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We have exchanged views on everything ______.

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更多“We have exchanged views on eve…”相关的问题
Taking tile place of teaching for an eighth-grade class, I noticed that many of the studen
ts were asking for permission to leave the room. So I announced that, since it was Flag Day, anyone who wished to leave had to first write a short essay on "Why I am proud to be an American." The departure stepped.

Then one youngster handed me a paper with a picture of the flag. Her statement read:

"I am proud to be an American because I am allowed to have certain individual(个人的) fights. These include freedom of religion--which gives me the right to worship(崇拜) as I please; freedom of speech--which gives me the right to speak freely; freedom from cruel and unusual punishment--which gives me the right to leave the room."

We exchanged smiles as I handed her the pass.

Why did the teacher ask them to write a short essay?

A.She wanted to know who was the best student in the class.

B.She wanted to improve their writing ability.

C.She wanted to keep them in the classroom.

D.She wanted them to be proud of the country.

Mrs. Grey lived in the country, but she worked in London. She drove to the railway station
in her car every morning, and left it in the station car park until she arrived back on the train in the evening. She was a careful driver, but one morning she was rather late, so she was going faster than usual when she had an accident in a narrow road not far from her home.

What happened was that another car was coming in the opposite direction, and either that one or Mrs. Grey's car was too far in the middle of the road, or perhaps both of them were. They ran into each other and were both damaged, although not enough to stop them from driving.

Both Mrs. Grey and the other driver, who was a young man whom she had seen in the district but had not met, got out of their cars, and Mrs. Grey said, "I'm afraid I haven't got time to waste on an accident this morning, as I have a very important appointment in town at nine, and I suppose you're a busy man too." .

"Yes, I am," the young man said, "but we'll have to c. all the police for insurance purposes, won't we? They won't pay for the damage unless we have reported the accident to the police and they have come and seen what happened."

"Yes, certainly," Mrs. Grey answered, "but I have something to suggest. We won't be committing a crime if we go away now in our cars, and then come back to the scene of the accident, say, at six this evening, and put them in exactly the same positions as they are in now. Then we can call the police. They won't know what time the accident happened, and the insurance companies won't care either as long as we can send them a police report of the accident. " " What a good idea !" the young man said happily. "So I'll be waiting here at six o'clock this evening. I won't be late!" "Nor will I," Mrs. Grey answered. She and the young man exchanged visiting cards, and then each drove off to their work.

When Mrs. Grey arrived at the station from London at a quarter to six that evening, she got into her car, drove to the place where the accident had happened, and found the young man waiting there in his car. They put both cars in exactly the same positions as they had been in after the accident, and then Mrs. Grey called the police, using the telephone in her car, as if the accident had just happened.

The most suitable title for this passage is______.

A.A Late Car Accident

B.A Funny Car Accident

C.A Bad Car Accident

D.A Lucky Car Accident

The conversations which English people hold about the weather do not as a rule leave the p
articipants any the wiser; only on rare occasions can information be said

A.is exchanged

B.to be exchanged

C.to have been exchanged

D.has been exchanged

Warranty Policy for S&S Durable SneakersAttention customers! We guarantee that our sne

Warranty Policy for S&S Durable Sneakers

Attention customers! We guarantee that our sneakers have the best quality. In particular, they are durable enough to endure extreme weather conditions. If there are any defects in the material and workmanship, please send them back immediately with the original receipt and packaging. All our products can be exchanged within 100 days of the date of purchase. In addition, a full refund can be given if preferred. Please check the instructions below.

1. If you use your sneakers outdoors, they cannot be returned for sizing problems.

2. If damage is caused by your mistake, this warranty will not apply.

3. If damage takes place over 100 days past the date of purchase because of proven defect in the workmanship, you will be given 30% credit towards the purchase of a new pair.


Customer Service

475 Green Ave.

Princeton, NJ

Hi, I'm Eugene Lee. I'm writing you to return my sneakers purchased last week. Actually, I bought my sneakers on the Internet last Saturday. Seemingly they were really nice and strong, but the heels appeared to be cracked when I wore them today. Thus, I'm returning these sneakers with the original receipt. Sorry for not returning the box. I threw it away. I hope this will not have an effect on my refund.

I was very disappointed with your products because I had heard that your brand has a pretty good reputation. Anyway I would like to get a full refund, but if that's not possible, I would like to exchange this pair for another.

Eugene Lee

What is Mr. Lee doing with his sneakers purchased last week?

A.He is bringing them to the store.

B.He is putting them on the shelf.

C.He is washing them.

D.He is sending them back to the manufacturer.

听力原文:W: Yes. It was a year ago that my husband and I decided to change roles.M: Why di

听力原文:W: Yes. It was a year ago that my husband and I decided to change roles.

M: Why did you suddenly think of exchanging roles?

W: A year ago, I was beginning to get bored at home all day. My husband didn't like his job; most of all, he hated traveling to work in the rush hour every day.

M: Did your husband agree to stay at home?

W: At first, be didn't. But I applied for a job with a salary higher than his. It seemed sensible for me to accept the job and for him to stay at home.

