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How did Wrights career begin?A.He was hired as a draftsman in his family project.B.He mana

How did Wrights career begin?

A.He was hired as a draftsman in his family project.

B.He managed his family property in Wisconsin.

C.He built a small house in his hometown.

D.He worked as a builder in his hometown.

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更多“How did Wrights career begin?A…”相关的问题
30:How did the elderly behave when they received care and attention from others?

How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work7A.Doing housework.B.Reading paper

How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work7

A.Doing housework.

B.Reading papers and watching TV.

C.Looking after her neighbour’s children.

D.Taking good care of her husband.

How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work?A.Watching TV.B.Taking good care

How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work?

A.Watching TV.

B.Taking good care of her husband.

C.Doing housework.

D.Reading newspaper.

听力原文:M: I' m not surprised you didn't like that movie. I found it really frightening m

W: I did too. I don' t care much for horror movies as a rule.

What does the woman mean?

A.She wasn't really very frightened.

B.She generally dislikes horror movies.

C.She is very fond of horror movies.

D.She doesn' t care how horror movies end.

听力原文:Today when a man steps on to the moon, or something new and important happens, th

听力原文: Today when a man steps on to the moon, or something new and important happens, the world learns about it immediately. What did the newspapers say about that first flight in 1903? Strangely enough, they said hardly anything about it at all. There were only a few reports about it in the papers. These reports said very little. Some of the things they said were not even correct, In 1904, the Wrights built a second machine. They called it Flyer No. 2. They invited some reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly. Unfortunately, there was some mechanical trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day. The reporters went away. They were disappointed and did not come back. The Wrights went on with their work. In 1905, they built an even better machine, Flyer No. 3. They were able to stay up in the air for half an hour and more in this machine. They were able to turn and climb in the air. Farmers, travelers on the roads around Dayton often saw them flying. But when these people told reporters about it, they refused to believe them.

The Wrights offered Flyer No. 3 to the United States Government. The Government was not interested. They seemed to think the Wrights wanted money in order to build an airplane, They did not understand the Wrights had already done this, and flown it as well. Experts were still saying that mechanical flight was impossible. At the end of 1905, the two brothers took their plane to pieces. The parts were put into a huge wooden case. It seemed nobody was interested.


A.They were able to fly it in the air.

B.They were able to stay up in the air for half an hour and more in the machine.

C.They were able to carry travelers.

D.They were able to fly in around Dayton.

听力原文: Today when a man steps on to the moon, or something new and important happens, t
he world learns about it immediately. What did the newspapers say about that first flight in 19037 Strangely enough, they said hardly anything about it at all. There were only a few reports about it in the papers. These reports said very little. Some of the things they said were not even correct. In 1904, the Wrights built a second machine. They called it Flyer No. 2. They invited some reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly. Unfortunately, there was some mechanical trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day. The reporters went away. They were disappointed and did not come back. The Wrights went on with their work. In 1905, they built an even better machine, Flyer No. 3. They were able to stay up in the air for half an hour and more in this machine. They were able to turn and climb in the air. Farmers, travelers on the roads around Dayton often saw them flying. But when these people told reporters about it, they refused to believe them.

The Wrights offered Flyer No. 3 to the United States Government. The Government was not interested. They seemed to think the Wrights wanted money in order to build an airplane. They did not understand the Wrights had already done this, and flown it as well. Experts were still saying that mechanical flight was impossible. At the end of 1905, the two brothers took their plane to pieces. The parts were put into a huge wooden case. It seemed nobody was interested.


A.They were able to fly it in the air.

B.They were able to stay up in the air for half an hour and more in the machine.

C.They were able to carry travelers.

D.They were able to fly in around Dayton.

听力原文:W: Good afternoon. Today our topic is child care. Most people with young children
work and need to use child care. In some families, a relative can take care of the children. But in the United States, more than 50 percent of all families pay for child care—they hire someone to take care of the children. Some people take their children to day-care centers. Some people hire a sitter to take care of the children. And some families hire a nanny. A nanny usually lives with a family and takes care of the children in the family's home every day. Today, we have an unusual nanny to tell us about the job. Let's welcome our nanny.

M: Hello.

W: Well hello, good afternoon. You are an unusual nanny, aren't you?

M: Yes, I am. A nanny is usually a woman. But a man can be a nanny, too. A man is a male nanny—or a manny. M for man. M-a-n-n-y.

W: Hmm. So you are a manny, right?

M: Yes, I am a manny.

W: What does a manny do?

M: Well, first of all, a nanny, male or female, is the same thing. It's just one is a man and one is a woman. We do the same thing. A nanny takes care of children. A nanny usually lives with a family, but not always.

W: And what is a typical day for you?

M: Well, I usually help the children get ready for school. I help them get dressed, make breakfast and lunch. Sometimes, I take them to school and always pick them up after school. I usually help them with their homework, and we often play together and things like that.

W: A nanny is not a typical job for a man. I mean, it is a little. unusual for a man to take care of children and do household chores, isn't it?

