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下列属于FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)的是()





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更多“下列属于FDI(Foreign Direct Investm…”相关的问题
What does the evidence show in the second paragraph?A.The evidence suggests that EU firms

What does the evidence show in the second paragraph?

A.The evidence suggests that EU firms show a comparable FDI response if they are targeted by US antidumping actions.

B.The evidence shows the possibility of a 'protection building equilibrium'.

C.A foreign firm that intends to engage in second period FDI increases its first period export in order to increase the level of protection faced by the rival foreign firm.

D.The evidence implies that they are concerned with the effects of economic integration involving the abolition of antidumping law.

From the fifth paragraph, in the case of cost advantages, what does FDI imply?A.It implies

From the fifth paragraph, in the case of cost advantages, what does FDI imply?

A.It implies that it is often a feature of exporters based in developing countries.

B.It implies that foreign firms relinquish their cost advantage and produce at the same marginal cost as those of EU producers.

C.It implies the differences in FDI responses between firms from developed and developing countries.

D.It implies that in EU antidumping practice, a substantial number of cases are settled through price-undertakings.

What is the main theme of this article?A.The article is about the effects of EU antidumpin

What is the main theme of this article?

A.The article is about the effects of EU antidumping policy when foreign firms can jump antidumping duties in the EU.

B.The article shows that duty jumping or duty pre-empting FDI occurs if the EU administration has broader objectives.

C.The article is about the expectation of price undertakings reduces the incentives to engage in FDI and may even discourage.

D.The article shows that FDI as long as products are not too differentiated

&8226;Read this text about FDI.&8226;Choose the best sentence from the sentences that foll

&8226;Read this text about FDI.

&8226;Choose the best sentence from the sentences that follow to fill each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

? Do not use any letter more than once.

Advantages of FDI

Companies invest directly only if they think that they hold some supremacy over similar companies in countries of interest. The advantage results from a foreign company's ownership of some resources--patents, product differentiation, management skills, access to markets--unavailable at the same price or terms to the local company. This is known as monopoly advantages before direct investment. The cost of transferring resources abroad is increasing and there is perceived greater risk of operating in a foreign country. (9) . Companies from certain countries may enjoy a monopoly advantage if they borrow capital at a lower interest rate than companies from other countries. In recent years, capital markets have become international, so it is possible for companies to borrow abroad more easily if interest rates are lower there.

(10) . Currency values, however, do not provide a strong explanation for FDI patterns. The currency-strength scenario only partially explains direct investment flows. More internationally oriented companies can get advantage from spreading out some of the costs of product differentiation, R & D, and advertising compared to less internationally oriented companies. Among industry groups and groups of companies of similar size that spent comparable amounts on advertising and R & D, the more internationally oriented companies in almost every case earned more than the others.

(11) Besides, with inflow of equipment, the skills of local worker can be improved. New management can also be introduced to the local companies to improve the administration of the enterprises of the local management.

From the perspective of a nation, FDI may bring some benefits. FDI can make a positive contribution to a host economy by supplying capital, technology, and management resources that would otherwise not be available. The provision of these skills by an MNE (through FDI) may boost that country's economic growth rate. (12) . Technology is a catalyst that can stimulate a country's economic growth and industrialization. Technology can take two forms, both of which are valuable. It can be incorporated in a production process (e. g., the technology for discovering, extracting, and refining oil). However, many countries lack the research and development resources and skills required to develop their local product and processing technology. (13) . Such countries need rely on advanced industrialized nations for much of the technology required to stimulate economic growth, and FDI can provide it.

Foreign management skills provided through FDI may also produce important benefits for the host countries. Beneficial spinoff effects arise when local personnel who are trained to occupy managerial, financial, and technical posts in the subsidiaries of a foreign MNE subsequently leave the firm and help to establish local firms. (14) .

A. Besides, new advanced technology can be introduced to the host country.

B. On the other hand, local companies can enjoy the advanced technology which they lack.

C. Therefore, a company will not undertake FDI if it does not see a higher return than it can get at home country and if it does not think it can outperform. local firms.

