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What time are they going to meet?A.At 6:45B.At 7:15C.At 7:30D.At 7:45

What time are they going to meet?

A.At 6:45

B.At 7:15

C.At 7:30

D.At 7:45

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第三节 词语配伍从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。[A]What time is it now?[B]Ho

第三节 词语配伍


[A]What time is it now?

[B]How is the weather today?

[C]What do you think of China?

[D] I'm sure.

[E] I like reading books.

[F] That's OK.

[G] You should see a doctor.

How do you like China?

听力原文:M: The service in this restaurant is too terrible.W: Right. It's high time they g

听力原文:M: The service in this restaurant is too terrible.

W: Right. It's high time they got rid of half of the staff here, if you ask me.

What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?

A.Both speakers think half of the staff are efficient.

B.The man has an unfavorable opinion of the staff, but the woman does not.

C.Neither of them has a favorable opinion of the staff.

D.The woman is a restaurant manager herself.

听力原文: Accounts will be charged five pounds a month service fee if the minimum balance
falls below four hundred pounds at any time during the stated period. You may keep three pounds in your account, but we charge you five pounds a month.

&8226;You will hear another five short recordings.

&8226;For each recording decide what the speaker is doing.

&8226;Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do net use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay each recording.


A playing

B drinking

C claiming

D washing

E regretting

F toasting

G depositing

H watching

听力原文:Hu: Hi, John!John: G'day, Hu! How's it going?Hu: All right! But I'm having a bit

听力原文:Hu: Hi, John!

John: G'day, Hu! How's it going?

Hu: All right! But I'm having a bit of trouble finding some of the stuff I need.

John: Really! What're you looking for?

Hu: Well, I'm just trying to find out a bit about the use of steel in building construction. Have you any ideas?

John: Yeah! Well, speaking offhand, that should be straightforward enough. What about the library? There's a database on computer, and most of the stuff you need is catalogued—you should be able to find it somewhere or other.

Hu: Yes—but that's the easy part! You then have to find the book you want on the shelves, and you often find that it' s out already.

John: I know what you mean! Then you have to line up to borrow it, if it's CTL.

Hu: CTL? What's CTL?

John: It means "confined to library": you know—it means you can't take it out. You have to read it in the library.

Hu: It seems easy, doesn't it; but you have to reserve it, and then you may want to photocopy bits of it, or make notes — and there never seems to be enough time!

John: Hmm! In your shoes, I think I'd have a word with your tutor.

Hu: I think I'll do that! Thanks! See you later, Bye!

John: See yah! And good luck!

Question : What is the stuff that Hu is looking for?


A.The use of steel in building construction.

B.Computer usage.

C.Database on computer.

D.Building construction.

To: Cathy_Douglas@yahoo.comFrom: Stephen3725 @ hotmail. comDate: 5 December 2009Subject: N

To: Cathy_Douglas@yahoo.com

From: Stephen3725 @ hotmail. com

Date: 5 December 2009

Subject: Notification of My Resignation

Dear Ms. Douglas.

I am writing to inform. you of my intention to resign from G & S Holdings.

I have appreciated very much my four years' working for the company. The training has been excellent and I have gained valuable experience working within an efficient and professional team environment. In particular, I have appreciated your personal guidance during these first years of my career.

I feel now that it is time to further develop my knowledge and skills base in a different environment.

I would like to leave, if possible, in a month's time on Saturday, 2 January. This will allow me to complete my current workload. I hope that this suggested arrangement is acceptable to the company.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Yours Sincerely,

Stephen Feenney

What is the main idea of Stephen's e-mail?

A.Saying farewell to his colleagues in G&S Holdings

B.Conveying his gratitude to the manager

C.Asking his manager for a leave due to illness

D.Informing his manager of the resignation

A) scrape B) scratch C) explore D) exploited E) consent F) consultant G) bribe H) positively

A) scrape

B) scratch

C) explore

D) exploited

E) consent

F) consultant

G) bribe

H) positively

I) exchange

J) investigation

K) accounting

L) undiscovered

M) unveiled

N) shielded

O) negatively

In the past several years, many news stories about corporate greed have come to surface. The illegal practices of some executives have(1)impacted our economy. What makes this worse is that these executives seem to have the(2)of some political leaders. Some of the executives even(3)lawmakers. Recently a member of Congress from California was caught demanding gifts from interest groups in(4)for supporting new laws. A few top leaders in the government are under(5)for illegal activities. This doesn't even(6)the surface of the problem. A few years back a company made many purposeful(7)errors to fool investors. Many believe that one reason the problem became so big was that our nation's top leaders(8)the company. By the time the truth was(9), many innocent people had lost their entire savings. There seems to be more and more companies that(10)the public's trust for their own interests. This calls for laws and strict regulations to put the illegal practice to an end.

听力原文:A recent investigation performed by Business Watch Today revealed that recently g

听力原文: A recent investigation performed by Business Watch Today revealed that recently graduated students have an easier time of getting funding from the government to start up a new company. In an interview with a governmental member of finance, it was acknowledged that the government could offer better interest rates, through banks, on loans to recently graduated students than private banks could to long-time entrepreneurs. The reason offered by the official was that recent graduates showed more potential at successfully establishing a new business than others. Though large corporations usually offer more job stability, the hours are long and the rewards are few. Start-up companies offer hardworking graduates a great opportunity to enter the job market through their own means rather than having to rely on large corporations.

