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California Gives Green Light to Space Solar PowerEnergy beamed down from space is one step

California Gives Green Light to Space Solar Power

Energy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality,now that California has given the green light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatts(兆瓦)of power beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016.But some major challenges will have to be overcome if the technology is to be used widely.

A start-up company called Solaren is designing the satellites,which it says will use radio waves to beam energy down to a receiving station on Earth.

The attraction of collecting solar power in space is the almost uninterrupted sunshine available in geosynchronous(与地球同步的)orbit.Earth-based solar ceils,by contrast,can only collect sunlight during daytime and when skies are clear.

But space.based solar power must grapple(努力克服)with the high cost per kilogram of launching things into space,says Richard Schwartz of Purdue University in West Lafayette,Indiana.“If you're talking about it being economically viable for power of the Earth,it's a tough go,”he says.

Cal Boerman,Solaren's director of energy services,says the company designed its satellites with a view to keeping launch costs down.“We knew we had to come up with a different,revolutionary design,” he says.A patent the company has won describes ways to reduce the system's weight,including using inflatable mirrors to focus sunlight on solar cells,so a smaller number can collect the same amount of energy.

But using mirrors introduces other challenges,including keeping the solar cells from overheating,says Schwartz.“You have to take care of heat dissipation(散发)because you're now concentrating a lot of energy in one place,”he says.According to the company's patent,Solaren's solar cells will be connected to radiators to help keep them cool.

Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work,it is not expecting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy.Laws in California and other states require increasing use of renewable energy in coming years,he points out.“To meet those needs,we're going to need all types of renewable energy sources,”he says.

Solar-power satellites will use radio waves to beam energy down from space.



C.Not mentioned

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更多“California Gives Green Light t…”相关的问题
听力原文: The latest report from the Institute for International Education gives inform
ation from the school year that began in September of last year and ended in May of this year. It says more than 500,000 foreign college students attended American schools during that school year. New York University in New York City had the largest number of foreign students. Almost 5,000 foreign students attended NYU last year. The University of Southern California at Los Angeles had the second largest number of students, about 4,500. The report says the State of California had the most foreign students, with about 66,000 living there last year. New York State was next, with about 55,000 foreign students. China sent the most foreign students to the United States last year. More than 54,000 Chinese students attended American schools. Japan sent the next highest number of students, almost 47,000. India was next, with about 42,000. And South Korea was fourth, sending more than 41,000 students to the United States. The report says the most popular subjects of study for international students in the United States last year were business and management. Twenty percent of all foreign students were studying those subjects. Fifteen percent studied engineering. Nineteen percent studied mathematics and computer science. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Which university had the second largest number of foreign students in America? 20. What can we learn about the State of California according to the latest report? 21. What were the most popular subjects for the international students in the United States last year?20.

A.It had the most foreign students.

B.Its students outnumbered those in other states.

C.Most of its foreign students were the Japanese.

D.It offered more financial aids.

听力原文:M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?W: No concrete plan.but I think I'll most

听力原文: M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?

W: No concrete plan.but I think I'll most likely go skiing in Califomia.

M: I heard you are very good at skiing.Believe it or not.I haven't done any skiing in my life.I wish I could ski just like you.

W: Yeah,you could if you had a try.You know,skiing is my favorite sport and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow.

M: My parents and I vacationed in Heavenly Ski Resort when I was little and I remembered we had great time going hiking.Now I feel like going back again.

W: Well,since we have two weeks'break for Christmas,you can spend a few days in California and I can give you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days.

M: Ski like a professional?No way.Actually,you do have a good point,I could spend some time in California and head back home for Christmas.Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my place too.My parents would like to meet you.

W: That would be great,since my folks will be in Europe for Christmas and New Year.

M: Oh.I can't wait to learn how to ski.

W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor.

M: No problem.I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year.

W: Well,maybe you won't be this time.

Why does the woman like skiing so much?

A.She likes to do some extreme sports.

B.She get much pleasure from skiing.

C.She was influenced by her parents.

D.She can show off her skiing skills.

听力原文:Deep Springs is an American college. It is an unusual college. It is high in the

听力原文: Deep Springs is an American college. It is an unusual college. It is high in the White Mountains in California, not in a college town. The campus is a collection of old buildings, with no beautiful classrooms. The only college-like thing about Deep Springs is its library. Students can study from the 1%000 books 24 hours a day. The library is never crowded as there are only 24 well-qualified male students at the college. In addition, there are only five full-time professors. These teachers believe in the idea of this college. They need to believe in it! They do not get much money. In fact, their salaries are only about $9,000 a year plus room and meals. The school gives the young teachers as well as the students something more important than money.

