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回答题。 Coming Soon to a Theater Near YouIWhat are special effects? Do you enjoy movies


Coming Soon to a Theater Near YouI

What are special effects? Do you enjoy movies that use a lot of special effects?

Dinosaurs(恐龙)from the distant past! Space battles from the distant future! There has been a revolution in special effects,and it has transformed the movies we see.

The revolution began in the mid.1970s with George Lucas’s Star Wars,a film that stunned(使震惊)audiences.That revolution continues to the present,with dramatic changes in special-effects technology.The company behind these changes is Lucas’s Industrial Light&Magic(ILM).And the man behind the company is Dennis Muren,who has worked with Lucas since Star Wars.

Muren’s interest in special effects began very early.At the age of 6,he was photographing toy dinosaurs and spaceships.At 10,he had an 8-millimeter movie camera and was making these things move through stop-motion.(Stop-motion is a process in which objects are shot with a camera,moved slightly,shot again,and so on.When the shots are put together,the object appear to move.)

Talk to Muren and you’ll understand what ILM is all about:taking on new challenges.By 1989,Muren decided he had pushed the old technology as far as it would go.

He saw computer graphics(图像)(CG)technology as the wave of the future and took a year off to master it.

With CG technology,images can be scanned into a computer for processin9,for example,and many separate shots can be combined into a single image.CG technology has now reached the point,Muren says,where special effects can be used to do just about anything so that movies can tell stories better than ever before.The huge success of Jurassic Park and its sequel(续集),The Lost Word,the stars of which were computer-generated dinosaurs,suggests that this may very well be true.

The special-effects revolution began in the mid-1980s with Star Wars. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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更多“回答题。 Coming Soon to a Theater …”相关的问题
根据材料,回答题。 A Pay Rise or Not?"Unless I get a rise. I"ll have a talk with the boss, H


A Pay Rise or Not?

"Unless I get a rise. I"ll have a talk with the boss, Henry Manley," George Strong said to himself. George liked his job and he liked the. town he lived in, but his wife kept telling him that his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family. That was why he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby city about 50 miles away. He had been offered a job in a factory there, and the pay was far better.

George lived in Wyeford, a medium-sized town. He really liked the place and didn"t like the idea of moving somewhere else, but if he took the job in Birmingham, he would have to move his family there.

Henry Manley was the manager of a small company manufacturing electric motors. The company was in deep trouble because, among other reasons, the Japanese were selling such things at very low prices. As a result, Manley had to cut his own prices and profits as well. Otherwise he would not get any orders at all. Even then, orders were still not coming in fast enough, so that there was no money for raises(加工资) for his workers. Somehow ,he had to struggle along and keep his best workers as well. He sighed. Just then the phone rang.

His secretary told him that George Strong wanted to see him as soon as possible. Manley sighed again. He could guess what it was about. George Strong was a very young engineer. The company had no future unless it could attract and keep men like him. Manley rubbed his forehead his problems seemed endless.

Henry Manley was already deeply in debt. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

阅读材料,回答题。 The New Technology ApplicationOn a more mundane level, third-generation


The New Technology Application

On a more mundane level, third-generation mobile telephones, despite all the delays and the billions squandered on 3G licenses by telecom firms, are still expected to offer consumers high-speed, always on mobile internet access, complete with video, in the next few years.Rapidly proliferating "WiFi" networks already offer wireless access on a local basis. Tiny tracking chips called radio-frequency identification devices are being used as pet passports.Soon they will be small, powerful and cheap enough to be implanted into everything form. humans to milkcartons recording and transmitting real-time medical data, or serving as a form. of inventory control.Sensors of every kind, including video cameras, should also become much smaller and cheaper.Forrester Research, a technology consultancy, predicts that 14 billion such devices will be connected to the internet by 2005.

How rapidly such new technology is introduced will depend on a number of factors the state of the economy, the supply of investment capital and the appetite of consumers for new products or services ! Fortunes will be made and lost many times over.But whatever happens, the power of computing and communications look set to continue to grow, and its price to fall, at a steady rate for the next few decades.That will make it possible, at least in rich countries, to record most human interactions, wherever and whenever they take place, and to store and analyze this ocean of data at low cost.

For the sake of argument, this survey will assume that we are heading towards a networked society of ubiquitous, mobile Communication capable of constant monitoring.Whether this arrives in 20,30 or 40 years does not really matter.The point is that the destination seems not merely possible, but probable, so it is not too

soon to ask: What do we want this technology to do?

The internet has already thrown up a host of legal and political conundrums, but, these are only a small foretaste of the dilemmas about privacy, security, intellectual property and the nature of government itself that will have to be faced over the coming decades.The debate has already begun. This survey will outline some of main issues, and speculate on the way they are likely to go.

