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听力原文:M: Welcome to Philadelphia, Julia.W: Thank you.M: Is everything settled?W: Almost

听力原文:M: Welcome to Philadelphia, Julia.

W: Thank you.

M: Is everything settled?

W: Almost.

M: What can I do for you?

W: I suppose I should look for a bigger house. But I don't see how I can afford one right now.

M: If only you hadn't spent so much money on your vacation this summer!

W: You're right. But I really had a happy vacation.

M: OK. Maybe you can move into my mother's house and share that with her for a couple of months.

W: Thank you. But I don't want to trouble you too much.

M: No trouble at all.

W: How much should I pay for the rent?

M: About $400 a month.

W: Great. That's one-third less than it was when I first rented a house.

Why doesn't the woman have enough money at hand to rent a bigger house?

A.She spent much money on her vacation this summer.

B.She doesn't want to leave there.

C.She will save some money to buy a new house.

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更多“听力原文:M: Welcome to Philadelphi…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Welcome sir, go this way please.M: Thank you.W: Would you like to see a menu?M

听力原文:W: Welcome sir, go this way please.

M: Thank you.

W: Would you like to see a menu?

M: No, thanks. I already know what to order.

What is the woman' s job?

A.A doctor.

B.A secretary.

C.A waitress.

听力原文:M: Good evening! Welcome to Denny's Hotel. May I help you?W: Yes, I'd like to boo

听力原文:M: Good evening! Welcome to Denny's Hotel. May I help you?

W: Yes, I'd like to book a double room with a shower for two nights.

Q: What is the woman doing?


A.Booking a room.

B.Cleaning a room.

C.Taking a shower.

D.Ordering a dinner.

听力原文:W: Good evening. I'm Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.M: Hello, I'

听力原文:W: Good evening. I'm Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.

M: Hello, I've got seat A 6. I hope it's by a window so that I can see the view.

Where did this conversation probably take place?

A.On a train.

B.On a boat.

C.On a plane.

D.On a bus.

听力原文:M: Welcome! What can I do for you?W: I'd like a bottle of Coca Cola and some cake

听力原文:M: Welcome! What can I do for you?

W: I'd like a bottle of Coca Cola and some cakes.

M: OK. Here you are.

Q: Where are they?


A.In a food store.

B.In the post office.

C.In the police office.

听力原文:M: Welcome hack. How was your trip?W: Well, the trip was worth neither the time n

听力原文:M: Welcome hack. How was your trip?

W: Well, the trip was worth neither the time nor the money. I should have stayed at home.

Q: What does the woman feel about the trip?


A.The trip was worth both the time and the money.

B.The trip was not worth both the time and the money.

C.She enjoyed her trip very much.

D.She wanted to stay at home.

听力原文:M: Can you tell me where the closest pay phone is?W: You're welcome to use mine,

听力原文:M: Can you tell me where the closest pay phone is?

W: You're welcome to use mine, Fred. It will save you ten cents.

M: Thank you. You're very kind.

What will the man probably do next?

A.Look for a pay phone nearby.

B.Use the woman's phone.

C.Borrow ten cents to pay the phone.

D.Give the woman the phone bill.

听力原文:M: Hi, Phyllis. It's great to see you! Where should I put my coat?W: Welcome, Joe

听力原文:M: Hi, Phyllis. It's great to see you! Where should I put my coat?

W: Welcome, Joel. You can just throw it on the bed in the guest bedroom with all the rest. What's in the bag?

M: Oh, I brought some blocks and puzzles for the kids. They were my son's favorites when he was little.

W: You didn't have to do that. But I'm sure that they'll love them. They're always so bored when I have co-workers over. Thank you.

Where most likely are the speakers?

A.At a school.

B.At a banquet.

C.At a business meeting.

D.At a party.

听力原文:Can you fax this to the warehouse, please?(A) Sure, just give me 2 minutes.(B) Ac

听力原文:Can you fax this to the warehouse, please?

(A) Sure, just give me 2 minutes.

(B) Actually, I'm not sure where his house is.

(C) You're welcome, it was my pleasure.





听力原文:W: Welcome to Seven Star' s. Have you decided what to order?M: Actually, this is

听力原文:W: Welcome to Seven Star' s. Have you decided what to order?

M: Actually, this is my first time here, so what would you recommend for lunch?

W: Well, we have a delicious potato soup today, and the grilled trout with asparagus is quite good. Do you think you need a few more minutes?

M: Yes, please. I think I need some more time to decide, but if you don't mind, could you bring me a glass of water first?

Where most likely are the speakers?

A.At a grocery store

B.At a restaurant

C.At a farm

D.In a theater

听力原文:M: Welcome back! I didn't see you in physics class last Thursday.W: I was absent

听力原文:M: Welcome back! I didn't see you in physics class last Thursday.

W: I was absent myself that day. I went on a trip to New York, I just came back last night.

M: New York! What a city! I'm sure you had lots of fun there.

W: No, not really. I was busy doing business. It's very hot there, too.

M: Well, did you enjoy the trip? I have never been to New York. I'd like to go there someday.

W: Yeah, it was OK. I went to see the Statue of Liberty and that made the trip interesting. Try to make it during the spring or autumn when the weather is nice.

When did the woman absent the physics class last week?




听力原文:W Welcome to Olivier's. We have a new menu so you might have some questions.M Ver

听力原文:W Welcome to Olivier's. We have a new menu so you might have some questions.

M Very true, this is a lot different from the last time I was here. What would you recommend for someone on a diet?

W For today's special, we have mushroom soup and a new grilled chicken salad. Our grilled salmon has also been very popular today. I'll give you a few more minutes to decide.

M I will definitely need a few more minutes but I would like a glass of mineral water first, please. Thank you.

Where most likely are the speakers?

A.At a friend's house

B.At a cooking class

C.At a restaurant

D.At a supermarket

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