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Secondly, we can discuss the difference () education and pedagogy from another Angle.





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What can we see from the dialogue?A.The man is honest.B.The man is polite.C.The man is dis

What can we see from the dialogue?

A.The man is honest.

B.The man is polite.

C.The man is dishonest.

听力原文:Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few

听力原文: Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few facts about it. First of all, it is not a religion. Yoga is a way of life and can serve only to improve your present way of life. Yoga is an exact science and a delicate art. Secondly, be as mechanical as possible. Never strain or pull too much. Forcing will cause your Body to resist and will actually slow down or even prevent your progress. Go gently. Stretch up to the point where it would start to hurt, then stop immediately. The key is the proper breathing through the nostrils with the mouth shut. Usually it is best to practise alone in a room with fresh air, wearing little or no clothing. Never practise on a full stomach because an empty stomach permits greater flexibility. Exercise will benefit your general health. Yoga cannot add or reduce pounds from your figure; only eating less or more food can do that. Always remember that diet affects weight, while exercise affects shape. Neither can do the job of the other.


A.A delicate art.

B.A religion.

C.An exact science.

D.A way of life

听力原文:May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Since the international club mee

听力原文: May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Since the international club meets only once every semester for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to have the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. So when I finish this opening speech, the secretary will read the minutes of our meeting for the last semester. And then we'll go through our annual treasurer's report and decide whether it can be accepted or not.

At the top of our agenda, and I'm sure in everyone's mind, is the International Display Week. It has been proposed for discussion. I was chairman of the African club, and now as chairman of the international club, I know more than anyone else the importance of such a display week.

Let me explain. There are ten foreign clubs here representing the foreign students on our campus. The purpose of these clubs is, first of all, to get the students from the same countries together, so we won't get too homesick, and so we can help each other over the rough spots. And secondly, so that the American students can join the club of their interest and learn about our culture as we learn theirs.

Now, about the display. Some of you old hands will have to help me out, as there was so much going on I can't remember at all. Let me see. There are the Scottish folk dance and Irish one, too. We'll team up with the folk .music club and recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes. Of course, each group will set up a booth decorated with pictures and things of interest in their respective countries, and everyone will wear his national costume.


A.Chairman of the African Club.

B.Chairman of the International Club.

C.Chairman of the Irish Club.

D.Chairman of the Folk Music Club.

听力原文:LecturerToday, in our series of lectures on human language, we are going to be lo


Today, in our series of lectures on human language, we are going to be looking at the way in which children acquire language. The study of how people learn to speak has proved to be one of the most fascinating, important and complex branches of language study. So let's look at these three features in turn. Firstly--why is it fascinating? This stems from the natural interest people take in the developing abilities of young children. People are fascinated by the way in which children learn, particularly their own children!

Secondly, it is important to study how we acquire our first language, because the study of child language can lead us to a greater understanding of language as a whole. The third point is that it's a complex study because of the enormous difficulties that are encountered by researchers as soon as they attempt to explain language development, especially in the very young child.

In today's lecture we will cover a number of topics. We will start by talking about research methods. There are a number of ways that researchers have investigated children's language and these include the use of diaries, recordings and tests, and we'll be looking at how researchers make use of these various methods. We will then go on to examine the language learning process, starting with the 'development of speech in young infants during the first year of life. This is the time associated with the emergence of the skills of speech perception, in other words, an emergence of the child's awareness of his or her own ability to speak. We will continue with our examination of the language learning process, this time by looking at language learning in the older child, that is in children under five. As they mature, it is possible to begin analysis in conventional linguistic terms, and so in our analysis we will look at phonological, grammatical and semantic development in pre- school children.

In the second part of the talk I would like to review some educational approaches to the question of how linguistic skills can be developed. In other words, how can we assist the young child to learn language skills at school? Initially we will look at issues that arise in relation to spoken language; we will then look at reading and review a number of approaches that have been proposed in relation to the teaching of reading. Finally we will conclude today's talk with an account of current thinking about the most neglected area of all, the child's developing awareness of written language.

