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听力原文:Man: Gold Express. Jim Davenport.Woman: Morning. This is Anna Marsh from Business

听力原文:Man: Gold Express. Jim Davenport.

Woman: Morning. This is Anna Marsh from Business Review. You said you'd give me some infor mation for the article I'm doing on delivery companies.

Man: Ah yes...

Woman: So, when did 'Gold Express' start doing business?

Man: Well, it had been in business for 10 years when I joined it in 1986, so that means it was set up in 1976.

Woman: I see. And what's your annual turnover?

Man: £118 million last year - that's £12 million more than the year before.

Woman: That's fantastic.

Man: Most similar companies have only grown by 8 to 9% in the last 5 years, but our business has grown by 54% in that time. I think that's due to our MD, Peter Mackintosh. That's spelled M-A-C-K-I-N-T-O-S-H. He's done a great job.

Woman: What ideas has he brought to the company?

Man: Well, first a very positive attitude to customer opinion. We have 120,000 customers, and we send questionnaires to 4,000 of those every 8 weeks.

Woman: That must be very useful for you.

Man: And we encourage all our staff - there are 7,500 now, because we've taken on another 450 this year - to give opinions too.

Last month 76% of staff said they were 'totally satisfied' with their work here - that's 10% more than last time!

Woman: That's great, thanks.

?Look at the notes below.

?Some information is missing.

?You will hear an interview between Anna Marsh, who works for a business magazine, and Jim Davenport, who works in the publicity department of a company, Gold Express.

?For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers, or letters.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Interview notes


Started in: (9) ______

Most recent turnover: (10) ______

Growth over 5 years: (11) ______%.

Managing Director: Peter (12) ______

Total number of customers: (13) ______

Number of employees: (14) ______

Recent staff questionnaire showed: (15) ______ % enjoyed their work.


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更多“听力原文:Man: Gold Express. Jim Da…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I'd like to do something really different in my vacation this year.W: Well, he

听力原文:M: I'd like to do something really different in my vacation this year.

W: Well, here are some possibilities. How about a trip to the Gold Coast? Australia is wonderful this time of year. Or maybe you'd like to spend a week in Egypt. A lot of people visit Egypt for the pyramids.

M: They both sound interesting, but I guess I prefer the Australian trip. The pyramids might be just a little too exciting for me.

Where will the man probably go for the vacation?




D.An exciting place.

听力原文:A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man he went to work as a teache

听力原文: A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man he went to work as a teacher in one of the states of India, One day, he received an invitation to dinner at the ruler's palace. Very pleased, he went to tell his colleagues. They laughed and told him the meaning of the invitation. They had all been invited and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver and gold coins. The number of coins varied according to the person's position in the service of the government. My friend's income was not high, so he did not have much to pay. Each person bowed before the ruler, his gold went onto one heap, and his silver went onto another heap. And in this way he paid his income tax for the year, This was a simple way of collecting income tax. The tax on property wes also collected area, if this man promised to pay the ruler a certain amount of money. Of coupe, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler. The difference between the sum of money collected and the sum of money he gave to the ruler was his profit.


A.He was once a friend of the ruler.

B.He was a tax collector.

C.He was a government official.

D.He was once a school teacher in India.

听力原文:One day in 1848, a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a sawmill on the Ameri

听力原文: One day in 1848, a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a sawmill on the American River in California, made a surprising discovery. He noticed something bright and yellow, bent down to pick it up and took it to his friend, a Mr. Sutter. This was the beginning of the Californian Gold Rush. Sutter was a Swiss who had come to America to try to make a lot of money. The Governor of California had given him permission to make a home in the Sacramento Valley and his determination and energy had made him rich. He had built the mill together with Marshall in order to make use of the rich natural materials of his land.

Sutter realized the importance of the discovery and decided to ask the Governor for the right to the gold. So he sent a man named Bennet to San Francisco to see the Governor. He warned Bennet not to tell anyone because he was afraid that people would come before his right was recognized. Bennet could not keep the secret but people did not believe him at first. Then a newspaperman went to Sutter's mill to make a report. When he came back he ran through the streets shouting, "Gold! Gold!" Within a month almost the entire population had gone to look for the gold.

Then news spread across America to Europe and thousands of people joined in the search. Those who went by ship had to sail round Cape Horn but some preferred to go across America by land, and freight cars were used for travelers. Even then there were some who were prepared to cross the terrible desert of Death Valley.

The Gold Rush proved to be fatal to Sutter himself. For years he tried to get rid of those new-comers so that his family might enjoy the wealth of his land, but his business failed. The new-comers did a great deal of harm, and even killed one of his sons, and at the end of his life he was a poor man who often stopped people in the street to tell them that gold was worse than anything else.

Who was the first to find the gold in California?




D.A newspaperman.

听力原文: A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man, he went to work as a teac
her in one of the states of India.

One day, he received an invitation to join at the ruler's palace. Very pleased, he went to tell his colleagues. They laughed and told him the meaning of the invitation. They had all been invited and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver' and gold coins. The number of coins varied according to the person's position in the service of the government. My friend's income was not high, so he did not have to pay much.

Each person bowed before the ruler. His gold went onto one heap; his silver went onto another heap. And in this way he paid his income tax for the year.

This was the simple way of collecting income tax. The tax on property was also collected simply. The ruler gave a man the power to collect a tax from each owner of land or property in a certain area, if this man promised to pay the ruler a certain amount of money. Of course, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler. The difference between the sum of money he collected and the sum of money he gave to the ruler was his profit.

