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回答下列各题: ·Read the article below about e·mail phone and the questions on the opposit

e page. ·For each question(13-18),mark one letter(A。B。C,or D)on your Answer Sheet. Do you send and receive more phones calls or e—mails?If your answer is e—mail.or you wish it were,then a new breed of telecommunication devices called an e—mail phone or Internet phone may soon find its way into your kitchen or living room.Essentially,an e—mail phone,or e—phone for short.is the merger of telephone and computer.With most of these new screen phones,that means being able to read and reply to electronic mall directly from the phone,without starting up(or even owning)a PC.With some,it also means being able to search through the web to make vacation plans or research homework assignments though at slow speeds and on a rather small screen.And you can still make phone calls,too. No computer experience is required to use an e-phone.Most let you sign up with Internet Service Provider(ISP),which typically charges about$20 per month.Once you’re past tllis tedious work and enter the account information into the phone,you can check your e—mail from either your computer or phone. To assess your e—mail account from one of these phones,you typically have to select e—mail service from a menu.Phones with touch screens have an icon(图标)for that on the opening screen.For other phones,you press one of the buttons lining the bottom or sides of the display,much as with an ATM machine.The phone then calls your ISP.When the ISP picks up,the phone automatically transfers your account name and password.Once accepted,the ISP will start sending the phone your messages.By touching the item you want to read or hitting a button next to it,the message will be displayed.Once you’ve read it,you can reply to the message,move onto the next one,or,like most phones,delete the message from your account.You can check your e—mail manually,but most e-phones call also be set to check several times a day automatically.In automatic mode,the phone fla.shes to tell you mail is waiting.If you happen to be using the phone when it is scheduled to check for e—mail,the phone will automatically try again when the line is free. One serious drawback to e—mail by phone is that it cannot receive(or send)attached files。whether they contain documents or graphics.Some phones will attempt to display simple text files as part of the message,but other types of files will appear as gibberish(乱码),or not at all.If you share the e-mail account with a PC and don’t delete the message,however,you can usually retrieve the message and file on your computer. An e-mail phone is an improved device of telecommunication in that

A.it can record a message in the form. of e—mails.

B.it can be used to receive and send e—mails.

C.it can be connected with computers.

D.it can be used to visit websites

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更多“回答下列各题: ·Read the article belo…”相关的问题
根据以下选项,回答下列各题: A.park B.radio C.watch D.library E.telephone F.post office G.su
permarket People borrow or read books there.

回答下列各题: Too much to read!It’S impossible to find time to read today’S top business b
ooks and thousands are published each year.Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious and expensive mistake.Often the ideas and insights they contain are available nowhere else. But how Can you even(19)_______ which titles are worthwhile,let alone find time to read them?Fortunately,there’S a(20)_______ :Sound view Executive Book Summaries.It really(21)_______ In fact,its(22)_______ o work.It is ingenious and essential.Every month, you(23)_______ two or three quick readin9,time saving(24)_______ of the best new business books.Each contains all the key points in the(25)_______ book.The big difference,instead of 200 t0 500 pages,the summary is only several pages.Instead of(26)_______ five,ten or more hours to read,it takes just l5 minutes. Of the thousands of business books(27)_______ annually,only a(28)_______ are really worth readin9.To save your time,our Editorial Board goes over them all(29)_______ 90%.Our standards are(30)_______ ,and the criteria rigorous. When a book meets all our tests,we prepare a summary,instead of a review or a digest. You get a skillful distillation that preserves the content and spirit of the(31)_______ books. The titles cover every(32)_______ 0f concem to business people today.There’S(33) else like Sound view Executive Book Summaries …… 回答第19题。





根据下面内容,回答下列各题: 0 Customers occasionally want something they are not entitled
to or what you 00 can’t grant.They may misundemtand their warranties or make unreasonable 34 demands.Because these customers are often unhappy with a product or 35 service,they are emotionally involved in.Lettere that say no to emotionally 36 involved receivers will probably be your much most difficult communication 37 task.As if publisher Malcolm Forbes has pointed out,“To be agreeable while 38 be disagreeing--that’S an art.”Fortunately.the reasons-before‘refusal plan 39 enables you to be empathic and artful in handling with bad news.Obviously,in 40 denial letters you will need to adopt the proper tone.Don’t blame on customers 41 0r suggest that the customer does not read or understand what the contract or 42 relative policies。even if they are at fault.Avoid use“you’’statements that 43 sound preachy.Instead,the safest path is to use neutral and objective 44 language to explain that why the claim must be refused.Sometimes you may 45 hope consider offering resale information to rebuild the customer’S confidence in your products or organization. 34.___________

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1 Parents now have a popular belief that Schools ar

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

Parents now have a popular belief that Schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. There are,however, greatly different ideas about how to teach it or how much priority (优先)it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is that how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.

If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to" play safe". He will be prone to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.

I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:"This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible(难以辨认的)." It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which included some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorities had centred on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation (动力) to seek improvement.

第 21 题 Teachers are different in their opinions about________

A.the difficulties in teaching spelling.

B.the role of spelling in general language development.

C.the complexities of the basic writing skills.

D.the necessity of teaching spelling.

根据以下选项为下列各题选择意义相符的项, A. year B. winter C. summer D. passport E. umbrell
a F. medicine G. newspaper People read it for information.

回答下列各题: Read the following text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered bl
ank and mark A,B,C,or D on"ANSWER SHEET 1. The pursuit for SUCCESS always begins with a target.But too many people 26 through life like sleepwalkers.Each day they follow 27 routines,never asking,“What am I doing with my life?”And they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack 28. Goal—setting is 29 the will to move in a certain 30.Begin with a clear 3l of what you want.Write down your goals and 32 them-putting them into words clarifies them. 33 concentrating on objects to acquire and possess,center on 34 your desires to do,to produce,to contribute.Goal.setting 35 me true sense of satisfaction we all need. It’s important to imagine yourself 36 your goal.It is usually the case that, 37 losers picture the penalties of failure,winners picture the 38 0f Success. I’ve done it myself.1 was 39 of air travel.Friends quoted data 40 air and highway safety,but it made no 41 ,because I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and had 42 myself,without realizing it,to stay off planes. Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends.I didn’t want to 43 out on a great vacation.So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight and easy landing. When the day arrived,1 was eager to go.To everyone’s 44 ,I got on the plane and flew.I loved every minute of it,and I still use the techniques I 45 that day.





根据材料回答下列各题: A.negativeB.positiveC.oppositeD.reasonab


根据材料回答下列各题: A.negativeB.positiveC.oppositeD.reason

根据材料回答下列各题: A.negativeB.positiveC.oppositeD.reason
















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