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听力原文:Man: Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?Woman: Fine, thanks.Man: Are you sure you are

听力原文:Man: Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?

Woman: Fine, thanks.

Man: Are you sure you are all right? You look a bit worried today. Is there anything wrong?

Woman: Well, yes, there is something wrong actually. Perhaps you can give me some advice.

Man: Of course, if I can.

Woman: Well, last night when I returned from the theatre, I found that I'd lost my wallet.

Man: Oh, dear! That's terrible! What was in your wallet?

Woman: Well, some money, of course, my visa, all my identity cards and some photos.

Man: Well, if I were you, I'd go to the police station straight away and report it.

Woman: Yes, I've already done that, and they said that they'd make a search for it. But we're leaving soon and I need my visa and identity cards badly.

Man: Oh, dear! What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?

Woman: Yes, quite sure.

Man: I think you should put an advertisement in the China Dally, saying when and where you lost it.

Woman: But that takes too long.

Man: Walt a minute! I know! How stupid of me. My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre. I'll telephone him and ask him to go there. You'd better go and have breakfast and I'll meet you later.

Woman: Oh, thank you. That's marvelous. I hope he finds it.


A.She had lost her wallet.

B.She was lost and couldn't find her way back to her hotel.

C.She didn't know where she had lost her identity card.

D.She didn't know the way to the theatre.

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更多“听力原文:Man: Hello, Elizabeth. Ho…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hello, I'm calling about the position of the lab assistant.W: Are you aware th

听力原文:M: Hello, I'm calling about the position of the lab assistant.

W: Are you aware that it is only available to graduate students?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.There's no job available now.

B.The job has already been taken by others.

C.Only graduate students are qualified for the job.

D.The man is a graduate student.

听力原文:M: Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?W: Hold th

听力原文:M: Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?

W: Hold the line please. I'll find out.

Q: What does the woman tell the man to do?


A.Hang on tightly to the telephone.

B.Find out for himself about the library's hours.

C.Wait a while she looks for the book he wants.

D.Wait a while she gets the information he wants.

听力原文:M: Hello, can you tell me if the museum will be open Saturday evening?W: Hold the

听力原文:M: Hello, can you tell me if the museum will be open Saturday evening?

W: Hold the line, please. I'll find out.

Q: What does the woman tell the man to do?


A.Find out the place for her.

B.Wait while she gets the information he wants.

C.Hang up the telephone.

D.Ask someone else.

听力原文:W: Hello, Tim. Do you go to work by bike every day?M: Yes. I've tried fruit diet

听力原文:W: Hello, Tim. Do you go to work by bike every day?

M: Yes. I've tried fruit diet to reduce my weight, but the doctor says exercise is more effective at my age.

Q: How's the man trying to lose weight?


A.By going on a diet.

B.By reading more books.

C.By riding a bike.

D.By eating more fruits.

听力原文:M: Hello, I want a cab.W: OK. What address is it?M: 1120,East 32nd Street.W: Righ

听力原文:M: Hello, I want a cab.

W: OK. What address is it?

M: 1120,East 32nd Street.

W: Right. The cab will be there in several minutes.

What is the address given by the man?

A.1120, East 42nd Street.

B.1120, East 32nd Street.

C.1220, East 32nd Street.

D.1220, East 42nd Street.

听力原文:M: Hello! May I speak to Sam, please?W: Sorry. Nobody by that name works here. Wh

听力原文:M: Hello! May I speak to Sam, please?

W: Sorry. Nobody by that name works here.

What do we learn from this dialogue?

A.Sam is not home now.

B.The woman must be angry with the man's calling.

C.The man must have the wrong number.

听力原文:A: Hello, the pipe in my bedroom is leaking. Can you come and get it repaired rig

We can infer from the conversation that the man is a(n)______.


B.construction worker.

C.office boy.


听力原文:M: Hello, I want a cab.W: OK. What address is it?M: 1120, East 32nd Street.W: Rig

听力原文:M: Hello, I want a cab.

W: OK. What address is it?

M: 1120, East 32nd Street.

W: Right. The cab will be there in several minutes.

M: Thanks a lot.

What is the address given by the man?

A.1120, East 42nd Street.

B.1120, East 32nd Street.

C.1220, East 32nd Street.

D.1220, East 42nd Street

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