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Police say a man was carrying a dead weasel when he burst into an apartment and assaulted

a man in Washington state.





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更多“Police say a man was carrying …”相关的问题
听力原文: Police in Texas say the gunman who killed a hostage at the NASA Space Center in
Huston on Friday and then shot himself was facing a review of his performance of work, and apparently feared be would be sacked. The man, William' Phillips, was said to have bought a revolver and ammunition on the same day that be printed an e-mail from a man be later took hostage, David Beverly, detailing his shortcomings. Phillips confronted Beverly and shot him .several times as be tried to barricade himself in his office. A second hostage, a woman, was bound with tape but escaped without injury.

What did Phillips fear according to Police in Texas?

A.That he would be sentenced to death.

B.That he would die in prison.

C.That he would be fired.

D.That he would be discriminated.

听力原文:W: Still no sign of Carol? I am worried so much. I'm going to call the police.M:

听力原文:W: Still no sign of Carol? I am worried so much. I'm going to call the police.

M: And what are you going to say? It's 1 a.m. and our 18-year-old daughter isn't home yet?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.They should wait a little longer.

B.Calling the police is not reasonable.

C.They should try to find their daughter.

D.Another method must be found out.

Mrs. Grey lived in the country, but she worked in London. She drove to the railway station
in her car every morning, and left it in the station car park until she arrived back on the train in the evening. She was a careful driver, but one morning she was rather late, so she was going faster than usual when she had an accident in a narrow road not far from her home.

What happened was that another car was coming in the opposite direction, and either that one or Mrs. Grey's car was too far in the middle of the road, or perhaps both of them were. They ran into each other and were both damaged, although not enough to stop them from driving.

Both Mrs. Grey and the other driver, who was a young man whom she had seen in the district but had not met, got out of their cars, and Mrs. Grey said, "I'm afraid I haven't got time to waste on an accident this morning, as I have a very important appointment in town at nine, and I suppose you're a busy man too." .

"Yes, I am," the young man said, "but we'll have to c. all the police for insurance purposes, won't we? They won't pay for the damage unless we have reported the accident to the police and they have come and seen what happened."

"Yes, certainly," Mrs. Grey answered, "but I have something to suggest. We won't be committing a crime if we go away now in our cars, and then come back to the scene of the accident, say, at six this evening, and put them in exactly the same positions as they are in now. Then we can call the police. They won't know what time the accident happened, and the insurance companies won't care either as long as we can send them a police report of the accident. " " What a good idea !" the young man said happily. "So I'll be waiting here at six o'clock this evening. I won't be late!" "Nor will I," Mrs. Grey answered. She and the young man exchanged visiting cards, and then each drove off to their work.

When Mrs. Grey arrived at the station from London at a quarter to six that evening, she got into her car, drove to the place where the accident had happened, and found the young man waiting there in his car. They put both cars in exactly the same positions as they had been in after the accident, and then Mrs. Grey called the police, using the telephone in her car, as if the accident had just happened.

The most suitable title for this passage is______.

A.A Late Car Accident

B.A Funny Car Accident

C.A Bad Car Accident

D.A Lucky Car Accident

听力原文: Embattled Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid warned yesterday that he would
move against those who ignore him, after police and lawmakers disregarded his decision to fire the national police chief.

Suroyo Bimantoro defied Wahid's dismissal by attending a ceremony promoting police officers in Jakarta yester- day.

He late met with senior legislators who accused Wahid of violating the constitution by firing the chief without consulting parliament. More than 100 senior police generals signed a statemeat backing Bimantoro, the state news agency reported.

Bimantoro said he would only step down ff parliament asked him to, which is unlikely to happen.

Wahid's spokesman Yahya Staguf said that firing Bimantoro was constitutional and that the police chief had been meddling in politics.

He said Bimantoro was trying to create a rift between the President and Vice-Prresident, who many lawmakers want to replace Wahid if they oust him durning impeachment proceedings in August.

"Those actions will be considered insubordination and stem action will be taken if this is ignored," Wahid's spokesman said.

The president, facing impeachment over 'allegations of corruption and incompetence, which he denies, fired Bimantoro and several Cabinet ministers on Friday and condemned the police for their handling of recent violence in East Java, where officers shot and killed one of Wahid' s supporters last week.

Wahid ordered an investigation into the violence and warned police officers on Saturday not to disobey him, saying that those who did not accept Bimantoro's removal would be prosecuted for insubordination.

Lawmakers were not fazed.

"The police chief is still Bimantoro. He is still active," said Arifin Panigoro, a top lawmaker from Megawati' s party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.

The powerful army is also hacking Bimantoro, the Takarta Post's Internet edition said yesterday, quoting unidentified sources.

