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Coca-Cola has become a kind of cultural imperialism ______.A.because it dominates the mark

Coca-Cola has become a kind of cultural imperialism ______.

A.because it dominates the market

B.in that it's a part of the consumer landscape

C.in that its design can be seen almost everywhere

D.and it's almost invisible

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更多“Coca-Cola has become a kind of…”相关的问题
Coca-Cola has become a symbol of ___________.

This is the "designer" age. People in the West talk of designer labels and designer violen
ce. The word "designer" has become an adjective loaded with the symbolism and imagery of the consumer society. For the first time in history, it is possible to live a "designer lifestyle"— if you can afford it.

But what does the word "design" mean? The subject of design covers a wide range of activities, from materials technology at the hard end to styling and marketing at the soft end. The number of people who have made a contribution to the history of design at any of these levels is vast. Actually the term can also be confined to meaning the people who had the ideas and who invented the forms which changed our taste.

The term "design" as we now use it is a modern invention, a product of the division of labor and other economic changes thrown up by the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. With the rise of mechanized production and standardized products, there came the need for disciplined product planning. No longer did the person who had an idea for something go on to make it. The new order, in which the designer had the idea and the factory-worker manufactured it, meant the designer achieved a new and unprecedented status in the system.

The 20th century design has had an important influence on the Western way of life. Objects have acquired not only culture status, but massive symbolic significance through people's perceptions of them. The Coca-Cola bottle--the most famous bottle in the world and the classic piece of modern package design now symbolizes the power of the 20th century Western civilization to penetrate and erode other cultures. From modern painters such as Warhol to many contemporary films, Coca-Cola has become a symbol of cultural imperialism, and is such a familiar part of the consumer landscape that it is almost invisible.

The possibility that the Coca-Cola bottle was too familiar worried the company so much that several years ago they redesigned the famous logo and the bottle, and changed the taste of the syrup as part of an on-going battle with rival company Pepsi. So loud was the public outcry, however, that the company quickly reinstated all three.

Making an image and making an object have become indivisible parts of the design process. Coca-Cola owns nothing more than the recipe for a syrup and the copyright on a logo, yet it is a multimillion dollar business.

Now design is at the cutting edge of business competition. The importance of design has changed through the various phases of industrial growth, and in the years to come it will increasingly assume a high priority in corporate. Today, placing the idea of quality foremost in purchasers' minds is so important that it has spawned a new science-design technology. In today's business environment, the research and development of design ideas has become an essential part of the manufacturing and selling processes.

How many meanings does the author give the term "design"?





—Look at the statements and the short news below.—Which news does each statement 1-7 refer

—Look at the statements and the short news below.

—Which news does each statement 1-7 refer to.

—For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C or D oh your Answer Sheet.

—You will need to some of the letters more than once.


The Santa Cruz Operation Incorporate (SCO), a US-based software developer, opened a representative office in Beijing yesterday.

Founded in 1979, SCO has become the world's leading developer and supplier of software for UNIX systems. The new office in Beijing will bring SCO closer to Chinese customers and help it understand the massive Chinese market better, said Lars Turndal, SCO'S president and chief executive officer. SCO will mainly target government, departments, key industries and service institutions.


US computer giant International Business Machines (IBM) last week announced that it will invest at least $100 million in information technology projects in China. This makes IBM the first foreign company to become involved in the country's top information infrastructure project,


Coca-Cola has been voted the top international company in Asia, according to a recent survey published by the Far Eastern Economic Review, a major Asian magazine. Readers of this and other prominent Asian economic magazines choose Coca-Cola from among 500 large international companies in Asia. Cola-Cola is now the world's largest beverage company serving 685 million drinks per day in more than 195 countries.


GRD, the manufacturing giant, plans to cut 1,500 jobs at its Portland factory over the next five years after union refusal to increase productivity. As a result, GRD have been forced to downsize the Portland plant.

One of the purposes of entering China is to have a better idea of Chinese market.

