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33 What is the most striking feature of Shakespeare's works mentioned by the author? A Sh

33 What is the most striking feature of Shakespeare's works mentioned by the author?

A Shakespeare used an enormous number of words of the English language.

B Shakespeare expressed his appreciation of the richness of the English language.

C Shakespeare studied the various usages of the English language.

D Shakespeare tried to maintain the original meaning of many English words.

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更多“33 What is the most striking f…”相关的问题
More than forty thousand readers told us what they looked for in close friendship, what th
ey expected 【21】______ friends, what they were willing to give in 【22】______ , and how satisfied they were 【23】______ quality of their friendships. The 【24】______ give little comfort to social critics.

Friendship 【25】______ to be a unique form. of 【26】______ bonding. Unlike marriage or the ties that 【27】______ parents and children, it is not defined or regulated by 【28】______ . Unlike other social roles that we are expected to 【29】______ -- as citizens, employees, members of professional societies and 【30】______ organizations--it has its own principle, which is to promote 【31】______ of warmth, trust, love, and affection 【32】______ two people.

The survey on friendship appeared in the March 【33】______ of Psychology Today. The findings 【34】______ that issues of trust and betrayal are 【35】______ to friendship. They also suggest that our readers do not 【36】______ for friends only among those who are 【37】______ like them, but find many 【38】______ differ in race, religion, and ethnic background. Arguably the most important 【39】______ that emerges from the data, 【40】______ , is not something that we found--but what we did not.






听力原文:(32) Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history

听力原文: (32) Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year, or manured (施肥)a field; but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized.

Animals fight; so do savages (野蛮人); (33) hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently—this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done—is not being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. (34) And it not only has won, but, because it has won, has been in the right. For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.

That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like. Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history, in which millions of people were killed or disabled. And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other in the streets—while, that is to say, (35) we have got to the stage of keeping the rules and behaving properly to each other in daily life—nations and countries have not learnt to do this yet, and still behave like savages.

32. Which kind of people appears most often in the history books?

33.What does it probably mean if people "are good at fighting"?

34.What is the reason for so many wars according to the passage?

35.What kind of civilization do we have in our modern society?


A.People who invented the TV.

B.People who launched a seaworthy boat.

C.People who calculated the length of the year.

D.Great conquerors, generals and soldiers.

?Read this letter about giving presentations.?Choose the best word to fill each gap.?For e

?Read this letter about giving presentations.

?Choose the best word to fill each gap.

?For each question (19 -33) , mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?One answer has been given as an example.

Most presentations today depend on the use of some sort of technology, such as a laptop computer linked to a projector. While this technology can help to (19) presentations better, it also has a (20) of getting in the way. As a general (21) . it is better to (22) on the content of a presentation as a means of (23) your audience's attention, rather than relying on sophisticated equipment.

Bear in mind that when an organization invites (24) for a contract, they may (25) four or five presentations from different companies on the same day. Each of these companies will probably be using the same computer graphics (26) and the same equipment. The chances are the presentations will be similar too.

That's why the content and (27) of what you say are important. Think about what you want to say and how to say it as clearly as possible. As a first step, you need to (28) the main points you want to get across. Audiences are easily bored and (29) to remember only the most entertaining, exciting or unusual ideas.

Next create your materials, choosing the images for your presentation carefully. Remember you do not want to stop your audience from listening to you, nor do you want to (30) . them.

Finally, make all the necessary (31) for the equipment you need. If technology is to be an important (32) of your presentation, make sure you know how to use it (33) and test it out beforehand.






听力原文:As city residents, we all think that we know what the word "city" means, but do w

听力原文: As city residents, we all think that we know what the word "city" means, but do we really (32) ? Here are some interesting facts.

In Britain, a town of any size can be called a city, if it has a cathedral. So London today includes the two cities of London and Westminster, because both parts have a cathedral (33) . But a small place in North Wales called St. Asaph has a population of fewer than 4,000 and yet because it has a cathedral it is also called a city. on the other hand, Birmingham was so large that it was specially made into a city, even though it did not have a cathedral (34) .

In the USA, "city" is simply a legal term, and it does not depend on the size or importance of the place. Confusingly, however, the US Census Bureau, an American government department that conducts official counts of the population, classifies any place with a population of over 2,500 as a city, no matter how far out in the countryside it is.

The world's most densely populated city is the area of Japan that includes Tokyo and Yokohama, which has an estimated 29,272,000 inhabitants (34) . But, in the future, it may well be replaced by a city in China or a city in India.

So, what is a city? It all depends on where you live.


A.US census officials.

B.Government employees,

C.People who live in the city.

D.Lawyers who work for the Church.

听力原文:Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But

听力原文: Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered.

The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.

Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles I enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans eat more than two billion quarts a year.


A.They think that ice cream is very new.

B.They know that ice cream is brought from Europe.

C.They think that ice cream was an American idea.

D.They don't know what ice cream is.

听力原文:Most ants are hard workers and often work from six o'clock in the morning until t

听力原文: Most ants are hard workers and often work from six o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock at night. The work is divided among the worker ants so that each one has a certain amount to do. We do not know how they decide what each one is to do, for they do not talk, some people think ants follow each other by their sense of smell. Ants often live to be one year old, and some have been known to live six or seven years. One way they get their food is from plant lice, which we might call their cows. The ants milk these "cows" by tapping the lice gently until a drop of honey comes out. Then they eat the honey. Ants take very good care of these plant lice and often build a covering over them so that they will be protected from the rain.






