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Which of the following statements about fast food is tree according to the passage?A.Fast

Which of the following statements about fast food is tree according to the passage?

A.Fast food is nutritionally balanced.

B.Fast food can supply you enough protein and vitamins.

C.Fast food prevents people from being over-weight.

D.Fast food provides people more than enough sugar and salt.

Nowadays more than half of ail Americans eat more than half of their meals away from home.
This new American way of eating has given rise to the rapid development of the fast food industry. The reason is that they are fast, filling, cheap, tasty and attractive to people.

However, many of these fast foods have been attacked by scientists. The main problem with most fast food meals is that they're not nutritionally balanced. Those of chicken or beef usually contain more than enough protein for a person in one meal. They tend to supply you with too much fat and sugar but too little vitamins and iron. Pizza, a well-balanced fast food, however, is especially high in salt content, a factor for developing high blood pressure. And potatoes are a nutritious food, but when fried in fat they also become a high-fat food. Fast food meals also sadly lack of vegetables and fruit. Thus it is good to eat vegetables and fruit at your other meals on the days when you eat fast food.

There are many reasons why Americans like fast food EXCEPT that ______.

A.fast food is very cheap

B.fast food is very delicious

C.only a little of fast food makes you feel full

D.fast food is nutritionally balanced

A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals.
The main objection to vegetarianism on a long-term basis is the difficulty to getting enough protein, the body building elements in food. If you have ever been without meat or animal foods for some days of weeds (say, for religious reasons) you will have noticed that you tend to get physically rather weak. You are glad when the fast is over and you get your reward of a succulent meat meal. Proteins are built up from approximately twenty food elements called "amino-acids", which are found more abundantly in animal protein than in vegetable protein. This means you have to eat a great deal more vegetable than animal food in order to get enough of these amino-acids. A great of the vegetable food goes to waste in this process and from the physiological point of view there is not much to be said in favor of life-long vegetarianism.

The economic side of the question, though, must be considered. Vegetable food is much cheaper than animal food. However, since only a small proportion of tae vegetable protein is useful for body-building purposes, a consistent vegetarian, if he is to gain the necessary 70 grams of protein a day, has to consume a greater bulk of food than his digestive organs can comfortably deal with. In fairness, though, it must be pointed out that vegetarians claim they need far less than 70 grams of protein a day.

Whether or not vegetarianism should be advocated for adults, it is definitely unsatisfactory for growing children, who need more protein than they can get from vegetable sources. A lacto-vegetarian diet, which includes milk and milk products such as cheese, can, however, be satisfactory as long as enough milk and milk products are consumed.

Meat and cheese are the best sources of usable digestible and next come milk, fish and eggs. Slow and careful cooking of meat makes it more digestible and assists in the breaking down of the protein content by the body. When cooking vegetables, however, the vitamins, and in particular the water-solube vitamin C, should be lost through overcooking.

A vegetarian is a person who ______.

A.eats the meat of animals only

B.eats the vegetable only

C.drinks milk only

D.eat nothing at all

根据材料请回答 31~35 VegetarianA strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life e

根据材料请回答 31~35


A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from(来自于)animals.The main objection to vegetarianism on a long-term basis is the difficulty of getting enough protein(蛋白质), the body-building elements in food.If you have ever been without meat or animal foods for some days or weeks, say, for religious reasons, you will have noticed that you tend to get physically weak.You are glad when the fast(斋戒)is over and you get your reward of a great meat meal.

Proteins are built up from approximately twenty food elements called "amino-acids"(氨基酸), which are found more abundantly in animal protein than in vegetable protein.This means you have to eat a great deal more vegetable than animal food in order to get e-nough of these amino-acids. A great deal of the vegetable food goes to waste in this process and from the physiological point of view there is not much to be said in favor of life-long vegetarianism.

The economic side of the question, though, must be considered.Vegetable food is much cheaper than animal food.However, since only a small proportion of the vegetable protein is useful for body-building purposes, a consistent (坚定的) vegetarian, if he is to gain the necessary 70 grams of protein a day, has to consume a greater bulk of food than his digestive organs can comfortably deal with.In fairness, though, it must be pointed out that vegetarians claim they need far less than 70 grams of protein a day.

Whether or not vegetarianism should be advocated for adults, it is definitely unsatis- factory for growing children, who need more protein than they can get from vegetable sources.

