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Critical Successful Factors of CRM ImplementationsProject PlanningProject planning involve

Critical Successful Factors of CRM Implementations

Project Planning

Project planning involves of setting project goals, identifying 【S1】______

high level business requirements, with establishing project teams 【S2】______

and high level project estimates.

Architectural Design

While high level architectural decision is made as

part of the process of choosing a CRM vendor, it remains as a

critical successful factor when integrating CRM with particular

existing information system. Make sure if your CRM plans include 【S3】______

a scalable architecture framework.

Phased Approach

It is important to break your CRM project down into 【S4】______

manageable pieces by setting up pilot programs and

short-term milestones. If dependent on the IT experience, some 【S5】______

organizations choose the easiest application as the pilot project, while

others implement of a mission-critical application first. The pilot 【S6】______

project can demonstrate the benefits of CRM to motivate with 【S7】______

all the necessary departments and groups to fully commit to 【S8】______

the project.

Data Gathering

The start point of data gathering is to focus on the

data that necessary for your business decision making and to 【S9】______

logically derive other data requirement. Lack of sufficient data will

lead to the failure in one way, while gathering and storing excessive

and necessary data will result from cost overrun and delay of 【S10】______

system deliver.

Organization Commitment

The implementation of a CRM project

involves everyone in the customer relationship chain. The commitment

from all parties is the key to the success of CRM implementation.

The commitment comes from the understanding of the benefits 【S11】______

of CMR, particularly the specific benefits to related departments. For

example, if the sales force isn't completely sold on the system's

benefits, which they may not input the kind of demographic data 【S12】______

that is essential to the program's success.


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D.Handling objections.

What event coincided with Critical Path becoming a public company?A.Hayden became the Exec

What event coincided with Critical Path becoming a public company?

A.Hayden became the Executive Director of Critical Path.

B.Investors hired a replacement team to run Critical Path.

C.Critical Path launched a successful new product on the market.

D.Critical Path was floated on the Stock Exchange at 24 cents per share.

What do most successful children's authors have in common?A.They did not get depressed by

What do most successful children's authors have in common?

A.They did not get depressed by early failures.

B.They have learned how to be critical of other authors' work.

C.They find it easy to think of storylines that will sell.

D.They have worked hard to become well-known.

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?A.A description of a

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.A description of a problem in one area of economics, followed by a revision of the description for two other areas.

B.A description of a problem in one area economics, followed by a successful counter-example, then the description of a problem in a second area.

C.A description of the successful application of economics to one subject, followed by a description of its limitations in two other areas.

D.A description of one area of economics, whose problems are compared with those of two other areas of economics.

E.A critical distinction between problems in two separate areas of economics.

Unlike other forms of narrative art, a play, to be successful , must give pleasure to its
immediate audience by reflecting the concerns and values of that audience. A novel can achieve success over months or even years, but a play must be a hit or perish. Successful drama of the Restoration period, therefore, is a good index to the typical tastes and attitudes of its time. The author of the passage above assumes that

A.plays written for Restoration audiences do not appeal to modern audiences.

B.plays are superior to novels as a form. of narrative art.

C.Restoration audiences were representative of the whole population of their time.

D.playgoers and novel readers are typically distinct and exclusive groups.

E.Restoration drama achieved popular success at the expense of critical success.

听力原文:Most of us take our ability to listen for granted. In fact, we have different lis

听力原文: Most of us take our ability to listen for granted. In fact, we have different listening styles for different occasions. How successful we are as listeners may depend in part on choosing the right listening style. for the situation. Perhaps the most basic listening style. is appreciative listening. We listen appreciatively when we enjoy music, a bird's song or the murmur of the book. We need a different style, one called discriminative listening, when we want to single out one particular sound from a noisy environment. You discriminate, for example, when you listen for a friend's voice in a crowded room. We use a firm style. of listening, comprehensive listening, when we want to understand. When we listen to directions or instructions, we are using this style. The last listening style, critical listening, is the one we will examine most closely. Critical listeners are the most active of all listeners, and critical listening, the most helpful. Critical listeners evaluate what they hear, and decide if another person's message is logical, worthwhile or has value. We need to be critical listeners when someone wants us to buy something, vote a certain way or support a particular idea. We also need to be critical listeners in school where we are supposed to listen and think at the same time.


