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Fields is mainly remembered for______.A.the first winner of the Fields MedalB.the presiden

Fields is mainly remembered for______.

A.the first winner of the Fields Medal

B.the president of the 6th International Congress of Mathematicians

C.his achievement in the theory of algebraic functions

D.the founder of an international medal for mathematical distinction

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更多“Fields is mainly remembered fo…”相关的问题
The example given in the last but one paragraph is mainly used to show ______.A.western Eu

The example given in the last but one paragraph is mainly used to show ______.

A.western Europe is spending more money than America in certain fields

B.Europeans are making more discoveries than Americans in retain fields

C.European scientists are more intelligent than American scientists

D.America's scientific leadership is being replaced by European countries

In some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to wate
r their fields. Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river near the crops and if there is plenty of water in it. Canals(运河) carry the river water to the fields when necessary. In some seasons there may be too much water in the river, and the water may flood all the land near it. At other times the river water may not be enough for all the farmers, and then it will be difficult to irrigate the fields.

To prevent these difficulties, a dam (大坝) may be built across the river. This will store water for dry seasons and in wet seasons it will prevent the flooding of the land. A great lake will, no doubt, be formed behind the dam, and this may mean that houses and fields will be covered with water. Most people will accept that and will be ready to move to other places. Then the country can have the right amount of water at all times; more crops will be growing, there will be more food for everyone, and there will be no more floods.

Dams have been built for centuries in different parts of the world. Modern dams are usually built of concrete(混凝土) ,but earth dams were used in India and Sri Lanka about 2,500 years ago. There was another across the River Tigris very long ago, and large numbers of irrigation canals were made in Iraq to irrigate the land. The Romans were great dam-builders and there was also a famous dam at Ma'rubin Arabia.

The first paragraph mainly talks about ______.

A.the problems caused by river water

B.the necessity to irrigate the field

C.the water shortage in some countries

D.the canals carrying water to fields

Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sl
eep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop, your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit, too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. This is called stage I sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then, about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose consciousness, you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.

You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night along, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur.

Provided that you do not wake up during the first REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more, and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep — only to rise once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.

Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Scientific methods of studying sleep.

B.Why humans require sleep.

C.The phases of sleep.

D.Why dreams occur during REM sleep.

听力原文:W: Would you please describe the nature of your farm? M: Sure, I mainly grow feed

听力原文:W: Would you please describe the nature of your farm?

M: Sure, I mainly grow feed crops. Feed crops are crops that are used to feed cattle. The crops that I grow are corn and wheat. I do grow cotton and other when the prices for them are better.

W: How many employees do you have?

M: I have three full-time employees and six to seven part-time employees.

W: Do you pay them hourly or are they salaried?

M: I pay mem by me hour because sometimes they only work a few hours and other times they work many hours. Therefore, it wouldn't be fair for them to get a weekly or monthly salary year round.

W: How many hours do you work as the owner?

M: In the winter I work eight hours a day, but in the spring, summer, and fall I work twelve to fourteen hours a day. Many times a farmer' s work depends on the weather. For example, if the crop need water and it hasn't rained, I must irrigate my fields which can take many hours. At other times, I spend my time in checking my fields for pests. If I find them, I have to apply pesticides. If my machinery breaks down, I have to fix it. Of course, I must also make sure my crops get picked when they are ready.

W: If you were to start a new business this year, what changes would you make?

M: I wouldn't make many changes, and the few changes I would make would be subtle. Right now I am a successful farmer.

What crops does the farmer grow?

A.Cotton every year.

B.Corn and wheat.

C.Rice. .

D.Other things.

Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. Th
ey also carry out research work aimed 【B1】______ extending man's knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of these functions 【B2】______ from university to university, according to the views of the people in 【B3】______ and according to the resources available. The smaller and newer universities do not 【B4】______ the staff or equipment to carry out the 【B5】______ research projects possible in larger institutions. 【B6】______ most experts agree that some research activity is 【B7】______ to keep the staff and their students in 【B8】______ with the latest developments in their subjects.

