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Something unexpected happened, so I have to _________ my departure.





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更多“Something unexpected happened,…”相关的问题
The manager used to______to each employee in person when something unexpected happened.A.s

The manager used to______to each employee in person when something unexpected happened.





Something unexpected happened during Bower’S experiment when___________.

听力原文:Wofsy says that politicians and scientists use different definitions of uncertain
ty. For example, a scientist might disprove one of several competing theories or even learn something entirely unexpected -- but still not be any closer to solving a problem.

Scientists know more about competing theories of uncertainty, so they are closer to solving a problem.



It is not easy to look after three small children because something always happens unexpec
ted to them.



C.Not mentioned

LED Lighting1An accidental discovery announced recently has taken LED lighting to a new le

LED Lighting

1 An accidental discovery announced recently has taken LED lighting to a new level, suggesting it could soon offer a cheaper, longer-lasting alternative to the traditional light bulb. The breakthrough adds to a growing trend that is likely to eventually make Thomas Edison&39;s bright invention obsolete. LEDs are already used in traffic lights, flashlights, and architectural lighting. They are flexible and operate less expensively than traditional lighting.

2 Michael Bowers, a graduate student2 at Vanderbilt University, was just trying to make really small quantum dots, which are crystals generally only a few nanometers big. Quantum dots contain anywhere from 100 to 1,000 electrons. They&39;re easily excited bundles of energy, and the smaller they are, the more excited they get. Each dot in Bowers&39; particular batch was exceptionally small, containing only 33 or 34 pairs of atoms.

3 When you shine a light on quantum dots or apply electricity to them, they react by producing their own light, normally a bright, vibrant color. But when Bowers shined a laser on his batch of dots, something unexpected happened. He was surprised when a white glow covered the table. The quantum dots were supposed to emit blue light, but instead they were giving off a beautiful white glow.

4 Then Bowers and another student got the idea to stir the dots into polyurethane and coat a blue LED light bulb with the mix. The lumpy bulb wasn&39;t pretty, but it produced white light similar to a regular light bulb.

5 LEDs produce twice as much light as a regular 60 watt bulb and burn for over 50,000 hours. The Department of Energy estimates LED lighting could reduce U. S. energy consumption for lighting by 29 percent by 2025. LEDs don&39;t emit heat, so they&39;re also more energy efficient. And they&39;re much harder to break.

6 Quantum dot mixtures could be painted on just about anything and electrically excited to produce a rainbow of colors, including white. The main light source of the future will almost surely not be a bulb. It might be a table, a wall, or even a fork.

Paragraph 1 ______

A LED Lighting Is Not MatureB LED Lighting Will Replace Traditional LightingC Almost Everything Could Be the Main Light Source in the FutureD LED Lighting Has Many AdvantagesE Bowers Made an Unexpected DiscoveryF LED Light Bulbs Look Lumpy

Paragraph 3 ______

A LED Lighting Is Not MatureB LED Lighting Will Replace Traditional LightingC Almost Everything Could Be the Main Light Source in the FutureD LED Lighting Has Many AdvantagesE Bowers Made an Unexpected DiscoveryF LED Light Bulbs Look Lumpy

Paragraph 5 ______

A LED Lighting Is Not MatureB LED Lighting Will Replace Traditional LightingC Almost Everything Could Be the Main Light Source in the FutureD LED Lighting Has Many AdvantagesE Bowers Made an Unexpected DiscoveryF LED Light Bulbs Look Lumpy

Paragraph 6 ______

A LED Lighting Is Not MatureB LED Lighting Will Replace Traditional LightingC Almost Everything Could Be the Main Light Source in the FutureD LED Lighting Has Many AdvantagesE Bowers Made an Unexpected DiscoveryF LED Light Bulbs Look Lumpy

Unlike traditional lighting, LEDs do not give out heat so ______.

A traditional lighting is less durable and dearerB a laser excited the quantum dotsC America adopted LEDsD graduate students work hardE quantum dot mixtures are magicF it is more efficient

Edison&39;s bright invention is likely to be outdated because ______.

A traditional lighting is less durable and dearerB a laser excited the quantum dotsC America adopted LEDsD graduate students work hardE quantum dot mixtures are magicF it is more efficient

Something unexpected happened during Bower&39;s experiment when ______.

A traditional lighting is less durable and dearerB a laser excited the quantum dotsC America adopted LEDsD graduate students work hardE quantum dot mixtures are magicF it is more efficient

Over one quarter of energy consumption for lighting could be saved by 2025 if ______.

