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Doman's new approach was to______.A.increase the different types of stimulation.B.give sho

Doman's new approach was to______.

A.increase the different types of stimulation.

B.give shorter periods of decreased stimulation.

C.intensify the decreased stimulation.

D.decrease the time between the periods of stimulation.

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更多“Doman's new approach was to___…”相关的问题
In 1963 an American physiotherapist (理疗家) Glenn Doman wrote a best-selling book called

In 1963 an American physiotherapist (理疗家) Glenn Doman wrote a best-selling book called "How to Teach Your Baby to Read". Now translated into 17 languages, this book arose from his work with brain-damaged children in Pennsylvania. Doman and his team of specialists had wondered why brain-injured children didn't improve with medical treatment. Then they realized that conventional methods of treatment only relieved the symptoms, not the problem, which of course was the brain itself. So they developed a new approach.

"All we do for all children here is to give them visual, auditory and touchable stimulation with increased frequency, intensity and duration, in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain grows," says Doman. "The result was that by 1960 we had hundreds of severely brain-injured two olds who could read and understand." The team had discovered that even children who had half their brains removed could, by stimulation, achieve higher IQs than the average normal child.

Then the team began to think if such amazing results could be achieved with brain damaged children, what would happen if the same treatment were to normal children. So eight years ago the Better Baby Institute was opened for the benefit of normal children. The same stimulating enriched environment was provided, and, by the time the children left, around Seven years old, they could generally speak and read three foreign languages, play a musical instrument, read three full length books a week and do all the other things that a so-called "normal" child could do.

In Doman's view, the child's passion to learn during the years up to six must be fed. He believes that, like muscles, the brain develops with use, especially so in those first few years.

Nowadays, parents come from all over the world to Pennsylvania to see and learn from the work of Doman and his team; they want to discover how they can fulfil their roles as nature teachers, by using their love, understanding and instincts for the benefit of their children. For in the words of Doman "Every child born has a greater potential intelligence than Leonardo da Vinci used".

In his research, Glenn Doman discovered that brain-damaged children improved when they______.

A.were taught to read and understand.

B.could speak several languages.

C.got the right treatment.

D.got medicine for their symptoms.

The new CEO's unconventional approach to the job ______ some members of the board of direc




D.is concerned

The author's purpose in writing this essay is ______.A.to warn parents not to intrude on t

The author's purpose in writing this essay is ______.

A.to warn parents not to intrude on their children's privacy too often

B.to recommend feasible ways to control their children's behavior

C.to offer parents sane techniques and skills to deal with their adolescents

D.to introduce a new approach to parenting in tile new millennium

What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by "the ostrich approach" (Line 1, Paragraph 9 )?A.A casu

What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by "the ostrich approach" (Line 1, Paragraph 9 )?

A.A casual attitude towards one's health conditions.

B.A new therapy for certain psychological problems.

C.Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.

D.Unwillingness to find out about one's disease because of fear.

According to president Bush, the new approach to gaining control of Iraqi cities is probab
ly ______.

A.Rebuilding Iraqi cities

B.Increasing US troops

C.Training Iraq's new army

D.Letting Iraqi people govern themselves

In 1998, Nikolic-Jaric failed her thesis project because of ______A.her husband's deathB.h

In 1998, Nikolic-Jaric failed her thesis project because of ______

A.her husband's death

B.her own haste

C.her discouragement

D.her new approach

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Polarity Reversal: A Fantastic

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Polarity Reversal: A Fantastic Phenomenon of Nature.

B.Measurement of the Earth's Magnetic-Field Intensity.

C.Formation of the Two Poles of the Earth.

D.A New Approach to the Study of Geophysics.

60what does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach”(line q para.9)A. a casual att

60what does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach”(line q para.9)

A. a casual attitude towards one’s health conditions

B. a new therapy for certain psychological problems

C. refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved

D. unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear

According to Bisignani's words, "We must have a global approach for a global problem", he
probably means ______.

A.a better way benefiting the world needs further consideration

B.the problem of air pollution caused by airline industry can't be solved immediately

C.the new regulation of the European Union should be performed globally after 2012

D.the International Civil Aviation Organization should draw up any rules that all countries comply

A newly published AIDS study could open another front in the battle against HIV infection
by showing that gene therapy can be used to stop infected cells from spreading the deadly virus, researchers said.

In a test-tube experiment believed to be the first of its kind, researchers based at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia were able to block the operation of the" tat "gene that allows HIV to spread throughout the body from infected cells.

Up to now, genetic AIDS research has concentrated on finding ways to help healthy cells withstand the ravages of the HIV virus that infects an estimated 16, 000 new victims a day, mainly in the developing world.

But by working with human cells already infected with HIV, the team was able to reduce the tat gene's virus-replicating functions by 80 percent to 90 percent, according to findings published in the journal Gene Therapy.

That, researchers said, raises the possibility of a new gene therapy approach capable of supplementing the current drug-based treatment known as highly active anti-retroviral therapy, or HAART, which is used to stop HIV infection from becoming full-blown AIDS.

In recent studies, HAART has proved to be a costly drug regimen that poses serious side effects for HIV patients while delivering questionable results.

"This is proof of the concept that HIV replication could be inhibited by a genetic approach, though we're not at 100 percent yet, "said Dr. Stuart Starr, a study coauthor and chief of immunologic infectious diseases at Children's Hospital.

"Everyone thinks of an antiviral approach, or an immunologic approach to HIV. This adds another option into the equation that could become more important as other options prove not to be totally successful."

Key to the study was an artificially produced" antitat" gene provided by the Washington-based Research Institute for Genetic and Human Therapy.

Children's Hospital researchers used a mouse retrovirus to deliver the antitat gene into HIV-infected U-1 and ACH-2 cells, which were developed in the lab from the tissues of living HIV patients.

They found that when the antitat protein combined with the tat gene, it successfully inhibited the gene's operation without disturbing healthy cells or causing toxic side-effects.

The study, funded by a private foundation, also found that the introduction of the antitat gene prolonged the survival of immune-system cells called CD4 + T lymphocytes.

Start said researchers have entered preliminary discussions with a New England-based primate center ,where animal experiments could be carried out on infected macaque monkeys.

If animal experiments proved successful, the Children's Hospital team would hope to have a gene therapy treatment ready for human clinical trials in three to four years.

What is the passage mainly about?

A.AIDS study raises hopes for gene therapy treatment.

B.A new killer of HIV virus.

C.Research on gene therapy.

D.Gene therapy proves to be the ultimate solution to HIV infection.

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