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In English cities, you can see many interesting people.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.

In English cities, you can see many interesting people.



C.Doesn't say.

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更多“In English cities, you can see…”相关的问题
Amsterdam is one of the port cities of(). A. Germany B. English C. France D. Holland

A.A. Germany

B.B. English

C.C. France

D.D. Holland

Sydney is one of the port cities of(). A. Germany B. English C. France D. Australia

A.A. Germany

B.B. English

C.C. France

D.D. Australia

第二节 短文理解2阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。The Greens are English. Now th

第二节 短文理解2


The Greens are English. Now they are in Beijing. This is their first visit to China.

They am going to stay in China for three weeks. They want to visit some big cities lind villages (村庄). They want to leto some Chinese. too.

Mn Green is a ddvcr. He likes driving in Beijing very. much. Mrs Green is a teacher. She is visiting a middle school near Beijing. Their son Jim is a mgkgc school student. He meets some Chinese students. and he likes to speak English with them.

They take a lot of photos in China. When en they are back in England. they are going to flhow the photos to their friends. They want the English people to know more about China.

The Greens are from ______




根据以下材料,回答题Things to Know about the U.K.(1) From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the


Things to Know about the U.K.

(1) From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the U.K. is loaded with wonderful icons (标志) of past eras. But it has also modernized with confidence. It"s now better known for vibrant (充满活力的) cities with great nightlife and attraction. Fashions, fine dining, clubbing, shopping—the U.K. is among the world"s best.

(2) Most people have strong preconceptions about the British. But if you"re one of these people,you"d be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It"s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners and gardeners than the U.K.

(3) Getting around England is pretty easy. Budget (廉价的) airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and btises run on the same route,coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses. London"s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs are cheaper competitors, with freelance (个体的) drivers.

But usually you need to give a call first. London"s underground is called the Tube. It"s veryconvenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

(4) The U.K. is not famous for its food. But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods. The most famous must be fish and chips. The fish and chips are deep fried in flour.

English breakfast is something you need to try. It is fried bacon, sausages, flied eggs, black pudding, flied tomatoes, flied bread and baked beans, with toast and a pot of tea. Other things like shepherd"s pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.

(5) Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife, especially for the young. Pubbing means going to a pub with friends, having drinks, and chatting. Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub, or a place of music, or a bar, or any other places to gather with friends.

Clubbing can be found everywhere. Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing, such as no jeans, no sportswear, or smart clubwear, while pubbing is much more casual.

Paragraph 2__________ 查看材料







听力原文:People from all cultures and ethnicities can be found in every corner of Britain

听力原文: People from all cultures and ethnicities can be found in every corner of Britain and each per son in his or her own way has contributed to make Britain the place it is today.

If you walk down a street in Britain, especially in the bigger cities you will usually see peo pie with different hair, skin and eye colours. They may have white, brown or black skin and blonde, brown, black, or red hair, with blue, black, brown or green eyes. Many of the people you will see will be British people but they all look different because the people of Britain are a mixed race. Not all British people are Christian or White.

There are British people whose parents first came to Britain in the 1950s and 1960s from the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and other places. Their homes are mainly in the big English cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester.

About 8% of the population of Britain today are people from other cultures and ethnicities. That is 4. 6 million people and in London almost 300 different languages are spoken every day.



B.Hong Kong.



In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When
the explorers(探险者) landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the "moon people" they met. In turn, the "moon people" expressed their surprise. "Why," they asked, "are you traveling to outer space when you don't even use your inner space?"

H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the "moon people" asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.

Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas.

The "Chunnel", a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete. But what about underground cities? Japan's Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground systems, called "Alice Cities". The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for fiats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome (太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.

Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth's space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. H.G. Wells's "moon people" would agree. Would you?

The explorers in H. G. Wells's story were surprised to find that the "moon people"

A.knew so much about the earth

B.understood their language

C.lived in so many underground cities

D.were ahead of them in space technology

根据材料,完成题。Things to Know about the UK1. From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the UK is


Things to Know about the UK

1. From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the UK is loaded with wonderful icons (标志) of past eras. But it has also modernized with confidence. It"s now better known for vibrant (充满活力的) cities with great nightlife and attraction. Fashions, fine dining, clubbing, shopping-the UK is among the world"s best.