Several senior army officers met late Saturday to discuss the situation, military spokesman Air Vice-Marshal Graito Usodo said, but he declined to say if the army was backing the police chief's stand against Wahid, calling it "a political matter." Wahid, a Muslim scholar, is from East Java and many people there revere him as a holy man and sage, regarding attempts to oust him so tantamount to sacrilege.

Wahid wanted to fire _______.

A.a cabinet member

B.the national police chief

C.a lawmaker

D.a Muslim scholar

As the police put it, anything you say may be used as evidence against you. If handwriting reveals c
haracter, writing reveals it still more.
听力原文:W: Gosh!Have you seen this, Richard?M: Seen what?W: In the paper, it says there's

听力原文:W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard?

M: Seen what?

W: In the paper, it says there's a man going round pretending he's from the electricity board. He's been calling at people's home, saying he's come to cheek that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea and while they are out of the room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.

M: But you know Jane, it's partly their own fault. You should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them.

W: It's all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas, and you automatically think they are OK, especially if they flash a card to you.

M: Does this man have an ID then?

W: Yes, that's just it! It seems he used to work tot the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, the police are warning people, especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment. It's a bit sad. One old lady told them she'd just been to the post office to draw her pension when he called. She said he must have followed her home. He stole the whole lot.

M: But what does he look like? Surely they must have a description.

W: Oh, yes, they have. Let's see. In his thirties, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent, sounds a bit like you actually.

What does the woman want the man to read in the newspaper?

A.An accident.

B.A man.

C.An old lady.

D.A theft.

The man at the police station______the description of the wanted murderer.A.answer toB.ans

The man at the police station______the description of the wanted murderer.

A.answer to

B.answer for

C.answer back

D.answer of

How did the man feel about the police officer's final decision?A.Happy.B.Sad.C.Angry.

How did the man feel about the police officer's final decision?




The poor man, (having been) brutally (beated) by the police, (cried) out (in) pains.A.havi

The poor man, (having been) brutally (beated) by the police, (cried) out (in) pains.

A.having been




The man behind this notion, Jack Maple, is a dandy who affects dark glasses, homburgs(翘边

The man behind this notion, Jack Maple, is a dandy who affects dark glasses, homburgs(翘边帽)and two-toe shoes; yet he has become something of a legend in America's police departments. For some years, starting in New York and moving on to high-crime spots such as New Orleans and Philadelphia, he and his business partner, John Linder have marketed a two-tier system for cutting crime.

First, police departments have to sort themselves out: root out corruption, streamline their bureaucracy, and make more contact with the public. Second, they have to adopt a computer system called Comstat which helps them to analyze statistics of all major crimes. These are constantly keyed into the computer, which then displays where and when they have occurred on a color-coded map, enabling the police to monitor crime trends as they happen and to spot high-crime areas. In New York, Comstat's statistical maps are analyzed each week at a meeting of the city's police chief and precinct captains.

Messrs Maple and Linder(" specialists in crime-reduction services")have no doubt that their system is a main contributor to the drop in crime. When they introduced it in New Orleans in January 1997, violent crime dropped by 22% in a year; when they merely started working informally with the police department in Newark, New Jersey, violent crime fell by 13% . Police departments are now lining up to pay as much as $50, 000 a month for these two men to put them straight.

Probably all these new policies and bits of technical wizardry, added together, have made a big difference to crime. But there remain anomalies that cannot be explained, such as the fact that crime in Washington D. C. , has fallen as fast as anywhere, although the police department has been corrupt and hopeless and, in large stretches of the city, neither police nor residents seem disposed to fight the criminals in their midst.

The more important reason for the fall in crime rates, many say, is a much less sophisticated one. It is a fact that crime rates have dropped as the imprisonment rate soared. In 1997 the national incarceration rate, at 645 per 100 000 people was more than double the rate in 1985, and the number of inmates in city and county jails rose by 9.4% .almost double its annual average increase since 1990. Surely some criminologists argue, one set of figures is the cause of the other. It is precise because more people are being sent to prison, they claim that crime rates are falling. A 1993 study by the National Academy of Sciences actually concluded that the tripling of the prison population between 1975 and 1989 had lowered violent crime by 10-15% .

Yet cause and effect may not be so obviously linked. To begin with, the sale and possession of drugs are not counted by the FBI in its crime index, which is limited to violent crimes and crimes against property. Yet drug offences account for more than a third of the recent increase in the number of those jailed; since 1980, the incarceration rate for drug arrests has increased by 1000% . And although about three-quarters of those going to prison for drug offences have committed other crimes as well, there is not yet a crystal-clear connection between filling the jails with drug-pushers and a decline in the rate of violent crime. Again, though national figures are suggestive, local ones diverge: the places where crime has dropped most sharply(such as New York City)are not always the places where incarceration has risen fastest.

Jack Maple started his career in______.



C.New Orleans

D.New York

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