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听力原文:Blue Sky Airlines have drawn heavy criticism from consumer and human rights group

s over their new ticketing policy. Under the new policy, Blue Sky has opted to charge passengers for their tickets on a kilogram basis. Therefore, if you are thin and underweight you will pay significantly less for your flight than someone who is overweight. The airline has defended its policy by citing an increase in fuel prices as the catalyst for the increase. The reasoning is simple, the more weight an aircraft carries, the more fuel it will use. Critics have argued that this policy discriminates against the big and fat.

What is this story about?

A.An increase in fuel prices

B.Overweight travellers

C.A change in airline policy

D.Increased baggage allowance

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更多“听力原文:Blue Sky Airlines have dr…”相关的问题
听力原文:This press conference was called to clarify some talk that has been going around.
Ocean Blue Air and Sky High Airlines are in talks to discuss an alliance, not a merger as some newspapers and stations have reported. Although our board members are meeting this week, we're not expecting to have any decisions made anytime soon. We just want to see what options we have. With fuel prices breaking records and lower profit expectations, Ocean Blue Air must do its best to stay on top, which means examining what options are available. Now, I will be happy to answer a few questions.

Who most likely is the audience?


B.Company investors

C.A group of reporters

D.Executive board members

听力原文:W: Hi, Mark. I didn't know you could paint.M: Well, I'm just learning. It's for m

听力原文:W: Hi, Mark. I didn't know you could paint.

M: Well, I'm just learning. It's for my studio art class.

W: It's pretty good for a beginner.

M: Oh thanks, Judy. The instructor really liked my schedules, but she hasn't seen my painting yet.

W: Eh, there seems to be something wrong with it though.

M: Yeah, I know what you mean. It doesn't look right to me either.

W: I think I know. Look here at the sky, it just seems to fill in with other colors of painting.

M: What do you mean? Everyone knows the sky is blue,

W: Well, that depends. Sometime it is and sometime it isn't, as sunset can be full of reds and purples. Well, even now, take a look now Mark, what do you sec?

M: It looks blue to me.

W: Look again. Do you see a kind of tannish color?

M: Oh yeah, I see what you mean.

W: By adding some tan to your sky, I think you'll get a more accurate picture, and the color will look more natural.

M: I think I'll try that. Gee, how did you get to know so much about painting? Have you taken a lot of courses?

W: No, actually. But my father is an artist.

M: A professional artist?

W: Oh yeah.

M: I wish we could talk some more, Judy. How about going for a cup of coffee? I'm ready for a break.

W: I'd love to. But I have to take a history exam. In fact, I was just on my way to the classroom, and I think I am already late. Maybe tomorrow.

M: Great, I'll meet you at the students' center after my class. A little after three, ok?

W: Sounds good. Got to be going now.

M: Bye, Judy.


A.A study group.

B.A history exam.

C.The man's painting.

D.A professional artist.

听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.M: Well. I'm just

听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.

M: Well. I'm just learning. It's one piece of work for my oil painting class.

W: It's pretty good for a beginner. I think your teacher will definitely give this painting a full mark.

M: I hope so. (23) But you see, last time I had a dispute with my definitely give this painting a full mark. work at all.

M: Look here in the picture. My teacher insisted that it just needed to fill in with other colors of painting. But I think the sky should be blue.

W: Well. it depends Sometimes it is blue and sometimes it isn't, as sunset can be full reds and purples.

W: (24)How about light brown color?

M: Oh, yeah. Added some light brown to the sky, it will turn out to be full reds and purples. great! You must have taken many painting courses before.

W: Well, (25) I haven't accepted any painting training before. But I'd love to visit art museums. Each time I go abroad, the art center of the destination country is a quite necessary place for my visiting.

M: Wow, then what kind of painting do you like most? Oil painting?

W: Frankly speaking, I prefer using water colors. I don't like the smell of oil paints.


A.The teacher appreciated his painting very much.

B.The teacher advise Mark to change the color.

C.They had a dispute about the choice of color.

D.Mark was severely scolded by the teacher.