2. Most people have strong preconceptions about the British. But if you"re one of these people, you"d be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It"s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners and gardeners than the UK.

3. Getting around England is pretty easy. Budget (廉价的 ) airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and buses run on the same route, coaches are more expensive (though quicker ) than buses. London"s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs are cheaper competitors, with freelance (个体的 ) drivers. But usually you need to give a call first. London"s underground is called the Tube. It"s very convenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

4. The UK is not famous for its food. But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods. The most famous must be fish and chips. The fish and chips are deep fried in flour. English breakfast is something you need to try. It is fried bacon, sausages, fried eggs, black pudding, fried tomatoes, fried bread and baked beans, with toast and a pot of tea. Other things like shepherd"s pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.

5. Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife, especially for the young. Pubbing means going to a pub with friends, having drinks, and chatting. Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub, or a place of music, or a bar, or any other places to gather with friends. Clubbing can be found everywhere. Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing, such as no jeans, no sportswear, or smart clubwear, while pubbing is much more casual.

Paragraph 2__________. 查看材料







So too did a lot of the norths soldiers. One of the central themes of the political histor
y of the twelfth century was the continual effort by the northern kingdoms to extend their control southward in the hope of tapping into the Mediterranean bonanza. The German emperors starting with Otto I(936-973), for example, struggled ceaselessly to establish their control over the cities of northern Italy, since those cities generated more revenue than all of rural Germany combined. The kings of France used every means at their disposal to push the lower border of their kingdom to the Mediterranean shoreline. And the Normans who conquered and ruled England established outposts of Norman power in Sicily and the adjacent lands of southern Italy; the English kings also hoped or claimed at various times to be, either through money or marriage diplomacy, the rulers of several Mediterranean states. But as the northern world pressed southward, so too did some of the cultural norms and social mechanisms of the south expand northward. Over the course of the twelfth century, the feudal kingdoms witnessed a proliferation of cities modeled in large degree on those of the south. Contact with the merchants and financiers of the Mediterranean led to the development of northern industry and international trade(which helped to pay for many of the castles and cathedrals mentioned earlier). And education spread as well, culminating in the foundation of what is arguably medieval Europes greatest invention: the university. The relationship of north and south was symbiotic, in other words, and the contrast between them was more one of differences in degree than of polar opposition.

In paragraph 1, why does the author distinguish between prairie riparian forest and Black Hills forest?

A.To highlight the difference between the views of various ecologists about the nature of ecological communities

B.To illustrate why some ecologists tended to view ecological communities as highly integrated

C.To demonstrate that one forest has a greater variety of species than the other

D.To show how these two forests differ from others in the United States



Things to Know about the UK

1 From Buckingham Palace to Oxford,the UK is loaded with wonderful icons(标志)of past eras.But it has also modernized with confidence.It’s now better known for vibrant(充满活力的)cities with great nightlife and attraction.Fashions,fine dining,clubbing,shopping-the UK is among the world’s best.

2 Most people have strong preconceptions about the British.But if you’re one of these people,you’d be wise to abandon those ideas.Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities,a football match,or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable.It’s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers,sports supporters,pet owners and gardeners than the UK.

3 Getting around England is pretty easy.Budget(廉价的)airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically.Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another.Long distance express buses are called coaches.Where coaches and buses run on the same route,coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses.London’s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive.Minicabs are cheaper competitors,with freelance(个体的)drivers.But usually you need to give a call first.London’s underground is called the Tube.It’s very convenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

4 The UK is not famous for its food.But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods.The most famous must be fish and chips.The fish and chips are deep fried in flour.English breakfast is something you need to try.It is fried bacon,sausages,fried eggs,black pudding,fried tomatoes,fried bread and baked beans,with toast and a pot of tea.Other things like shepherd’s pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.

5 Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife,especially for the young.Pubbing means going to a pub with friends,having drinks,and chatting.Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub,or a place of music,or a bar,or any other places to gather with friends.Clubbing can be found everywhere.Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing,such as no jeans,no sportswear,or smart clubwear,while pubbing is much more casual.

23.Paragraph 2 _______.

24.Paragraph 3 _______.

25.Paragraph 4 _______.

26.Paragraph 5 _______.







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