"There is no place like Deep Springs," says a second-year student from New York State. "Most colleges today are much the same, but Deep Springs is different." He says that students at his college are in a situation quite unlike in other schools. Students are there to learn, and they cannot run away from problems. There is no place to escape to !

At most colleges, students can close their books and go to a film. They can go out to restaurants or to parties. Deep Springs students have completely different alternatives. They can talk to each other or to their teachers. Another possible activity is to go to the library to study. They might decide to do some work. The student who doesn't want to do any of these activities can go for a walk in the desert. Deep Springs is far from the world of restaurants and cinemas! There is not even a television set on campus.






Stanford University 1.Stanford University, famous as one of northern California's sev

Stanford University

1.Stanford University, famous as one of northern California's several institutions higher learning, is sometimes called "the Harvard of the West".The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco, a city thirty-two miles to the north, gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan (世界性的) flavor.

2.The students are enrolled mainly from the western United States. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford, and many foreign students study here as well..And standards for admission remain high.Young men and women are selected to enter the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes.

3.Not only because of the high caliber (素质,才干) of its students but also because of the desirable location and climate, Stanford has attracted to its faculty some of the world's most respected scholars.The university staff has included many Nobel Prize winners such as Dr.Felix Bloch,Dr.Robert Hofstadter, and Dr.William Shockley in physics, Dr.Author Kornberg and Dr. Joshua Lederberg in medicine, and Dr.Paul J.Flory and Dr.Linus Pauling in chemistry.The Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenistsyn has been in residence. Stanford's undergraduate school of engineering and its graduate schools of business, law, and medicine are especially well-regarded.

4.What is student life like on "the Farm"? Culturally, the campus is a magnet for both students and citizens of nearby communities.Plays, concerts, and operas are performed, in the university's several .auditoriums and in its outdoor theater, where graduations are also held.Several film series are presented during the school year.Guest lecturers from public and academic life frequently appear on campus: In the evenings, many students gather to socialize in the Student Union's coffee house; here the beverages (饮料) and the atmosphere both have a decidedly European flavor.For the sports-minded, the Sranford campus offers highly developed athletic facilities.Team sports, swimming, and track and field activity are all very much part of the Stanford picture.So are bicycling and jogging.

5.In addition to financial support from alumni (校友), Stanford receives grants from the government and from private philanthropic (慈善的) foundations.In recent years, government grants have made possible advanced studies in the fields of history, psychology, education, and atomic energy.At present Stanford is carrying out an ambitious building program, financed in part by the Ford Foundation's 25 million grant.Recently added to the campus are a new physics building, new school of business, new graduate school of law, new student union, and undergraduate library.

第 23 题 Paragraph 2_________

A.Colorful life on the campus

B.Intelligent student body

C.School administration

D.Distinguished faculty

E.Substantial financial support

F.The Harvard of the West

In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequacies of the judicia
l system in the United States. Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants--and the litigants, or parties, have to wait sometimes many years before having their day in court. Many suggestions have been made concerning methods of improving the situation, but as in most branches of government, changes come slowly.

One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the system is to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a workload. Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences, in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their lawyers in order to narrow the issues, limit the witnesses, and provide for a more orderly trial. The theory behind pretrial conferences is that judges will spend less time on each case and parties will more readily settle before trial when they realize the adequacy of their claims and their opponents' evidence. Unfortunately, at least one study has shown that pretrial conferences actually use more judicial time than they save, rarely result in pretrial settlements, and actually result in higher damage settlements.

Many states have now established another method, small-claims courts, in which cases over small sums of money can be disposed of with considerable dispatch. Such proceedings cost the litigants almost nothing. In California, for example, the parties must appear before the judge without the assistance of counsel. The proceedings are quite informal and there is no pleading--the litigants need to make only a one-sentence statement of their claim. By going to this type of court, the plaintiff(原告) gives up any right to a jury trial and the right to appeal the decision.

In coming years, we can expect to see more and more innovations in the continuing effort to correct a situation which must be corrected if the citizens who have valid claims are going to be able to have their day in court.

The pretrial conference, in theory, is supposed to do all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.narrow the issues

B.cause early settlements

C.save judicial time

D.increase settlement costs


A.A level.



















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