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Commission agent

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The agent's commission is a percentage of the sale price.A.YB.NC.NG

The agent's commission is a percentage of the sale price.




The agent's commission comes from the vendor.A.YB.NC.NG

The agent's commission comes from the vendor.




How much does Madam Li offer for the agent’s commission on these minimum quantities?A.2% o

How much does Madam Li offer for the agent’s commission on these minimum quantities?

A.2% of the selling price of dyes.

B.2% of the price of all dyes.

C.2% of the revenues.

Write a letter for the principal to accept the agent's application of being sole agent after rea
ding the following given letter.Dear Mr.Wang:

Our company is one of the leading companies in china ornaments retail business.We have oufiets throughout our England.We are interested in your products displayed at the exhibition Guangzhou fair and would like to know whether you could offer us a sole agency to retail your products in our country.

We are confident that there is a growing market for your products in this area, due to the increasing demand for china ornaments.

We operate on a 10% commission basis on net list prices, with an additional 3% del credere commission if required.We usually pay our principals by bill of exchange on a quarterly basis.

If you are interested in the above proposal, we will send our representative to discuss further details with you.We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Buying a HomeTo Buy or to RentAccording to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Buying a Home

To Buy or to Rent

According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) , 37 percent of Canadian renters could afford to buy a home. But when it comes to buying or tenting, age, lifestyle, whether or not you're a parent, even where you live, all play a role. This was among, findings of a late 1990s study by the CMHC, which wanted to know why, in Quebec, so many 25-to 34-year-olds--the so-called Generation X--were tenants rather than homeowners. At the time, 56 percent of this age group outside Quebec owned their homes, a figure that dropped to 34 percent in Montreal. CMHC's Kim-Anh Lam explained: "When we asked about their priorities, Gen Xers placed housing fifth--after recreational activities, retirement planning, consolidating their jobs, and repaying their debt." However, home ownership became a priority once a couple became serious, or the first child arrived.

Most experts agree that renting makes sense if you're highly mobile and don't want to be burdened with the slow pace of the buying and selling process, or if you can't or don't want to take on the long-term financial commitments of a mortgage and home maintenance. Renting may be necessary in order to save for the 10 to 20 percent down payment needed to buy a home.

Whether you buy or rent your home, you should use no more than 35 percent of your income on housing, including rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, and repair. Most banks recommend that no more than 30 percent of your income should support a mortgage, and no more than 40 percent should go to a mortgage and other debt.

Offer to Purchase

Home buyers sometimes get stung because they or their representatives fail to include important conditions in the offer to Purchase , or, as it is sometimes called, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Your offer can be conditional-it is good only on condition that you obtain mortgage financing, or the house passes a home inspection or a termite check. In Homebuying Step by Step: a consumer guide and workbook, the CMHC recommends your offer also include:

Basic details such as your legal name, the name of the vendor, and the legal and civic address of the property.

The purchase price and all financial details included in this should be the amount of the deposit and any interest to be paid on it. You may also want to spell out the specific amount of penalty should you wish to back out of the deal.

The chattel or items in the home which are included in the purchase price. This may include window coverings, appliances, a satellite dish, carpeting, bookcases, or a backyard swing.

Enumerate all of them, and stipulate that everything in the house--all appliances and systems--be in working order at the time of closing of title.

Date of closing and taking possession--usually 30 to 60 days from the date of the agreement, but it can be longer.

Request for a current land survey of the property.

Date and time at which the offer becomes null and void. A 48-hour limit on the seller's response time to your offer is reasonable.

For Buyers only

A typical real estate transaction often begins when prospective buyers drive by a house that looks appealing, take down the name of the real estate agent listed on the sign in the yard, and call that person for an appointment. The only problem, That agent--usually the listing agent--works for a commission paid by the seller, and the agent's legal responsibility is to get the best price possible for the current homeowners, not the prospective buyers.

Common sense calls for buyers to be honest about their priorities, preferences, and price range. But since the agent's commission comes from the vendor, and since this money is a percentage of the sale price, it is entirely possible that any information the buyers reveal to the agent--




&8226;Look at these sentences and the five passages chosen from a booklet entitled "How Do
I Get Into Export". The book explains steps to successful exporting.

&8226;Which clip does each sentence refer to?

&8226;For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Commitment: Developing export markets can be costly in terms of time, money have the commitment required to make a success of export? Entering new markets and developing them usually takes considerable time and effort. You must take a long-term view. Consider how many resources and how long it takes to break into a new regional market in Australia. The time and cost can be multiplied several times when you are looking at an overseas market.


Finance: Breaking into any new markets requites considerable funds (airfares, accommodation, advertising, sales promotion, new brochures, training of overseas sales agent, etc.). Does your company have the financial strength to commit say $ 30,000 or more for the year or two it may take to develop a new overseas market?

Discusses your plans with the international Department of your bank to ensure that all the financial aspects are covered and viable. Gain an understanding of international trade finance. Discuss costing-for-export with your accountant, and transport/packaging requirements with a customs agent or forwarding agent.


Become familiar with common terms used in international trade. The Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE) and the major trading banks have reference booklets. The Australian Institute of Expert provides courses.


Select one or two likely markets and undertake desk research to identify their characteristics. Most first-time exporters start with New Zeatand. Many are also interested in the USA, but that is an enormous and complex market.

In making a detailed market study the following should be considered:

?whether the country selected already imports the product (import statistics will show how much and from where)

?what import duties the product would attract

?other barriers to imports, such as import licensing

?frequency and cost of shipping or airfreight between Australia and the market

?regulations, such as quarantine and labeling standards, consumer protection rules, and product standards

?whether cultural differences need to be taken into account. 'Read economic and social literature on the target market to understand its fundamental characteristics.


