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After so many years' endeavours, his contribution to the company was______ with a promotio






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听力原文:Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the w

听力原文: Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the world today. The U.S. has many trading partners, one of the most important is Japan. The trade between the two countries amounts to several billion dollars a year. Many U.S. banks therefore have offices in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Osaka, the largest cities. Jean McPherson is the manager of' one of those for branch banks in Tokyo.

Jean majored in accounting and business administration in college. After graduation she got a job with a large New York bank. After two years in accounting, she was transferred to the loan department. Many of the loans which she was asked to consider involved international transactions. Some of them were so complicated that Jean felt she didn't have a broad enough background to understand them.

To get more experience, she asked for a transfer to the bank's international department. She became so expert in international finance that it became her career. When the bank decided to open a branch in Tokyo, Jean was selected to set it up and run it for the flint few years. She has been in Tokyo for more, than three years now.


A.She is a trading representative of the U.S. in Tokyo.

B.She is a government official of the U.S. in Tokyo.

C.She is the manager of an American bank in Tokyo.

D.She is the manager of a Japanese bank in Tokyo.

听力原文:Yes, the course content does look good in the brochure. I know in a sense I shoul

听力原文: Yes, the course content does look good in the brochure. I know in a sense I shouldn't complain. After all it's a chance to enhance my skills and knowledge. And that's welcome at times. But it's still a bit of gamble, isn't it? I just have to hope it really does improve my chances of hanging on to my job here. It's a bit frightening, to tell you the truth, with so many pople having to go. After g0 years in a company, you don't want to think about being out of work, do you? But I really wish the brochure would tell you more. It looks good, as I said, but there's no detail, nothing on the time or the teachers. So I feel a bit in the dark really.


After the Trojan War had ended, not a11 of the Greeks got to enjoy ap1 easant homecoming j ourney.0dy sseus'return was fu11 of difficulties. It took him tenyears to get back to his home.Odysseus had many obstac1es put in his way by the sea godPoseidon after having hurt the god' s feelings. He was then trapped by Ca1ypso on herisland. The goddess made him her 1over. For seven years, she refused to 1et him 1eave.Finally, Zeus - the king of a11 gods - stopped Calypso. 0dysseus sailed away on a sma11 boat.However, the boat was destroyed by a storm. Lucki1y, he was able to make it home safe1y at1ast. After having arrived home, 0dysseus found that many men were chasing after his wifeP enelope. Together with his son Te1 emachus, Odysseus fought to get rid of these men. Afterthis was done, Odysseus real ized that Penelope had been faithful to him. However,when shesaw him for the first time after sO many years, she could not be sure that he was real1yher husband.“Dear Queen, how can you be sO hard-hearted when you see that your husbandhas returned after such a 1ong time? ”begged 0dysseus. But sti11, Penelope was not surewhether she could trust him. She decided to test the man standing in front of her. Sheasked a servant to move the bed out of the bedroom.How can that be done?asked0dysseus.“If it is my bed, then nobody could move it except me. I made it myself.One ofits pillars (床腿)is the olive tree that grew on the spot where I built the bedroom.”Andnow Penelope knew that the man was truly her husband. She had waited for him for so manyyears!She threw her arms around him and cried for joy.

(1) In a11, Odysseus’homecoming journey took him seven years.



(2) The under1ined wordobstaclesin Paragraph 1 could mean suggestions.



(3) Telemachus helped Odysseus to get rid of the men who were chasing after his wife.



(4) Penelope fe1t excited when she saw her husband for the first time after he had returnedhome.



(5) Odysseus proved to Penelope that he was truly her husband by menti oning some secretsabout their bed.



Today we have an () need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school
Today we have an () need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school

(), continues through college, and then leads to starting a family and having a (), the so-called () years. Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different (). They take breaks from school, live with friends and often () to living with their parents. (), they fall in and out of love, quit one job and try another or even () to a new career. So, we need to () this new stage, the odyssey years, which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching ().

The word "freedom" for many black Americans is inextricably linked with the word "slaver
y." While it has 148 years【M1】______ since the Emancipation Proclamation, and 47 years since the landmark Civil Rights Act, for many, the words of Martin Luther King in his famous speech still ring real: "The Negro lives on a【M2】______ lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity." Many black Americans still find themselves spiritually and economically slaved on the figurative 21st-century plantation.【M3】______ Why is that still so? After all, for the last 47 years, our leaders have passed on bill after bill ostensibly to free black Americans【M4】______ from the manacles of poverty and provide ever-stronger safety nets for those disadvantaged. Because two very formidable forces have【M5】______ conspired over these last 47 years—almost the span of my complete life—to shackle the economic freedoms and aspirations【M6】______ of the black community: liberal progressive policies, generally supported by Democrats, and the socialist ideology espoused by prominent blacks as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.【M7】______ This is always curious to me that black Americans typically【M8】______ vote Democrat, when it was a Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and a Republican from Ohio, Representative James Mitchell Ashley, who came forth the bill to support an amendment to end slavery【M9】______ throughout the United States. Nearly 100 years late, when the【M10】______ initial Civil Rights Bill came before the full Senate in 1964, it was a group of 18 Southern Democrats who argued most fervently against its passage.


