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since the 1950s in 1990 in 1955 over three decades in 1933 V.S. Naipaul, a writer in search of

since the 1950s in 1990 in 1955

over three decades in 1933

V.S. Naipaul, a writer in search of roots and winner of Nobel Prize for literature in 1999, was born in Trinidad(1), the son of an Indian civil servant. In his childhood, he was first educated in his hometown and then Oxford University, where he studied literature. There he met Pat and they got married(2).(3), he has been based in England yet spent much time traveling around the world. Travels(4)have taken him around the world on a quest for home and for roots. Sir V.S. Naipaul, now 69, was knighted (授以爵位) by Queen Elizabeth(5). A critic wrote the following about him: "(He is) the wanderer who tries to go home, but is not taken in and is accepted by another home only so long as he admits he is a lodger there."

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更多“since the 1950s in 1990 in 195…”相关的问题
Since the 1950s, English has become a “world language”.()
According to Paragraph 5, democracy has survived all of the following EXCEPT ______.A.the

According to Paragraph 5, democracy has survived all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.the TV-led decline of newspapers in circulation since the 1950s

B.the decline of newspaper readers

C.the shifting of serious news away from newspapers

D.the emergence up of new online models

According to Paragraph 5, democracy has survived all of the following exceptA.the TV-led d

According to Paragraph 5, democracy has survived all of the following except

A.the TV-led decline of newspapers in circulation since the 1950s

B.the decline of newspaper readers

C.the shifting of serious news away from newspapers

D.the emergence up of new online models

The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food fi
rst appeared with the label: "Store in the refrigerator."

In my fridge less Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased; fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.

The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed-natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling...

What refrigeration did promote was marketing — marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.

Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously and at vast expenses, busily maintaining an artificially cooled space inside an artificially heated house— while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.

The fridge's effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. If you don't believe me, try it yourself, invest in a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter. You may miss the hamburger, but at least you'll get rid of that terrible ham.

The statement "In my fridge less Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily." (Line 1, Para. 2) suggests that ______

A.the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties

B.the author was not accustomed to using fridges even in his fifties

C.there was no fridge in the author's home in the 1950s

D.the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s

听力原文:I am writing to thank you for the interesting reports which appeared in the July

听力原文: I am writing to thank you for the interesting reports which appeared in the July '94 edition of Saturday Evening Post. I am interested in your reports since B12 deficiency is an inherited disorder in my family. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a research project was carried out on it by London medical school.

My grandmother was 49 when she started vitamin t312 injections in 1949, She was admitted to the hospital with a blood disease. My mother was 63 when she began vitamin B12 injections. After reading your article, I believe her treatment was started too late. At the time, she almost lost her eyesight and was told that she had another diseases.

Earlier this year, I visited my doctor and explained that 1 felt very tired and asked for a blood test to establish whether I was suffering from B12 deficiency. I was told I was much too young and that only people in their 80s suffered B12 deficiency. I told him he was wrong and that research was carried out on my family 30 years ago.

I have always believed that prevention is better than cure. I now know why I love Kellogg's Honey Nut Cornflakes. They contain vitamins, including B12! If foods contain added vitamins, as

you suggest in your article, then B12 deficiency and diseases associated with it should be left to the past.


A.It is a thank-you letter to a medical doctor.

B.It is an advertisement for vitamin B12.

C.It is a letter to the editor of a magazine.

D.It is a preface to a book on vitamins.

Spring is usually prime food time for some 1,200 polar bears along Canada's Hudson Bay. Ea
ch year they plunder the bay's ice floes, smash open the snow caves of seals, and stuff themselves on seal pups. But in recent years the bears' feast has turned into slimmer pickings. Why?

Temperatures at Hudson Bay have risen by one half degree Fahrenheit every decade since 1950. Winter ice on the bay melts three weeks earlier than it did just 25 years ago, which means three fewer weeks of polar bear mealtime. Result: Polar bears are 10 percent thinner and produce 10 percent fewer cubs than they did 20 years ago. And though climatologists hotly debate the causes behind Earth's Arctic meltdown, "these changes are startling and unexpected," says James McCarthy, co-leader of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The plight of polar bears is just the tip to the iceberg when it comes to mounting evidence of global warming. "There's definitely a stark contrast with the way things were at the start of the 20th century," says atmospheric scientist Leonard Druyan, of Columbia University. Recent data show the volume of Arctic sea ice has shrunk 20 percent since the 1950s; glaciers around the world are melting at rapidly increasing rates. Rivers and lakes in North America, Asia, and Europe now freeze about nine days later and thaw 10 days earlier than they did a century ago.

Most scientists believe the only effective strategy to halt global warming is to drastically reduce emissions of powerful air pollutants like carbon dioxide, which accounts for two-thirds of all greenhouse gases. In the last 150 years, the surging use of fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—has released 270 billion tons of carbon into the air in the form. of carbon dioxide. Fortunately, oceans, plants, and soils absorb more than half of all atmospheric carbon dioxide—without them world temperatures might have already soared at an alarming rate.

By saying "Spring is usually prime food time for 1,200 polar bears"(Line 1, Para. 1), the author means that ______.

