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听力原文:M: OK, Mrs Wentworth, how is our share portfolio today?W: Generally healthy. Nitr

听力原文:M: OK, Mrs Wentworth, how is our share portfolio today?

W: Generally healthy. Nitro Chemicals have gone up 14p to 200 pence. Forsythe Bank have gone down 2p to 301 pence, but we only have 500 of those shares.

M: OK.

W: Our thousand shares in Web Communications have stayed level at 160 and the one and a half thousand shares in Bespoke Tailoring have risen to 431 pence a share.

M: Well, that's good news.

W: Yes, and we've got 2,000 shares each in Rose Computers and Pharmedico Drugs and they have both risen slightly. Rose has gone up 5p to 154, and Pharmedico is now selling at 423 pence a share.

&8226;Look at the table below.

&8226;Some information is missing.

&8226;You will hear a woman talking about share prices.

&8226;For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recording.

听力原文:M: OK, Mrs Wentworth, how is our share portfo


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听力原文:M: Can I speak to Peter?W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?M:

听力原文:M: Can I speak to Peter?

W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, this is Globe Travel. Could you tell him his ticket is ready?

W: OK, I'll do that.

What do we know about Peter?

A.He has lost his ticket.

B.He is expecting a ticket.

C.He went out to buy a ticket.

听力原文:M: Hello, Karen Williams speaking.F: Hello, Karen, this is Alice Everett here.M:

听力原文:M: Hello, Karen Williams speaking.

F: Hello, Karen, this is Alice Everett here.

M: Oh, hello, Mrs Everett. How are you?

F: Fine, thanks. Karen, the reason I am ringing is to sort out the arrangements for my visit to Liverpool next month. I'd like to go over the whole itinerary.

M: All right. I think I've got all the details as well as the travel arrangements.

F: OK, then we can start with 24th. What time shall I arrive at Liverpool?

M: Well, the plane arrives at 10:00 a.m.

F: That's good. When am I supposed to meet Mr Davis from Sunrise?

M: At about 11:00 to 11:30, I think. Then you have an lunch appointment with Mrs Rebecca from National Bank at 12:30.

F: Oh, I almost forgot about this. Is it correct that I only have one appointment in the afternoon ?

M: That's right, you have to sign an agreement with Mr McDonald from Ford at 3 o'clock. Then you'll be free in the evening. But you'll have to visit two factories on 25th before your return flight at 2:30 in the afternoon.

F: OK, thank you, Karen, I'll remember that. It sounds like a hectic trip.

M: Yes, it is. Mrs Everett. Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man calling to check the schedule.

Mrs Everett's Schedule

24th January

10 a.m.: arrive at the airport of (9) ___________________

11:00~11:00: (10) ___________________ from Sunrise

12:30: lunch appointment with Mrs Rebecca from

(11) ___________________

3 p.m.: (12) ___________________ with Mr McDonald from Ford

Evening: no-specific arrangement

听力原文:Mr and Mrs Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mrs Jones sa

听力原文: Mr and Mrs Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mrs Jones said to her husband, "There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it?"

Mr Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and both of them enjoyed the film.

They came out of the cinema at 11 o'clock, got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Then Mrs Jones said, "Look, Bill. A woman's running along the road very fast, and a man's running after her. Can you see them?"

Mr Jones said, "Yes, I can." He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?"

"No, thank you," the woman said, but she did not stop running. "My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one washes the dishes at home !"


A.They went out for a walk.

B.They went to a dark road.

C.They stayed at home.

D.They went to a movie.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane...Say, are you OK? You've looking a bit tired.W: Oh, I am. It's my ne

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane...Say, are you OK? You've looking a bit tired.

W: Oh, I am. It's my neighbors.

M: Oh, so they're acting up again. Huh?

W: Unfortunately, yes, they are.

M: Loud music?

W: Not exactly. You've been to my apartment, right?

M: Yeah, I've been there once. It's a nice place.

W: Well, thank you. So you remember I live on the top floor. Well, last night, around eleven, my neighbors decided to go up on the roof of my apartment building!

M: The roof? Really?

W: Yeah. They had this guy in from out of town and they wanted to show him the view! Can you believe it? I'm soundly asleep, and all of a sudden I hear "stomp, stomp, stomp!" They're walking around on the roof. It sounded like my ceiling was going to fall in.

M: So what did you do?

W: Well, after about ten minutes, I got dressed and went up there to tell them to be quiet. I was so mad. Then of course after that, I couldn't go back to sleep.

M: Oh, don't you hate when that happens? You can't fall asleep, and then before you know it, it's morning and the alarm clock is going off.


A.Her colleagues.

B.Her neighbors.

C.Her friends.

D.Her schoolmates.

听力原文:M: Well. Mrs, Brown, what are you going to take?W: I'm going to buy some bananas.

听力原文:M: Well. Mrs, Brown, what are you going to take?

W: I'm going to buy some bananas.

Q: What is the woman going to do?


A.Sell some bananas.

B.Buy some bananas.

C.Get some vegetables.

D.Prepare some bananas.

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Kent & Donald. Can I help you?M: This is Brian Smith from C

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Kent & Donald. Can I help you?

M: This is Brian Smith from C &B. Can I speak to Mrs Cooper.

W1: Hold on, please, Mr Brian. I'll put you through.

M: Thanks a lot.