M: Now, you've exchanged places for a year. How are you getting on?

W: Very well. We choose roles that are comfortable for us.

M: How's your husband?

W: At first, he really enjoyed staying at home and being with the children. He thinks we made the right decision although lie does find housework very boring.

M: What about your marriage life before exchanging roles?

W: We have a traditional marriage. I stayed at home to care for children and my husband. My husband worked at a job in the office.

M: Did your husband make most of the decisions at that time?

W: Of course, he earned the money and paid the bills.

Why did Mrs. Smith change her roles with her husband?

A.Because she has been bored about the housework.

B.Because she has got a job at a salary higher than her husband's.

C.Because she wants to communicate with the people.

D.Because she finds it interesting to work outside.

From: Bethany Adair To: Customer service employees Subject: Return and Exchange Policy Dat

From: Bethany Adair

To: Customer service employees

Subject: Return and Exchange Policy

Date: July 7

Dear Employees,

Recently, there have been some questions concerning our return and exchange policy. I would like to briefly reiterate what that policy is in this memorandum. Please review this information so that you are aware of it when a customer attempts to return or exchange an item.

Solasoft General Return and Exchange Policy >>

If a customer is not satisfied with their purchase of any Solasoft product, they are permitted to either return or exchange the product within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the product. If the item has been returned unopened and in the original packaging, it can be exchanged or returned based on the original method of payment. If the original packaging has been opened, however, a 10 percent fee will be deducted from any exchange or return transaction. Any product that warrants the 10 percent fee can only be refunded with a store credit.

Please note that we do not permit the return or exchange of the following products:

1. Any product that has been customized or personalized

2. Electronic software downloads

3. Software upgrades

4. Solasoft gift cards

5. Solasoft gift packaging

6. Any Solasoft program membership

7. Technical support

Also, there are special policies regarding merchandise that is defective. If such a case arises, please speak with a manager. Either Vince Hopkins or myself should be available for further instructions before proceeding with any course of action.

Thank you,

From: Bethany Adair To: Customer service employees

How long does a customer have to return unopened merchandise?

A.10 days from the date of purchase

B.12 days from the date of purchase

C.14 days from the date of purchase

D.16 days from the date of purchase

Human Heart Can Make New CeilsSolving a longstanding (为时甚久的) mystery, scientists have

Human Heart Can Make New Ceils

Solving a longstanding (为时甚久的) mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac (心脏的) cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age.

The finding, published in the April 3 issue of Science, could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attack, experts say.

"We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes (心肌细胞), are renewed," said lead researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen, a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we are born with or if they could be renewed," he said.

The process of renewing these cells changes over time, Frisen added. In a 20-year-old, about 1 percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year, but the turnover (更替) rate decreases with age to only 0.45 percent by age 75.

"If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated, it may be potentially possible to develop pharmaceuticals (药物) that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after, for example, a heart attack," Frisen said.

That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts.

"A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure," noted co-author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj, also from the Karolinska Institute. "Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said.

With this finding, scientists are "opening the door to potential therapies (疗法) to having ourselves heal ourselves," Bhardwaj said. "Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing. "

But barriers remain. According to Bhardwaj, scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off, especially in older patients with heart failure. In addition, the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts -- whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.

The human heart stops producing cardiac cells

A.when a person becomes old.

B.as soon as a person gets sick.

C.immediately after a person is born.

D.once a person dies.

听力原文:On my way downtown, I saw Mr. Kennedy, CEO of the Top CO. , Ltd. He was heading f
or some place, we only exchanged some greetings.


A.I saw Mr. Kennedy while I was going downtown.

B.Mr. Kennedy was in my way downtown.

C.Mr. Kennedy was going out of town.

D.I saw Mr. Kennedy downtown.

Currency seems like a very simple idea. It's only money, after all, and that's just what w
e use to buy the things we want and need. We get paid by our employers, and we use that money to pay tile bills, buy our food, and purchase goods and services. We might put some in a savings account at the bank or invest it in stocks or real estate, but for the most part, currency seems like a fairly straightforward concept.

In fact, the development of currency has shaped human civilization. Currency has' stopped wars, and it has started many more. Cities and nations as we know them would not exist without it. It is difficult to overstate the importance of currency in modem life.

Currency as Substitute

Currency, or money, can be defined as a unit of purchasing power. It is a medium of exchange, a substitute for goods or services. It doesn't have to be the coins or bills with which you're probably most familiar. In fact, through the ages, everything from large stone wheels, knives, slabs of salt, and even human beings have been used as money. Anything that people agree represents value is currency.

For example, if you have one barrel of wheat, and you want a cow, without currency you have to find someone who not only has a cow, but also wants a barrel of wheat and will agree to the trade.

Now, if you live in a place where round, stamped coins are widely considered to have a certain value and can be exchanged for other things, then you just have to find someone who needs wheat. That person will take the wheat in exchange for an agreed-upon amount of coins which you can later use to buy a cow from someone else.

