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Modern manufacturing encompasses all of the activities and process necessary to conve





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根据下面内容,回答题 Speaking Your Customers&39; Language Modern international tradin


Speaking Your Customers&39; Language

Modern international trading practices are highlighting the growing importance of language training.

Modern-day business really does transcend national barriers.Thanks to sophisticated IT and communications systems, businesses can now market their products on a truly global scale.The world is indisputably becoming a smaller place, as service and manufacturing companies search the international marketplace for new suppliers and clients.Businesses must, however, be aware that once they expand the area in which they operate, they face increased competition.The standard and quality of their goods become increasingly important in keeping up with competitors.But most of all, it is the service element accompanying the goods which is crucial to a company&39;s success in a particular market.This new philosophy has led to many companies, some of which have even offered products of a lesser quality, gaining success overseas.

Although globalization may, in some senses, have brought national economies closer together, societies around the world still have radically different expectations, processes and standards.These are not a function of economic change, but are more deep-rooted and difficult to alter.They can be a major problem for businesses expanding abroad, with the greatest obstacle of all being the language barrier.If you have to deal with clients, suppliers and distributors in a range of countries, you will not only need the skills to communicate with them, you will also need to reconcile any national biases you have with the diverse ways of doing business that exist around the globe.

The value of effective communication is not to be underestimated.New technology such as video-conferencing and email has played a part in making the communication process easier and it may also be possible that the introduction of language interpretation software will help with some global communications problems.But, of course, it is the human element of the communication process that is so vital in business, especially in negotiations, presentations and team-building.It is essential for managers to meet regularly with staff, customers and partners, so that issues can be discussed, messages communicated and feedback obtained.The value of well-organized language training is immense, and can bring benefits to all levels and departments within a multinational organization.Unfortunately, however, many organizations have a very narrow view when it comes to training of any kind.Often, an urgent requirement has to be identified before training is authorized.Then, a training company is employed or a programme is developed in-house, the team is trained, and that is seen as the end of the matter.However, the fact remains that training programmes are effective only if they are relevant to a company&39;s broader, long-term needs.They should be regarded as an investment rather than a cost.

Changes in expectations and attitudes are certain to continue for companies that trade globally.Although such companies are not yet faced with their international partners and clients demanding that business be conducted in their mother tongue, they realize that overseas competition is increasingly fast.If these companies want to continue to achieve success on the international trading circuit, they must be prepared to adapt to situations and speak the local language.If not, someone else will.

According to the first paragraph, improved communications have enabled companies to_______ 查看材料

A.offer a wider variety of products and services

B.expand beyond their domestic markets

C.perform. better than their international competitors

D.open more manufacturing facilities abroad

This is the "designer" age. People in the West talk of designer labels and designer violen
ce. The word "designer" has become an adjective loaded with the symbolism and imagery of the consumer society. For the first time in history, it is possible to live a "designer lifestyle"— if you can afford it.

But what does the word "design" mean? The subject of design covers a wide range of activities, from materials technology at the hard end to styling and marketing at the soft end. The number of people who have made a contribution to the history of design at any of these levels is vast. Actually the term can also be confined to meaning the people who had the ideas and who invented the forms which changed our taste.

The term "design" as we now use it is a modern invention, a product of the division of labor and other economic changes thrown up by the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. With the rise of mechanized production and standardized products, there came the need for disciplined product planning. No longer did the person who had an idea for something go on to make it. The new order, in which the designer had the idea and the factory-worker manufactured it, meant the designer achieved a new and unprecedented status in the system.

The 20th century design has had an important influence on the Western way of life. Objects have acquired not only culture status, but massive symbolic significance through people's perceptions of them. The Coca-Cola bottle--the most famous bottle in the world and the classic piece of modern package design now symbolizes the power of the 20th century Western civilization to penetrate and erode other cultures. From modern painters such as Warhol to many contemporary films, Coca-Cola has become a symbol of cultural imperialism, and is such a familiar part of the consumer landscape that it is almost invisible.

The possibility that the Coca-Cola bottle was too familiar worried the company so much that several years ago they redesigned the famous logo and the bottle, and changed the taste of the syrup as part of an on-going battle with rival company Pepsi. So loud was the public outcry, however, that the company quickly reinstated all three.

Making an image and making an object have become indivisible parts of the design process. Coca-Cola owns nothing more than the recipe for a syrup and the copyright on a logo, yet it is a multimillion dollar business.

Now design is at the cutting edge of business competition. The importance of design has changed through the various phases of industrial growth, and in the years to come it will increasingly assume a high priority in corporate. Today, placing the idea of quality foremost in purchasers' minds is so important that it has spawned a new science-design technology. In today's business environment, the research and development of design ideas has become an essential part of the manufacturing and selling processes.

How many meanings does the author give the term "design"?