听力原文:A: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?B: Great! I went to Bangkok.A: Really? Why di

听力原文:A: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?

B: Great! I went to Bangkok.

A: Really? Why did you decide to go them?

B: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She' s been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so, finally, she talked me into it.

A: I've seen some pictures of Bangkok -the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

B: Yes, it' s incredible, especially the Grand Palace. The Buddhist temples, too, are very impressive. And I love the spicy Thai food and tropical fruits there.

A: How was the weather when you were there?

B: That' s about the only thing I didn' t enjoy. It was really hot and sticky. In fact, April is its hottest month, The best time to go is dining the cool season, which lasts from November to February.

A: Did you go to some other places beside Bangkok?

B: Sure. I went to Pattaya. It's a famous resort, only two hour's drive from Bangkok. There's plenty to enjoy: fine sand, blue sky, clear water, colorful night life...

A: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

B: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I' d like to visit Phakot, the biggest island of Thailand. It's world -famous as a seaside resort.


A.She did Ellen decide to go to Bangkok.

B.She enjoys the food there.

C.She was persuaded to do so.

D.She has invited by her close friends.

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?M: Great! I went to New York.W: Really? Why di

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?

M: Great! I went to New York.

W: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

M: Well, I went there on business. I also have a friend who lives there. She's been trying to show me around the city for a long time. She talked me into it.

W: What impressed you most during your visit?

M: The beauty there is really incredible, especially the skyscrapers. The food is also very impressive. And I love the shopping environment there.

W: How was the weather when you were there?

M: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot. In fact, I was almost out of breath when I was under the sun.

W: Did you go to some other places beside the city?

M: Sure. I went to the Yellow Stone National Park. It's a famous place, really attractive. There's plenty to enjoy: green trees, blue sky, clear water etc.

W: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

M: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I'd like to visit Hawaii. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.


A.To deal with some business on work.

B.To go to see a friend.

C.To visit some beautiful places.

D.To enjoy himself.

听力原文:M: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?W: Great! I went to Bankok.M: Really? Why did

听力原文:M: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?

W: Great! I went to Bankok.

M: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

W: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so finally, she talked me into it. M: I've seen some pictures of Bangkok the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

W: Yes, it's incredible, especially the Grand Palace. The Buddhist temples, too, are very impressive. And I love the spicy Thai food and tropical fruits there.

M: How was the weather when you were there?

W: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky. In fact, April is its hottest month. The best time to go is during the cool season, which lasts from November to February.

M: Did you go to some other places besides Bangkok?

W: Sure. I went to Pattaya. It's a famous resort, only two hours' drive from Bangkok. There's plenty to enjoy: fine sand, blue sky, clear water, colorful night life...

M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

W: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back ~ere next year. I'd like to visit Phuket, the biggest island of Thailand. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.

Why did Ellen decide to go to Bangkok?

A.She loved the food.

B.She enjoyed the weather there.

C.She was persuaded to do so.

D.She was invited by her close friend.

听力原文:(A) The aircraft is landing onto the ground.(B) The passengers are exiting the pl

听力原文:(A) The aircraft is landing onto the ground.

(B) The passengers are exiting the plane.

(C) The sky is clear.

(D) The plane is parked at the airport.

听力原文:(A) The aircraft is landing onto the ground.(





听力原文:W: What do you bring with you?M: Oh, a blue umbrella.Q: What color is the umbrell

听力原文:W: What do you bring with you?

M: Oh, a blue umbrella.

Q: What color is the umbrella?





听力原文:How much is this blue coat?(13)A.Thirty Yuan.B.It's over there.C.It's beautiful.

听力原文:How much is this blue coat?


A.Thirty Yuan.

B.It's over there.

C.It's beautiful.

听力原文:For what reason does the man choose to buy the blue shoes?(7)A.Only blue ones fit

听力原文:For what reason does the man choose to buy the blue shoes?


A.Only blue ones fit.

B.He likes blue than any other color.

C.They are cheaper.

D.They are of better quality than other shoes.

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