Currency as Wealth

Besides serving as a substitute in trades, money's other important use is as a store of wealth. In a straight barter system, the commodities being traded are generally perishable. You can gather tons and tons of wheat by making shrewd trade deals, but if you try to save the wheat, it will eventually go bad. Money allows people to accumulate wealth.

This had an enormous impact on civilization, because it meant that power wouldn't always be passed through families. People who had been excluded from any possibility of holding political power could amass wealth through trade or by providing a service. That wealth could then be used to purchase political or even military power. So money made civilization more democratic by taking some power out of the hands of noble families that had monopolized it for hundreds of years.

Forms of Currency: Commodity

The forms and functions of currency have changed over the last 3,000 years or so, generally falling into four categories:

Commodity currency


Paper money

Electronic currency

Commodity Currency

The development of commodity-based currency systems represents more of a blurring between barter systems and later currency systems than a revolutionary change. In a commodity system, the money used is not only a "place-holder" for purchasing power, but it is something that has an inherent value by itself.

A good example of a commodity system is the one used by the Aztecs. They placed great value on cacao beans, which could be used to make chocolate. The beans were small and easy to carry, so they were often used to balance out or make change in barter agreements.

Forms of Currency: Coins

The first coins were minted in Lydia, an ancient empire in the area of modem Turkey. The Lydian king Croesus started making small metal ingots stamped with an imperial emblem around 640 B. C.

This Lydian custom spread to the Greeks and eventually to the Romans. Coins were usually made of silver or gold, and their value was enforced by the authority of the government that issued them. If the Athenian officials declared that all coins minted in Athens,




InformationInformation-processed by human brainwork into knowledge and integrated and intu


Information-processed by human brainwork into knowledge and integrated and intuited into wisdom-has quite suddenly become the world&39;s most important resources. As far as what will happen in the future as we can see, information will be playing the leading role in world history that physical labor, stone, bronze, land, minerals, metals, and energy once played.

(46). We must burn into our consciousness how very different sort of informastion comes from all of its predecessors as civilization&39;s dominant resources.

Information expends as it is used. Information is less hungry for other resources. The higher the tech, the less energy and raw materials are needed(47). Information is readily transportable. Information is shared, not exchanged; it gives rise to sharing transactions (交易, 处理) ,not to exchange transactions.

(48):Why, in our communities and our world, nobody can possibly be in general charge. Why more and more diversity had better be the law of life on this Planet. Why people have to find ways to be different together, in Bosnia and Rwanda and Cambodia and the Middle East, but also in New York and California and Minesota(49). Why, since information can&39;t really be owned, the phrase "intellectual property" is an oxymoron (予盾修饰法). Why the new fairness revolutions, claims by ever-smarter disadvantage majorities around the world, cannot much longer be denied or ignored. Why, more and more, the followers so often get to the policy answers before their leaders catch on.

We&39;re living at a very special moment in humankind&39;s long ascent toward civilized behavior(50), sparked by information science and information technology, which have now made the human species, for the first time, the lead actor in its own evolution.


A These simple, pregnant propositions provide new answers to some of the biggest "why" questions of the exciting times just ahead of us

B It is the consequence of the enormous advantages of science and technology

C Why we will have to change our ways of thinking about work, and possibly even chop away the linkage between working and making a living

D Information can, and increasingly does, replace land, labor, and capital

E To manage future complexities, we certainly can&39;t keep using the concepts that served us so well in the industrial era

F Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities


A These simple, pregnant propositions provide new answers to some of the biggest "why" questions of the exciting times just ahead of usB It is the consequence of the enormous advantages of science and technologyC Why we will have to change our ways of thinking about work, and possibly even chop away the linkage between working and making a livingD Information can, and increasingly does, replace land, labor, and capitalE To manage future complexities, we certainly can&39;t keep using the concepts that served us so well in the industrial eraF Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities


A These simple, pregnant propositions provide new answers to some of the biggest "why" questions of the exciting times just ahead of usB It is the consequence of the enormous advantages of science and technologyC Why we will have to change our ways of thinking about work, and possibly even chop away the linkage between working and making a livingD Information can, and increasingly does, replace land, labor, and capitalE To manage future complexities, we certainly can&39;t keep using the concepts that served us so well in the industrial eraF Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities


A These simple, pregnant propositions provide new answers to some of the biggest "why" questions of the exciting times just ahead of usB It is the consequence of the enormous advantages of science and technologyC Why we will have to change our ways of thinking about work, and possibly even chop away the linkage between working and making a livingD Information can, and increasingly does, replace land, labor, and capitalE To manage future complexities, we certainly can&39;t keep using the concepts that served us so well in the industrial eraF Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities


A These simple, pregnant propositions provide new answers to some of the biggest "why" questions of the exciting times just ahead of usB It is the consequence of the enormous advantages of science and technologyC Why we will have to change our ways of thinking about work, and possibly even chop away the linkage between working and making a livingD Information can, and increasingly does, replace land, labor, and capitalE To manage future complexities, we certainly can&39;t keep using the concepts that served us so well in the industrial eraF Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities


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