Most students attend a university mainly to 【B9】______ the knowledge needed for their chosen 【B10】______ . Educationists believe that this aim should not be the 【B11】______ one. Universities have always aimed to produce men and women 【B12】______ judgment and wisdom as well as knowledge. For this reason, they 【B13】______ students to meet others with differing 【B14】______ and to read widely to 【B15】______ their understanding in many fields of study. 【B16】______ a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own 【B17】______ . He should be prepared to 【B18】______ sacrifices to study his chosen 【B19】______ in depth. He should have an ambition to make some 【B20】______ contribution to man's knowledge.






In Japan, most people still feel that a woman's place is in the home; and most women willi
ngly accept their【C1】______role as wife, leaving the business of making a living【C2】______their husbands. For those who do want a【C3】______of their own, opportunities are limited, and working women usually have to【C4】______for lower wages, fewer promotions, less responsible【C5】______.

In America on the other hand, most women,【C6】______wives and mothers, work most of their lives. But【C7】______, few have had real careers. As in Japan most fields are【C8】______by men and opportunities for women have been【C9】______, salaries low, chances for advancement【C10】______. American women work mainly because they【C11】______in these days of inflation and luxury living,【C12】______income per family is simply not enough to【C13】______So American women actually have two jobs: one nine-to-five position outside the home, and【C14】______round-the-clock in the-home job【C15】______wife, housemaid, cook, and nurse.

One of the main goals of the modern women's liberation movement, which stated【C16】______was to eliminate sex discrimination in the work force, and to【C17】______careers for women that were previously【C18】______for men. And though there is still a long way to【C19】______, a lot of progress has been【C20】______.






It's a classic mystery of the deep. Why does the hammerhead shark (双髻鲨)have the bizarre

It's a classic mystery of the deep. Why does the hammerhead shark (双髻鲨)have the bizarrely shaped head from which it gets its name?

There have been a variety of suggested explanations. Some simply say that the sharks use their heads to "hammer" and pin down their favourite food. More plausibly, others have speculated that the wide lobes(圆形突出部分)of the hammerhead allow it to have longer electrorecep-tots, the organs that all sharks use to detect the electric fields produced by nearby prey. This might allow hammerheads to sense subtler electric fields from more distant prey than their narrow-headed cousins.

Now it turns out that the shark's head does indeed help it find and capture prey, but not in the way that zoologists expected. Stephen Kajlura and Kim Holland of the University of Hawaii at Manoa set out to test the conventional theory by tricking young sharks into chasing phantom (虚构的)prey. Using a system of wires on the bottom of a shallow pool, they set up electric fields that mimicked those created by the bottom-dwelling shrimp and fish that form. the sharks' usual diet.

Sure enough, hungry sharks abruptly turned towards an electric field when they detected it. But when the researchers measured the distance at which this happened they found it was the same for 13 young hammerheads as it was for 12 young sandbar sharks(沙堤鲨),which have normal-shaped heads.

The two types of sharks proved equally adept at sensing the electric fields: each was able to detect the source from up to 30 centimetres away. That ruled out any improved sensitivity from the wider head. However, the hammerheads enjoy another more prosaic(平淡无奇的)advantage: their wider heads let them sweep more than twice as wide a swathe of the seafloor as they swim, which must boost their chance of encountering food.

The researchers also found that hammerheads could turn more sharply when they detected the phantom prey. "They're a much more bendy shark , "says Kajlura, who is now at the University of California at Irvine. In part, that's because they have more slender bodies than the sandbar sharks. However, Kajiura has other unpublished data that suggests that the hammerheads' broad heads can act as fins to improve manoeuvrability(机动性).

So far, the researchers have only experimented with young sharks, so adult hammerheads may gain some other advantage from their head shape.

The passage is mainly about ______.