AutomationThe term automation was coined around 1946 by the automobile industry to describ


The term automation was coined around 1946 by the automobile industry to describe the increased use of automatic devices and controls in mechanized production lines. Today, it is widely used in a manufacturing context but is also applied outside of manufacturing in connection with a variety of systems in which there is a significant substitution of mechanical, electrical, or computerized action for human effort and intelligence. An operation is commonly described as automated if it is Substantially more automatic than its predecessor.

In its most general usage, automation can be defined as a technology concerned with carrying out a process by means of programmed commands combined with the automatic feedback of data relating to the execution of those commands. The resulting system is capable of operating without human intervention. The development of this technology has become increasingly dependent on the use of computers and computer-related technologies. As a consequence, automated systems have become sophisticated and complex. Advanced systems of this sort now represent a level of capability and performance that surpass in many ways the abilities of humans to accomplish the same activities.

Automation technology has matured to a point where a number of other technologies have developed from it and have achieved a recognition and status of their own. Robotics is one such technology. It is a specialized branch of automation in which the automated machine possesses certain characteristics. The most typical humanlike characteristic of a modern industrial robot is its powered mechanical arm. The robot's arm can be programmed to do a sequence of motions to perform. useful tasks, such as loading and unloading parts at a production machine or making a sequence of spot-welds on the body of an automobile. The robot will repeat the motion pattern until it is reprogrammed to perform. some alternative task. As these examples of robot applications suggest, an industrial robot is typically used to replace a human worker in a factory operation.

The field of robotics has its roots in the development of automation technology. Numerical control (NC) and telecherics are two important areas of technology that constitute the foundations of robotics technology.

Over the years, the social merits of automation have been argued by labour leaders, government officials, business executives, and college professors. No doubt the biggest controversy has focused on the employment issue: What is the effect of automation on employment? There are other important aspects of the automation issue as well, including its effect on productivity, economic competition, education, and quality of life.

The advantages commonly attributed to automation include increased production rates, more efficient use of materials, better product quality, improved safety, shorter workweeks for labour, and reduction of factory lead times.

Automated machines are usually designed to operate at higher production rates than humans are capable of achieving. This increased productivity has been one of the biggest reasons for justifying the adoption of automated systems. Notwithstanding the claims of high quality from good workmanship by humans, automated systems are generally capable of carrying out the manufacturing process with less variability that humans make, thus yielding greater control and consistency of product quality. In addition, the increased process control makes possible more efficient use of materials, resulting in less waste.

Automated manufacturing systems often, remove workers from the workplace, thus safeguarding them against hazards in the work environment. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) was enacted with the objective of making work safer and protecting the physical well-being of the worker on a




Paris 1. Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north central


1. Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north central France. The Paris metropolitan area contains nearly 20 of the nation's population and is the economic, cultural, and political center of France. The French governments have historically favored the city as the site for all decision making, thus powerfully attracting nearly all of the nation's activities.

2.Paris has grown steadily since it was chosen as the national Capital in the late 10th century. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, a great number of people moved to the city from the "country during the 19th century.The migration was especially stimulated by the construction of railroads, which provided easy access to the capital. After World War II more and more immigrants arrived.

3. The city is the centralized control point of most national radio and television broad- casting. It is a place of publication of the most prestigious newspapers and magazines and an international book-publishing .center. With more than 100 museums, Paris has truly been one of the greatest concentrations of art treasures in the worlD.The Louvre, opened as a museum in 1793, is one of the largest museums in the world.

4. In the late 1980s about 4. 1 million pupils annually attended about 47,000 elementary schools. In addition, about 5. 4 million students attended some 11, 200 secondary schools. Approximately 1. 2 million students were enrolled annually at universities and colleges in France in the late 1980s. French centers of learning have served as academic models throughout the world.

5. Paris is the leading industrial center of France, with about one quarter of the nation's manufacturing concentrated in the metropolitan area, lndustries of consumer goods have at ways been drawn to Paris by the enormous market of the big population, and modern, high-technology industries also have become numerous since World War II. Chief manufactures are machinery, automobiles, chemicals and" electrical equipment

第 23 题 Paragraph 2_________

A.History of the city

B.Industries of the city

C.Population growth


E.cultural center


Explain why carbon fiber reinforced composites are widely used in manufacturing airplane.
When a manufacturing company purchases raw materials or component parts to be used in

A.Expense accounts

B.Raw Materials Inventory

C.Finished Goods Inventory

D.Manufacturing Overhead

The industry Carnegie was not concerned with was ______.A.the manufacturing of steelB.the

The industry Carnegie was not concerned with was ______.

A.the manufacturing of steel

B.the transporting of the finished products

C.the movement of raw materials

D.the lumber business

Zoomlion is mainly engaged in the R&D and manufacturing of advanced technologies a
nd equipment for national key____________.

As manufacturing techniques allow components to shrink in size, hardware engineers find it easier to

As manufacturing techniques allow components to shrink in size, hardware engineers find it easier to work.

The manufacturing sector has remained the backbone of the American economy since the
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