听力原文:The World Health Organization is to call for strict controls on junk food in a ma

听力原文: The World Health Organization is to call for strict controls on junk food in a major campaign against obesity, and the agency will unveil its actual strategy next week. Based on evidence obtained through various investigations, the WHO believes that obesity has become a global epidemic that is directly associated with more than 30 million deaths each year. According to the agency, obesity is now one of the world's three greatest health threats, along with smoking and malnutrition. Recent estimates suggest that 1.7 billion people are now obese, which has led to a surge in diseases such as cancers and diabetes.

The WHO will call for heavy cuts in the use of sugar, salt and saturated fats. And this is bound to sound the alarm to many of Britain's top-selling brands, including Cadbury's, Coca-Cola, and Birds Eye. The WHO will produce a policy paper calling for new daily limits for sugar, salt and fats, as well as tougher control of food advertising. According to the figures issued by the WHO, the safety threshold for sugar would be 10gms a day—a limit already exceeded by one 500ml bottle of cola and, salt should be limited to 5gms a day—the amount of salt contained in a standard tin of baked beans.






Robert Woodruff and his business partners made the Coca-Cola Co. become a widely recognize
d leader in advertising.




From when did Coca-cola become America's No. 1 soft drink?A.Since 1984.B.Since 1985.C.Sinc

From when did Coca-cola become America's No. 1 soft drink?

A.Since 1984.

B.Since 1985.

C.Since 1987.

D.Since 1989.



Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, you’re not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks, just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States, runs about ¥8.

The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic against just the pound. It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar. Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.

The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, for a nation’s self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. It’s also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restaurant operators in Miami for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.

Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. But nothing makes people think more warmly of the U.S. than a weak dollar. Through April, the total number of visitors from abroad was up 6.8 percent from last year. Should the trend continue, the number of tourists this year will finally top the 2000 peak? Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexico as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking.

The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit. So do exports, which thanks in part to the weak dollar, soared 11 percent between May 2006 and May 2007. For first five months of 2007, the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006.

If you own shares in large American corporations, you’re a winner in the weak-dollar gamble. Last week Coca-Cola’s stick bubbled to a five-year high after it reported a fantastic quarter. Foreign sales accounted for 65 percent of Coke’s beverage business. Other American companies profiting from this trend include McDonald’s and IBM.

American tourists, however, shouldn’t expect any relief soon. The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break up slowly, and then all at once. And currencies don’t turn on a dime. So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted by the increasingly pathetic dollar, cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England. There, the dollar is still treated with a little respect.

81. Why do Americans feel humiliated?

A. Their economy is plunging.?

B.They can’t afford trips to Europe.

C.Their currency has slumped.

D. They have lost half of their assets.

Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.For each question mark one let

Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.

For each question mark one letter A, B, C, D on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.

A Brief History of Coke

Nowadays, Coca-Cola's trademark is well known around the world and its products average a staggering 400 million servings per day in more than 155 countries. According to legend, it began in a three-legged kettle in the back yard of Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John Styth Permberton who carried a jug of his concoction down the street to Jacob's Pharmacyy where it was sold at the soda fountain for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson, Pemberton's partner and bookkeeper thought two " C" s would look good in advertising and wrote " Coca-Cola" in the flowering script. so famous today.

It is significant that Permberton spent almost twice as much money on advertising during the first years of operation as he made in profits, for the growth of Coke's popularity is as much due to the advertising and marketing strategy as it is to the quality of its product. By continually monitoring changes in consumer attitudes and behaviour, the Coca-Cola Co. has become a widely recognized leader in advertising.

Pemberton could not foresee the greatest future awaiting his soft drink and sold out. Asa Griggs Candler bought the business and organized the Coca-Cola Co. into a Georgia corporation. In 1893, he registered Coca-Cola as a trademark.

Under Candler's leadership, the company began to grow quickly. In order to instigate a demand for the product, he spent heavily on advertising. Signs were put up from coast and appeared on calendars, serving trays and other merchandising items, urging people to drink Coke. Candler's campaign paid off.

