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Why is Arson Mackey's request unacceptable in principle?A.Because she didn't meet the requ

Why is Arson Mackey's request unacceptable in principle?

A.Because she didn't meet the requirements.

B.Because she didn't request in writing.

C.Because she didn't send required documents.

D.Because she didn't make a deposit.

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更多“Why is Arson Mackey's request …”相关的问题
Why did the club decide to give a full refund to Arson Mackey?A.It wanted to compensate he

Why did the club decide to give a full refund to Arson Mackey?

A.It wanted to compensate her for their mistakes.

B.It felt sympathy for her.

C.It wanted her to rejoin the club later.

D.It didn't want to lose their reputation.

How much money does the club owe to Arson Mackey in total?A.$25.B.$100.C.$125.D.$200.

How much money does the club owe to Arson Mackey in total?





To Nancy ParrotI joined Act Fitness Club in St. Petersburg more than a year ago. The sales

To Nancy Parrot

I joined Act Fitness Club in St. Petersburg more than a year ago. The salesman convinced me I had nothing to lose in purchasing a membership, as I could get my money back during the first month.

One week after joining, my husband was suddenly admitted to the intensive care unit and died five weeks later. I kept Act Fitness Club informed of this and was told by the salesman to keep making my monthly payments as I would get a full refund.

I have called numerous times and sent a letter and copy of the death certificate.

Act Fitness Club has returned none of my four months' credit card charges of $25 each and my membership fee of $100.

I need your help.

To Nancy ParrotI joined Act Fitness Club in St. Pe

Gym gave full refund; check the credit card statement

By Nancy Parrot

Response: John Masters, membership services manager for Act Fitness Club in St. Petersburg, said you signed a month-to-month membership with the club, and agreed to all the terms and conditions, which included the four-week comfort guarantee.

This guarantee specifically states that a member may cancel at any time during the first four-week membership period if certain conditions are met, including utilizing the club three times during each of the initial weeks.

You did not meet the requirements, Masters said, but Act Fitness Club understood your situation and as a courtesy issued a full refund to your credit card June 12.

We are forwarding a copy of the credit slip Masters sent us and suggest you take a look at your credit card statements from this period to make sure the credit posted. Let us know if it did not.

Why did Arson Mackey write the letter to Nancy Parrot?

A.To complain about poor facility.

B.To ask for help.

C.To join the fitness club.

D.To participate in a survey.

听力原文:Captain Joseph Mackey's airplane was flying over the ocean on its way to Great Br

听力原文: Captain Joseph Mackey's airplane was flying over the ocean on its way to Great Britain when engine trouble started. He turned back and made a crash-landing at night in the deep snow of Newfoundland. All the men in the plane were killed except Captain Mackey, who was badly hurt. Captain Mackey waited all the next morning for an airplane to come in search of him, in the afternoon he set out to find help. He went about a mile but found that he was too weak to go on through the snow. Half walking and half crawling, he made his way back to the plane. The second day many planes passed above him, but none of the pilots saw him. The third day Captain Mackey heard a plane coming nearer and nearer, flying very slowly. It flew right over him and passed on. Then he gave up hope of being found. In a few minutes the plane returned, and the pilot dipped one wing to get a clearer view. The pilot came down closer for a better look, and then he saw Captain Mackey waving his arms. The pilot quickly climbed higher and sent a radio message. In a short time a plane came and dropped a sleeping bag, food, medicine, and tools for Captain Mackey.


A.No fuel.

B.Ice on the wing.

C.Engine trouble.

D.No food.

WildfiresIn just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an extremely large


In just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an extremely large fire. The wildfire quickly spreads, consuming the thick, dried-out plants and almost everything else in its path. What was once a forest becomes a virtual powder keg of untapped fuel. In a seemingly instantaneous burst, the wildfire overtakes thousands of acres of surrounding land, threatening the homes and lives of many in the vicinity.

Fire Starters

On a hot summer day, when drought conditions peak, something as small as a spark from a train car's wheel striking the track can ignite a raging wildfire. Sometimes, fires occur naturally, ignited by heat from the sun or a lightning strike. However, the majority of Wildfires are the result of human carelessness.

Common causes for wildfires include:



Discarding lit cigarettes

Improperly burning debris

Playing with matches or fireworks

Prescribed fires

Everything has a temperature at which it will burst into flames. This temperature is called a material's flash point. Wood's flash point is 572 degrees Fahrenheit(300 ℃). When wood is heated to this temperature, it releases hydrocarbon gases that mix with oxygen in the air, combust and create fire.

There are three components needed for ignition and combustion to occur. A fire requires fuel to burn, air to supply oxygen, and a heat source to bring the fuel Up to ignition temperature. Heat, oxygen and fuel form. the fire triangle. Firefighters often talk about the fire triangle when they are trying to put out a blaze. The idea is that if they can take away any one of the pillars of the triangle, they can control and ultimately extinguish the fire.

After combustion occurs and a fire begins to burn, there are several factors that determine how the fire spreads. These three factors include fuel, weather and topography. Depending on these factors, a fire can quickly fizzle or turn into a raging blaze that scorches thousands of acres.

Fueling the Flames

Wildfires spread based on the type and quantity of fuel that surrounds it. Fuel can include everything from trees, underbrush and dry grassy fields to homes. The amount of flammable material that surrounds a fire is referred to as the fuel load. Fuel load is measured by the amount of available fuel per unit area, usually tons per acre.