What do we know about the speaker's friend?

A.He was once a friend of the ruler.

B.He was a tax collector.

C.He was a government official.

D.He was once a school teacher in India.

听力原文: A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man, be went to work as a teac
her in one of the states of India.

One day, he received an invitation to dinner at the ruler's palace. Very pleased, he went to tell his colleagues. They laughed and told him the meaning of the invitation. They had all been invited and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver and gold coins. The number of coins varied according to the person's position in the service of the government. My friend's income was not high, so he did not have much to pay.

Each person bowed before the ruler. His gold went onto one heap; his silver went onto another heap. And in this way he paid his income tax for the year.

This was the simple way of collecting income tax. The tax on property was also collected simply. The ruler gave a man the power to collect a tax from each owner of land or property in a certain area, if this man promised to pay the ruler a certain amount of money. Of course, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler. The difference between the sum of money he collected and the sum of money he gave to the ruler was his profit.

What do we know about the speaker's friend?

A.He was once a friend of the ruler.

B.He was a tax collector.

C.He was a government official.

D.He was once a school teacher in India.

听力原文:The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the waddin

听力原文: The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wadding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring? That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond represented beauty. He plecod it on the third finger d her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today, we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues.

Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and party. During the time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing.

Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party. During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would - be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger. The husband wears hi ring on the third finger of his left hand.

Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other. Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this hap pens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man; they also return any wedding gifts they have received.






听力原文:The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the weddin

听力原文: The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together.

The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring. That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond represented beauty(29). He placed it on the third finger of her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart(30). Today, we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues.

Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and party. During this time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing.

Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party.

During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger, The husband wears her ring on the third finger of his left hand.

Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other(31). Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this happens, the woman usually returns the ring to the main they also return any wedding gifts they have received.






听力原文:How much money did Joey Cheek get for his gold medal from the U.S. Olympic Commit


A.1000 dollars.

B.25,000 dollars.

C.40,000 dollars.

D.15,000 dollars.

听力原文:Woman: And gold bugs are rejoicing. There was a Gold Rush of a sort this week. Fo
llowing a four-year slide in prices, the price of one ounce of gold soared to $ 327. That's up 20% in just two days to a 17-month high. But it still remains far below its historic peak of more than $800 an ounce. Remember that? Reached way back in 1980. Is there any money to be made in gold? Jenny Merton does some digging in this week's Money Matters.

Man: Investors around the world went mining for gold this week. Three recent events led to the bullion wine binge. First, the Bank of England's gold auction two weeks ago went better than anticipated. It got much higher prices this month for gold than it had in July. At the same time, the IMF confirmed it cancelled plans to sell 10 million ounces of its gold reserves on the open market. And then last weekend, fifteen European central banks, which hold about half of the world's gold reserves, pledged to limit sales for the next five years, basically cutting back new gold supplies to the market and boosting its price. Analysts said the trio-fact signals good news for the gold market.

Commodities analyst and author of the new book The New Precious Metals Market, Philip Gotthelf says the continuing catalyst for that momentum is Y2K.

Woman: The interest in gold is directly correlated with fears about what's going to happen after January 1, and gold traditionally is a hedge against panic.

Man: If you invested in gold just a few months ago, you might have made a glittering 50% return on your money. But Gotthetf said that mediocre rise probably won't continue, but there are still ways to benefit from this rally. Experts recommend investing in large good quality mining companies like Newmont Corporation and Homestake Mining. They will continue to do well even if gold pulls hack a little.

Woman: We should keep in mind. though, that in the long run gold companies are good business. They manufacture the stuff cheaply, and they sell it more expensively, and that's just a profitable business. So you should look at these companies as those that are manufacturing apparel, cars, oil Whatever the case might be, gold happens to be a good product.

Man: Another way to profit from gold could be through a gold fund. Most of those which were down more than 50% over the past three years have picked up nicely so far this year. And if you are in market for gold jewelry, perhaps as a Christmas gift, one analyst said: "Don't worry" The current retail inventory was purchased at cheaper prices, so the actual jewelry price shouldn't go up along with the rest of the gold market, at least during this holiday gift-giv-ing season.

Woman: Hint, hint. Well, experts said you might also want to take a look at what they called "poor man's gold", that's silver. The silver prices have followed gold up recently. Analysts like Idaho-based gold and silver miner Couterd'alene.

Meanwhile Bill Gates, you know him of

Microsoft's fame. Well, he has already jumped on this silver bandwagon. It was revealed this week that he now owns a 10.3 % stake in mining company Pan American Silver Corp. See how that turns out.

?You will hear a dialogue about gold price.

?For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Following a four-year slide in prices, the price of one ounce of gold increased to




听力原文:People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was d

听力原文: People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was discovered in California in the mid 1800's, hundreds and hundreds of people rushed in, hoping to get a part of the wealth. Today, gold in California continues to have as much of an appeal as it did over one hundred years ago. Modem prospectors in the form. of mining corporations have headed back to the same area to use new techniques for locating the gold that old time prospectors left behind. These modern prospectors, however, do not have some of the problems the old timers had. Anxious to seek a fast fortune, many of those early prospectors arrived before law and order were established. And they took full advantage of this situation by cheating and robbing each other. But not every one looking for gold in those days was greedy. Some people were generous and helpful. One such person was William Waldo. He established a relief committee that collected money and supplies to help save the lives of countless people who were caught in the mountains by early snowstorms before they even reached California.


A.Better land.

B.Quick wealth.

C.Modem equipment.

D.Stricter laws.

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