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听力原文:I = InterviewerM = Martha Flowers(Interviewee)I: Martha Flowers, you're the found

听力原文:I = Interviewer

M = Martha Flowers(Interviewee)

I: Martha Flowers, you're the founder and managing director of Max Sandwiches. First of all, thank you for agreeing to speak to us.

M: You're welcome. I: I'd like to begin by asking you to tell us some- thing about how you started what is now a very successful business.

M: OK, Eh, I started it because I was hungry really. There was nowhere to buy something cheap yet healthy at lunchtime. And I spotted a gap in the market. I set up the business with a partner.

I: What? Someone who knew the business?

M: Yes, he'd had lots of hands-on experience. However the first three years were difficult. We worked all hours and hardly made any profit. We just didn't have sufficiently clear ideas of what we wanted, and frankly we were lucky to survive. These days we are very much more focused.

I: Martha, would it be fair to describe max as just one more fast food company?

M: No. We're definitely not that. For us, it's all about selling naturally made products at reason- able prices, not selling cheap food fast. Having set that, the fast food chains do some things very well. And I'd tike us to imitate the good aspects of how they operate. What I mean is we should cut out waste the way they do, not waste time or materials.

I: All right, so that's the aim. Now I'd like to ask you something about how you actually run your business like. Are you, like so many executives nowadays, a slave to your diary?

M: No, I am not. I don't even own one. I find this lack of structure gives me immense flexibility. I really don't see how you can get things done if you're tired down all the time. I am sorry for my secretary, who has, to cope with the way I work, but for me it's the only way.

I: But how are meetings scheduled?

M: Well, this is another thing. I hate meetings. The only regular feature of my week is the senior management team meeting. And we focus there not on details but on major issues. This means I can actually spend about 95% of my time listening to customers. And this is really the key to bow I run my business life-listening to our employees, because they can often tell you how to get things right.

I: Your approach certainly seems to be working. Your company is expanding all the time. How do you account for this success?

I: We're I a high volume low margin business. We only make a little profit on everything we sell, so basically we have to sell a lot. And the secret of success in a business like this is a loyal customer base. It's as simple as that.

I: Well, obviously the next question is what exactly do you do to keep your customer's loyalty?

M: We have to look at three things. The price of the product, the quality of the product and the attitude of our employees. They have to under- stand one thing very well indeed, and that is, it' s the customers who pay their salary.

I: Martha, if you were asked to give just one piece of advice to someone who is staring out in business today, what would you say?

M: I'd say, look at what other people in your line of business are doing. It's absolutely vital.

I: But doesn't everyone monitor what their competitors are doing?

M: Perhaps they do, but the important thing is what action you then take. A lot of people seem to monitor what's going on so they know what their feelings are. Then they do nothing about it. I find it must extraordinary.

I: Martha Flowers, thanks very much for talking to us.

M: You're welcome.

?You will hear a radio interview with Martha Flowers, the Managing Director of the MAX chain of sandwich bars.

?Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.

?Mark one letter(A, B, or C) for the phrase you choose.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Martha started her business because

A.someone asked her to.

B.she saw a good opportunity.

C.she had a lot of experience in fast food.

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更多“听力原文:I = InterviewerM = Martha…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: How did your interview go?W: I couldn't feel better about it.M: You weren't ne

听力原文:M: How did your interview go?

W: I couldn't feel better about it.

M: You weren't nervous, were you?

W: Not at all. The interviewer was very friendly.

What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman is sick.

B.The woman is worded about her interview.

C.Tile woman is confident.

D.The woman is feeling better.

听力原文:Interviewer: So, do you have a favourite movie?Director: Oh ... that's difficult.

听力原文:Interviewer: So, do you have a favourite movie?

Director: Oh ... that's difficult. Well ... I think it has to be The Agents, the Mel Rivers movie. I like it because it reminds you that no matter how hard life is, or how many times you get knocked down by bad situations, things can get a whole lot worse.

Interviewer: When did you first see it?

Director: On television, late one night... I must have been about 16. There were moments when I just couldn't stop laughing. It's anarchic and silly, but it's very warm. I love the friendship that develops between the two main characters.

You hear part of an interview in which a film director talks about his favourite movie.

Why does he like the film?

A.It is very funny.