M: Yeah, some people just don't think men can take care of children. They think child care is a woman's job. I disagree. I like it. I also like doing household chores. A nanny is a good job for me. I don't think it's woman's work at all.

W: And how did you know what a nanny does? I mean how did you learn to be a nanny?

M: Well, I went to a special school that trains nannies. I studied about children and child care in my classes. There are schools where people can go to learn how to become a nanny.

W: I see. You went to school and got some training.

M: Yes, I did.

W: Do you have other friends who are male nannies?

M: Well, now I do. My other friends used to make fun of me. They thought it was strange—you know-I was doing a woman's job. But they didn't have a job and I did. I thought it was pretty funny.

W: Well, I learned something today. The new child care workers—male nannies. Thank you very much for coming.


11. According to the conversation, what are the speakers mainly talking about?

12.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the man's typical day as a nanny?

13.According to the conversation, which of the following statements is NOT true?

14.How did the man learn to become a nanny?

15.What does the man think of his job?


A.The difference between a male nanny and a female nanny.

B.The difference between a nanny and a sitter,

C.How to become a nanny in the United States.

D.The job of a nanny.

Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, while her weal

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, while her wealthy English parents were traveling in Europe. As a child, she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages.

When Nightingale was 17, she told her family that she was going to help sick

people. Her parents did not approve, but Nightingale was determined.

She traveled to hospitals all over Europe. She saw that doctors were wbrking too hard. She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care. Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people.

Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more, they needed special training in how to take care of sick people. Nightingale went to a hospital in Germany to study nursing. Then she returned to London and became the head of a group of women called Gentlewomen During Illness. These women cared for sick people in their homes.

In 1854, England was fighting a war with Russia. War reporters wrote about the terrible conditions in the hospitals that cared for the wounded. People demanded that something be done about it. A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale to take Some nurses into the war hospitals. So, in November 1854, Nightingale finally got to work in a hospital.

She took along 38 nurses whom she had trained herself.

At first, the doctors on the battlefields did not want Nightingale and her nurses in their hospitals. They did not believe that women could help. But in fact, the nurses did make a difference. They worked around the clock, tending the sick. Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived.

After the war, Nightingale and her nurses were treated like heroes. Finally, in 1860,she started the Nightingale School for Nurses. In time, thanks to Florence Nightingale, nursing became an important part of medicine.

第 41 题 Florence Nightingale was born into a rich

A.Italian family.

B.Russian family.

C.English family.

D.German family.

Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was born in Florence,Italy,while her wealthy En
glish parents were traveling in Europe.As a child,she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages.

When Nightingale was 17,she told her family that she was going to help sick people.Her parents did not approve,but Nightingale was determined.

She traveled to hospitals all over Europe.She saw that doctors were working too hard.She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care.Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people.

Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more,they needed special training in how to take care of sick people.Nightingale went to a hospital in Germany to study nursing.Then she returned to London and became the head of a group of women called Gentlewomen During Illness.These women cared for sick people in their homes.

In 1854.England was fighting a war with Russia.№reporters wrote about the terrible conditions in the hospitals that cared for the wounded.People demanded that something be done about it.A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale to take some nurses into the war hospitals.So,in November 1 854,Nightingale finally got to work in a hospital.

She took along 3 8 nurses whom she had trained herself.

At first.the doctors on the battlefields did not want Nightingale and her nurses in their hospitals.They did not believe that women could help.But in fact,the nurses did make a difference.They worked around the clock,tending the sick.Thanks to their hard work,many wounded soldiers survived.

After the war, Nightingale and her nurses were treated 1ike heroes.。Finally,in 1 860,she started the Nightingale School for Nurses.In time,thanks to Florence Nightingale,nursing became an important part of medicine.

第11题:Florence Nightingale was born into a rich

A.Italian family.

B.Russian family.

C.English family.

D.German family.

As you know, 'being green" means that you care about the environment(环境) and that you do

As you know, 'being green" means that you care about the environment(环境) and that you do what you can to help the Earth. Recycling(回收利用)paper and cans, reducing waste, and pro-tecting wildlife are all examples of "green" activities.

This special green issue of National Geographic Kids is devoted to the environment. In fact, you' re being green simply by reading it. When you' re finished, you ' ll know a lot of things you probably did

n ' t know at all. And you ' ll be a greener citizen with a strong sense of environmental protection.

In this issue(一期杂志) you will discover how you can help the Earth face its five biggest en-vironmental problems. Animal behavior. specialist Jane Good all shares new ideas about how you can help wildlife. Answer actor Leonardo DiCaprio ' s call to action to help the environment. Just how green are you? Answer our questions on page 10 to find out. You may win a trip to Orlando, Flori-da. And there ' s a special pullout poster to hang on the wall.

61. The writer' s main purpose in writing this text is to_______.

[ A] persuade the reader to waste less

[ B ] explain the meaning of the word " green"

[ C] encourage people to buy this issue

[ D] call on people to protect the environment

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