D. FDI is especially important to developing countries.

E. This is particularly true of the less developed countries (LDCs).

F. Likewise, benefits may arise if the superior management skills of a foreign MNE stimulate local suppliers, distributors, and competitors to improve their own management skills.

G. Another adv

?Read the following extract from an article about antidumping duties in the EU, and the qu
estions followed.

?For each question 15—20, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The tariff-jumping motive for FDI is well developed in the literature. The trade-of foreign firms typically face in these models is based on the level of the tariff when exporting versus the boardcest associated with setting up a manufacturing plant abroad. Other studies compare the effects of tariffs with the effects of quota and voluntary export restraints (VERs) and have shown how the profit gain for foreign firms due to VERs lowers the propensity to engage in FDI.

White the use of tariffs, quota and VERs has been reduced as a result of multilateral trade negotiations, the use of other trade policy instruments, notably antidumping, has increased. Recent empirical work has confirmed that the FBI response to antidumping actions is certainly not uncommon, in particular in case of antidumping actions targeting Japanese firms, in a recent study, analyses duty-jumping FDI by firms based in other countries than Japan. The antidumping jumping FDI is very limited in scale in case firms without international experience based in developing countries are targeted. Given the demonstrated importance of FDI responses to antidumping actions, it is surprising that the theoretical literature on the effects of antidumping law have by and large ignored the issue of antidumping jumping. In a symmetric model of two countries considering reciprocal (anti-)dumping and reciprocal FD1, they find that producers in both countries would gain from the abolition of antidumping law from the WTO statute. This result is driven by the fact that reciprocal antidumping jumping FDI increases competition and reduces profits of domestic firms.

All types of international price discrimination with the lower price charged in the EH can classify as dumping, at least for products for which there are close EU substitutes. We explicitly consider a clause in EU antidumping law that allows the EU administration to settle antidumping actions either by levying duties or by demanding price undertakings from the foreign exporting firms. Our medel shows that this decision will depend on the objective function of the EU administration, which may vary between protecting the interests of EH industry only (maximizing producer surplus) and also taking into account the interests of consumers and user industries (maximizing EU social welfare). The former corresponds to the direct objective of antidumping law. Pursuing the latter is in line with the public interests’ embedded in EU antidumping law by which the EU Commission is held to consider repercussions on consumers and user industries. A second aspect of EU antidumping incorporated in the model is that the level of duties and price undertakings is typically determined by the degree to which foreign firms undercut EU producers' prices on the EU market. This rule is applied to ensure that antidumping measures remove the injury to EU industry. The rule limits the discretionary power of the EU administration in determining duty and price undertaking levels.

Contrary to the symmetric model of Haland and Wooton, we explicitly take on boardcost asymmetries, viz, a cast advantage of the foreign firm. Such a cost advantage is a most likely reason for price undercutting by foreign exporters resulting in antidumping actions. We allow cost advantages to ha either 'firm-specific', in which case they are internationally transferable through FDI, or 'location specific'. We show that the occurrence of duty ,jumping FDI in the EU requires that the foreign firm's cost advantage is at least partly firm specific. In the next section we present the model for the case of products which are sufficiently close substitutes ('like' products) and firm-specific cost advantages,

A.The welfare and strategic effects of antidumping laws under alternative market structures.

B.Industries' incentives to petition for antidumping.

C.These studies show under which conditions foreign firms prefer to set up local production units over exporting when serving distant markets.

D.The potential effect of antidumping measures in strengthening collusive practices.

?You are working for an Economic Research Center of the Chinese Government. You have been
asked to write a short report about the information of the sectional distribution of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in China manufacturing fields.

?Look at the pie chart on which you have made some notes.

?Using your notes, write your report which will summarize the information below and try to give some reasons for the distribution.

?Write 120-140 words.







?Read the article below about productivity growth of the new entrants in EU.?Choose the be

?Read the article below about productivity growth of the new entrants in EU.

?Choose the best word to fill each gap from A,B, C or D on the opposite page.

?For each question 12-30, mark one letter (A,B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet.

