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She once said," When people ask me whether writing has been a hard or easy road I always a

nswer with the famous saying: The end is nothing; the road is all. That is what I mean when I say writing has been a pleasure. I have never faced the type-writer with the thought that one more task had to be done."

Like most writers, Willa Cather did not write books for the money that they brought her. but rather for the pleasure that came in their writing. Her works were, like her, simple and full of the vigor of her days in Nebraska, where she grew from childhood to young womanhood and where she developed a deep love for the treeless land of the great plains with its wild flowers, wheat fields and rivers.

"It's a rather strange thing about the flat country," she wrote later. "It takes hold of you, or it leaves you perfectly cold. 'A great many people find it very dull: they like a church tower, an old factory, a waterfall, the country all made to look like a German Christmas card... But when I come to the open plains, something happens. I'm home. I breathe differently."

Willa Cather wrote because she found writing ______.

A.simple and lively

B.opened up a road to success

C.neither too hard nor too easy

D.interesting and enjoyable

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更多“She once said," When people as…”相关的问题
Once in a special occasion, the author was embarrassed when her daughter said she wanted t
o go to the bathroom.




根据以下内容回答下列各题, When I came to the United States, I didnt speak any English. Whe
n anyone asked me some-thing, I always said "Yes. " But I really didnt know what they were saying. Once I went to a large store to buy a mouse (鼠标) for my computer. When I got there, I was worried about the price. At last I found a cheap mouse. I checked the price to make sure of it before I went to the cashier. While I was at the cashiers, she asked me something. I said, "Yes," even though I didnt under-stand what she said. Then she told me what I had to pay. The price was different. I knew something was wrong. But I was afraid to say anything. Later, at home, I thought about what the cashier said to me. What made the price go up? Then my husband came home. He looked at the receipt and found out what was wrong. The cashiers question was, "Would you like a one-year warranty(保修)?”and my answer was, "Yes.” Since that day, I have never said "Yes" before I understand the question. And I have never paid more than the actual(实际的)price. The writer is studying in the United States.



C.Doesnt say

回答题Text 2Chicago"s Children"s Hospital is the lucky receiver of a surprise $18 million


Text 2

Chicago"s Children"s Hospital is the lucky receiver of a surprise $18 million gift from Gladys Holm. She once was a secretary who never earned more than $15,000 a year and never marrieD.She lived alone in a small flat in Chicago, and was a volunteer at the Children"s Hospital. She was called the "Teddy Bear Lady" because she brought toy animals to sick children on her regular visits. But Miss Holm, who died in 1996 at the age of 86, was also a long-time buyer of stocks (股票). Over the years, she saved money that rose up to $18 million, which she left to the Children"s Hospital. It was the largest single donation in the hospital"s ll5-year history. The hospital president, Jan Jennings, was shocked when she heard the news. "When Miss Holm"s lawyer called to tell me how much that money was, I asked him to repeat it, since I was certain I had miss heard"

Why did Gladys Holm feel so strongly about the Children"s Hospital? Jennings said the hospital first touched Miss Holm"s heart nearly 50 years ago, when doctors there saved the life of her friend"s daughter. She never forgot" the happiness she felt all those years ago.

Holm"s gift will he devoted to heart disease research. People at the hospital said they regretted that-they couldn"t thank Miss Holm for the surprising gift.

According to the text, Miss Holm built up her fortune by. 查看材料

A.playing Teddy Bear Lady

B.working as a secretary

C.helping in the hospital

D.buying stocks

On Armistice Day, the German armies had marched homeward in good order. "They fought well,
" said Marshal Foch, Generalissimo of the Allies, with the laurels bright upon his brow, speaking in soldierly mood: "let them keep their weapons." But he demanded that the French frontier should henceforth be the Rhine. Germany might be disarmed; her military system shivered in fragments; her fortresses dismantled: Germany might be impoverished; she might be loaded with measureless indemnities; she might become a prey to internal feuds: but all this would pass in ten years or in twenty. The indestructible might "of all the German tribes" would rise once more and the unquenched fires of warrior Prussia glow and burn again. But the Rhine, the broad, deep, swift-flowing Rhine, once held and fortified by the French Army, would be a barrier and a shield behind which France could dwell and breathe for generations. Very different were the sentiments and views of the English-speaking world, without whose aid France must have succumbed. The territorial provisions of the Treaty of Versailles left Germany practically intact. She still remained the largest homogeneous racial block in Europe. When Marshal Foch heard of the signing of the Peace Treaty of Versailles he observed with singular accuracy: "This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for twenty years."

