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What can broccoli be EXCEFT______ .A.ice-creamB.cauliflowerC.a turkey sandwichD.a piece of

What can broccoli be EXCEFT______ .



C.a turkey sandwich

D.a piece of toast

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更多“What can broccoli be EXCEFT___…”相关的问题
What did Chinese people usually have for breakfast 15 years ago?A.Beans, tomatoes, broccol

What did Chinese people usually have for breakfast 15 years ago?

A.Beans, tomatoes, broccoli and parsley.

B.Bread, jam, milk and eggs.

C.Porridge, deep-filed dough strips and pickles.

D.Bread, milk, porridge and pickles.

Food can be divided into two basic categories: real food and pleasure food, Real food is f
uel for the body's needs, while pleasure food, which is high in fat and/or sugar, is primarily for taste satisfaction. The categories are pretty obvious. Broccoli is real food. Cookies are in the pleasure group.

When you're hungry, you are faced with choices. If you're not suffering from excessive hunger, you can be rational about them. Go to the refrigerator. What looks good? If you have chosen a real food, say, a turkey sandwich, you can be certain your body can use it for fuel. Eat it and enjoy.

Two hours later you are hungry again. Back to the refrigerator. What looks good? Ice-cream. Stop! Employ your willpower just a little. Ice-cream isn't what your body needs. Does something else look good? Yes, a piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk sound good too. Okay, go ahead--remembering that high-fat real foods should be eaten in moderation.

One trick is to eliminate pleasure foods from your kitchen. Instead, keep a variety of high quality foods available at all times. In short, buy lots of delicious real food-food you really like-and get rid of the junk.

But what if you have ice-cream on hand and nothing else sounds good? Although you don't want to eat pleasure foods whenever the urge strikes, there is a legitimate (合情合理的) place for them in your diet. If you have analyzed your feelings and there are no other needs imitating hunger, eat the ice-cream. You have not failed. On the contrary, you have accepted your natural appetite, but not blindly.

Surprisingly, when you know you can eat anything you want, and that you never have to put up with unsatisfied hunger again, it takes a lot of pressure off. You'll begin to want to eat what your body needs, and your body will begin to need foods that will lead to slimness.

Which of the following statements is Not true?

A.The author is against getting rid of pleasure food altogether.

B.One can eat the high-fat real foods heartily since it is fuel for the body.

C.Make sure to keep pleasure food such as ice-cream in your diet.

D.Of course you can sometimes have ice-cream if you really want to.

Passage Two Modern humans emerged some 250,000 years ago, yet agriculture is a fairly
recent invention, only about 10,000 years old. Many crop plants are rather new additions to our diet: broccoli (a flowering mutant of kale) is thought to be only 500 years old. Most innovation is far more recent still. Although Austrian monk Gregor Mendel's pea plant experiments quietly laid the basic foundations of genetics in the mid-19th century, his work was rediscovered and applied to crop breeding only at the beginning of the 20th century. Further advances have steadily accumulated. The 1940s saw the identification of DNA as genetic material and the adoption, by commercial breeders, of genetic modification - typically by applying chemicals or radiation to DNA to try to make plants with advantageous characteristics. The modifications ultimately led to the green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, during which time global wheat yields tripled. The 1980s and 1990s saw the commercial adoption of agricultural biotechnology, which has allowed breeders to introduce specific genes into crops from the same or different species. In 2004 the first plant genome was fully sequenced, and since then the number of plant gene sequences in GenBank, the public repository for gene sequence information, has been doubling every two years. Our knowledge is increasing exponentially, as it has been in other fields such as semiconductors and cellular telephony. Our challenge is to increase agricultural yields while decreasing the use of fertilizer, water, fossil fuels and other negative environmental inputs. Embracing human ingenuity and innovation seems the most likely path. Plants did not evolve to serve humans, and their sets of genes are incomplete for our purposes. The integral role of modifying genes is obvious to all breeders, though sometimes painfully absent from the public's understanding of how modern agriculture succeeds. All breeding techniques, from before Mendel's time until today, exploit modifications to plant DNA. These modifications can take the form. of mistakes or mutations that occur during natural cell division in the wild; the natural but random movement of DNA sequences from one part of a plant's genome to another; or the more precise insertion of known gene sequences using biotechnology. In all these cases, plant genes are moved within or across species, creating novel combinations. Hybrid genetics - the combination of different versions of the same gene – has resulted in spectacular yield increases. Largely as the consequence of using hybrid seed varieties, corn yields in the U.S. have increased more than 500 percent in the past 70 years. Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two.

(1)Which statement is correct according to paragraph one?

A、Broccoli was first bred by Mendel

B、Broccoli wasn’t considered edible until 500 years ago

C、Mendel's work was considered most important in the history of genetics

D、Mendel’s study found its major application some 100 years ago

(2)What was cited as a result of the green revolution?

A、Sharp rise in worldwide wheat production

B、Extensive use of organic fertilizer

C、Large-scale adoption of genetic modification

D、Commercial success of genetically modified seeds.

(3)Which statement is true of GenBank according to the passage?

A、The number of gene sequences has doubled since its foundation

B、The commercial breeders are its main sponsors

C、It is a genetic sequence database

D、It was founded in 2004

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the significance of genetic modification is ______.

