almost this time, I must come down with something.

W: What are symptoms do you usually get?

M: You know, cough, fever, runny nose, headache and feeling chill. I'm usually miserable for a week and it just ruins my holidays.

W: Sounds like a typical flu. The heavy work must drive you exhausted this time each year. And you know, people are easily stricken by flu when they are overtired and stressed out.

M: That is quite right. (19) The period approaching New Year is the busiest time for me as an accountant. I must work overtime and keep my mind highly concentrated.

W: For this reason, you are exposed to the infection by the virus when you're in big crowds where lots of people are coughing.

M: Yes, (20) I must spend a lot of time in department stores buying New Year's gifts for people. Then what can I do to ward off the flu?

W: Actually it's fairly simple. (21) Get a lot of rest, drink more water and eat well. In that way, you can regain the strength to fight against the virus.

M: All these things make sense. But one more question. Will my family members be infected by me?

W: In that case, they must get ready for the prevention, especially for the old and child. (22) They may go to the health center to have an injection of prevention medicine.


A.Staying long outside.

B.Working overtired.

C.Working with patients.

D.Wearing few clothes.

Your Laptop Care GuideYour laptop (笔记本电脑) is not just an expensive toy—it's one of yo

Your Laptop Care Guide

Your laptop (笔记本电脑) is not just an expensive toy—it's one of your most important assets while at work and play. It's extremely important that you take good care of it. You should know about each piece of the hardware, and follow these simple guidelines.

Don't Eat or Drink near Your Laptop!

Fluids are the number one enemy of electronic items. If you do spill something on or in your laptop, turn the computer off immediately and unplug it. If there is standing liquid, try to dry that liquid off. Leave the laptop off and sitting at least overnight to allow time for it to dry.

Our INTREON Care Centre can repair light to medium damage, but you can be without your laptop for days if any of its major components has to be replaced. If something catastrophic (灾难性的) does occur, you may wish to request for a laptop from us or to do a trade-in for a newer model.

Don't Move Your Laptop While It Is On!

This can severely damage your hard drive, and may cause you to lose files.

In the case of hard disk damage, our specialized DATA RECOVERY laboratory will help you retrieve your priceless data using sophisticated recovery equipment.

Don't Leave It in Your Car, an Unlocked Locker, or a Classroom!

Laptop thefts in Singapore are relatively rare, but not impossible, and it will cost you a minimum of a few thousands of dollars to get a new laptop, not to mention all the files you lost.

Back Up Your Personal Files Regularly!

Put your personal files on an external hard drive, which is automatically backed up daily, burn a CD or DVD, or you can choose to do a HARD-DISK CLONING before you clean up or reformat your system for better performance.

Don't Download Random Software off the Internet!

Most of these "seemingly useful" softwares contain spy-ware, which will damage your Windows installation, waste resources, generate pop-up ads, and report your personal information back to the company that provided that software. A kitten that walks around your screen may be cute, but you won't think it is when you need to bring your laptop to our INTREON Care Centre for repair!

Don't Dismantle Your Laptop or Attempt Repair!

Laptop repair is a specialized skill and it is a dynamic problem solving process. If you are untrained, you will easily damage the delicate components of your laptop, lose your valuable data, or worse suffer from electrical shocks.

Keep Your Laptop Within the Safe Temperature Range!

Every laptop has a recommended safe range of operating temperature (usually about 10—35 degree Celsius). Prolonged exposure of a laptop to extreme cold or hot temperature can result in glitches (故障) and possible hardware damage. As such, we offer the following recommendations:

Don't leave your laptop sitting in the car for extended periods of time. This applies during both hot and cold weather.

Don't leave the laptop computer sitting exposed to direct sunlight or near any heat source for extended periods of time.

Avoid Static Electricity (静电) and Magnetic Fields!

Static is the enemy. It can ruin your system and your disks. Avoid magnetic fields. Be careful with the TVs, speakers and phones. Both can cause problems for laptop and diskettes.

Consider Getting Your Laptop Insured!

Is your laptop insured? Find out from your authorized agents: What's covered? How much will you pay if something happens? A good insurance will come in handy especially when you are traveling overseas.

Take Good Care of Your LCD.

The screen on a laptop is an LCD (liquid crystal display) composed of individual transistors at every pixel (像素). The screens of the laptop have 1,470,000 pixels.