A.the different species of sharks

B.the differences between hammerhead and sandbar sharks

C.how hammerhead sharks detect their prey

D.special functions of the hammerhead sharks

The world's exploding population signals even more growing pains ahead for already crowded
areas. A new United Nations study forecasts that by the year 2000,2 billion persons will be added to the 4.4 billion in the world today.

Even more troubling than the increasing number of inhabitants are the projections of where they will be concentrated. The study by Rafael M. Solos, executive director of the U. N. Fund for Population Activities, notes that by the year 2000:

Nearly 80 percent of all people will live in less developed countries, many hard pressed to support their present populations. That compares with 70 percent today.

In many of these Third World lands metropolises (大城市) will become centers of concentrated urban poverty because of a flood of migration from rural areas.

The bulging(膨胀的) centers mainly in Asia and Latin America, will increasingly become fertile fields for social unrest. More young residents of the urban clusters(一群) will be better educated, unemployed and demanding of a better lifestyle.

To slow the rush to urban centers, countries will have to vastly expand opportunities in the country side, the study suggests. Solos says: "The solution to the urban problem lies as much in the rural areas as in the cities themselves."

Worldwide, the numer of large cities ,will multiply. Now 26 cities have 5 million or more residents each and a combined population of 252 million. By the end of the decade, the number will escalate to 60. with an estimated total of almost 650 million people.

In the last paragraph, the word "escalate" means ______.



C.go down


回答题:InterviewThe importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and br



The importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and broadcast journalist are reflected in several books that have been written on the topic. Most of these books, as well as several chapters, mainly in, but not limited to, journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts, stress the "how to" aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview, its context, and, implications. Much of the "how to" material is based on personal experiences and general impressions. As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can beleanaed from the systematic study of professional practice. Such study brings together evidence from which broad generalized principles can be developed.

There is, as has been suggested, a growing body of research literature in journalism and broadcasting, but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview itself. On the other hand, many general texts as well as numerous research articles on interviewing in fields other than journalism have been written. Many of these books and articles present the theoretical and empirical aspects of the interview as well as the training of the interviewers. Unhappily, this plentiful general literature about interviewing pays little attention to the journalisticinterview seems to be surprising for two reasons. First, it seems likely that most people in modernWestern societies are more familiar, at least in a positive manner, with journalistic interviewingthan with any other form. of interviewing. Most of us are probably somewhat familiar with the clini-cal interview, such as that conducted by physicians and psychologists. In these situations the pro-fessional person or interviewer is interested in getting information necessary for the diagnosis and

treatment of the person seeking help. Another familiar situation is the job interview. However very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media, particularly by televi-sion. And yet, we have a vivid acquaintance with the journalistic interview by virtue of our roles as readers, listeners, and viewers. Even so, true understanding of the journalistic interview, es-pecially television interview, requires thoughtful analysis and even study,, as this book indicates.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalistic interviewing. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

Jazz is Americas contribution to popular music.【C1】______ classical music, which follows f
ormal European traditions, jazz is【C2】______ and free-form. The【C3】______ of this music are as interesting as the music itself. Jazz was【C4】______ by American Negroes, who were brought to the Southern states as slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. This work was hard and life was【C5】______. When a Negro died his friends and relatives formed a procession【C6】______ the body to the cemetery. A band often【C7】______ the procession. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the【C8】______. But on the way home the【C9】______ changed. Spirits lifted. Everybody was happy. Death had removed one of their number,【C10】______ the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy music, improvising【C11】______ both the harmony and the melody of the tunes presented at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form. of jazz. Music has always been important in Negro life.【C12】______ mainly from West Africa, the blacks who were brought to America already【C13】______ a rich musical tradition. This music【C14】______ on religious ceremonies【C15】______ dancing, singing, clapping, and stamping to the【C16】______ of a drum were important forms of musical and rhythmic【C17】______. As these people settled【C18】______ their new life in the plantations of the South, music【C19】______ its importance. In the fields, they【C20】______ work songs. Singing made the hard work go faster.


A.Inferior to

B.In contrast to

C.Similar to

D.Superior to

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