Candler was a creative talent at advertising, but showed little imagination in understanding Coke's marketing potential. In 1899, he sold the right to bottle Coke throughout most of the United State for $ 1, which he never bothered to collect. Candler saw Coke primarily as a soda-fountain drink. But two far-sighted businessmen from Chattanooga, Tennessee, Benjamin Franklin Thomas and Joseph Brown Whitehead, understood the potential, and, for the unpaid dollar, bought a franchise that became worth millions. Their agreement with Candler began the franchising bottling system that still remains the foundation of the Coca-Cola Co.'s soft drink operations. Thomas and Whitehead sold the rights to bottle Coke to franchisers in every part of the country in return for the bottler's agreement to invest in the necessary resources and effort to make the franchise a success. During the following decade, 179 bottling plants went into operation.

In the early 20th century, Coke blazed the advertising trail, developing innovative concepts that became accepted practices in the filed. One of the most effective was the distribution and redemption of complimentary tickets, entitling the holder to a glass of free Coke at the soda fountain of a dispenser.

The trademark Coca-Cola was originally coined by______.


B.a bookkeeper working for Pemberton

C.Frank Robinson

D.Asa Griggs Candler

The Chinese pictogram for the brand Coca-Cola has negative associations.A.YB.NC.NG

The Chinese pictogram for the brand Coca-Cola has negative associations.




—Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.—For each question mark one l

—Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.

—For each question mark one letter A, B, C, D on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.

A Brief History of Coke

Nowadays, Coca-Cola's trademark is well known around the world and its products average a staggering 400 million servings per day in more than 155 countries. According to legend, it began in a three-legged kettle in the back yard of Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John Styth Permberton who carried a jug of his concoction down the street to Jacob's Pharmacyy where it was sold at the soda fountain for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson, Pemberton's partner and bookkeeper thought two "C"s would look good in advertising and wrote "Coca-Cola" in the flowering script. so famous today.

It is significant that Permberton spent almost twice as much money on advertising during the first years of operation as he made in profits, for the growth of Coke's popularity is as much due to the advertising and marketing strategy as it is to the quality of its product. By continually monitoring changes in consumer attitudes and behaviour, the Coca-Cola Co. has become a widely recognized leader in advertising.

Pemberton could not foresee the greatest future awaiting his soft drink and sold out. Asa Griggs Candler bought the business and organized the Coca-Cola Co. into a Georgia corporation. In 1893, he registered Co ca-Cola as a trademark.

Under Candler's leadership, the company began to grow quickly. In order to instigate a demand for the product, he spent heavily on advertising. Signs were put up from coast and appeared on calendars, serving trays and other merchandising items, urging people to drink Coke. Candler's campaign paid off.

Candler was a creative talent at advertising, but showed little imagination in understanding Coke's marketing potential. In 1899, he sold the right to bottle Coke throughout most of the United State for $1, which he never bothered to collect. Candler saw Coke primarily as a soda-fountain drink. But two far-sighted businessmen from Chattanooga, Tennessee, Benjamin Franklin Thomas and Joseph Brown Whitehead, understood the potential, and, for the unpaid dollar, bought a franchise that became worth millions.

Their agreement with Candler began the franchising bottling system that still remains the foundation of the Co ca-Cola Co.'s soft drink operations. Thomas and Whitehead sold the rights to bottle Coke to franchisers in every part of the country in return for the bottler's agreement to invest in the necessary resources and effort to make the franchise a success. During the following decade, 779 bottling plants went into operation.

In the early 20th century, Coke blazed the advertising trail, developing innovative concepts that became accepted practices in the filed. One of the most effective was the distribution and redemption of complimentary tickets, entitling the holder to a glass of free Coke at the soda fountain of a dispenser.

The trademark Coca-Cola was originally coined by ______.


B.a bookkeeper working for Pemberton

C.Frank Robinson

D.Asa Griggs Candler

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