A、questioned by some critics

B、poorly conveyed to the public

C、appreciated by all breeders

D、fully understood only by scientists

(5)The word “novel” in paragraph three is closest in meaning to ______.





Cancer develops over a long time, which means that you have years——typically decades——in w
hich to hinder or promote it. Researchers are finding that what you eat may interfere with cancer growth at various stages. For example, certain foods can block the chemicals that initate cancer. Antioxidants(抗氧化剂), found in some vitamins and minerals, can snuff out oxygen free radicls (氧自由基), substances that are thought to make cells more susceptible to cancer, and they can even repair some of the cellular damage that has been done. And some food—wheat bran(麦,糠) in particular—has been shown to shrink precancerous(癌症前期的) cells.

A recent review of 17 studies from 17 nations reveals that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have about half the cancer raters of those who eat the least. In fact, some research suggests that frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables can cut the risk of lung cancer even in smokers.

One of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits thought to protect against cancer is beta-carotene(β胡萝卜素), concentrated in deep green, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Research also shows that beta-carotene can change in the body to retinoic acid (维生素A酸), a substance used in clinical trials to treat certain cancers.

Here are some of the foods that contain cancer-fighting chemicals.

Tomatoes. One of the compounds in tomatoes that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer is lycopene(蕃茄素), the pigment (色素) that makes tomatoes red. Lycopene, an antioxidant that is also found in watermelons and apricots, quenches certain cancer-triggering oxygen free fadicals. Healthy people with the most blood lycopene.

Green Vegetables. A recent Italian study showed that dark-green leafy vegetables lower the risk of many cancer. Spinach, broccoli, kale and dark-green lettuces are chock-full of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, folate(叶酸) and lutein(叶黄素).A good rule of thumb(单凭经验的做法) : the darker the vegetable, the more antioxidants within.

Pungent preventives(刺激性的预防物). A whole host of chemicals thought to have cancer-inhibiting properties have been identified in allium vegetables, which include garlic, onions and scallions(大葱). Animal studies show that many of these chemicals block carcinogens that have been linked to colon, stomach, lung and liver cancer. A study at Pennsylvania State University found that feeding rats various garlic extracts and preparations(配制好的食物) reduced mammary tumors by as much as 71 percent. In humans, studies suggest that those who eat more onions and garlic are less prone to gastrointestinal cancer.

Research suggests that garlic compounds may even interfere with cancer progression. A recent German study found that ajoene, a garlic compound, is toxic to malignant cells. Garlic may also antagonize existing cancer by boosting(促进) immune functions, according to researchers at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Their study, done on mice, found that garlic's sulfur compounds increased the activity of macrophages and T-lymphocytes(淋巴细胞), two of the components of the immune system that destroy tumor ceils.

Recent research indicated that what people eat may help to significantly reduce their risk of developing cancer.



C.Not mentioned

Among all cancers, lung cancer is the biggest killer: more than 100,000 Americans die of t
he disease each year. Giving up smoking is one way to reduce the risk, but another answer may lie in the kitchen, according to a report in British medical journal The Lancet.

Since 1957, a team of researchers has monitored the dietary habits and medical histories of 2,000 middle-aged men employed by the Western Electric Co. in Chicago. Led by Dr. Pritichard Shekelle of Chicago's Rush--Presbyterian--St. Luke's medical Centre, the team recently began to sort out the links between the subjects' dietary patterns and cancer. Other animal and human studies has suggested that vitamin A might offer some protection against lung cancer, but did not distinguish vitamin A made in the body from that in carotene (胡萝卜素), which is abundant in a variety of vegetables and fruits, including carrots, spinach, broccoli, squash, tomatoes and apples.

The Western Electric study showed little correlation (相互关系)between the incidence of lung cancer and the consumption of foods containing performed vitamin A. But the data on carotene intake (摄入)revealed a significant relationship. Among the 488 men who had the lowest carotene consumption, there were 14 cases of lung cancer; in a group of the same size that ate the most carotene, only two eases developed. The apparent protective effect of carotene held up even for long-time smokers.

Further studies will be necessary before the link between lung cancer and carotene can be firmly established. Meanwhile, researchers warn against taking large amounts of vitamin-A supplements, which can be extremely poisonous in high doses. Instead, they advise a well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in carotene.

Vitamin A can be found in meat.



C.Not mentioned


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TACT Rate 2.4





TOKYO, JPM320.00
















What a nice skirt!Can I try it()




What can not be seen in this festival?A.Demos.B.Competitions.C.Expos.D.Magic shows.

What can not be seen in this festival?




D.Magic shows.

What is perhaps the unique skill that dogs possess?A.Dogs can be domesticated.B.Dogs can c

What is perhaps the unique skill that dogs possess?

A.Dogs can be domesticated.

B.Dogs can communicate with wolves.

C.Dogs can communicate with humans.

D.Dogs can be raised in the wild first and later still be domesticated.

What kind of students can get a reduction for the course?A.Specialist speakers.B.Retired p

What kind of students can get a reduction for the course?

A.Specialist speakers.

B.Retired people.


D.Senior citizens.

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