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Iran had to call a time-out.

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听力原文:IRAN The Guardian Council said Friday that it had found no significant violations

听力原文: IRAN

The Guardian Council said Friday that it had found no significant violations after 10 days of investigating the disputed June 12 presidential election. All three defeated candidates have protested the results, charging electoral fraud.

The Iranian government has officially admitted that there have been at least 17 deaths from post-election unrest, but eyewitness reports suggest that there were many more.

Unconfirmed reports say thousands of Iranians have visited Tehran's main cemetery in the past 24 hours to mourn the victims of the violence.


India's economy grew by 7.9 percent in the three months through September-its fastest pace since last year's global financial crisis. India, along with several other Asian economies, is recovering from the global slowdown.

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee says the recovery has been helped by government stimulus spending and a surge in manufacturing.

But, as the economy picks up, the focus is now on how the government will handle inflation, which has been rising in recent months. Food prices have climbed by more than 12 percent, recently, adversely affecting millions of poor people in the country.


14 American soldiers were injured seriously, when a military train transporting equipment collided with a local freight train in western Afghanistan, police said yesterday.

An Afghanistan Railways spokesman said the accident occurred just before 03: 00 GMT and that the driver of the Afghanistan freight train was killed in the crash. He gave no further details. He gave no cause for the accident and said an investigation was under way.


A case involving online swapping of songs and movies has headed to the Supreme Court. The issue is whether two Internet file-sharing services may be held responsible for their customer's swapping activities. A lower court ruled in favor of Ghost Stream Cassette Networks. It ruled the Networks aren't responsible for what their customers do with their software once it is downloaded because they don't point users to copyright materials. But MGM Studios and other entertainment companies are appealing. They say file sharing is inflicting what they call catastrophic multi-billion- dollar harm. And they say they can't recover that money by suing the people who download copyright materials.


A South Korean military helicopter crashed into a bridge in Seoul yesterday, apparently killing all three people on board.

A police spokesman said the rotors of the CH47 got caught in support wires while it hovered above during decoration work on the Olympic Bridge, built to commemorate the 1988 Olympic Games.

"We have recovered one body from the Han River below," said the spokesman. "Given the time that has passed since the accident there are no chances of survival for the other two crews. "

No vehicles on the bridge were involved in the accident, which occurred about one hour before the afternoon rush hour, because the police had cleared the area for the work.


6. What did Iran's electoral watchdog, the Guardian Council announce?

7.What has helped Indian's economic recovery?

8.How many American soldiers were injured in a train crash in western Afghanistan, according to the police?

9.Why are the entertainment companies suing the Internet file-sharing companies?

10.According to the news, what did a South Korean military helicopter crash onto?


A.Rioters should be executed.

B.There was no fraud in the election.

C.More than 17 people died in the violence.

D.Thousands of Iranians had visited Tehran's main cemetery.

Section A(89) Having reached the final in 1930, Argentina had to wait a while before winni

Section A

(89) Having reached the final in 1930, Argentina had to wait a while before winning the FIFA World Cup, which they eventually did on their own soil in 1978. The great support for the home team helped carry them to victory over the Netherlands in final.

(90) Argentina was outplayed by Italy in the opening round group games, but charged back to reach the final with a 6-0 win over Peru. In Daniel Passarella, Osvaldo Ardites and Mario Kempes, top scorer with six goals, they had outstanding players. They beat the Dutch 3-1 after extra time in the final.

A long-awaited success

Rarely has the run-up to a FIFA World Cup been so filled with controversy as the 11 th tournament (比赛), held in Argentina. Football, in fact, took a back seat as many nations were debating whether or not to boycott the tournament in protest against General Videla's totalitarian regime (极权主义政权) and its violation of human rights. (91) Finally, however, despite a widespread call to stay away, the world's footballing nations all made the trip to Argentina. All, that is, except those that had failed to qualify, such as England (for the second time running), Yugoslavia and the USSR. (92) Other "minor" footballing nations such as Iran and Tunisia had their first outings and France was back in the world's top football competition after twelve years in the wilderness.

But for its reappearance at the highest level, the French team--coached by Michel Hidalgo--made an unexceptional comeback, beaten 1-2 by both Italy and Argentina. (93) Michel Platini and his team-mates failed to reach the second round despite defeating Hungary_ 3-1 in their last game.


听力原文:Why doesn't the man want to call Elizabeth?(26)A.He and Elizabeth had a fight rec

听力原文:Why doesn't the man want to call Elizabeth?


A.He and Elizabeth had a fight recently.

B.He heard Elizabeth also messed up on the last test.

C.He doesn't want to bother Elizabeth so late in the evening.

D.He prefers to study in his own dormitory.

A man stabbed Miss Genovese ___.(38 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police)

A.as soon as she saw him in the lot

B.when she had got to the entrance to her apartment

C.before she reached a street light in front of a bookstore

D.before she got to a call box tthe 102nd Police Precinct

听力原文:No sooner had I Started to type my paper than the telephone rang, but before I co
uld receive it, it was hung up.


A.I barely had enough time to finish my paper.

B.I didn't hear the phone because I was typing.

C.Someone called just as I started to work.

D.I was busy with typing and answering a phone call at the same time.

听力原文:I am glad to have telephone call from Tom that he isn't coming tonight, We don't
have an extra bed for him to sleep in.


A.We had plenty of extra rooms for Tom to sleep in.

B.Tom wanted his own room, not an extra one.

C.We wanted to give Tom a room but he refused it.

D.We have no extra room for Tom to sleep here.

Which statement was not true?A.Japan had revised related laws to grant pension to the fami

Which statement was not true?

A.Japan had revised related laws to grant pension to the family of these convicted war criminals.

B.Some people at home and abroad called Yasukuni to establish new memorial to separate war criminals from ordinary war dead

C.Koizumi took office in 2001.

D.Yasukuni hadn't make response to the call of separating war criminals from ordinary dead.

听力原文:M: The weather isn't exactly what I would call comfortable for playing football.
It's quite chilly.

W: Isn't it, though? I wish I had brought my heavy sweater along.

Q: What does the woman think about the weather?


A.She doesn't think it's cold enough.

B.She believes it's a good day to play football.

C.She brought her sweater along in case it's getting cold.

D.She agrees that it wasn't supposed to be so cold.

According to the news, the relationship between U.S and Iran had been hostile forA.52 year

According to the news, the relationship between U.S and Iran had been hostile for

A.52 years.

B.more than 40 years.

C.30 years.

D.more than 400 days.

听力原文: The government of Canada intends to recall its ambassador from Iran to protest t
he abrupt end of a murder trial. An Iranian intelligence agent was on trial for the killing last year of a Canadian-Iranian journalist. Canadian Foreign Minister Bill Graham said Sunday's decision by a Teheran court to end the trial is as he put it a denial of justice. Last week, Canada recalled its ambassador to protest Iran's refusal to allow observers at the trial.

Canada will call back its ambassador because the Teheran court ______.

A.ended the trial suddenly

B.did not do justice

C.cleared the agent

D.changed the judges

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