B.It is very exciting.

C.It is very romantic.

听力原文:W: You look worried.What's on your mind?M: I'm thinking about the interview that

听力原文:W: You look worried.What's on your mind?

M: I'm thinking about the interview that I have to go through.The interviewer is well known for his tricky questions.

Q: Why is the man worried?


A.The interview is very important for him.

B.He has never been to an interview.

C.He hasn't prepared for the interview.

D.The interview is said to be quite demanding.

听力原文:Interviewer: Emm, excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?Interviewee: Yes, what

听力原文:Interviewer: Emm, excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?

Interviewee: Yes, what's it for? Is it a marketing survey?

Interviewer: No, no, no. It's a survey about study habits. When do you get up every day?

Interviewee: Half past six on weekdays, but on weekends, I always get up late.

Interviewer: How late?

Interviewee: About 11:00 or 12:00. I think I must reward myself for working hard all week.

Interviewer: Of course, you've earned it. Do you work best in the mornings or in the afternoons?

Interviewee: Well, I guess ... in the mornings. I seldom study in the afternoon. You see, my mind is awful then, so I have to take a nap,...a long nap for 2—3 hours ... or ... can't concentrate ...

Interviewer: I see. Do you often stay up late?

Interviewee: Oh, yes, almost everyday. I usually don't go to bed until 12 o'clock.

Interviewer: That's funny. Almost everyone in your school says that. Thank you very much.



B.Study habits.

C.Sleeping habits.

D.Working habits.

听力原文:Interviewer:Helen, was this business always a dream of yours?Woman:New, net reall

听力原文:Interviewer: Helen, was this business always a dream of yours?

Woman: New, net really, it developed from what we used to do, build fishing boats.

Interviewer: How long have you been in business?

Woman: About eight years, first we built the marina, then we bought boats to rent out for cruising holidays! It's going well.

Interviewer: How many boats de you have? During the summer I bet you're pretty busy.

Woman: Yes, people use them like caravans really, they go up river for their holidays and then bring them back to the moorings here for us to prepare for the next client ...

You hear part of an interview with a businesswoman. What is her business?

A.Hiring out boats.

B.Hiring out caravans.

C.Building boats.

听力原文:Interviewer:Can you still remember the thrill of it? I mean the first time you ac

听力原文:Interviewer: Can you still remember the thrill of it? I mean the first time you actually ride out there, out in front must be ...

Man: Yeah, yeah, it was certainly a big thrill, but it was an evening event. It was the last race and it was almost dark by the time we'd finished and when I got home it was about ten or eleven o'clock, so there was very little time to think about it or do anything. And I had to be up at about half five the next day for my job, so unfortunately it was straight back to work really.

You hear part of an interview in which a man is talking about winning his first horse race. What does he say about it?

A.He found it rather disappointing.

B.He didn't have a chance to celebrate.

C.He was too tired to care.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sophie. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been up to since

W: Hi, Mark. I am just looking for a job. Luckily, I am going for an interview next week. Can you give me some suggestion about the interview?

M: Well, the interviewer may ask you to tell about your educational background and working experience. The interviewer wants to hear you say it in detail so they can judge if the position is fit for you. So you should tell them the information most relevant to this position, and make your answer simple and clear.

W: Thank you very much, Mark. I think your suggestion is really helpful.

What are they talking about?

A.Job hunting



D.Working experience

听力原文:Interviewer: Excuse me; I'm doing some market research. Can I ask you a few quest

Woman: Yes, of course, go ahead.

Interviewer: Right. Do you travel for business?

Woman: Yes, I do. On average, I'd say I spend two or three days a week visiting customers.

Interviewer: Right ... "regularly". Now, do you ever work at home?

Woman: No, I don't. I'm seldom at home. I don't want to work there, too.

Interviewer: OK. Next question. Do you ever make presentations?

Woman: Yes, I do.

Interviewer: How often do you do that?

Woman: Let me see. Two or three times a month maybe. Some months it's more, some months it's less.

Interviewer: Right. Let's say ... "often". Now, do you usually do your own typing?

Woman: I'm afraid so. I don't have anyone to do it for me.

Interviewer: OK. Do you use a computer at work?

Woman: Sure. I'd be lost without it!