Most people would be 【21】______by the high quality of medicine 【22】______to most Americans

Most people would be 【21】______ by the high quality of medicine 【22】______ to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of 【23】______ to the individual, a 【24】______ amount of advanced technical equipment, and 【25】______ effort not to make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must 【26】______ in the courts if they 【27】______ things badly.

But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in 【28】______ health care is organized and 【29】______ . 【30】______ to public belief it is not just a free competition system. Besides the private system there has been a large public system, because private care was simply not 【31】______ the less fortunate and the elderly. But even with this huge public part of the system, 【32】______ this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars--mom than 10 per cent of the U. S. Budget--large numbers of Americans are left 【33】______ . These include about half the 11 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits 【34】______ income fixed by a government trying to make savings wherever they can.

The basic problem, however, is that them is no central control 【35】______ the health system. There is no 【36】______ to what doctors and hospitals charge for their services, other than what the public is able to pay. The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache, a heart attack, or a sick child, all the unfortunate person concerned can do is 【37】______ up. Two thirds of the population 【38】______ covered by medical insurance. Doctors charge as much as they want 【39】______ that the insurance, company will pay the bill. The rising cost of medicine in the U. S. A. is among the most worrying problems facing the country. In 1981 the country's health bill climbed 15.9 per cent--about twice as fast as prices 【40】______ general.=






听力原文:There are three groups of English learners: beginners, intermediate learners and

听力原文: There are three groups of English learners: beginners, intermediate learners and learners of special English. Beginners need to learn the basis of English. Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills. But what about the students who want to learn special English for their work or professional life? Most students who fit the third group have a clear idea of what they want to learn. A bank clerk, for example, wants to use the special English vocabulary and technical terms of finance. But for teachers, deciding how to teach special English is not so easy. For a start, the variety is enormous. Every field, from air pilots to secretaries, has its own vocabulary and technical terms. Teachers also need to have an up-to-date knowledge of that special language and not many teachers are exposed to working environments outside the classroom. These issues have influenced the way special English is taught in schools. This type of course is usually known as English for specific purposes or ESP and there is ESP course for almost every area of professional and working life. In Britain, for example, there are courses which teach English for doctors, lawyers, reporters, travel agents and people working in the hotel industry. By far, the most popular ESP courses are for business English.


A.They want to change the way English is taught.

B.They learn English to find well-paid jobs.

C.They want to have up-to-date knowledge of English.

D.They know clearly what they want to learn.

听力原文:Each day we all make many choices; most of these choices are small—what to wear,

听力原文: Each day we all make many choices; most of these choices are small—what to wear, what to eat etc. still there are many important choices that we make in life—which university to attend, what to study, whom to marry, etc. Sometimes we may become tired of making choices, but we always know that we will continue to make them as long as we live, because that is better than having them made for us. We may sometimes ask for advice about a choice we must make, but ultimately most of the decisions as to which choices are best will be made by ourselves, both important and unimportant. We also know that we will undoubtedly have to suffer that consequences of making poor choices and that we will often rejoice in the many fortunate choices we make.

Many writers have written about choices throughout our lives such as Boris Pasternak etc. One of the most popular and beloved poems in the English language has "choice" as its subject matter. In this poem, "The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost describes walking along a path through the woods and coming to a fork in the path. He must choose which fork to take, that is, which way to go, knowing that he will probably never be able to come back and try the other way. He ends his poem by "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference". This poem is seen as a metaphor for the important choices in life which do, indeed, make "all the difference". In Frost's case, the choice is often interpreted as his choice of career, to take the risk of becoming a poet, knowing that thousands of poets never really succeed.


A.Because it is difficult to make choices.

B.Because it is necessary for us to live.

C.Because others make us to do so.

D.Because making choice is better than having choices made for us.

Cars–curse or craze?Johnny Watson, 30It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollutio

Cars–curse or craze?

Johnny Watson, 30

It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollution and accidents, and so on. But what are alternatives? Nobody wants to travel in a slow, smelly old bus when you can relax in the comfort of your own car. In most countries, the public transport system is inadequate, expensive and inefficient – and anyway, cities today are designed to meet drivers’ needs, with fast roads and car parks everywhere. The car industry also provides thousands of jobs. Roads are getting safer and more efficient every year, and cars are causing less pollution because of lead-free petrol and other technological improvement. What’s the problem?

Amanda Rees, 33

I am much happier now that I don’t have my car. I used to spend an hour stuck in a traffic jam each morning and that made me angry and irritable for the rest of the day. I was so stressed! The worst thing about cars, though, is the number of accidents. Did you know that somebody dies in a road accident in Britain every two and a half hours? Another thing I hate is the way that road building is destroying the countryside. Finally, I would love to live without that constant traffic noise coming through the window. In fact, I think it’s the noise that bothers me most.

1、What does Johnny think of cars? ()

A、They cause pollution and accidents

B、They are slow and smelly

C、They are comfortable

2、Which is not the reason why Johnny supports cars?()

A、The public transport system in most countries is not good enough

B、Road building is destroying the countryside

C、Roads are much safer and more efficient now

3、Did Amanda use to have a car?()

A、Yes, she did

B、No, she didn’t

C、It doesn’t mention

4、What bothers Amanda most?()

A、What bothers Amanda most

B、The destroying of the countryside

C、The constant traffic noise

5、How serious is the road accident in Britain?()

A、Someone dies every 2 hours

B、Someone dies every 2.5 hours

C、Someone dies every 0.5 hours

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