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听力原文: Since ancient times, May first has been a traditional day to celebrate spring. I

n modern times, May Day also became a traditional day for countries to honor workers.

In eighteen eighty-nine, Socialists held an international congress in Paris. They chose May first as a workers' holiday and a day for demonstrations. Since then, the first of May has been observed as International Labor Day.

The United States, however, had already settled on another day. Peter McGuire was a New York labor leader. He is said to have suggested the first Monday in September as a holiday to honor labor. He said it was a nice time of the year for a celebration. He suggested parades to show the strength of labor organizations. And he urged people to end the day with outdoor parties.

The first Labor Day celebration in the United States took place in New York City on September fifth, eighteen eighty-two. About ten thousand workers marched through the streets. Then everyone went to a park to eat a meal and hear speeches and music. The idea quickly spread throughout the country. In eighteen ninety-four, Congress approved a bill to declare Labor Day a national holiday.

For years, the first Monday in September was a day when American workers demonstrated for better conditions and pay. Today, the Labor Day weekend is mostly observed as a time to enjoy the last warm days of summer.

When did Americans celebrate May Day?

A.The 1st of May.

B.The 1st of September.

C.The 1st Monday in September.

D.The 1st Monday in May.

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更多“听力原文: Since ancient times, May…”相关的问题
听力原文:Like many other seniors, Wang Ying, at Wuhan University, has been busy preparing

听力原文: Like many other seniors, Wang Ying, at Wuhan University, has been busy preparing for the postgraduate entrance exams since the new semester began. But in another way she's different. Her motivation comes not from wanting to get a master's degree to find a good job. She wants to pursue further studies because she hopes to learn more about the history and culture of her country.

Wang is majoring in Chinese traditional culture, an unusual major for college students all across the country. These majors are studying a way of life that existed thousands of years ago.

"We read articles loud together. And the teachers explain them word by word. It's quite similar to class in a private school in ancient times, ' says Ye Daiyin, a junior.

Wuhan established the major four years ago. The students take courses based on the classical culture of ancient China, such as literature, philosophy, and history. Their curriculum has classic works like the Four Books (Si Shu), the Five Classics (Wu Jing), the Song of Chu (Chu Cf), and Lao Zi.

Many of the students have joined the Chunying Poetry Association, which is open to anyone interested in classical poetry. They usually practise composing ancient poems.


A.She is looking for a part-time job.

B.She is working in a motor factory.

C.She is doing some research on classic music.

D.She is busy preparing for the postgraduate entrance exams.

听力原文:What is the reason for ancient people to play bail?(10)A.To get fun.B.To fight.C.

听力原文:What is the reason for ancient people to play bail?


A.To get fun.

B.To fight.

C.To learn speed and skill.

D.To learn how to be a soldier.

听力原文:When is the presentation supposed to start?(A) Since last month.(B) When all the

听力原文:When is the presentation supposed to start?

(A) Since last month.

(B) When all the people arrive.

(C) No, at the convention center.





听力原文:M: Joy, (23) I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my friends in America. What would

听力原文:M: Joy, (23) I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my friends in America. What would you recommend?

W: Well, a lot of things in China could make wonderful souvenirs, like ceramics, chinaware, and ancient coins. What kind do you have in mind?

M: I'm thinking something like local handicrafts.

W: (24) How about kites then? You know, kites here are pretty well-known around the world.

M: Hmm, (24) that's a pretty good idea.

W: (24) If you are interested in folk arts, I would also recommend paper-cuts.

M: (24) Sounds interesting. Where can I buy these things?

W: Souvenir counters in department stores have a good variety, but things are usually expensive. You may get better prices for good stuff at private arts and crafts stores because you can bargain there.

M: I see. Since I may want to buy some other things as well, (25) I'd better go to a department store. Could I ask you to go with me? I would need your advice.

W: Sure, no problem.

23. Why does the man ask the woman to give him some recommendation?

24.What would the man probably buy?

25.Where will the man buy these things?


A.Because he wants to buy souvenirs for his friends.

B.Because he wants to buy chinaware for his friends.

C.Because he wants to go shopping with his friends.

D.Because he wants to buy some kites for his friends.

听力原文:Today it is perfectly natural for us to shake hands when we greet someone, or say
goodbye. But like so many other things we do without thinking such actions at one time probably symbolized something else.

For example, in primitive life the hand was probably a symbol of power and strength. The hand was used to fight enemies, kill animals and make spears and implements. So when the hand was extended to someone, it could have represented good will, since it showed that the person was not armed or ready to fight.

We know that the hand was an important symbol in early religion, probably as a mark of power. The Greeks prayed to their gods with raised hands. Presenting hands palm to palm was at one time the way an inferior person paid respect to a superior.

Among the Arabs, it was customary at one time to kiss the hand of a superior. Later on, polite Arabs began to resist the efforts of people to kiss their hands, and some- times they would end up clasping hands as each tried to prevent the other from showing this mark of "inferiority".

The early Greeks held out the right hand when they wished to indicate friendship to a stranger. The hand and what was done with it have been full of meaning to people down through the ages. And while we shake hands, we are really carrying on a custom that has been handed down to us from ancient times.






听力原文:How long have you been working for JCR?(A) Since 1994.(B) Until the end of this w

听力原文:How long have you been working for JCR?

(A) Since 1994.

(B) Until the end of this week.

(C) I work out every other day.





听力原文:Woman:The earliest records of this trade go back to the Ancient Greek period with

听力原文:Woman: The earliest records of this trade go back to the Ancient Greek period with various deals around the Mediterranean area. Unlike the trade in more decorative or luxury goods, however, few written records remain. So, we mostly rely on archaeological evidence which does show, for example, that designs for swords spread from Greece to the rest of Europe. And using the type of research more usually associated with the spread of artistic trends, we can now show how the equipment necessary to do battle was being exported.

You hear the beginning of a lecture about ancient history. What is the lecture going to be about?

A.trade in arms and weapons

B.trade in luxury household goods

C.trade in works of art

听力原文:M: Does George still smoke?W: I haven't seen him light up since the baby was born

听力原文:M: Does George still smoke?

W: I haven't seen him light up since the baby was born.

What does the woman imply?

A.She hasn't seen George since the baby was born.

B.George never smokes.

C.She wants to visit George and the baby.

D.George no longer smokes.

听力原文:Won't we have to wait a long time for the shipment?(A) Since a long time ago.(B)

听力原文:Won't we have to wait a long time for the shipment?

(A) Since a long time ago.

(B) Well, it usually takes 4 to 5 days.

(C) An extra 10 dollars.





听力原文:Since you two worked on the last project, this should be easy.(A)I met both of th

听力原文:Since you two worked on the last project, this should be easy.

(A) I met both of them last year.

(B) Good, I' m looking forward to doing that.

(C) No, that book was very difficult to read.





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