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What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?A.Gorillas are man's close fri

What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?

A.Gorillas are man's close friends.

B.Both man and the gorilla need to be saved.

C.Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies.

D.Man should live peacefully with the gorilla.

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更多“What message can we get from t…”相关的问题
What message can we gel from the article?A.Different people have different buying patterns

What message can we gel from the article?

A.Different people have different buying patterns.

B.Culture is the most important factor in international business.

C.Members of different social classes dislike each other.

What message can we get from the article?A.Different peoples have different buying pattern

What message can we get from the article?

A.Different peoples have different buying patterns.

B.Culture is the most important factor in international business.

C.Members of different social classes dislike each other.

What can we know about Peter according to the message?A.He lives in New York.B.He has more

What can we know about Peter according to the message?

A.He lives in New York.

B.He has more than one kid.

C.He's got promoted.

D.He is Simon's boss.

What message can we get from the last paragraph?A.American football might develop in diffe

What message can we get from the last paragraph?

A.American football might develop in different places.

B.American football is supposed to be changeable.

C.American football will have its own rules.

D.American football might see changes in the 7ears to come.

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Jackson a message?W: Sorry. Mr. Jackson is having a

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Jackson a message?

W: Sorry. Mr. Jackson is having a holiday in Chicago.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman is busy working.

B.The woman can't take the message.

C.Mr. Jackson is on his holiday.

D.Mr. Jackson will be back soon.

听力原文:M: Hello,this number is 7665436.W: This is Mary. Can I speak to Linda,please?M: S

听力原文:M: Hello,this number is 7665436.

W: This is Mary. Can I speak to Linda,please?

M: Sorry,she isn't in right now. Can I take a message?

Q: What can we learn about?


A.Mary is not in right now.

B.Mary can't speak to Linda right now,

C.Mary's number is 7665436.

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holida

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?

W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holiday in Paris.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman can' t take the message.

B.Mr. Bush is in his office.

C.The woman is busy working.

D.Mr. Bush will be back soon.

听力原文:M: Can I speak to Peter?W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?M:

听力原文:M: Can I speak to Peter?

W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, this is Globe Travel. Could you tell him his ticket is ready?

W: OK, I'll do that.

What do we know about Peter?

A.He has lost his ticket.

B.He is expecting a ticket.

C.He went out to buy a ticket.

听力原文:W: This is Carolyn Dianne. We're not in at the moment, Please leave your message
and telephone number, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

M: Hi, Carol. This is David. There is no class tomorrow afternoon. The class is going to see a film at Western Wood Theater. Please meet us in the front of the theater at 4:30. Or Max and I can pick you up at 4. Call me at 781-4893 before noon. After that at 781-9067 and leave a message. I'm in a lecture in the afternoon. Bye.

What is the phone message about?

A.Going to see a film.

B.Attending a lecture.

C.Changing a phone number.

听力原文:W: Hello, Designing Department, can I help you?M: This is Tom Smith from planning

听力原文:W: Hello, Designing Department, can I help you?

M: This is Tom Smith from planning. Is Charlie Zhang there?

W: I'm afraid he's out all day on a visit. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, please, if you would. It's about the meeting we scheduled for Thursday.

W: Oh, yes, about the new factory site…

M: That's right. I've just heard from the builder that he can't come on Thursday. I wonder if we can change the date.

W: That shouldn’t be a problem. I'll just look in Mr. Zhang's diary. Right, I've cancelled Thursday's meeting.

M: OK, now how's he fixed on Friday…?

W: He’s got a meeting at 9:30 but that should be finished by 10:15. What time did you have in mind?

M: Well, the two of us can come any time that morning, so could we make it 11:30 a.m.?

W: That sounds fine.

M: We want to discuss the new office building, so could you ask Zhang to bring his plans with him?

W: Yes, certainly.

M: Thanks a lot, bye.

Look at the note below.

You will hear a man calling to change an arrangement.


To: Charlie Zhang

From: Tom (9)______ (Planning Dept)

Message: Thursday's meeting with him and (10)______

Changed to (11)______ , at 11: 30 am.

Please bring (12)______ for the new office building.

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