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The first permanent European settlement was established in 1788 at Port Jackson, in southe

astern Australia, as a British penal colony; it grew into the city of______.





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更多“The first permanent European s…”相关的问题
Who probably built the first permanent shelters?A.Fish-eaters.B.Hunters.C.Lumbermen.D.Farm

Who probably built the first permanent shelters?





The first permanent shelters were probably built by fish-eating people.A.YB.NC.NG

The first permanent shelters were probably built by fish-eating people.




Which of the following is Britain's first permanent colony in Australia?A.New South Wales.

Which of the following is Britain's first permanent colony in Australia?

A.New South Wales.



D.South Australia.

The phrase "permanent homes" in Line 5 of the first paragraph probably means ______.

In 1565______established the first permanent European settlement in the continental United
States at St. Augustine, Florida.

A.the French

B.the English

C.the Spanish

D.the Italians

When I first arrived here to take up my new job, I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started l
ooking for a permanent ______, a place to ______ my own.

A.residence; call

B.accommodation; refer

C.household ; be

D.habitation ; say

听力原文:Antarctica is the fifth largest of the Earth's seven continents. It surrounds the

听力原文: Antarctica is the fifth largest of the Earth's seven continents. It surrounds the South Pole, the point at the southern end of the Earth's axis. Antarctica has no permanent human population because it is almost completely covered by ice. Antarctica is shaped somewhat like a comma, with a round body surrounding the South Pole and a tail curving toward South America. Antarctica lies 1,000 km (600 mls) from South America, its nearest neighbor; 4,000km(2,500 mls) from Africa; and 2,500 km (1,600 mls) from Australia. Antarctica's latitude and high elevations make it the coldest continent in the whole world.

Antarctica was first discovered in the early 19th century, and because of the extreme cold and the lack of native peoples, forests, land animals, and obvious natural resources, the continent remained largely neglected for decades. Scientific expeditions and seal hunters had explored only parts of its coasts by the end of the 19th century, while the interior remained unknown. Explorers first reached the South Pole in 1911, and the first permanent settlements—scientific stations—were established in the early 1940s. From that time the pace of exploration accelerated rapidly. Scientists continue to conduct research in Antarctica, and in recent years increasing numbers of tourists have visited Antarctica to appreciate the region's majestic scenery and wildlife.


A.North America.

B.South America.



听力原文:When men first lived on the earth a long time ago, they had no proper place to li

听力原文: When men first lived on the earth a long time ago, they had no proper place to live in. In order to get away from the heat of the sun, to keep themselves warm and dry, they found caves. Caves really gave them some kind of help. Some of these early men built their shelters up in the tree to escape wild animals. They had a hard life and had to go about from place to place for food. Much later on, their lives began to change. They learnt how to keep animals in herds. As they had to move their herds of animals from place to place for grassland, they had to build shelters which were easily carried about.

When they finally learnt the art of farming, they had to clean forests and started planting crops. After that, they had to think about building more permanent shelters. Old houses were built at first with wood and they even use grass as roofs. This went on for a long time. They kept making their houses better. Today, houses of all kinds are built. They are strong, permanent and can last a very long time.


A.To get away from the heat of the sun.

B.To keep themselves warm.

C.To get away from the rain.

D.To keep themselves dry.

The first sentence in the passage suggests that the observers mentioned in line 1 would be
most likely to predict which of the followings?

A.That the total number of temporary positions would increase as fewer workers were able to find permanent positions.

B.That employers would have less control over the terms of workers' 'employment as workers increased their bargaining strength.

C.That more workers would be hired for temporary positions as product demand increased.

D.That the number of workers taking temporary positions would increase as more workers in any given demographic group entered the workforc

The First Settlement in North America It is very difficult to say that when colonizat

The First Settlement in North America

It is very difficult to say that when colonization began. The first hundred years after Christopher Columbus's journey of discovery in 1492 did not produce any settlement on the North American continent but rather some Spanish trading posts further south, a great interest in gold and adventure, and some colorful crimes in which the English had their part. John Cabot, originally from Genoa but a citizen of Venice, was established as a trader in Bristol, England, when he made a journey in 1497. But his ship, the Matthew, with its crew of eighteen, did no more than see an island (probably off the New England coast) and return home. He and his son made further voyages across the north Atlantic, which enabled the English Crown to claim a "legal" title to North America.But for a long time afterwards the Europeans' interest in America was mainly confined to the Spanish activities further south.

The first beginning of permanent settlement in North America was nearly a hundred years after Columbus's first voyage. The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the whole of North America for England, calling it Virginia.In 1585 he sent a small group of people wh9 landed in Roanoke Island, but they stayed only for a year and then went back to England with another expedition, led by Drake, in 1587. A second group who landed in 1587 had all disappeared when a further expedition arrived in 1590.

The first permanent settlement in North America was in 1607. English capitalists founded two Virginia companies, a southern one based in London and a northern one based in Bristol. It was decided to give the name New England to the northern are.The first settlers in Virginia were little more than wage slaves to the company. All were men and the experiment was not very successful. Many died.Those who survived lived in miserable conditions. By 1619 the colony had only a thousand people.

第 16 题 We know for sure that colonization began at the end of the 15th century.



C.Not mentioned

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