Why is the study important to human?

A.Because people have an interest in children's learning.

B.Because it leads to greater understanding of language.

C.Because it encourages the researchers to work hard.

D.Because it is good to children's health.

Only three strategies are available for controlling cancer, prevention, screening and trea
tment. Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other type of cancer. A major cause of the disease is (51) known; there is no good evidence that screening is of much help; and treatment fails in about 90 per cent of all cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be (52) . This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types Of cancer, research (53) the past few decades has produced (or suggested) some important progress in prevention, screening or treatment. (54) , however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today's knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the most practicable and cost-effective opportunities for avoiding premature death from cancer, especially lung cancer, probably involve neither screening nor improved (55) , but prevention.

This conclusion does not depend on the unrealistic assumption that we can (56) tobacco. It merely assumes that we can reduce cigarette sales appreciably by raising prices or by (57) the type of education that already appears to have had a (58) effect on cigarette consumption by white-collar workers, and that we can substantially reduce the amount of tar delivered per cigarette. The practicability of preventing cancer by such measures applies not only in those countries, (59) the US, where, because cigarette smoking has been common for decades, 25~30 per cent of all cancer deaths now involve lung cancer, but also in those where it has become (60) only recently. In China, for example, lung cancer (61) accounts for only about 510 per cent of all cancer deaths. This is because it may take as much as half a century (62) the rise in smoking to increase the incidence of lung cancer. Countries where cigarette smoking is only now becoming widespread can expect enormous increases in lung cancer during the 1990s or early in the next century, (63) prompt effective action is taken against the habit--indeed., such increases are already plainly evident in parts of (64) .

There are four reasons why the prevention of lung cancer is of such overwhelming importance: first, the disease is extremely common, causing more deaths than any other type of cancer now does; secondly, it is generally incurable; thirdly, effective, practicable measures to reduce its incidence are already reliably known; and, finally, (65) tobacco consumption will also have a substantial impact on many other diseases.

51. A. hardly

B. never

C. less

D. reliably

Only three strategies are available for controlling cancer: prevention, screening and trea
tment. Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other types of cancer. A major cause of the disease is not 【21】______ known; there is no 【22】______ evidence that screening is much help; and treatment 【23】______ in about 90 percent of all cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be 【24】______ . This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types of cancer, research 【25】______ the past few decades has suggested some importance in prevention, screening or treatment. 【26】______ , however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today’s knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the most practicable and cost-effective opportunities for 【27】______ premature death from cancer, especially lung cancer, probably involve neither screening nor improved treatment, 【28】______ prevention.

This conclusion does not depend on the unrealistic assumption that we can 【29】______ tobacco. It merely assumes that we can reduce cigarette sales appreciably by raising prices or by 【30】______ on the type of education that already appears to have a 【31】______ effect 【32】______ cigarette assumption by white-collar workers and that we can substantially reduce the amount of tar 【33】______ per cigarette.

The practicability of preventing cancer by such measures applies not only in those countries, such as, the United States of America, because cigarette smoking has been common for decades, 25 to 30 percent of all cancer deaths now involves lung cancer, but also in those where it has become 【34】______ only recently. China is a good example. Countries where cigarette smoking is only becoming widespread can expect enormous increase in lung cancer during the 1990’s or early in the next century, 【35】______ prompt effective action is taken 【36】______ the habit.

There are three reasons 【37】______ the prevention of lung cancer is of such overwhelming importance: first, the disease is extremely common, causing more deaths than any other type of cancer now 【38】______ ; secondly, it is generally incurable; and finally, 【39】______ tobacco consumption will also have a substantial 【40】______ on many other diseases.






听力原文:So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now, as you might know, a few months

听力原文: So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now, as you might know, a few months ago we asked some consultants to take a look at the way we answer the telephone across the group. They telephoned our offices and made enquiries as customers normally would. They recorded information such as how quickly the call was answered, how friendly people were and how efficiently they dealt with the enquiry.

