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--- We got here on Tuesday afternoon.---_________ why didn’t you call us earlier?

A.Good Luck!

B.You did?

C.It’s no surprise

D.Never mind

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更多“--- We got here on Tuesday aft…”相关的问题
听力原文:Shouldn't we let the client know about the changes we're making?(A) I already got

听力原文:Shouldn't we let the client know about the changes we're making?

(A) I already got a verbal okay from John Sutton.

(B) They're all handmade, here on the premises.

(C) Because they asked for them.





听力原文:Woman: We ordered those new program brochures over a week ago, didn't we? Haven't
they come back from the printer yet?

Man: Yes, they have. They got here this morning. They're in those two white boxes on the floor of the supply room.

Woman: Good. They got here just in time. I have to mail a hundred of them to Singapore this afternoon so that they'll have them in time for their conference.

Man: Well, you'll find plenty there. We ordered a thousand.

Where are the brochures?

A.In Singapore.

B.In the supply room.

C.In the mail.

D.At the printer.

听力原文:M: I really can't understand why Peter isn't here yet. We agree to meet at 8:30.
It's almost 9:00. Do you think we should leave for the airport?

W: He probably got into some trouble with the traffic. Let's give him some more minutes.

Q: What are these people going to do?


A.Leave for the airport.

B.Look for Peter.

C.Remove the trouble for Peter.

D.Wait a little longer.

听力原文:M: Hi, you're new here, aren't you? What's your name?W: Sally.M: Want to come and

听力原文:M: Hi, you're new here, aren't you? What's your name?

W: Sally.

M: Want to come and play?

W: I'd like to, but l can't. My mum says I've got to stay and help her. It's my brother's birthday and we're having a party, too.

M: Oh, you've got a brother, have you?

W: I've got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, he's only four. I've got an older brother who's married, his name's Don.

M: Does your brother Don live near here?

W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the bookshop over there. They've got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, and we call her Liz.

M: Is that your mum over there calling you?

W: No, that's my Aunt May, my mum's twin sister. I'd better go. Bye.

M: Bye.

Why can't Sally play?

A.Because she doesn't like to.

B.Because she has to help her mother.

C.Because she is having a party.

Roger: Hey Andrew, we've just received that order of books from MacPherson. Andrew: Great
news. They finally got here. ______. Roger: Yes, they said the ship got held up in Bombay. Anyway, they're here now.

A.Did the deliverers give any explanation about the delay?

B.I didn't expect them to arrive here so soon.

C.There isn't any damage to the shipment. Thank goodness!

D.It really took a long time. Well, what happened?

听力原文:M: Hi, you’re new here, aren’t you? What’s your name?W: Sally.M: Want to come and

听力原文:M: Hi, you’re new here, aren’t you? What’s your name?

W: Sally.

M: Want to come and play?

W: I’d like to, but I can’t, My mum sys I’ve got to stay and help her. It’s my brother’s birthday and we’re having a party, too.

M: Oh, you’ve got a brother, have you?

W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the bookshop over there. They’ve got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, and we call her Liz.

M: Is that your mum over there calling you?

W: No, that’s my Aunt May, my mum’s twin sister. I’d better go. Bye.

M: Bye.

Why can't Sally play?

A.Because she doesn't like to.

B.Because she has to help her mother.

C.Because she is having a party.

听力原文:M: Hi, you're new here, aren't you? What's your name?W: Stella.M: Want to come an

听力原文:M: Hi, you're new here, aren't you? What's your name?

W: Stella.

M: Want to come and play?

W: I'd like to. but I can't. My Mum says I've got to stay and help her. It's my brother's birthday and we're having a party, too.

M: Oh, you've got a brother, haven't you?

W: I've got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, he's only four. I've got a big brother who's married, his name's Don.

M: Does your brother Don live near here?

W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the sweetshop over there. They've got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, but we call her Liz.

M: Is that your Mum over there calling you?

W: No, that's my Aunt May, my Mum's twin sister. I'd better go. Bye.

M: Bye.

Why can't Stella play?

A.Because she doesn't like to.

B.Because she has to help her mother.

C.Because she is having a party.

听力原文:M: I can't understand why my friend isn't here yet. We agreed to meet at ten thir
ty. It's almost eleven. Do you think we should try to call her or go to look for her?

W: She's probably just got tied up in traffic. Let's give her a few more minutes.

Q: What are they going to do?


A.Look for the traffic light.

B.Give her a call.

C.Wait a little longer.

D.Change the tire for her friend.

听力原文:Man: John Woods here, phoning about the project we discussed earlier. Could you g
ive me a ring so that we can talk about it a bit more? I've done a few calculations and I'm beginning to wonder whether it's really a practical proposition. I still think the project's got potential, but there are significant additional costs which we hadn't taken into account. So could you get back to me as soon as you can, please?


听力原文:Man: We only grow vegetables here. It's a small place, and we don't really have r
oom to expand into other crops like fruit trees or flowers. But it's a nice little business.

Woman: Yes, it seems like you've got a good thing going here. How long have you been running this place?

Man: For 13 years. Farming's not an easy life, but it sure beats getting in the car and driving to an office every day like I used to do.

Woman: You don't have to tell me! I'm starting to get sick of that life, too. Living out here in the country is starting to look like a much healthier lifestyle. to me.

What is the man's business?

A.A farm.

B.A restaurant.

C.A flower shop.

D.A grocery store.

听力原文:M: Jack wants copies of the survey results sent to his office in Shanghai. Could
you fax them to him right away? Here is his number.

W: We haven't received the results from our head office yet. Do you want me to check and see when they will be sending them?

M: You've got to be kidding me. The survey was done a week ago, and you are saying that we still haven't received them yet? Give me the name and the number of the person who is in charge of this. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

W: I have his number on my desk. I will be right back.

What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Fax something.

B.Go to Shanghai.

C.Check the mail.

D.Check the survey.

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