A traditional lighting is less durable and dearerB a laser excited the quantum dotsC America adopted LEDsD graduate students work hardE quantum dot mixtures are magicF it is more efficient


Questions are based on the following passage. Young people tend to be critical of their p

Questions are based on the following passage.

Young people tend to be critical of their parents at times and blame them for most ofthe misunderstandings between them. I think it is true that parents often underestimate theirteenage children and also(36)how they themselves felt when young.

For example, young people like doing things on spur of the moment: it is one of theirways of showing that they can accept a(37). Older people worry more(38); most ofthem plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to beupset by something(39).

So my advice to you is this: when you want to borrow the family car or get your mother tomend something for you, you will have better success ifyou can possibly ask in advance.

Young people also make it harder for their parents to trust them because they liketo(40)them. They say things like "Everybody we know drives at ninety miles anhour", or "We"ve all decided we won"t study for our final examinations —— it"s(41)"Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles,in entertainers and music. This is not their main(42). They feel cut off from the adultworld, into which they have not yet been accepted. So they(43)a culture and society oftheir own. Then, if it tums out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes orhairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them(44)enjoyment. They feel they are(45),at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style. and taste.





E. challenge

F. recall

G. importantly

H. unexpected

I . shock

J . easily

K. benefit

L . motive

M. forget

N. helpful

O. Useless



听力原文:M: Do you think people today do a good job of planning for financial emergencies?

W: Well,I think most people want to have a secure future. Um,however,the information they need to achieve financial security isn't at their fingertips. For example,well,they need to establish their goals,for instance,how much money do they need to live?

M: Then how much money do you think people need to save for themselves?

W: Welt,the thing is,you should have 3-6 months of monthly salary saved,so whatever your monthly salary is,you should have enough to pay your expenses for 3-6 months without any income.

M: And then in addition to that,most of us need to plan for college,retirement,taking care of parents,etc.

W: Uh-huh. And the kinds of things that rise up unexpectedly,for example,like the water heater blowing up or the car not starting in the morning.

M: So,what's the biggest mistake people make?

W: Well,they tend to live from paycheck to paycheck. And when something unexpected occurs,if they don't have someone to help,they just go deeper and deeper into debt,then fall farther and farther behind their payments.

M: So,if you could give people one piece of advice to make their financial future more secure,what would you suggest?

W: The best advice I can give is that“Pay yourself first”. When you get your paycheck,save some portion of it,even $i0 a week. That's giving up a movie or one stop at a fast food restaurant.


A.3-6 months of monthly salary

B.13% of their monthly salary

C.10 dollars a week

D.36% of their monthly salary

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes
shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants and his objective is to find it and buy it, the price is a secondary consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on proceed at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.

For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman, as the name implies, tries to sell the customer something else. He offers the nearest he can to the article required. No good salesman brings out such a substitute bluntly, he does so with skill and polish, "I know this jacket is not the style. you want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the colour you mentioned." Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is: "This is the right colour and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on."

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only "having a look round." She is always open to persuasion, indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her, even by what companions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

When a man is buying clothes, ______.

A.he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things

B.he buys cheap things, regardless of quality

C.he chooses things that others recommend

D.he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too expensive

根据下列材料,请回答下列各题: Questions 36 to 45 are based Oil the following passage. The
concept of man versus machine is at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends to be most acutely felt during economic downturns and slow recoveries. Since technology has such a big 36 for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we cant immediately foresee. When there is exponential (指数的. 37 in the price and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be 38 from automation suddenly become threatened. This is a powerful argument, and a scary one. And yet, John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says the argument misses the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first palce. Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be tightly scripted and highly 39 ones that leave no room for individual initiative or creativity. In short, these are the types of jobs that machines can 40 much better than human beings. That is how we have put a giant 41 sign on the backs of American workers. Its time to 42 the formula for how work is conducted, since we are still relying on a very 20thcentury 43 of work, Hagel says. In our 44 changing economy, we more than ever need people in the workplace who can take initiative and exercise their imagination to respond to 45 events. Thats not something machines are good at. They are designed to perform. very predictable activities.















unexpected 请回答(36)题__________.

Brown's comments on the project caused unexpected().





We were compelled to______our negotiation owing to unexpected incident.A.suspendB.surrende

We were compelled to______our negotiation owing to unexpected incident.





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