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Exceptional managers have "something special" that sets them apart from the crowd. It's no

t as mysterious as it sounds. Most of the time, that something special is the sheer determination to' maintain positive habits of success. Do you want to join the ranks of highly effective managers? You can start with these seven proven career boosters.

1. Increase your self-discipline

If you are like most people, you find it easy to do a good job when you are in high spirits. The real test comes when you are not feeling motivated or particularly energetic. Are these good enough reasons to snap at customers or behave like a nasty martyr at work? No!

As a manager, like it or not, you are a role model. You set the standard when it comes to personal behavior, so make sure that standard is high. A moment of impulsiveness can tear down years of hard work when it comes to your career and reputation.

2. Show consistent kindness

Good managers don't throw their weight around or rely on intimidation to get results. Do you? Any job—especially management positions—involves the support and assistance of others. You can't perform. effectively as a one-man band. Thus, it is foolish to burn bridges and keep off co-workers.

3. Stretch goals

What if the following words came out of an airplane loudspeaker: "Folks, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is we have lost our direction finder and one engine. The good news is we have a tail wind, so wherever we're going we will get there at a rate of 600 miles an hour," The bad news certainly outweighs the good, right? So it is with your career. Without goals that are clear in your mind—goals to which you are firmly committed—your career flight plan is tragically flawed. Working at a quick pace does not amount to much if you don't have a clear vision of the end result you are striving to achieve.

4. Welcome criticism

Criticism may sting, but you must embrace feedback and not avoid it. After all, how else will you know what to improve upon? Don't fool yourself into thinking other opinions don't matter. In the business world, your credibility and reputation play a key role in how far—and how quickly—you move ahead. Soliciting input from others always leaves you with a clearer view of your blind spots. Becoming defensive and hostile when faced with constructive criticism will insulate you from the truth and greatly limit your potential.

5. Be a solution-finder, not a problem-identifier

It takes no particular talent to find fault, but many behave as though their "gift" must be shared again and again. You may know people at work who constantly nit-pick about company decisions. These professional problem-identifiers generally get stuck mid-way up the career ladder. Choosing to criticize or blame your superiors for their decisions shows great disloyalty and sets a lousy example for your staff. You have a duty to stand behind the powers, regardless of whether or not you agree whole-heartedly with their decisions. Do you have to suffer in silence when you disagree violently with something at work? Not at all. You can develop the habit of criticizing positively by recommending a more perfect solution.

6. Show boundless enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is contagious, and successful managers realize the effect their attitude has on their mood and productivity. Const




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更多“Exceptional managers have "som…”相关的问题
From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.A.European employees are not hospitable

From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A.European employees are not hospitable to clients

B.there is no easy way to solve the problem concerned

C.American employees are exceptional in offering customer service

D.hospitality managers in America and Europe are faced with the same problem

The discussion of the regional bank serves which of the following functions within the pas
sage as a whole?

A.It describes an exceptional case in which investment in service actually failed to produce a competitive advantage.

B.It illustrates the pitfalls of choosing to invest in service at a time when investment is needed more urgently in another area.

C.It demonstrates the kind of analysis that managers apply when they choose one kind of service investment over another.

D.It provides an example of the point about investment in service made in the first paragraph.

She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.A.regularB.specificC.ex

She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.










1996 was an exceptional year when an economic slump caused a drop in international trade,
hence the lower sales this year.

She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.A.excellentB.peculiarC.

She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.






A.Off-Campus: Standard Apartment Living

B.On-Campus: Residence Halls

C.Off-Campus: Exceptional Apartment Living

D.Off-Campus: Luxury Community Living

E.On-Campus: Luxury Halls

Dr. Sternberg has proposed a theory of intelligence that includes such traits as how well
a person plans strategies for problem-solving or handles novel situations. And a theory put forth by Howard Gardner of Harvard describes seven kinds of intelligence, including the body control displayed by athletes and dancers, musical talent, interpersonal skills such as being able to read another's feeling, as well as more academic abilities like mathematical and logical reasoning.

Much of the new work examines attitudes that allow people to make best use of whatever mental skills they may have. One such outlook is what psychologists call "self- efficacy," the belief that one has mastery over the events of one's life and can meet a given challenge.

"People's beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities," said Albert Bandura, a psychologist at Stanford University, who has done the major research on self-efficacy. "Ability is not a fixed property; there is huge variability in how you perform. People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failure: they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong. "

In the study of exceptional managers by Drs. McClelland and Klemp, for instance, the best ones displayed a strong self-confidence, seeing themselves as the most capable person for their job and as being stimulated by crises. Along similar lines, Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has shown that people who are more optimistic do better than pessimists in a wide variety of endeavors (努力) from selling insurance to achievement in school.

Self-efficacy varies from one part of a person's life to another. A self-confident manager, for instance, may feel ineffective as a father. Dr. Bandura and other researchers have found that self-efficacy acts as a powerful force in people's choices of what they will try in life and what they avoid. Many women, they have found, have a low level of self-efficacy with regard to computers or math, and so tend to shy away from careers that depend heavily on those skills.

Some of the psychologists believe that although the practical intelligence seems to come naturally to certain people, other people can be trained to be smarter in this way, to some extent. Dr. Sternberg and Dr. McClelland, for example, have worked on developing training techniques to enhance different aspects of practical intelligence.

In the passage the author ______.

A.expounds his objections to Dr. Sternberg's theory of intelligence

B.has made a thorough analysis of the 7 kinds of intelligence described by Howard Gardner

C.has put forth the theory of self-efficacy

D.dwells on the theory of self-efficacy

请在第_____处填上正确答案。A. additionalB. specificC. especialD. exceptional


A. additional

B. specific

C. especial

D. exceptional

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