A small fuel load will cause a fire to burn and spread slowly, with a low intensity. If there is a lot of fuel, the fire will burn more intensely, causing it to spread faster. The faster it heats up the material around it, the faster those materials can ignite. The dryness of the fuel can also affect the behavior. of the fire. When the fuel is very dry, it is consumed much faster and creates a fire that is much more difficult to contain.

Here are the basic fuel characteristics that decide how it affects a fire:

Size and shape


Moisture content

Small fuel materials, also called flashy fuels, such as dry grass, pine needles, dry leaves, twigs and other dead brush, burn faster than large logs or stumps(this is why you start a fire with kindling rather than logs). On a chemical level, different fuel materials take longer to ignite than others. But in a wildfire, where most of the fuel is made of the same sort of material, the main variable in ignition time is the ratio of the fuel's total surface area to its volume. Since a twig's surface area is much larger than its volume, it ignites quickly. By comparison, a tree's surface area is much smaller than its volume, so it needs more time to heat up before it ignites.

As the fire progresses, it dries out the material just beyond it—heat and smoke approaching potential fuel causes the fuel's moisture to




听力原文:It's generally agreed that serious, violent crime has reached alarming laroportio

听力原文: It's generally agreed that serious, violent crime has reached alarming laroportions in the United States. A survey by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration found that 61% of all women feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods at night; that 45 % of the population is afraid to walk alone at night near their own homes; and that 47% own guns, large for self-protection.

Those arrested for crimes and disproportionately likely to be male, young, a member of a racial minority, and a city resident. Males are arrested about four times as often as females. Only in juvenile runaway cases and prostitution are females more often arrested. One is the sex role stereotyping which encourages males to be more aggressive and daring, while females are encouraged to be more passive and conforming to the rules and norms. The second reason is the tendency of police officers and the courts to deal more kindly with female offenders. However, it should be noted, in the past decade, crime among females has been increasing at much faster rate than among males, a negative side effect which has been attributed to women challenging the traditional sex role of passivity and conformity.

Young people appear to commit far more than their share of crime, including the crimes that are classified by the FBI as most serious-rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, aggravated assault, auto theft. In 1985, 31% of all arrests were of person under the age of 21, and 50% of all arrests were of persons under 25.


A.For hunting.

B.For protecting himself.

C.For stimulation.

D.For protecting the country.

Theres a simple premise behind what Larry Myers does for a living: If you can smell it, yo
u can find it. Myers is the founder of Auburn Universitys Institute for Biological Detection Systems, the main task of which is to chase the ultimate in detection devices—an artificial nose. For now, the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer. But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police, arson(纵火)investigators and food-safety inspectors. The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonable that, within three to five years, well have some workable sensors ready to use. Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists. Police could detect drugs, bodies and bombs hidden in cars, while food inspectors could easily test food and water for contamination. The implications for revolutionary advances in public safety and the food industry are astonishing. But so, too, are the possibilities for abuse: Such machines could determine whether a woman is ovulating(排卵), without a physical exam—or even her knowledge. One of the traditional protectors of American liberty is that it has been impossible to search everyone. Thats getting not to be the case. Artificial biosensors created at Auburn work totally different from anything ever seen before. AromaScan, for example, is a desktop machine based on a bank of chips sensitive to specific chemicals that evaporate into the air. As air is sucked into the machine, chemicals pass over the sensor surfaces and produce changes in the electrical current flowing through them. Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures. Myers says they expect to load a single fingernail-size chip with thousands of odor receptors(感受器), enough to create a sensor thats nearly as sensitive as a dogs nose.

Which of the following is within the capacity of the artificial nose being developed?

A.Performing physical examinations.

B.Locating places which attract terrorists.

C.Detecting drugs and water contamination.

D.Monitoring food processing.

There's simple premise behind what Larry Myers does for a living: If you can smell it, you
can find it.

Myers is the founder of Auburn University's Institute for Biological Detection System, the main task of which is to chase the ultimate in detection devices--an artificial nose.

For now, the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer. But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police, arson (纵火) investigators and food-safety inspectors.

The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonably that, within three to five years, we' ll have some workable sensors ready to use. Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists. Police could detect drugs, bodies and bombs hidden in cars, while food inspectors could easily test food and water for contamination.

The implications for revolutionary advances in public safety and the food industry are astonishing. But so, too, are the possibilities for abuse: Such machines could determine whether a woman is ovulating(排卵), without a physical exam--or even her knowledge.

One of the traditional protectors of American liberty is that it has been impossible to search everyone. That' s getting not to be the case.

Artificial biosensors created at Auburn work totally differently from anything ever seen be fore. Aroma Scan, for example, is a desktop machine based on a bank of chips sensitive to specific chemicals that evaporate into the air. As air is sucked into the machine, chemicals pass over the sensor surfaces and produce changes in the electrical current flowing through them. Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures.

Myers says they expect to load a single fingernail-size chip with thousands of odor receptors (感受器), enough to create a sensor that's nearly as sensitive as a dog's nose.

Which of the following is within the capacity of the artificial nose being developed?

A.Performing physical examinations.

B.Locating places which attract terrorists.

C.Detecting drugs and water contamination.

D.Monitoring food processing.



B. what

C. for

D. why

Do you think conventional retail outlets will decline in future? (Why? / Why not?)

Do you think conventional retail outlets will decline in future? (Why? / Why not?)

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