A.spring is usually a good time for polar bears to carry out their mating rituals

B.the polar bears usually eat a lot in the spring

C.spring is generally a good time to hunt polar bears

D.polar bears usually hibernate in the spring

Text 2A psychological issue that began to be discussed in the 1950s was the question of th

Text 2

A psychological issue that began to be discussed in the 1950s was the question of the most appropriate age for second language learning. The ability of young children to learn language " easily" had, from time to time, been noted in psychological literature. But in the 1950s it was the view of Penfield, a medical doctor at McGill University in Montreal, which aroused widespread attention. Partly on the basis of his scientific work as a surgeon and partly on his personal conviction, Penfield put forward the idea that childhood years offered a biological favorable stage for second language learning, and he recommended that the childhood years should be used more intensively for language training. This viewpoint, shared by a growing number of teachers, specialists, and the general public, demonstrated itself in the introduction of language teaching in the early years of schooling in several countries. The debate on this controversial issue has gone on ever since,and in spite of experimentation, some research, and endless theoretical argumentation, the issue of the best age for language learning has remained unresolved even many years after Penfield's challenge had opened up the debate.

The need for a more systematic psychological research on language learning was fully recognized and clearly expressed by Carroll in the 1950s: " We are fundamentally ignorant of the psychology of language learning. " Carrol believed that educational psychology might provide helpful answers to pedagogy (the study of teaching methods) by carrying out research on specific ques-tions of language learning,for example: "Should sounds and meanings be presented at the same time or one after the other?" "Can meanings be presented just as well by verbal definitions as by pictures and concrete materials?" " How can the transfer from speaking and understanding to reading be facilitated?" "Under what conditions does the use of native language delay or facilitate learn-ing?" " When do linguistic explanations facilitate learning?" " At what rate can new materials be in-troduced?"Following up these and similar questions, Carroll and some of his students began to in- vestigate a few of them . One of the most notable inquiries of that time was Carroll's own attempt, in collaboration with a professor of Spanish, to develop a new language aptitude test. Around the same time, studies on the social psychology of language learning were initiated by another professor and his students at McGill University in Montreal. From about 1960, in the context of emerging followers of psycholinguistics, there was a growing interest in studying second language learning

from a psychological perspective.

46. Penfield's viewpoint was met with much_________

[A] interest.

[B] controversy.

[C] compliments.

[D] encouragement.

A psychological issue that began to be discussed in the 1950s was the question of the most
appropriate age for second language learning. The ability of young children to learn language "easily" had, from time to time, been noted in psychological literature. But in the 1950s it was the view of Penfield, a medical doctor at McGill University in Montreal, which aroused widespread attention. Partly on the basis of his scientific work as a surgeon and partly on his personal conviction, Penfield put forward the idea that childhood years offered a biological favorable stage for second language learning, and he recommended that the childhood years should be used more intensively for language training. This viewpoint, shared by a growing number of teachers, specialists, and the general public, demonstrated itself in the introduction of language teaching in the early years of schooling in several countries. The debate on this controversial issue has gone on ever since, and in spite of experimentation, some research, and endless theoretical argumentation, the issue of the best age for language learning has remained unresolved even many years after Penfield's challenge had opened up the debate.

The need for a more systematic psychological research on language learning was fully recognized and clearly expressed by Carroll in the 1950s: " We are fundamentally ignorant of the psychology of language learning. "Carrol believed that educational psychology might provide helpful answers to pedagogy (the study of teaching methods) by carrying out research on specific ques-tions of language learning, for example: " Should sounds and meanings be presented at the same time or one after the other?" "Can meanings be presented just as well by verbal definitions as by pictures and concrete materials?""How can the transfer from speaking and understanding to reading be facilitated?""Under what conditions does the use of native language delay or facilitate learning?" "When do linguistic explanations facilitate learning?""At what rate can new materials be introduced? "Following up these and similar questions, Carroll and some of his students began to investigate a few of them . One of the most notable inquiries of that time was Carroll's own attempt, in collaboration with a professor of Spanish, to develop a new language aptitude test. Around the same time, studies on the social psychology of language learning were initiated by another professor and his students at McGill University in Montreal. From about 1960, in the context of emerging followers of psycholinguistics, there was a growing interest in studying second language learning from a psychological perspective.

Penfield's viewpoint was met with much





The statement “In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily.” (

The statement “In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily.” (Line 1, Para. 2) suggests that ________.

A) the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties

B) the author was not accustomed to using fridges even in his fifties

C) there was no fridge in the author’s home in the 1950s

D) the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s

In 1950 it was predicted that eight or ten electronic computers would be sufficient to han
dle all the scientific and business needs of the United States. Likewise, the chief executive officer of IBM advised the company not to invest time or money in developing computers because he foresaw a limited commercial market. But these predictions were proved totally inaccurate as the computer industry developed into a multibilliondollar business. Today the computer plays a vital role in the lives of many Americans and is seen as one of the greatest technological developments of all times.

Since computers can handle large amount of data rapidly and efficiently, categorize, process, and report information for a variety of business operations, they, in fact, have a virtually unlimited capacity for producing business data. However, computers can't think, their role in business is limited to those areas in which they can process information more efficiently and effectively than human being. At the administrative level, managers decide how computers and humans can be used most effectively to perform. a particular business task.

Computers have become an integral part of day-to-day business transactions as well as analytic tools for long range planning, research, and development. Even a small business can utilize computers by either purchasing a small unit known as a minicomputer, leasing one, or by timesharing. In a timesharing system, each user is regularly scheduled for time to use the computer system. A wide variety of businesses and individuals participate in timesharing computer system.

By performing data processing tasks such as accounting and billing, computers are playing an increasingly important role in businesses. Currently, business are developing overall management information systems in which computers function as essential tools in solving problem and decisionmaking at all administrative levels.

Since 1950s, the computer industry has ______.


B.remained about the same

C.increased tremendously

D.increased slightly

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