Radio-frequency identification devices__________. 查看材料

A.are being used to offer wireless access

B.are usually used to offer high-speed, mobile internet access

C.are already cheap enough to be used as passports

D.ale expected to be used as a means to control inventory

回答题。Spring has came to Portland at last.The sky is blue.76.__________ Birds are singing


Spring has came to Portland at last.The sky is blue.76.__________

Birds are singing on the trees, flowers are blooming, and77.__________

everyone are in a good mood.Spring has always been78.__________

a busy time for college students in Portland.They had79.__________

to take final examinations and hand out their term papers.80.__________

Most of students who have been living in the dorms 81.__________

will soon be packing their things to move back to home 82.__________

for summer vacation.of course, many students will be 83.__________

looking for job during the summer and other students will 84.__________

remain in campus to take courses.85.__________



Her mother would be coming in soon, and would expect to find ______ (土豆去了皮,饭桌摆好了

Her mother would be coming in soon, and would expect to find ______ (土豆去了皮,饭桌摆好了).

听音频,回答题 There is an effect that not only have we all witnessed, but have26. Haven"t


There is an effect that not only have we all witnessed, but have26. Haven"t we all been on an elevator and noticed that just about everyone stops talking when they get on? Why do we do that? You can be having a 27 pleasant conversation with someone, and as soon as you get on an elevator, you just feel like you"d better shut up.

Then, as soon as the doors open, everyone28conversation. Primatologists, or people who study primate (灵长类动物) behavior, have a term for this. It"s called the "elevator effect," though it doesn"t 29 only on elevators. It happens whenever a group of primates, like humans, is 30 a situation where escape is 31 impossible. It"s thought to be a kind of safety32: as long as nobody talks, nobody is going to risk getting in a fight when there"s no way to spread out. The elevator effect keeps a lid on potential problems before they start.

Even though they rarely if ever ride elevators, chimpanzees demonstrate the elevator effect as well. When chimps are temporarily crowded together into small areas, they will 33 their vocal communication, that is, nobody speaks, and avoid eye 34. The amount of scratching the chimps do, however, goes up. Since scratching is a sign of stress in chimps, we can imagine what they are feeling. It"s just like what we feel in a crowded elevator——everybody carefully35 the lighted numbers and no one saying a thing.



Monahans 1998 means that little green men are coming soon to a planet near us.A.RightB.Wro

Monahans 1998 means that little green men are coming soon to a planet near us.



C.Not mentioned

根据下面内容,回答题:0 If consumers in Hillsborough County could limited their spending on


0 If consumers in Hillsborough County could limited their spending on one Saturday

00 to independent, locally owned businesses instead of chain stores, more than

34 $ 17 million would even remain in the local company instead of being shipped to

35 outside corporations as overnight deposits. So it say representatives of the

36 Tampa Independent Business Alliance, who base their calculation on studies that

37 made by the American Independent Business Alliance. The national study found

38 that since locally owned businesses began to use goods and services of other

39 business in the community, a consumer"s spending circulates 3 up to 31/2

40 times longer locally than if it is spent on at a chain. On Saturday, the local group

41 will be working with the national organization and more than all 25 other

42 communities across the country to broadcast the benefits coming of the

43 shop-local movement. The educational event, "American Unchained", will be

44 promoted at independent business such as Inkwood Books in Tampa, "We

45 want people to think about where their dollars actually end up to," said Carla Jimenez, coowner of Inkwood and president of Tampa Independent Business Alliance.

34__________ 查看材料

As soon as he________here, I’ll tell him about it.

A、will come



D、is coming

The news item implies that______.A.a breakthrough is coming soon in University of Maryland

The news item implies that______.

A.a breakthrough is coming soon in University of Maryland

B.modified fungus will soon be approved for use by the US government

C.locusts in Africa, Australia and China will be killed by the same fungus

D.an alternative to chemicals might be used to control malaria-carrying mosquitoes

根据以下材料,回答题。The First Bicycle The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200


The First Bicycle The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de Sivrac (51 )onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed (52) his two-wheeled invention, a machine called the celerifere. It was basically an (53)version of a children"s toy which had been in use for many years. Sivrac"s "celerifer6" had a wooden frame, made in the (54) of a horse, which was mounted on a wheel at either end. To ride it,you sat on a small seat ,just like a modern bicycle, and pushed (55)against the (56) with your legs-there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer a celerifere and it had no brakes, but despite these problems the invention very much (57)to the fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were (58) races up and down the streets.

Minor (59 ) werecommonasridersattemptedafinalburstof (60). Controlling the machine was difficult,as the only way to change (61) was to pull up the front of the"celerifere" and (62)it round while the front wheel was spinning in the air."Celeriferrs" were not popular for long, (63 ), as the (64 ) of no springs, no steering and rough roads made riding them very uncomfortable. Even so, the wooden eelerifer6 was the (65 ) of the modem bicycle.

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