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听力原文:In this century the traditional American family is constantly faced with the thre

听力原文: In this century the traditional American family is constantly faced with the threat of breakdown. Some sociologists suggest that one little-noticed cause may be the introduction of the TV dinner.

Before the appearance of television sets, the American dinner was a big event for the family, for in many homes dinner time may he the only time when everyone got together. A typical dinner was usually in three stages. In the preparation stage, the children and father frequently helped with table setting while mother put the last touches on the roast. In the eating stage, family members shared the day's experiences and mere food was consumed. In this stage families got to know one another and made joint decisions around the dinner table, and thus the family solidarity was reinforced. In the cleaning-up stage, children or father again gave their hands, so that the significance to the home community was clear. Unfortunately, all of these have been erased by a product—the television set.

By the beginning of the 1980s, the typical American family dinner is just twenty minutes long. The speed-up of this once leisurely experience is clearly connected to the overall pace of modem life and maybe a model of the modern life is the TV dinners—meals designed to be consumed between the opening and closing credits of a half-hour program. The once family affair has now become nothing more than the use of a fork and knife.


A.The problem of poverty.

B.The problem of having few children.

C.The problem of poor living conditions.

D.The problem of divorce.

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更多“听力原文:In this century the tradi…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Your university seems quite new. How old is it?W: Well, this building was buil

听力原文:M: Your university seems quite new. How old is it?

W: Well, this building was built five years ago, but the school was founded over a century ago, in the early 1900s.

Q: How old was the university at the time of this conversation?


A.5 years.

B.Over 100 years.

C.90 years.

D.95 years.

听力原文:W: Wow! I do like this campus: all the big trees, the green lawns, and the old bu
ildings with tall columns. It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the eighteenth century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.An art museum.

B.A beautiful park.

C.A college campus.

D.An architectural exhibition.

听力原文:W: Ah,I really like this campus.Look,all the big trees,the green lawns,and the ol
d buildings with tall columns.It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is.The Greek style. was popular in the 18th century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.A college campus.

B.A beautiful park.

C.An art museum.

D.An old building.

听力原文:In the 19th century it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that t

听力原文: In the 19th century it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea were unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid 1800s commented that all of the great sea-fish industries are inexhaustible. Today there's evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously threatened as those of the land and the air, and the concern of conservationists now includes sea-fish as well as the African elephant, the Indian tiger and the American eagle. Further, the threat to fish is more alarming in some ways than the threat to birds and land animals because fish are a much needed food resource. Many people throughout the world depend on fish as an important part of their diets, and a decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population.


A.That they were in infinite.

B.That they should be carefully conserved.

C.That they were declining.

D.That they were limited.

听力原文:W: Wow!I do like this campus: all the big trees,the green lawns,and the old build
ings with tall columns. It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the eighteenth century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.An art museum.

B.A beautiful park.

C.A college campus.

D.An architectural exhibition.

听力原文:In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps. They had to pay posta

听力原文: In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps. They had to pay postage when they received letters. The postage rate was high at that time, because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England, was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps. He thought it would be much easier for people to use stamps to cover postage. They could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters. The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again. In this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage. It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters. That was a good idea and the government finally accepted it.

On May 6, 1840, post offices throughout England began to sell stamps-"One Penny" black stamps and "Two Pence" blue stamps.

Did people have to pay postage when they received letters in the early 19th century?



C.Don't know.

Section A听力原文:M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?W: Sorry. I don't know

Section A

听力原文:M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?

W: Sorry. I don't know for sure. But I guess it's an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalog.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


A.At an art gallery

B.In a department store

C.At a bookstore.

听力原文:Have you heard about an old book of the 19th century which sold for 300 thousand
Euros last week?

(A) I usually buy paperbacks rather than hardback ones.

(B) It is really a best-selling one.

(C) Yes, I did. I keep hoping I'll come across such a rare book.





听力原文:Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that
were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. During the first half of the eighteenth century, however, houses began to show a new elegance. As wealth increased, more and more colonists built fine houses.

What was one of the main reasons for the change in architectural style. in eighteenth century North America?

A.More architects arrived in the colonies.

B.The colonists developed an interest in classical architecture.

C.Bricks were more readily available.

D.The colonists had more money to spend on housing.

听力原文:For the last 12 of his 40 years of teaching, Professor Thomas Armstrong has serve

听力原文: For the last 12 of his 40 years of teaching, Professor Thomas Armstrong has served as Chair of the History Department. He has written books on many topics, such as Liberals vs. Conservatives and 18th Century Canadian History. He is an expert on early Canadian Studies and has a bachelor's degree from Antioch University. Even after 40 years, Professor Armstrong continues to lead the way for future academics. Join me in welcoming our distinguished guest speaker, Professor Thomas Armstrong.

What is the purpose of this speech?

A.To inform. students

B.To introduce a speaker

C.To announce a new class

D.To announce a retirement

听力原文:About 200 years ago, about 95 percent of Americans lived on farms. There were onl
y 24 urban areas, all of which were under 100,000 people. By mid-20th century, things had changed dramatically: 70 percent of the American public lived in urban areas. From 5 percent to 70 percent ! There were over 6,000 cities or urban areas.

Despite the dramatic changes over 200 years, more and more Americans have moved out of the urban areas.



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