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"the student ” in the sentence “the studeng likes the linguistic lecture.” and “

the linguistic lecture ” in the sentence “the linguistic lecture liked the student” belongs to the syntactic category.()

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更多“"the student ” in the sentence…”相关的问题
How can a student help the teacher?A.By collecting or handing out papers.B.By following th

How can a student help the teacher?

A.By collecting or handing out papers.

B.By following the teacher to the office.

C.By talking loudly in class.

What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams?A.To choose a date on th

What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams?

A.To choose a date on the draft schedule.

B.To find the information on the bulletin board.

C.To draw up the final schedule.

D.To arrange an invigilator.

Why does the student go to the career services office?A.To confirm the date and time of th

Why does the student go to the career services office?

A.To confirm the date and time of the career fair

B.To learn the location of the career fair

C.To find out if he is allowed to attend the career fair

D.To get advice about interviewing at the career fair

Linda seems to be suggesting in the end of the passage that______.A.more effective ways th

Linda seems to be suggesting in the end of the passage that______.

A.more effective ways than graduation rates should be adopted to measure athletes' academic performance

B.coaches often give their athletes higher scores than they do other students

C.some student athletes are finding the easiest questions difficult to answer in exams

D.academic performances in colleges are in the hands of the athletes' coaches

请选择(46)处最佳答案。A.The state government covers the rest.B.The application is th


A.The state government covers the rest.

B.The application is then sent to the student's university,where the school itself will decide whether free money will be given to the student and how much.

C.At public universities,however,tuition increases must also be approved by a state education committee,sometimes called the board of governors.

D.The school currently charges US$23,410 a year for tuition.

E.Many American people are simply unable to pay the growing cost of food.

F.That's more than double the rate of inflation.

请选择(47)处最佳答案。A.The state government covers the rest.B.The application is th


A.The state government covers the rest.

B.The application is then sent to the student's university,where the school itself will decide whether free money will be given to the student and how much.

C.At public universities,however,tuition increases must also be approved by a state education committee,sometimes called the board of governors.

D.The school currently charges US$23,410 a year for tuition.

E.Many American people are simply unable to pay the growing cost of food.

F.That's more than double the rate of inflation.


A.SH 外教蓝人不在教室,技术老师查询老师课前9分钟进入过教室但课程开始后未出现过在教室里,联系不上,无任何回复。---------Teacher no show

B.TH 学生蓝人不在教室,致电家长反馈学生生病不想上课了,老师一直在教室等待-------Student IT problem

C.SH 老师蓝人,课程开始后未进入教室上课,经技术核实老师使用phone尝试登陆教室---------Teacher no show

D.TH 学生在卫生间上课,联系家长过程中 老师留言学生在厕所上课后离开教室,没有等满五分钟, 课程无法结束----------Teacher IT Problem

"As I stood in front of the grave (墓) of President Richard Nixon, I was thinking about th

"As I stood in front of the grave (墓) of President Richard Nixon, I was thinking about the time 25 years ago when this president helped bring the United States and China closer together. Young people of our two countries should help this relationship grow."

This remark was made by a Shanghai student when speaking to his fellow students at the Nixon Library in California, U.S.@A@He' was one of 80 middle school students from China attending a month-long" Youth Summit". The Summit was to mark the 25th anniversary (周年) of President Nixon' s journey to China, which was the turning point in China-U. S. relations.

The Youth Summit was aimed at increasing understanding and friendship between young students of the two countries through visits and discussions. Seventy-five American students were selected to visit China. They also visited the Nixon Library on July 21 before leaving for Beijing the next day. The head of the Library said he was pleased to see the American and Chinese students talking and laughing together.

One Chinese student said,"I didn' t find it particularly difficult to talk with Americans. We have our differences, but we have a lot in common. Dialogue is good for us."

Who made the remark?

A.A student.

B.A teacher.

C.A lecture.

D.A president.

When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese stude
nts or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as American students. I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar(讨论会). The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseac her looking for answers to questions together with the students. One lingui stic(语言的) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal(情态的) verbs—far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, “This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong.” or “You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting.” In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct di rections. Therefore, students always expect the professor to give an answer to th e question. I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they w ere sure about it. Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students u niformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student’s ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not on ly as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancing critical thinking. In the USA, when the students are in class, ____.

A.a Chinese student tends to be very active

B.an American student likes to make trouble

C.a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacher

D.an American student tends to be vigorous

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