There is a lacto-vegetarian(乳酸素食者)diet which includes milk and milk products .Meat and cheese are the best sources of usable digestible protein and next come milk, fish and eggs.Slow and careful cooking of meat makes it more digestible and assists in the breaking, down of the protein content by the body.When cooking vegetables, however ,the vitamins, and in particular the water-soluble(水融性) vitamin C, should not be lost through over-cooking.

第 31 题 A vegetarian is a person who

A.eats the meat of animals only

B.eats the vegetable only

C.drinks milks only

D.eat nothing at all

&8226;Look at the statements below and the information on soy and soy product on the oppos
ite page.

&8226;Which section (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1--7 refer to?

&8226;For each statement 1--7, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


The soybean is a legume native to China. For 5000 years, China has been using soybeans as a source of food and medicine. As one of the five sacred grains in China, soybeans were extensively cultivated and highly valued. In the eighteenth century, soybeans were introduced in Europe for the first time and were regarded merely as an object of botanical curiosity. It was only in the 1930's when the United States began exploring and developing soybean varieties through hybridization. Today, as a main source of protein, soybeans are a regular component of human diet in countries such as China, Japan and Indonesia.


Many countries around the world produce as well as consume soybeans for different reasons. In Asia, the soybean is grown chiefly for the beans, which is consumed fresh, fermented, or dried. As a source of protein and oil, soybean milk is made with the whole soybeans. Bean curd is made from soymilk and tofu is seasoned or cooked together with other dishes. In the West, soybeans are produced primarily for the soybean meal used as livestock feed. As more investigative results of research have unveiled the health benefits of soybean food products, soy foods are gaining more popularity as a health product.


Soy has been available for more than two decades in health food stores, specialty markets and restaurants that serve healthy, hot meals. But now it's poised to become the food of the next millennium, available soon in nearly everything, everywhere. Some people believe the soy protein business will triple over the next two years because of the FDA announcement (The FDA is now letting companies advertise a connection between soy protein and a healthy heart, and it is sure to mean healthy profits).


Today the one-billion-dollar-a-year soybean business is dominated by companies that produce soy burgers, soymilk and tofu, but the future is in new products like soy pizza, soy peanut butter, even soy breakfast cereal. But experience has shown that unless healthy food tastes good, it fails in the marketplace. And many consumers consider the taste of soy, in this case tofu, bland or at best, bean-like. In Boca Burger in Chicago they won't say how they make their soy burgers taste like meat, but they're convincing enough to be featured in school cafeterias and fast food restaurants.

In food industry sales volume is determined by nothing other than flavor.

For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutritiona
l information about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let's start by discounting these confusing myths.

1. All calories are created equal

What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain, according to research. Calories from fat pack on the pounds. The reason: during digestion, the body bums many more calories metabolizing protein and carbohydrates than it does metabolizing fat.

2. Desserts are taboo

Cakes, pies and ice cream can sensibly be worked into a diet, the expert says. Moderation is the key. Cut down on other meals if you'11 be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets. Or indulge, but take only a few bites.

3. Fast foods are forbidden

A plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice. So is grilled chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing. But watch out for French fries, milkshakes and batter-dipped chicken or fish.

4. Fasting is the fastest diet

Some studies suggest that drastically reducing calorie intake switches the body into a" starvation mode", which conserves calories and decreases your metabolic rate. The more frequently you deprive yourself of food, the better your body may get at storing calories. So, in the long run, repeated fasting may actually undermine your weight-loss efforts.

5. To keep weight off, simply watch what you eat

According to experts, exercise combined with dieting ensures weight loss better than dieting alone does. Experts also agree that sticking with regular, moderate exercise is more important that occasional vigorous workouts are. Obesity-researcher Kelly Brownell encourages patients to make a series of small physical efforts: taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking the car far from where you are going and walking.

Most important, before getting caught up in dietary myths, let good sense shape your eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.

It cannot be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.the information about dieting is always contradictory

B.there are too many weight-loss strategies to choose from

C.dieting is always troublesome to most people

D.people should not believe the ideas of dieting

Passage Two In agrarian(农业的),pre-industrial Europe, "you&39;d want to wake up ea

Passage Two

In agrarian(农业的),pre-industrial Europe, "you&39;d want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have a break to have the largest meal, and then you&39;d go back to work," says Ken Albala, a professor of history at the University of the Pacific, "Later, at 5 or 6, you&39;d have a smaller supper."

This comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped shape the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal, eaten with the extended family, "Meal are the foundation of the family,&39; says Carole Couniban. a professor at Millersville University in

Peensylvania, "so there was a very important interconnection between eating together" and strength-eating family ties.

Since industrialization, maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder. With the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were benefits. Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity, including a tremendous, increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available, making us more vigorous than our ancestors.

Yet plenty has been lost too, even in cultures that still live to eat. Take Italy. It&39;s no secret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and cat. Italians, says Counihan, traditionally began the day with a small meal. The big meal came at around 1 p.m. In between the midday meal and a late, smaller dinner came a small snack. Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there is little tolerance for offices&39; closing for lunch, and worsening traffic in cities means workers can&39;t make it home and back fast enough anyway. So the formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day. the only one at which the family has a chance to get together. "The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals" says Counihan.

What do we learn from the passage about people in pre-industrial Europe?

A.They had to work from early morning till late at night.

B.They were so busy working that they only ate simple meals.

C.Their daily routine followed the rhythm of the natural cycle.

D.Their life was much more comfortable than that of today.

Text 2For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutr

Text 2

For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutritional information about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let's start by discounting these confusing myths.

(1)All calories are created equal

What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain, according to research. Calories from fat pack on the pounds. The reason: during digestion, the body bums many more calories metabolizing protein and carbohydrates than it does metabolizing fat.

(2)Desserts are taboo

Cakes, pies and ice cream can sensibly be worked into a diet, the expert says. Moderation is the key. Cut down on other meals if you'11 be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets. Or indulge, but take only a few bites.

(3) Fast foods are forbidden

A plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice. So is grilled chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing. But watch out for French fries, milkshakes and batter-dipped chicken or fish.

(4)Fasting is the fastest diet

Some studies suggest that drastically reducing calorie intake switches the body into a" starvation mode", which conserves calories and decreases your metabolic rate. The more frequently you deprive yourself of food, the better your body may get at storing calories. So, in the long run, repeated fasting may actually undermine your weight-loss efforts.

(5)To keep weight off, simply watch what you eat

According to experts, exercise combined with dieting ensures weight loss better than dieting alone does. Experts also agree that sticking with regular, moderate exercise is more important that occasional vigorous workouts are. Obesity-researcher Kelly Brownell encourages patients to make a series of small physical efforts: taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking the car far from where you are going and walking.

Most important, before getting caught up in dietary myths, let good sense shape your eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.

It cannot be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

[A] the information about dieting is always contradictory

[B] there are too many weight-loss strategies to choose from

[C] dieting is always troublesome to most people

[D] people should not believe the ideas of dieting

蛋白质工程(protein engineering)

蛋白质工程(protein engineering)

根据下列文章,请回答 6~10 题。 Text 2For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of lif

根据下列文章,请回答 6~10 题。

Text 2

For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutritional information about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let' s start by discounting these confusing myths.

1. All calories are created equal

What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain, according to research. Calories from fat pack on the pounds. The reason: during digestion, the body bums many more calories metabolizing protein and carbohydrates than it does metabolizing fat.

2. Desserts are taboo

Cakes. pies and ice cream can sensibly be worked into a diet, the expert says. Moderation is the key. Cut down on other meals if you' 11 be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets. Or indulge, but take only a few bites.

3. Fast foods are forbidden

A plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice. So is grilled chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing. But watch out for French fries, milkshakes and batter-dipped chicken or fish.

4. Fasting is the fastest diet

Some studies suggest that drastically reducing calorie intake switches the body into a "starvation mode", which conserves calories and, decreases your metabolic rate. The more frequently you deprive yourself of food, the better your body may get at Storing calories. So, in the long run, repeat- ed fasting may actually undermine your weight-loss efforts.

5. To keep weight off, simply watch what you eat

According to experts, exercise combined with dieting ensures weight loss better than dieting a- lone does. Experts also agree that sticking with regular, moderate exercise is more important that occasional vigorous workouts are. Obesity-researcher Kelly Brownell encourages patients to make a series of small physical efforts: taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking the car far from where you are going and walking.

"Most important, before getting caught up in dietary myths, let good sense shape your eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.

第 6 题 It cannot be inferred from the first paragraph that

A.the information about dieting is always contradictory

B.there are too many weight-loss strategies to choose from

C.dieting is always troublesome to most people

D.people should not believe the ideas of dieting

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