Food and Health The food you eat does more than provide energy. It can have a dramatic eff

Food and Health

The food you eat does more than provide energy. It can have a dramatic effect on your body’s ability to fight off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones. With remarkable consistency, recent research has found that a diet high in plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables, dried peas and beans, grains, and starchy staples such as potatoes—is the body’s best weapon in thwarting many health-related problems. These foods work against so many diseases that the same healthy ingredients you might use to protect your heart or ward off cancer will also benefit your intestinal tract and bones.

Scientists have recently estimated that approximately 30 to 40 percent of all cancers could be avoided if people ate more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods and minimized high-fat, high-calorie edibles that have scant nutritional value. Up to 70 percent of cancers might be eliminated if people also stopped smoking, exercised regularly, and controlled their weight. In the past, researchers had linked fat consumption with the development of cancers, but they currently believe that eating fruits, vegetables, and grains may be more important in preventing the disease than not eating fat. “The evidence about a high-fat diet and cancer seemed a lot stronger several years ago than it does now,” says Melanie Polk, a registered dietitian and director of nutrition education at the American Institute for Cancer Research.

The road to strong bones is paved with calcium-rich food. Leafy green vegetables and low-fat dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, the mineral that puts stiffness into your skeletal system and keeps your bones from turning rubbery and fragile. Your body uses calcium for more than keeping your bones strong. Calcium permits cells to divide, regulates muscle contraction and relaxation, and plays an important role in the movement of protein and nutrients inside cells. If you don’t absorb enough from what you eat to satisfy these requirements, your body will take it from your bones. Because your body doesn’t produce this essential mineral, you must continually replenish the supply. Even though the recommended daily amount is 1,200 mg, most adults don’t eat more than 500 mg. One reason may have been the perception that calcium-rich dairy products were also loaded with calories. “In the past, women, in particular, worried that dairy products were high in calories,” says Letha Y. Griffin, M. D., of Peachtree Orthopaedics in Atlanta. “But today you can get calcium without eating any high-fat or high-calorie foods by choosing skim milk or low-fat yogurt.” Also, low fat dairy products contain phosphorous and magnesium and are generally fortified with vitamin D, all of which help your body absorb and use calcium. If you find it difficult to include enough calcium in your diet, ask your doctor about supplements. They’re a potent way to get calcium as well as vitamin D and other minerals. But if you rely on pills instead of a calcium-rich diet, you won’t benefit from the other nutrients that food provides. Getting the recommended vitamin D may be easy, since your body makes the vitamin when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays.

Which kind of food is recommended to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones?______

A.Calcium-rich food.

B.Plant-based and starchy staples food.

C.High-fat, high-calorie food.

D.Vitamin D-rich food.






During your stay outside Hong Kong you may have been exposed to (facing) certain infectious diseases without your know]edge.

In case you develop any symptom(症状)such as fever, chills, skin rash , diarrhea or vomiting (bring up) food within 14 days of your arrival in Hong Kong, you should consult a doctor or attend an accident & emergency department / general outpatient clinic. Please bring along this card.


The Port Health Office

Their staff is glad to answer your questions about travel health.

Please enquire at:

________ Hong Kong Island

18/F,Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Rd East, Wanchai.

Tel: 2961 8840

________ Kowloon

Room 905, Government offices, canton Road.

el: 2368 3361

This notice is to _______.

A.all citizens in Hong Kong

B.all persons going to Hong Kong from Kowloon

C.all who travel to Hong Kong

D.all people exposed to diseases

Easy LearningStudents should be jealous. Not only do babies get to doze their days away, b

Easy Learning

Students should be jealous. Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they've also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.

By the time babies are a year old they can recognise a lot of sounds and even simple words. Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland suspected that they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake.

To test the theory, Cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first few days of their lives. They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds — one that sounds like "oo", another like "ee" and a third boundary vowel peculiar to Finnish and similar languages that sounds like something in between. EEG recordings of the infants brains before and after the session showed that the newborns could not distinguish the sounds.

Fifteen of the babies then went back with their mothers, while the rest were split into two sleep-study groups. One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds.

When tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies who'd heard the tricky boundary vowel all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognise this new sound. They could identify the sound even when its pitch was changed, while none of the other babies could pick up the boundary vowel at all.

Cheour doesn't know how babies accomplish this night-time learning, but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults, babies don't "turn off" their cerebral cortex while they sleep. The skill probably fades in the course of the first year of life, she adds — so forget the idea that you can pick up tricky French vowels as an adult just by slipping a language tape under your pillow. But while it may not help grown-ups, Cheour is hoping to use the sleeping hours to give remedial help to babies who are genetically at risk of language disorders.

Babies can learn language even in their sleep.



C.Not mentioned

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