W2: Good morning, Grace Cooper speaking.

M: Hello, Grace. This is Philip Brian.

W2: Oh, hi, Philip. Haven't heard from you for a long time. How have you been?

M: Fine. Grace, I'm just calling to see if we could fix an appointment for next week.

W2: Sure. We certainly need to discuss next year's marketing strategy. Wait a minute, I'll get my diary.

M: Is Monday afternoon fine for you?

W2: Sorry. I've got to go to the factory on Monday and on Tuesday 1'11 be out of town to attend a seminar.

M: How about Wednesday then?

W2: Let me see. Wednesday... no, I have a meeting in the morning, and I have an appointment with my dentist in the afternoon. I think Thursday might be better. I'll be available after my appointment with someone from the Quality Department at 10 o'clock. Will that suit you?

M: OK, then we'll fix it at 10:30 Friday morning.

W2: No problem. So 10:30 at your office?

M: Yes, I think that would be better. I look forward to seeing you.

W2: Me too. Bye.

M: Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man calling about making appointment.

Mrs Cooper's Schedule for Next Week

Monday: visiting factory

Tuesday: (9) __________________

Wednesday: meeting in the morning, appointment with (10) __________________

Thursday: at 10:30, meet with (11) __________________ in his office to

discuss next year's (12) __________________

听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to co

听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!

M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to come with me?

W: But it'd be cheaper by bus.

M: I've got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it.

W: That sounds good. How much does it cost?

M: A card for six months is sixteen pounds.

W: So how do I get one?

M: You need two photographs—one for the card and one for the form.

W: There's a photo machine in the post office. It gives you four photos for three pounds.

M: So does the one in the library. But I went to a photographer's studio. It was cheaper.

W: I don't have to show my passport or my driving license, do I?

M: No, Jan, you only need a letter from your college.

W: OK, I'll ask my teacher for one.

M: And then you take everything to the tourist office and ask the travel agent.

W: Great, next time you go to London, I'll come too!






听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?F: Speakin

听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?

F: Speaking, please.

M: Oh, hi, Mrs Boshwell. I called yesterday morning, but you were out.

F: Oh, yes, I am sorry I didn't have time to call you back.

M: That's all right. You see, we are going to expand our company and we decide to buy two more vans.

F: Oh, that's good. So what do you have in mind?

M: We have read through your catalogue and are impressed with that new model of TOYOTA G4000.

F: That's really a nice model with enough space for 14 people. It's been out in the market only for a month.

M: Yes, we really like that except for one thing...

F: What's that?

M: The price. $15,000 is really too high.

F: Well, that's about as low as we can go.

M: But the price of other car dealers is a bit lower than yours.

F: But considering the good after-sale service, you'll find our price reasonable. It is guaranteed for seven years here.

M: I am clear that you are well-known for your after-sale service, but if you could go a little lower, say $13,500 for each van, we'll place the order right now.

F: Well, since you are one of our old clients, I think I can give you $13,800 for each.

M: All right. So that would be $27,600 in total. How shall we pay you?

F: You can transfer to our account. Our account number is CT6753.

M: OK. When can they be delivered?

F: Next Thursday, I think. Oh, just a moment, can I have your name again, please?

M: Thomas Duverney. That's D -U -V-E -R-N-E-Y. And my mobile phone number is 9345895215.

F: OK, I've got that. Thank you.

? Look at the notes below.

? Some information is missing.

? You will hear about a car purchase on the phone.

? For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.

? You will hear the conversation twice.

D& K Car Dearler

Car Purchase

BUYER: (9) Thomas ______

MODEL: (10) TOYOYA ______

QUANTITY: (11) ______

TOTAL PRICE: (12) $ ______

GUARANTEE: (13) ______ years

DELIVER TIME: (14) next ______

CONTACT NUMBER: (15) 9345 ______


听力原文:M: There are just one or two more things, Catherine.W: Do call me Cathy.M: OK, Ca

听力原文:M: There are just one or two more things, Catherine.

W: Do call me Cathy.

M: OK, Cathy. Are you really interested in being a vet?

W: Not really. Anyway, I'm not bright enough. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I'm not brilliant. I'm 'afraid my mother is a bit overoptimistic.

M: Yes, I guessed that. She's a bit overpowering, isn't she, your mum?

W: A bit. But she's very kind.

M. I'm sure she is. So, you're interested in ballet and music, are you?

W: Not really. My mother sent me to lessons when I was six, so I'm quite good, I suppose. But I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life, especially music. It's so lonely.

M: What do you enjoy doing7

W: Well, I like playing tennis, and swimming. Oh, I went to France with the school choir last year. I really enjoyed that. And I like talking to people. But I suppose you mean real interests- things that would help me to get a job?

M: No. I'm more interested in what you really want to do. You like talking to people, do you?

W: Oh yes, I really enjoy meeting new people.

M: Do you think you would enjoy teaching?

W: No, no, I don't really. I was never very interested in school work, and I'd like to do something different. Anyway, there's a teacher training college very near us. It would be just like going to school again.






听力原文:M: Did you go shopping alone yesterday?W: No, my sister went with me. Who went sh

听力原文:M: Did you go shopping alone yesterday?

W: No, my sister went with me.

Who went shopping yesterday?

A.She herself.

B.Her sister.

C.She and her sister.

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