So, I'll begin with what they found out. Right now, first of all, they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings, which isn't bad, but we can still improve on it. Secondly, friendliness. Now, although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness, the consultants only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10. Once more, this wasn't as good as it should be. The consultants said that 7.5 is the minimum we should be aiming for throughout the group. And finally, efficiency. Now here, we did quite well. It seems that the people who normally answer the phone can either deal with enquiries themselves or put the caller through to the right person. However, there were one or two negative points which we still have to work on, such as always remembering to ask the caller's name before putting them through. So, as you can see, we need to do a lot of work.

Going back to the first point, about the phone ringing four times, everyone will now be responsible for answering the phone after the third ring. This way there is no excuse for keeping a caller waiting. The point about friendliness, however, is the most important. People want to hear a cheerful voice when they call the company and feel good when they do business with us. So we're going to choose some new hold music and the consultants have given us some good phrases to use on the phone. They're on the handout I gave you at the beginning. Does everyone have copy? Right, good.

So, moving on to efficiency...

● You will hear a manager talking to staffs about the way they answer the telephone.

● For each questions 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

The company is most worried about how ______ .

A.quickly staff answer the phone.

B.efficiently staff deal with enquiries.

C.friendly staff sound on the phone.

听力原文:Our company is active in world markets and we employ just over thirty thousand pe

听力原文: Our company is active in world markets and we employ just over thirty thousand people worldwide. We have production facilities, agents and subsidiaries in all five continents and we are increasing our share of the world's cosmetics markets.

Let's begin by looking at the different activities of the group. This chart shows last year's sales when we had a turnover of 37.57 billion French francs. If we look more closely, we can see that the largest part of our revenue comes from Consumer and Salons activities. This market segment accounts for forty-nine percent of the total turnover. It includes skincare products, make- up, fragrances and hair care products where we are a world leader.

Moving on to Active Cosmetics, this division has dual objectives; firstly to develop new, technically advanced cosmetics and secondly to enhance our close relationships with pharmacists -- a key channel of distribution. It achieved a turnover of 3.7 billion French francs last year.

Then we come to Synthelabo, our pharmaceutical subsidiary, which accounts for 16.8 percent of our total revenues. It regularly invests twenty percent of its turnover in research and development.

In addition to these four major areas of activity, our company also owns Artcurial, a contemporary art gallery, we hold a major stake in the Marrie-Claire publishing group and we have increased our stake in Paravision International, a film production and distribution company. Together these activities account for 1.8 percent of our turnover, or 0. 7 billion francs.

What business does this company mainly do?

A.Health care.




听力原文: So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now, as you might know, a few months
ago we asked some consultants to take a look at the way we answer the telephone across the group. They telephoned our offices and made enquiries as customers normally would. They recorded information such as how quickly the call was answered, how friendly people were and how efficiently they dealt with the enquiry.

So, I'll begin with what they found out. Right now, first of all, they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings, which isn't bad, but we can still improve on it. Secondly, friendliness. Now, although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness, the consultants only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10. Once more, this wasn't as good as it should be. The consultants said that 7.5 is the minimum we should be aiming for throughout the group. And finally, efficiency. Now here, we did quite well. It seems that the people who normally answer the phone can either deal with enquiries themselves or put the caller through to the right person. However, there were one or two negative points which we still have to work on, such as always remembering to ask the caller's name before putting them through. So, as you can see, we need to do a lot of work.

Going back to the first point, about the phone ringing four times, everyone will now be responsible for answering the phone after the third ring. This way there is no excuse for keeping a caller waiting. The point about friendliness, however, is the most important. People want to hear a cheerful voice when they call the company and feel good when they do business with us. So we're going to choose some new hold music and the consultants have given us some good phrases to use on the phone. They're on the handout I gave you at the beginning. Does everyone have copy? Right, good.