听力原文:A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digg

听力原文: A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting; and he knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for them. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, "Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there."

Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, "I think somebody read your letter before it got out of the prison. Someone arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What shall I do now?"

The prisoner wrote back at once, "Plant the potatoes, of course."


A.Because his wife was ill in bed.

B.Because the farm work needed him badly.

C.Because the weather was so bad that his wife could not dig up the land.

D.Because his wife didn't know how to do any farm work.

We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象)

We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象) our alarm (惊恐) when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of twelve.

I sent off a telegram (电报) at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention (提到) to you, "she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents (帐篷) . "

Even so, my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys.

"And what if it rains? " she added.

Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the luggage (行李) , into the back of the car, with great difficulty of course. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.

On the way home. I talked over the shoulder (肩) to David, the eldest boy, "I didn't see your tents among your luggage"

"The tents! " cried David. " My God! We left them at home."

We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.

A.she and four boys

B.our house was small

C.it was the weekend

D.her family was not small

听力原文: When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess in the school pla
y. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once on stage, every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she bad written a narrator's part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn't tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a Walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. "I think I am going to dig up all these weeds," she said. "From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden. "

"But I like dandelions," I protested. "All flowers are beautiful — even dandelions!" My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn't it?" she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. "And that is true of people, too," she added.

When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.

"But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.

Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. "Your mother asked me to give this to you," she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed.


A.Mainly because she felt nervous on the stage.

B.Mainly because she lost her interest in that role.

C.Mainly because she preferred the role of the narrator.

D.Mainly because she had difficulty memorizing her words.

We have a rather small house, with only one spare(多余的)bedroom. You can imagine (想像)ou

We have a rather small house, with only one spare(多余的)bedroom. You can imagine (想像)our alarm(惊恐)when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of twelve.

I sent off a telegram(电报)at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention(提到)to you," she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents(帐篷)."

Even so ,my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding(喂养)four growing boys.

"And what if it rains? she added.

Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the luggage(行李) ,into the back of the car, with great difficulty of course. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.

On the way home. I talked over the shoulder(肩)to David, the eldest boy," I didn't see your tents among your luggage"

"The tents!" cried David. "My God! We left them at home."

We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.

A.she and four boys

B.our house was small

C.it was the weekend

D.her family was not small

听力原文:I once knew a man whose memory was very bad. Richard Rudd was so forgetful that h

听力原文: I once knew a man whose memory was very bad. Richard Rudd was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to remind him constantly of his appointments, his classes--even his meals! Since Rudd was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness often caused an embarrassment. It wasn't that he was unintelligent, as some critical people tend to gossip. He was just very, very absent-minded.

One hot summer day, Professor Rudd decided to take his children to the beach. The seaside town he planned to visit was about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. Unfortunately, by the time Rudd had arrived at the train station, the poor forgetful man had forgotten the name of his destination himself. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Rudd went back home to find out where he was going. The professor's wife was surprised to see him again so soon, but she was amused when she heard what the matter was. She distrusted his memory, so she wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper. Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later, she was astonished to see him outside the house again. What was the matter now?

"I can't find the piece of paper," said Professor Rudd.


A.Lack of confidence.

B.Lack of intelligence.



听力原文: The breach of the university's online application database exposed "dozens" of r
ecords to unauthorized individuals, said Katharine Harrington, USC dean of admissions and financial aid. She could not be more specific about the number of people whose personal data may have been viewed by the hacker or what their motivation was for the computer break-in. The university was not able to identify exactly which records may have been exposed. The site will be back up once new security measures are taken, the university said in a written statement. A California law that took effect two years ago requires institutions to inform. those affected when their personal information has been stolen or accidentally released. A number of states are considering similar legislation, and a bill is pending in the U.S. Senate that would also require institutions to tell people when the privacy of their personal information has been compromised. Consumer advocates say such notification is important because it provides an opportunity for consumers to put a fraud alert on their credit file. Identity theft is the top consumer fraud com- plaint, according to the Federal Trade Commission, which estimates that some 10 million people are affected each year.

What happened to the university?

A.Many computers were broken.

B.Dozens of records of applicants were hacked into.

C.A number of people could not be identified.

D.The new computer software was stolen.

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