A.We should not take our ability to listen for granted.

B.We should have the right listening style. for a particular situation.

C.We should try different listening styles one after another.

D.We should be faithful to one listening style. all the time.

When we think of entrepreneurs, most of us imagine【C1】______, successful, over-achievers l
ike Bill Gates of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Jim Boyle of Columbia Sportswear, to【C2】______a few contemporary heroes. The【C3】______is that we often fail to【C4】______entrepreneurs all around us: the corner grocery store owner, the family【C5】______who opens a medical【C6】______in our neighborhood, or the young person who【C7】______the morning paper.【C8】______is creating business opportunities【C9】______entrepreneurship, although the【C10】______of entrepreneurship would be markedly different from each other. According to Jeffery Timmons, author of "New Venture Creation", there are three【C11】______components for a successful new【C12】______: the opportunity, the entrepreneur, and the【C13】______needed to start the company and make it grow. The opportunity is the【C14】______for a new business. The entrepreneur is the person who develops the idea for a【C15】______into a business. Resources include money, people and skill. In this part, we【C16】______on entrepreneurs, one of the critical【C17】______for success of a new business.. Who are they? What makes them【C18】______? one factor which【C19】______Bill Gates from the morning paper deliverer is the level of business success each desires to achieve. Determining【C20】______success means to you is a crucial element in the early stages of new venture planning.






Among the devastating consequences of AIDS has【21】______ its epidemic spread in the develo

Among the devastating consequences of AIDS has 【21】______ its epidemic spread in the developing world. The disease has caused 【22】______ suffering, debilitation, loss of life and disruption of family, social and economic 【23】______ Because of the considerable expense and logistical difficulty in providing antiviral drugs to populations 【24】______ with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 【25】______ the world, the biomedical community is looking towards vaccines to help solve this compelling problem.

The search for an AIDS vaccine began more than 15 years ago with great 【26】______ and high expectations. With the 【27】______ of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS, it seemed that a 【28】______ would follow closely behind. But despite a large concerted effort, the problem has proven more difficult than 【29】______ , and progress has not 【30】______ the 【31】______ hopes. Here I review the 【32】______ scientific obstacles confronting the development of an effective HIV vaccine, and I consider 【33】______ strategies to overcome these obstacles.

It is instructive to consider the circumstances that have 【34】______ to past successes in vaccine development. The smallpox vaccine is 【35】______ the most successful inventions in the history of 【36】______ Why, 200 years ago, without the benefit of modern biotechnology, did the smallpox vaccine succeed so readily while an AIDS vaccine 【37】______ elusive? The answer lies in an experiment of nature that provided, to an astute observer, a clear direction for smallpox vaccine development. In this classic story of 【38】______ discovery, Edward Jennet noticed that milk maids who had previously contracted cowpox were 【39】______ to smallpox infection. This observation was the critical event leading to the finding that the cowpox virus cross-reacted immunologically with the smallpox virus and could 【40】______ be used to protect against smallpox.






•Read the extract below from a company chairman's annual report to shareholders.R

•Read the extract below from a company chairman's annual report to shareholders.

•Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.

•For each question (19-33), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Chairman's Report

I am pleased to report that, although we had been expecting poor results for this half year because of slow growth in the world economy, the company has performed very satisfactorily. Operating profits for this first half are in fact very much (19) with those for the corresponding (20) last year. Profits reached £115 million before tax, compared with£116.3 million last year. Much of our success in the last six months can be (21) to the fact. that all our major construction projects remained on schedule. Particularly pleasing was the early (22) of a major building contract in Canada.

The company has made good progress with the initiatives announced at the Annual General Meeting. The majority of shareholders (23) the Board's decision to sell the company's loss-making engineering (24) It was the Board's belief that the company would (25) most benefit by (26) its resources on the expansion of its construction activities. Negotiations with a potential buyer began in February and are now at a critical (27) However, we feel that we are not as yet in a (28) to comment on what the outcome is likely to be.

In June, we made a successful (29) for the Renishaw Construction Company of Hong Kong SAR, in order to give us greater (30) to markets in South East Asia. We still have sufficient resources to pursue our growth (31) and are at present (32) several other business opportunities which, like Renishaw Construction, would (33) new markets to us.


A.in order

B.on track

C.in line

D.on target

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