What did the investigation show?

A.More graduate students are entering the job market.

B.Recent graduates are more likely to receive government funding for start-ups.

C.The government is restricting cheap loans to long-time business.

D.Start-up companies have the most jobs available.

Part BDirections :Read the texts taken, from five people's comments on an article on, the

Part B

Directions :

Read the texts taken, from five people's comments on an article on, the issue of global poverty. Forquestions 61 t0 65, match the name of each person, (61 t0 65) to one of the statements (A to G) givenbelow. Mark your answers on, your ANSWER SHEET1.

Ankita Agarwal:

Your article made me ashamed. I've always thought of myself as not the typical self-absorbed

teenager, but I guess I was wrong. While I sit in my large, warm and cozy house, wishing for theshoes and clothes I see in teen magazines, there are people in the world wishing for something as simple as clean water. Thank you -for reminding me about people who would be more than happy with what I have.

Janet Tejada:

What about the relationship between population, consumption and resources? After all, poverty, most simply defined, is not having enough resources. The steady growth of the global population, overconsumption of resources by developed nations such as the U. S. , and increasing levels of consumption among the growing middle class in many developing nations ensure that there is ever less of the planet's already dwindling resources to go around.

Tadaship Kawabe:

Extreme poverty is so tragic. Sudden natural disasters like an earthquake mobilize a large number of people and money for a short period of time, while the slow but massive wave of poverty and death in Africa doesn't attract the world's attention in the same way. When we try to help those affected by disasters and extreme poverty, however, we shouldn't focus on the overwhelming number of the dead but simply try to do something good for others.

Jane Thomas:

The poor should be trained to organize, set priorities and develop skills and resources to put their own community plans into action. What your article proposes is the conventional top-down way for doing things: outsiders determine the priorities and solutions, then throw money at them.To actually help, we must first develop our own skills and understanding. We need to find out what the poor want and what the root causes of the problems are. We have to listen to poor people.

Sanjay Kathe:

Concerned and sensible people's endeavors to reduce poverty in underdeveloped countries are. deserving of high praise. It is sad, however, that only a small part of the funds raised for the poor actually reach them. The generous people who donate money to reduce poverty would be more successful if they spent time in the poor nations to check first-hand the use of their funds.

Now match the name of each person, (6/ t0 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note: there are two extra statements.


[A] What we should do is to help the poor help themselves.

[B]I have always been deeply grieved by the tragic disasters.

[C] The root of poverty lies in the unfair distribution of resources.

[D]The situation in Africa has been overlooked by the world.

[E] The use of donated funds should be put under strict control.

[F] People living in prosperity should cherish what they have.

[G]It's our duty to end global poverty.

61. Ankita Agarwal

听力原文:M: Hi, Anne. How is your paper?W: What paper?M: You forgot it? The paper we are g

听力原文:M: Hi, Anne. How is your paper?

W: What paper?

M: You forgot it? The paper we are going to hand in this Friday. Professor Smith assigned it.

W: Oh, I see. I finished it last week. How is yours?

M: I have just started to work on it.

W: Are you crazy? You know what? Only four days left.

M: Yes, I know. I can't get my inspiration until the last minute. I need the pressure.

W: Oh. I'm just the opposite. If I don't have enough time to prepare, I can do nothing.

M: What's your paper on?

W: William Shakespeare.

M: Wasn't he a dramatist? I thought we were supposed to focus on a poet and his works.

W: He wrote some poems, don't you know?

M: Really? I never knew that. I guess I'll learn more from your paper. I want to write something about Keats, but I don't know where I can find any useful information.

W: Uh-huh. Don't worry about it. I have bought some poetry anthologies of Keats. Maybe they will be useful to you.

M: Thank you so much. You are really giving me a timely hand. When can I get these books?

W: Will tonight be all right? I have to buy something now, but I'll be around after dinner.

M: That sounds good. I'll see you then.


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Both of them.

D.Neither of them.

Teenagers are different from people of other age grou
ps. The differences can be 18) from how they behave. In fact, the brains of teenagers are very different from those of children or adults.

Once people believed it was 19) that the human brain was fully developed by the age of three. According to this theory, teenager behaviors like risk-taking, a lack of sensitivity to how their actions 20)both themselves and others, increased aggressive deeds, 21) concentration and a negative attitude were thought to be due to bad parenting or changes in body chemistry.

However, new technology has allowed researchers to examine the healthy brain at work. What they have discovered is something 22) : Not only does the brain continue to grow beyond the age of three, but the research also23) that the brain of a teenager is larger than that of an adult.

As teen brains are 24) with chemicals during adolescence phase, the brain grows. However, only the cells that are used the most will 25) the competition within the brain. Those that are used less begin to die off until the brain reaches what will be its adult size.

The way that teens spend their time 26) influences which connections remain and which disappear. On the basis of this knowledge, experts advise parents to be 27) on how their teenagers spend their time. What teens do today will affect their brains for the rest of their lives.

A) diminished

B) demonstrated

C) alert

D) radical

E) surrender

F) survive

G) affirms

H) afford

I) affect

J) effect

K) soaked

L) soaped

M) sensitive

N) sensible

O) somehow

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