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20:第五篇Listening Comprehension How many languages are used throughout the world today?

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更多“20:第五篇Listening Comprehension …”相关的问题
21:第五篇Listening Comprehension: Red Cross was established ______.

21:第五篇Listening Comprehension: Who usually take care of the elderly people in the Unit
ed States?

21:第五篇Listening Comprehension: What kind of overview does the book intend to give abou
t American society?

21:第五篇Listening Comprehension: Besides the form of reports, in what other forms can we
give oral presentations?

听力原文:Laughter can even provide a kind of pain relief. Scientists had proved that laugh
ter produces endorphins -- chemicals in the body that relieve pain. They divided 40 university students into four groups. The first group listened to a funny cassette for 20 minutes. The other three groups listened to either an informative tape, or a cassette intended to relax them, or no tape at all. Scientists found that if they produce pain in the students, those who had listened to the humorous tape could tolerate the discomfort for much longer.

Who can tolerate pain much longer?

A.People who are listening to an informative tape.

B.People who are listening to light music

C.People who are listening to something funny.

D.People who are listening to no tape at all.

听力原文:Good afternoon! As you know, my name is Grate Porter, and I'm pleased to talk wit

听力原文: Good afternoon! As you know, my name is Grate Porter, and I'm pleased to talk with you about a subject that is near and dear to my head and my heart, listening skill. Your president tells me that this is important to you as well. I've been studying listening and training people to improve their listening skills for more than 20 years, For the next 30 minutes, I'd like toshare with you five important listening considerations that I believe will help you get along better with your customers and friends. With a hope that you'll be actively listening to me, I invite you to stop me at any time if you have any questions. I promise to listen to you, too.

What is the purpose of the woman's talk?

A.Encouraging people to ask questions

B.Giving an introduction to her speech.

C.Discussing problems in learning

听力原文:Woman: Whether in our personal or business lives, we are all at risk of having ou
r privacy invaded. We can now offer a range of products designed to reduce the possibility of unwanted intrusion. Visit our new showroom for the latest specialist innovations including listening devices, communications equipment, personal protection, video cameras and much more.


Music and Driving Listening to loud music while driving can seriously hamper reaction time

Music and Driving

Listening to loud music while driving can seriously hamper reaction times and cause accidents, new research suggests.

A Canadian study found people took.up to 20% longer to perfer,physical and mental tasks to loud music.If motorists were delayed that long at the wheel they could suffer a fatal crash, warned the RAC Foundation, a British motoring organization.Edmund King,the RAC Foundation's executive director, said the study showed that "not only is loud music a nuisance to others, it could also be the cause of accidents".

Earlier research by the RAC Foundation found drivers were twice as likely to skip a red light while listening to music.In the Canadia/a study volunteers carried out tasks while listening to levels of noise varying from 53 .decibels (equivalent to an office environment) to 95 decibels (equivalent to an oil rig).Researchers found reactions to be significantly decreased at higher noise levels for both physical and mental work.At 95 decibels reaction

times to tasks that involve decision making plummeted (骤然减少) by 20%.Edmund King said: "The findings of the Canadian study are bad news for decibel-loving drivers, as they prove that not only is loud music a nuisance to others, it could also be the cause of accidents on the roads." Drivers are at even greater risk if they listen to music with a pounding beat rather than more relaxed tunes, according to experts.

Conrad King, consultant psychologist to the foundation, said.."It is important that drivers choose their music carefully when driving, as up-tempo music has been shown to cause drivers to have double the amount of accidents as those listening to slower music."In general, if music is above 60 beats per minute, listeners experience a faster heart rate and increased blood pressure."It doesn't matter if you listen to opera, classical or the latest rave music.It's the speed of the beat that counts."

第 16 题 According to scientific research, people may spend more time doing .physical work if listening to loud music while doing the task.



C.Not mentioned

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