The Newbies Will Set the pace

Eight Eastern European countries more Malta and Cyprus are posting better economic growth numbers than the euro zone. The trend is likely to persist and may push current members to make much-needed reforms.

One reason the accession countries are expected to grow (21) faster than the euro zone this year is productivity growth. After (22) to wage differentials, workers in the accession countries are up to twice as productive as euro zone employees. The rapid productivity gains (23) for greater profits and real wage advancements, (24) ingredients to spurring demand.

Euro zone workers are more (25) on an absolute basis. Industrial productivity growth for the thee largest entrants — Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic — will be 9.5% this year, vs.2.8% for the euro zone. A big reason for the gap is a strong inflow of foreign direct investment. Foreign companies that overhaul or build plants are (26) in better technology. (27) , the newest members have lower corporate tax rates than the euro zone. Their entry into the EU and their more attractive business environment should (28) in even greater levels of FDI to these countries. That should bring further gains in productivity. The virtuous cycle that the new entrants appear to be building will add pressure on established members to reform. their labor markets, tax codes, and social benefits programs, such as pensions. The (29) euro zone is establishing a dynamic setting in which the accession countries have secured initial advantages. But the established members have a long way to go to (30) on productivity growth.






Takeover hostilityAcquisitions of Chinese enterprises by foreign companies are increasingl

Takeover hostility

Acquisitions of Chinese enterprises by foreign companies are increasingly being challenged amidst a growing mood of "economic patriotism."

The former National Bureau of Statistics Commissioner Li Deshui is one of the most prominent of the critics. During last month's session of the National People's Congress(NPC. the country's law-making body, he warned that the acquisition of promising local companies by multinational investors was creating monopolies in a number of sectors.

"If China lets multinationals' malicious mergers and acquisitions go ahead freely, China can only act as labor in the global supply chain," said Li, worrying that Chinese brands and the innovation ability of the national industry would disappear gradually and core parts, key technologies and high value added of China's leading enterprises might be completely controlled by multinationals."

His pointed criticism generated wide media exposure and created fears of a foreign mergers and acquisitions(M&A) threat.

Several factors have contributed to the climate, including national pride, lingering resentment over Chinese oil giant CNOOC's failed US $18 billion bid for Unocal last year, and a protectionist resurgence, partly in response to a growing protectionist sentiment in the United States and Europe against low-cost Chinese exporters.

"These emotions about foreign capital are the last thing we want," says Fei Guoping, director of the China Mergers & Acquisitions Association under the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

"Such unwarranted enthusiasm will only hurt the country's economic development. What we want is to make sane progress in building an M&A review system based on national economic security," says Fei, who is the chief writer of a proposal on such a review system submitted by the federation to the NPC last month.

While the Chinese Government welcomes foreign investment, through M&As or otherwise, the explosive increase in FDI has given multinationals a degree of market power that many Chinese find worrying and potentially damaging to the development of domestic enterprises.

However, if the worry is directed at the scale of foreign investment, it is missing the target, says Fei, who believes the key point is the absence of a law and a government body to look at possible M&As that may hurt national security.

In China, some department regulations involve M&A reviews and several government bodies have the power to look at parts of the M&A cases.

The Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)) and the National Development and Reform. Commission(NDRC) are entrusted with the primary responsibility of supervising foreign-related M&A transactions. The former is the principal foreign investment regulator while the latter is responsible for approving the foreign investment project application.

The nature of the target may lead to the involvement of other regulators. The State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission plays a significant role in transactions involving State-owned enterprises. The China Securities Regulatory Commission, which is responsible for monitoring and regulating China's capital markets, will be involved in transactions linked to listed companies.

There is a higher level of government participation in M&As in China than is typical in other countries, says an official from skincare company L'Oreal, which acquired local brand Mininurse.

"Despite the recent relaxation of foreign investment restrictions, pervasive approval requirements re- main a distinctive feature of M&A transactions in China," says the official, who did not want to be named.

While the complicated M&A review process often scares away potential investors, few efforts are made dur
















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