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I'll read this book as soon as I finish ________I am reading.

A.the one


C.the book


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更多“I'll read this book as soon as…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I think I'll read ahead a few chapters,just to get the general idea.W: Try pac

听力原文:M: I think I'll read ahead a few chapters,just to get the general idea.

W: Try pacing yourself.Slowly but surely you'll understand it all.

Q: How does the woman suggest the man read the book?


A.He should understand the general idea first.

B.He should slow down reading.

C.He should not try to read too slowly.

D.He should mark time carefully.

听力原文:W:I hope you like the novel I lent you.I wasn't sure whether it was the kind of b
ook you would be interested in.

M:You know.I had the same doubt at first.But once I started I simply couldn't put it down.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He doubts the woman will like the novel.

B.He enjoyed reading the novel.

C.He'll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.

D.He hasn't started reading the novel yet.

听力原文:W: I hope you like the novel I lent you. I wasn't sure whether it was the kind of
book you would be interested in.

M: You know, I had the same doubt at first. But once I started I simply couldn't put it down.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He enjoyed reading the novel.

B.He hasn't started reading the novel yet.

C.He doubts the woman will like the novel.

D.He'll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.

听力原文:M: What's that book you just picked up?W: The sociology text Professor Smith uses

听力原文:M: What's that book you just picked up?

W: The sociology text Professor Smith uses in his course.

M: You had better read it if you want to pass the course. Smith swears by it.

W: But it costs 40 dollars. I simply can't afford it.

M: Did you check the used book section here? Maybe they have it.

W: No, they don't. I asked.

M: Why don't you get it from the library?

W: Are you joking? I've been trying for months and it's always out. There are more than 45 students in the course and every single one wants the book.

M: Listen, you know my roommate, Henry, don't you? He took the same course last year and I believe he owns the book. I'll ask him if he'll lend it to you.

W: Oh, Tom, that would solve everything.

Why doesn't the woman buy the book?

A.Because it's too expensive to buy it.

B.Because she doesn't need it.

C.Because she can't buy it everywhere.

D.Because she has already got one.

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in Children's Literature?W: It looks

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in Children's Literature?

W: It looks pretty good. Are you also majoring in Elementary Fducation?

M: Yes. I can use this to fulfill the requirement for my course.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just bought the books today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It's great fun reading those wonderful children stories by Doctor Seuss.

M: Doctor Seuss? I don't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name's Theodore Seuss Geisel. You can find this name on the reading list. Doctor Seuss is his pen name.

M: I love reading those stories as a child. It'll be interesting to read them now from a different point of view. I guess they'll give me a good idea of how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How's that?

W: Well, take a typical Doctor Seuss's book like The Cat in the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only two hundred words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practices using a small number of words over and over again.

W: Exactly. In fact The Cat in the Hat was written mainly to show how a controlled-vocabulary book could also be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds as though this course is also going to be interesting and fun. I think I'll get started on those readings tonight.

What is Helen's major?

A.Children's Literature.

B.American Literature.


D.Elementary Education.

听力原文:W: I enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don't you? It's interesting to se
e what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children's stories?

M: Some of these books aren't so old, though. See? This novel was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents.

W: Hey! Look at this!

M: What? Are you getting interested in nineteenth-century plays all of a sudden?

W: No. Look at the signature. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It's dated 1856. Maybe it's worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars.

M: Oh? I can hardly read what the one says. Who wrote it?

W: The name looks like "Harold Dickinson". Wasn't he a politician or something? I'm going to buy this book and see if I can find a name like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your book of plays may make you rich, but I'll bet my seventy-five cents novel is a better buy.

Where is this conversation taking place?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a library.

C.At a secondhand bookstore.

D.In a museum.

听力原文:W: I enjoy going through second-hand bookstores, don't you? It's interesting to s
ee what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children's stories?

M: Some of these books aren't so old though. See? This Mystery was published only six years ago: It cost 75 cents. You can't beat that.

W: Hey, look at this!

M: What! Are you getting interested in 19th century poetry all of a sudden?

W: No. Look here. Someone gave this book as a present and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It's dated 1893. Maybe it's worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth 50 cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well known, it might bring a lot more. I hear Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars.

M: Oh? I can hardly read what that one says. Who wrote it?

W: The name looks like "Harold Dobson." Maybe "Dobbins"? Wasn't he a politician or something? I'm going to buy this book and see if I can find a name like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your poetry book may make you rich, but I'll bet my 75-cent Mystery is a good buy.


A.In a library.

B.In a school.

C.In a bookstore.

D.In a publishers' office.

听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)W: What is so interesting in that book, David?M: Oh, Susan

听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)

W: What is so interesting in that book, David?

M: Oh, Susan, it's a book about the changes in weather.

W: We certainly are having different weather this year, aren't we?

M: That's why I borrowed this book from the library. I wanted to read about differences in climate.