The desk research should have indicated the market with the most potential and you should now be in a good position to visit the target market. The main purpose of the visit will be to study its special characteristics, the opportunities/competition at first hand, seek a suitable agent or distributor, and jointly draw up an appropriate marketing plan to introduce and expand the sale of your product. These are all very important considerations, and more than one visit will probably be necessary. Choosing the right agent, for most Companies, is probably the single most important step. Do not rush this step.

A long-term approach has to be taken in projecting how to crack the world market.

听力原文:F: Mr. Mitchell, when we last met, time did not permit us to discuss Sinochem’s e
xports of agrochemicals. Shall we review these now before we continue our discussions on dyestuffs and organic pigments?

M: I think that might be a good idea, Madam Li. Our time in Beijing is growing short and I do wish to take home as much information as I can.

F: This catalogue describes our agrochemicals' exports, which include insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and plant growth regulators, as well as fertilizers.

M: We would like to take home a number of copies of this catalogue, if we may, for review by our marketing division. In the meantime, however, it would appear that insecticides would be of primary interest.

F: Certainly, Mr. Mitchell. Just let me know how many copies you want and will have them delivered to your hotel before you leave.

M: Oh, half a dozen will be fine for now.

F: I will make sure this is done. May we now continue our discussions on dyestuffs and organic pigments?

M: Yes, I believe we have reached the stage where we should explore the feasibility of setting up an agency relationship with your company. I have reviewed our notes on our previous discussions and we have pretty well concluded that on this particular visit we should focus on your dyestuffs.

F: That will be fine. In other words, you would like to leave the possible importation of our inorganic and organic pigments for future consideration?

M: Yes, that is correct. We believe that Galaxy needs to do its homework on these commodities. We would like to complete some further market research studies before making any commitments to you in regard to this.

F: We appreciate your candour, Mr. Mitchell. Whenever you wish to reopen discussions concerning these commodities, we will look forward to hearing from Galaxy.

M: Now during our earlier discussions, you mentioned that your minimum quantity of shipping dyestuffs offshore is one container, holding between 10 and 14 metric tons.

F: That is correct, Mr. Mitchell.

M: What would be your agent's commission on these minimum quantities?

F: We, too, have had some internal discussions on this matter and we can offer you an agent s commission of 2% of the selling price on all dyes.

M: Some of the dyes will be more readily marketable than others. For example, I can foresee that, with the fight amount of promotional effort, we would be able to develop a significant market for your reactive dyes. Nevertheless, we would have to launch a fairly extensive, and no doubt costly, promotional program to introduce these dyes to the end users. There would be a very considerable first time advertising expenditure, followed by regular outlays for reinforcement advertising as these products become known and the end users begin to apply them.

F: As you know, the reactive dyes are considerably more expensive than the sulfur dyes. Therefore, any sales of these commodities would generate significant agency revenues.

M: During the initial stages, however, most of these commissions would be required to pay for the promotional expenses, which will be very substantial indeed. Have you considered the feasibility of assuming financial responsibility for at least a portion of the required advertising campaign? We would visualize some television and perhaps radio advertising, but primarily inserts into local daily newspapers and trade magazines.

F: We have not previously provided our agents with any, what you might call, promotional allowances. Advertising of our products is strictly the responsibility of the agent.

M: Under these circumstances, it would take a very long time b

A.Agrochemicals exports.

B.Dyestuff and pigments.

C.Insecticides and fertilizers.

overriding commission
[A] assignment[B] temptation[C] attempt[D] commission

[A] assignment

[B] temptation

[C] attempt

[D] commission

A British investigation has found flaws in London's pre-war assessment of Iraqi's weapons
threat, but the report has cleared Prime Minister Tony Blair of deceiving the nation into going to var. The investigation, led by former British civil service chief Robin Butler, concludes that British

intelligence officers were wrong to say that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that could be deployed within 45 minutes.

That finding was a key element in a British government document issued in September 2002 that helped persuade the public and parliament that Iraq must be disarmed.

Mr. Butler told reporters Iraq had no deployable(可使用的)chemical or biological weapons at the time of the March 2003 invasion.

"We say it would be an unwise person who reaches the conclusion that nothing will ever be found in Iraq. But I do distinguish between stocks of agent, and weapons," he said. "And we do conclude that Iraq did not have significant, if any, stocks of chemical or biological weapons in a state fit for deployment."

The Butler report clears Prime Minister Blair of knowingly manipulating poor intelligence to win support for the invasion. Mr. Butler says no one in particular is responsible for the intelligence failures. "I think no single individual is to blame. This was a collective operation, in which there were the failures we've identified, "he said. "But as I've said, no, in my view, there was no deliberate attempt on the part of the government to mislead."

Mr. Blair appeared in parliament shortly after the report's release. He accepted responsibility for the intelligence mistakes, but said Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed a threat that could not be ignored after the 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States.

"I can honestly say I never have had to make a harder judgment. But in the end, my judgment was that after September 11th, we could no longer run the risk. That instead of waiting for the potential threat of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction to come together, we had to get out and get after it," he said.

Mr. Blair brushed off suggestions from the opposition Conservative Party that his credibility has been damaged by Iraq, and that parliament would be less likely to trust him if asked again to vote to go to war. Mr. Blair pointed out that the Conservatives also had supported the invasion of Iraq, and continue to do so.

The Butler commission was less critical of pre-war intelligence failures than a U.S. Senate report issued last week. Some leading senators have said President Bush probably would not have gotten the Senate's support to invade Iraq if the poor intelligence assessments had been known at the time.

Who is Robin Butler?

A.Former British civil service chief.

B.The person who is in charge of a recent intelligence investigation.

C.Head of the Butler Commission.

D.All of the above.

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