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Who will go to America?A.The woman.B.The man.C.The man and his mother.

Who will go to America?

A.The woman.

B.The man.

C.The man and his mother.

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更多“Who will go to America?A.The w…”相关的问题
听力原文:James Anthony, who is considered to be the greatest living dramatist of the Ameri

听力原文: James Anthony, who is considered to be the greatest living dramatist of the American theater, was born in Bangor, Maine in 1921. He attended the public schools of Bangor and although he was the son of a poor European immigrant, he found a way to go to college. In 1939, he won a scholarship to the University of Maine, where he spent almost the next four years studying. I say almost, because during his last semester he was drafted into the United States Army. He spent the next three years in the army and was honorably discharged in 1945, at the close of World War Ⅱ. In the army his job was to translate French documents into English, although his best foreign language was Italian. The army, in characteristic fashion, made him a French translator and for a year he was stationed in Paris.


A.As a French translator while stationed in Paris.

B.While serving in the army.

C.As a dramatist in the American theater.

D.His college life.

听力原文:One day in 1848, a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a sawmill on the Ameri

听力原文: One day in 1848, a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a sawmill on the American River in California, made a surprising discovery. He noticed something bright and yellow, bent down to pick it up and took it to his friend, a Mr. Sutter. This was the beginning of the Californian Gold Rush. Sutter was a Swiss who had come to America to try to make a lot of money. The Governor of California had given him permission to make a home in the Sacramento Valley and his determination and energy had made him rich. He had built the mill together with Marshall in order to make use of the rich natural materials of his land.

Sutter realized the importance of the discovery and decided to ask the Governor for the right to the gold. So he sent a man named Bennet to San Francisco to see the Governor. He warned Bennet not to tell anyone because he was afraid that people would come before his right was recognized. Bennet could not keep the secret but people did not believe him at first. Then a newspaperman went to Sutter's mill to make a report. When he came back he ran through the streets shouting, "Gold! Gold!" Within a month almost the entire population had gone to look for the gold.

Then news spread across America to Europe and thousands of people joined in the search. Those who went by ship had to sail round Cape Horn but some preferred to go across America by land, and freight cars were used for travelers. Even then there were some who were prepared to cross the terrible desert of Death Valley.

The Gold Rush proved to be fatal to Sutter himself. For years he tried to get rid of those new-comers so that his family might enjoy the wealth of his land, but his business failed. The new-comers did a great deal of harm, and even killed one of his sons, and at the end of his life he was a poor man who often stopped people in the street to tell them that gold was worse than anything else.

Who was the first to find the gold in California?




D.A newspaperman.

The war of Independence was between ().A、America and FranceB、America and HollandC、Ameri

A.America and France

B.America and Holland

C.America and Spain

D.America and Britain

Who is Uncle Sam?"Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States. It is the nickname(

Who is Uncle Sam?

"Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States. It is the nickname(绰号) of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called "Uncle Sam " (46) .

The man was called Uncle Sam Wilson. He was born in Arlington, Massachusetts (马萨 诸塞州), September 13,1766. At the age of 14 Sam joined the American Revolutionary War, and served in the army under George Washington until the end of the war. He then moved to Troy, New York State and began a meat-packing business in the year 1812 war broke out between the United States and Great Britain. (47) . Among them was Governor Daniel Tompkins of New York State. He noticed the capitalized letters EAUS on the packages of meat and asked what they stood for. A workman replied that EA stood for Elbert Anderson, the businessman for whom Sam was working. (48) . In May 1813, this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York. (49) .

By the end of the War of 1812, "Uncle Sam " had come to symbolize (象征)the character of the nation and the government. (50)

A.And he added jokingly that US (actually it was the short form. for the United States stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. )

B.However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Ameri cans.

C.He did his bit to support the American army.

D.In 1961 the US Congress(国会) made a decision that "Uncle Sam " is the America's national symbol.

E.On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam's meat-packing plant.

F.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of "Uncle Sam" as the name for this kind of man became well-known rapidly.


Who can go to the head of the line?A.People with passports.B.People with tickets.C.People

Who can go to the head of the line?

A.People with passports.

B.People with tickets.

C.People with small bags.

D.People with small children.

Who do I go to school with? I go to school with ______.A.KateB.Some friendsC.Jim

Who do I go to school with? I go to school with ______.


B.Some friends


Who should go to Line One?A.Tour groupsB.Senior citizensC.Customers with ticketsD.Customer

Who should go to Line One?

A.Tour groups

B.Senior citizens

C.Customers with tickets

D.Customers needing tickets

Who can learn everything from school?A.People who go to school for an education.B.People w

Who can learn everything from school?

A.People who go to school for an education.

B.People who go to school to learn a skill.

C.No one can learn ever/thing from school.

Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______. A) who is he B) who he is C) who is it D

Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.

A) who is he B) who he is C) who is it D) who it is

Who do you want to ______ with you?A.have goneB.have goC.goingD.went

Who do you want to ______ with you?

A.have gone

B.have go



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