W: Does the book talk about cold weather like we've been having?

M: As a matter of fact, it does. It tells how weather seems to come in cycles. There will be periods of very cold winters and very hot summers.

W: Well, we've had both this year, haven't we?

M: Yes, and according to the book, that type of weather will last for several years.

W: Then what happens? Does it just continue to get colder and hotter?

M: No, that was what I was afraid of, but the book says that after the very cold/very hot cycle is over, there will be a time of moderate weather.

W: What do you mean by "moderate"?

M: The book says that the weather will be cold in the winter but not too cold. In the summer, the temperature will not be so high as it was this last summer.

W: Will it last for several years?

M: It seems that it will. It's a cycle, just like we're having now. Then it will go back to the very cold and very hot.

W: I'll look forward to the moderate years, then.

M: Me, too!


A.The climate in cold countries.

B.The weather for tomorrow.

C.The changes in weather.

D.The cold winter.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane.W: Oh, hi, Mike. How are you?M: Not so had. What about this evening t

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane.

W: Oh, hi, Mike. How are you?

M: Not so had. What about this evening then?

W: You mean going out. Oh, I'm feeling a bit tired. I mean, maybe if we went -- how about a film?

M: Yes, that'd be alright.

W: Do you know what's on?

M: No, I don't really know.

W: I think I heard Castaway's on--it's really good, that film, you know about that woman who was sort of on a desert island.

M: Er, well to tell the truth I've read, the book and I wasn't that impressed.

W: Weren't you?

M: Well, it sounds a bit stupid.

W: Does it?

M: Mmm.

W: Oh, I'd have quite liked it. Well, never mind, let's see if there's anything else on. Arts Cinema. Oh, Mona Lisa at the Arts Cinema.

M: Oh, that'd be great; I'd like to see that.

W: Well actually I've seen it. But, I wouldn't mind seeing it again, it was really good. You'll enjoy it.

M: Are you sure? What time's it on?

W: First performance, 6:30, second one, 8:45.

M: The 8:45 would be good.

W: Yeah!

M: You give me the number and I'll ring up and book them.

W: Oh, you'll book it, great. Now let's have a look. Yeah here we are 352001, Cambridge.

M: OK, alright. Well, I'll ring up and book those two seats. What about some food first?

W: Now, I'm feeling a bit hungry and I'm too tired to cook.

M: What about that Chinese restaurant next to the cinema?

W: Oh yeah that would be really nice. I feel like some Chinese food tonight.

M: Oh, well tell you what, I'll meet you urn, what, seven o'clock.

W: Yeah seven would be fine, yeah.

M: Out side the restaurant?

W: Yes.

M: I'll see you there.

W: Ok. Bye, Mike.

M: Bye.


A.Mike knows the film is stupid.

B.Mike didn't like the book.

C.Jane had .seen it once.

D.Jane didn't want to.

听力原文:M: Hi, Emily, what do you think of our class in Children’s Literature?W: It looks

听力原文:M: Hi, Emily, what do you think of our class in Children’s Literature?

W: It looks pretty good. Are you also majoring in Elementary Education?

M: Yes, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in my course.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet, I just bought the book today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It’s great fun reading those wonderful children stories by Doctor Brown.

M: Doctor Brown? I don’t remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Jonathan Brown Smith. You can find this name on the reading list. Doctor Brown is his pen name.

M: I love reading those stories as a child. It’ll be interesting to read them now from a different point of view. I guess they’ll give me a good idea of how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Doctor Brown’s book like The Cat in the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only two hundred words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in the Hat was written mainly to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also be interesting and fun.

M: It sounds as though this course is also going to be interesting and fun. I think I’ll get started on those readings tonight.


A.Children Literature.

B.American Literature.


D.Elementary Education.

Doctors and psychologists are talking a lot about stress nowadays. We keep hearing about h
ow harmful stress is --how it【C1】______our efficiency, lowers our【C2】______, leads to all sorts of mental and physical problems, and even【C3】______our family life by making us unbearably【C4】______. We are constantly【C5】______suggestions about how to【C6】______stress, or how to make it" work for us ",or at least keep it【C7】______out of hand.

Every month【C8】______a new article or book to read about stress; we can even take courses in "stress【C9】______"All of these ideas are certainly very【C10】______, -- that is, ff you leave out the fact【C11】______the pressure to avoid stress is just making people more【C12】______. The more good【C13】______I read about how to live with stress,【C14】______. I know I'm supposed to schedule free time【C15】______take it easy, but I just keep putting it【C16】______. 1 know I should practice deep breathing and muscle【C17】______techniques, but I'm too lazy. So I feel guilty. I feel like a failure. And that causes me more【C18】______than the stress I'm living with in the first place. In fact, if I hear one more good idea【C19】______coping with stress, I think I'll【C20】______.






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