Every day thousands of Londoners set their watches by Big Ben. Every 15 minutes they can h
ear the bells of Big Ben. This most famous clock in the world is always correct. Well, almost always. In 1976 the bells in the clock tower did not ring for 51 hours. It was the first time for 20 years that Big Ben had been silent for so many hours.

It was the first time for 20 years that Big Ben had been silent for so many hours. Three men always came at once if there was any problem with Big Ben. But they were not necessary this time. Mr. John Vernon, director of the company of clockmakers who looked after Big Ben, stopped the bell himself because painters were coming to the clock room to give it a new coat of paint at the top of the 66-meter tower.

"My job is very important, "said Mr. Vernon." Everyone looks at the clock. If something, everyone wants to know why. "But Mr. Vernon had to stop the bells. Tile wheels that moved the bells were very close to the walls, and the bell swung only two centimeters away from the wall the painters were going to paint. That's why the bells in the clock tower did not ring for so many hours.

Londoners set their watches by Big Ben because ______.

A.it can be seen from all parts of London

B.the bells can be heard every 15 minutes

C.the famous clock is almost always correct

D.they like this clock better than any other

Of the six outer planets, Mars, commonly called the Red Planet, is the closest to Earth. M
ars, 4,200 miles in diameter and 55% of the size of the Earth, is 34,600,000 miles from the Earth, and 141,000,000 miles from the Sun. It takes this planet, along 0with its two moons, Phoboes and Deimos, 1.88 years to circle, the Sun, compared to 365 days from the Earth.

For many years, Mars had been thought of as the planet with the man made canals, supposedly discovered by an Italian astronomer, Schiaparelli, in 1877. With the United States spacecraft Viking I's landing on 'Mars in 1976, the man-made canal theory was proven to be only a myth.

Viking I, after landing on the soil of Mars, performed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures. The pictures showed that the red color of the planet is due to the reddish, rocky Martian soil. No biological life was found, though it had been speculated by many scientists. The Viking al so monitored many weather changes including violent dust storms. Some water vapor, polar ice and permafrost were found, indicating that at one time there were significant quantities of water on this distant planet. Evidence collected by the spacecraft shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanoes are believed to be dormant, if not extinct.

Which of the following is true?

A.Mars is larger than the Earth.

B.Mars had Viking as its moon.

C.Martian soil is brownish rod.

D.It takes longer for Mars to circle the Sun than it takes the Earth.

To : Company all employees From: Personnel Department Subject: Retirement of CEOAfter thir

To : Company all employees

From: Personnel Department

Subject: Retirement of CEO

After thirty five years with our firm, our CEO, Jack Wallace will retire from his position. We absolutely know that Jack's tireless work, creative ideas and excellent leadership abilities which played an extremely important role in making our company, S&J one of the leading companies in the industry.

He will still work as a member of the board of directors after his retirement. His last day is next Friday. So we will have a retirement party for him. Please, join the party to say good-bye to our most cherished member. We wish Jack the best of luck.

What did Jack do at S&J?

A.He contributed to making S&J one of the leading companies.

B.He headed the personnel department.

C.He was responsible for finance.

D.He fired many employees.

听力原文:How many teeth have you had filled in the past two years? If you follow the advic

听力原文: How many teeth have you had filled in the past two years? If you follow the advice of Dr. Faustick 'you may be able to reduce the number of your visits to a dentist. Dr. Faustick conducted a twoyear survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay. 946 students took part in an experiment. 523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes of eating when possible they used a tooth brush, when this was impossible they washed their mouth thoroughly with water. The remaining 423 students merely cleaned their teeth when they went to bed and when they got up in the morning. All the students had their teeth X rayed at the end of the first and second years. At the end of the first year, the night and morning group had three times as many decayed teeth as the dean after each meal group. At the end of the second year the latter group had 53 percent fewer decayed teeth than the former group. Dr. Fausstick has cleaned his teeth after meal for thirteen years and has not had a single decayed tooth. He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay. Particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes, and soft drinks. Ideally you should keep a tooth brush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating. When this is impractical you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food. 7 of out 10 people loose at least half of their teeth by the time they are fifty. Many have a complete set of false teeth by that time. In any case neither toothache nor a visit to a dentist is very pleas ant. So it is worthwhile making an effort to keep you own teeth as long as possible. The main preventative agent is simply water.


A.Coca Cola.



D.Fried chicken.

听力原文:In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious

听力原文: In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympic athletic festival, held every four years in honor of Zeus, eventually lost its local character, be came first a national event, and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished, international. No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 B. C.

The Games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator. Slaves, women and dishonored people were not allowed to compete. Records show that the evening of the third day was devoted to sacrificial offerings to the heroes of the day, and the fourth day, that of the full moon, was set aside as a holy day. On the sixth and last day, all the victors were crowned with holy garlands of wild olive from a sacred wood. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. How their results compared with modern standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.

After an uninterrupted history of almost 1,200 years, the Games were abolished in A.D. 394 be cause of their pagan origin. It was a great many years before there was another such international athletic gathering. The Greek institution was brought back into existence in 1896 and the first small meeting took place in Athens. After the 1908 London Olympics, success was re-established and nations sent their best representatives.

Today, the Games are held in different countries in turn. The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, lighted on Mount Olympus by the sun's rays. It is carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. The torch symbolizes the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony.


A.in the seventh century A. D.

B.certainly before 700 B. C.

C.over three thousand years ago

D.a thousand years ago

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