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Who is Dr. Wynnie Chan?A.A researcher for the Food Standards Agency.B.A nutrition scientis

Who is Dr. Wynnie Chan?

A.A researcher for the Food Standards Agency.

B.A nutrition scientist for the British Nutrition Foundation.

C.A cancer specialist at the British Cancer Foundation.

D.A government official for the Food Standards Agency.

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SaltThe government watchdog, The Food Standards Agency, has announced targets for reducing


The government watchdog, The Food Standards Agency, has announced targets for reducing salt in a range of food products.

The move is designed to cut average daily salt intake in the diet, as too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

What should we do?

Dr. Wynnie Chan, a nutrition scientist for the British Nutrition Foundation, says that everybody should look to reduce the amount of salt in their diet.

"It would have a significant effect on those people who need to reduce their salt levels because they are susceptible to hypertension, but it would also do no harm for the whole population to reduce its salt intake,"she said. Dr. Chan said there were four main ways to reduce salt intake:

Stop adding table salt to food once it is served;

Choose items with a reduced sodium content;

Carefully monitor the salt content of processed food;

Eat more fruit and vegetables—they contain potassium which balances the effect of salt on the body.

Reading food labels can be confusing as they often give the sodium, rather than the salt content of food. To calculate the amount of salt in a product, multiply the sodium content by two-and-a-half times.

What is the target of the Food Standards Agencys announcement?

A.Reducing fat in your diet.

B.Increasing protein in your diet.

C.Increasing sodium content in your diet.

D.Reducing salt in your diet.

Dr. Dorothy is ______.A.an environmental program manager of GreeceB.a Greek official in ch

Dr. Dorothy is ______.

A.an environmental program manager of Greece

B.a Greek official in charge of the construction

C.a scholar opposing the construction of the sports complex

D.a scholar in support of the Construction of the sports complex

Which of the following statements is true according to Dr. Moody?A.Those who laugh are hea

Which of the following statements is true according to Dr. Moody?

A.Those who laugh are healthy people.

B.A doctor may diagnose a patient by checking his ability to laugh.

C.Those who don't laugh are unhealthy people.

D.Laughter alone can get people through hard work.

Which of the following is Dr. David's opinion?A.People who think they are sleeping enough

Which of the following is Dr. David's opinion?

A.People who think they are sleeping enough are better off than those who don't.

B.Some people can remain vigorous with only 6.5 hours' sleep a night.

C.If they get 8.5 hours' sleep, people will be full of drive and ambition.

D.People's mental power suffers if they are in sleep deficit.

Dr. Ravitch will support the following policies EXCEPTA.having principals who have been ex

Dr. Ravitch will support the following policies EXCEPT

A.having principals who have been excellent teachers.

B.insisting on high qualifications for new teachers.

C.committing to building a better and stronger profession.

D.that students get a solid education only in tested subjects.

Dr. Stamatakis suggested people who rely on computers to work______.A.secretly combine bus

Dr. Stamatakis suggested people who rely on computers to work______.

A.secretly combine business with leisure

B.quit their current jobs as soon as possible

C.take breaks from the screen at regular intervals of time

D.get up early so as to take regular exercises in the morning

听力原文:M: How do you like the new physician who replaced Dr. Andrews?W: He may not seem

听力原文:M: How do you like the new physician who replaced Dr. Andrews?

W: He may not seem as agreeable or as thorough as Dr. Andrews, but at least he doesn't keep patients waiting for hours.

Q: What can we infer from the woman's answer?


A.Dr. Andrews has been promoted for his thoroughness.

B.She disagrees with Dr. Andrews on many occasions.

C.Dr. Andrews used to keep his patients waiting.

D.She dislikes Dr. Andrews as much as the new physician.

According to Dr. Getsy, most people who complain of trouble in sleeping are those whoA.hav

According to Dr. Getsy, most people who complain of trouble in sleeping are those who

A.have the disease of chronic insomnia.

B.don"t know the importance of sleep.

C.exercise less and eat more.

D.always stay awake in bed.

According to Dr. Getsy, the advice for people who have trouble sleeping is toA.keep relaxe

According to Dr. Getsy, the advice for people who have trouble sleeping is to

A.keep relaxed.

B.lie in bed for 2 hours.

C.have a good mood.

D.make a schedule and keep it.

According to a WHO official, Dr. Mardel, the guidelines were flexible because______.A.SARS

According to a WHO official, Dr. Mardel, the guidelines were flexible because______.

A.SARS would reemerge in poor countries

B.no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return

C.SARS would not appear in developed countries

D.no one knew whether SARS would return or not

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