Interviewer: OK, I'll mark that "regularly". Do you ever buy computer magazines?

Woman: No, I don't. Never.

Interviewer: Right. And one last question ... Could you just look at this and tell me which age bracket you're in ...






听力原文:Interviewer: Excuse me. I wonder if you'd mind answering a few questions. I'm doi
ng a survey about foreigners studying in Britain.

Interviewee: Oh, I see. Well, no, I don't mind at all.

Interviewer: Oh, good. Where are you from, please?

Interviewee: I'm sorry. I didn't hear ...

Interviewer: What country are you from?

Interviewee: People's Republic of China, Shanghai, actually.

Interviewer: Could you tell me how long you've been here?

Interviewee: Yes, about 3 weeks.

Interviewer: I see, and how long will you be studying?

Interviewee: I'm not sure exactly, but I think about 2 months altogether.

Interviewer: And ... er... may I ask how old you are?

Interviewee: Yes, of course, I'm thirty-four.

Interviewer: What kind of educational course you are doing here?

Interviewee: I'm on a language improvement course run by UNESCO.

Interviewer: Very interesting! How long ago did you start to learn English?

Interviewee: Oh, I can't remember exactly, about 20 years ago, I think!

Interviewer: Fine, well, thank you very much. Enjoy you stay in London.

Interviewee: Thank you. Goodbye.


A.Foreigners' study in Britain.

B.Chinese people's studying in Britain.

C.Educational courses in Britain.

D.Foreigners' language learning in Britain.

听力原文:Interviewer: Could you tell me what you do for a living?Teacher: Um, I work as a

听力原文:Interviewer: Could you tell me what you do for a living?

Teacher: Um, I work as a guitar teacher in a number of local schools.

Interviewer: How do you actually begin to teach somebody to play the guitar?

Teacher: Well, I should make it clear first that I teach mainly classical guitar, er, that is playing tunes on the guitar itself rather than just using the guitar to accompany a singer. The most important thing to start with I think is getting people to sit in the correct position, in that you need a small stool to put your left foot on, and then also to make sure that the pupil is holding the guitar correctly and that their hands are in the right position.

Interviewer: Do some people find that difficult though, to get their hands right on the guitar?

Teacher: Yes, yes, er, I think if you said to somebody now play these few notes on a guitar their technique would be all wrong. The things you have to learn don't come naturally at all. They are something you have to learn to do.

Interviewer: Is it easier to teach younger children or easier to teach older children? What's the best age to start learning the guitar?

Teacher: In my experience I think that about 10 or 11 is quite a good age to start; it is possible to start younger; I've had one or two pupils who've started about the age of 7 or 8 and it's been quite successful but not always, There are the usual problems with young children keeping their concentration and practising. No, I would have said about 10 or 11. Adults too are interesting. I think children have an advantage over adults; they're often more physically able; they have more ability in their hands and fingers than adults. For this reason they often find it easier.

Interviewer: Is there anything you find really frustrating about teaching children though?

Teacher: Well, occasionally you come across children who are doing it because their parents want them to do it and they don't want to do it, and that can be a very frustrating situation in that they have got no motivation at all.

Interviewer: But on the whole you enjoy teaching children?

Teacher: Oh yes, yes, I do. I find it very rewarding actually, about 90 percent of the time. I would be less than honest if I said all the time. sometimes when you've got one be- ginner after another, Maybe they haven' t done as much practice as you would want them to, then you find your mind wandering a bit, thinking of all the things you could be doing but it is rewarding and I do enjoy it.

Chris teaches children the guitar ______.

A.in one school


C.in his free time

D.in more than one school

听力原文:Man: In the company, I am in charge of recruitment; I have to meet various people
. Some of them impressed me most at least the few days after we had the interview, because they are effective conversationalists. During the course of talk, half the responsibility lies with you. Leaving an interviewer indifferent is the worst impression you can make. And the way to make an effective impression is to feel free to be yourself.

&8226;You will hear five short recordings.

&8226;For each recording, decide who is speaking.

&8226;Write one letter (A--H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;You will hear the five recordings twice.

A an undergraduate

B a parent

C a personnel executive

D a sociologist

E a consultant for job-seekers

F a radio journalist

G a psychologist

H a general manager

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