So, moving on to efficiency...

Listen to the talk on import regulations.

For each question 23--30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

After you have listeened once, verplay the recording.

The company is most worried about how ______ .

A.quickly staff answer the phone.

B.efficiently staff deal with enquiries,

C.friendly staff sound on the phone.

听力原文:Welcome to The Daily Money Minute. I'm your host Benson Hollinger, and today we'r
e talking about time management. Companies strive to do things more efficiently and quickly each and every day. First, set hourly goals during your working day. Do not allow yourself to waste time through idle chatting or being distracted by others. Secondly, be reasonable in plotting your work schedule. Planning to do 20 things in one day when perhaps only 10 things can be fully accomplished leaves employees feeling helpless and depressed. Also, rushing to finish those 20 tasks could often result in errors that could cost the company money and time. Remember, it is always a good idea to set goals throughout the day. Reaching those goals will result in a feeling of satisfaction and self-confidence after a productive work day. For The Daily Money Minute, I'm Benson Hollinger.

What does the speaker say is the first thing to do?

A.Try to complete at least 20 tasks each day.

B.Set hourly goals during the working day.

C.Talk to other employees about goals.

D.Avoid becoming depressed and sad.

Intelligence: a Changed View1. Intelligence was believed to be a fixed entity (存在, 实体)

Intelligence: a Changed View

1. Intelligence was believed to be a fixed entity (存在, 实体), some faculty of the mind that we all possess and which determines in some way the extent of our achievements. Its value, therefore, was as a predictor of children's future learning. If they differed markedly in their ability to learn complex tasks, then it was clearly necessary to educate them differently and the need for different types of school and even different ability groups within school was obvious. Intelligence tests could be used for streaming (分流, 分组) children according to ability at an early age; and at 11 these tests were superior to measures of attainment for selecting children for different types of secondary education.

2. Today, we are beginning to think differently. In the last few years, research has thrown doubt on the view that innate 内在的) intelligence can ever be measured and on the very nature of inelligence itself. There is considerable evidence now that shows thegreat influence of environment both on achievement and intelligence. Children with poor home backgrounds not only do less well in their school work and intelligence tests but their performance tends to deteriorate gradually compared with that of their more fortunate classmates.

3. There are evidences that support the view that we have to distinguish between genetic intelligence and observed intelligence (习得智力). Any deficiency in the appropriate genes will restrict development no matter how stimulating the environment is. We cannot observe and measure innate intelligence, whereas we can observe and measure the effects of the interaction of whatever is inherited with whatever stimulation has been received from the environment. Researches have been investigating what happens in this interaction (相互作用).

4. Two major findings have emerged from these researches. Firstly, the greater part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. It is estimated that 50 per cent of measurable intelligence at age 17 is already predictable by the age of four. Secondly, the most important factors in the environment are language and psychological aspects of the parent-child relationship. Much of the difference in measured intelligence between “privileged” and “disadvantaged” children may be due to the latter’s lack of appropriate verbal stimulation and the poverty of their perceptual (感性的) experiences.

5. These research findings have led to a revision in our understanding of the nature of intelligence. Instead of it being some largely inherited fixed power of the mind, we now see it as a set of developed skills with which a person copes with any environment. These skills have to be learned and, indeed, one of them is learning how to learn.

6. The modern ideas concerning the nature of intelligence are bound to have some effect on our school system. In one respect a change is already occurring. With the move toward comprehensive education and the development of unstreamed classes, fewer children will be given the label “low IQ (智商, Intelligence Quotient)” which must inevitably condemn a child in his own, if not society's eyes. The idea that we can teach children to be intelligent in the same way that we can teach them reading or arithmetic is accepted by more and more people.

A.Main Results of.Recem。Researches

B.Popular Doubt about the…New View

C.1Effect of Environment on Intelligence

D.Intelligence and Achievement

E.ImpaCI on School Education

F.A Changed View of Intelligence

第 23 题 Paragraph 2_____.

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