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听力原文:M: Can you believe it? Jessie told her boss he was wrong to have fired his market

ing director.

W: Yeah, but you know Jessie. If she has something in mind, everyone will know about it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Jessie always says what she thinks.

B.Jessie seems to have a lot on her mind.

C.Jessie is wrong to find fault with her boss.

D.Jessie should know the marketing director better.

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更多“听力原文:M: Can you believe it? Je…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Right, let's get on to the marketing strategy.W: Well, the marketing team beli

听力原文:M: Right, let's get on to the marketing strategy.

W: Well, the marketing team believe that we should launch the product at the International Trade Fair and invite the media to a party on the evening of the 22nd.

M: The idea being that the media will be more favourable to our product if we give them some food and drinks before they write their stories.

W: Exactly! But to be honest, our product should really sell myself.

M: Well, a little marketing and promotion won't hurt. We'll be giving demonstrations at the trade fair, right?

W: Yes, all day long. It'll be a little repetitive, but ensure that everyone has a chance to see it in action.

M: Good. Did you get the budget accepted by the Board of Directors?

W: I did. We've got the full amount we asked for. That means we can go ahead with the newspaper and Internet ads.

M: And the ads in the specialist magazines. I think that those will get us the bulk of our orders.

W: I agree. They're very expensive, but they'll be worth it. I've also placed the order for the brochures. The printer will have them done by the end of next week.

M: That was a good idea of yours to have the brochure prepared even before we got the budget approved. If we hadn't done that, we'd never have been able to get the brochures printed in time.

W: Well, it was clear that we'd get the budget we asked for. The board wasn't going to risk having our product flop because of a lack of publicity, was it?

M: I wasn't entirely sure we'd get the full budget, to be honest. I've seen the board fail to put enough money into marketing and promotion before.

W: Really? How could they be so short sighted!

M: It's amazing, isn't it?

W: Tell me about it over a drink. It's been a long day!

M: You're right. I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

W: Me, too. We've got everything ready to go. I might even come in late on Monday morning!


A.To celebrate the successful launch of the new product.

B.In order to create a favourable impression with the media.

C.Because everyone at the company has worked so hard on the project.

D.Because the Board of Directors has given the marketing department a large budget.

听力原文:I'm afraid you can't park your car here.(9)A.I'm sorry.B.Yes, I can.C.I certainly

听力原文:I'm afraid you can't park your car here.


A.I'm sorry.

B.Yes, I can.

C.I certainly can.

听力原文:Can you speak English?(12)A.Yes,I don't know.B.Yes,I can.C.Yes,I'm all Englishman

听力原文:Can you speak English?


A.Yes,I don't know.

B.Yes,I can.

C.Yes,I'm all Englishman.

听力原文:(Man) Can you assist Mr. Jackson with this project, or do you have to go to the m

听力原文:(Man) Can you assist Mr. Jackson with this project, or do you have to go to the meeting?

(Woman) (A) Yes, it was very helpful.

(B) I met him at the party.

(C) I'm free all afternoon.





听力原文:W: Are you sure that you can do this job?M: I have all the tools for it, but I'm

听力原文:W: Are you sure that you can do this job?

M: I have all the tools for it, but I'm still not sure if I can pull it off.

Q: What does the man say about the job?


A.He thinks he can put off the job.

B.He thinks he can do it successfully.

C.He is not certain if he can accomplish it.

D.He is not sure if he can do it independently.

听力原文:W: Water keeps dripping in the kitchen, Can you fix the tap?M: Why don't you call

听力原文:W: Water keeps dripping in the kitchen, Can you fix the tap?

M: Why don't you call a plumber?

Who might be the man?

A.The woman's neighbor.

B.The woman's husband.

C.A plumber.

D.A repairman.

听力原文:M: Do you know Joe Brown's number?W: No, but you can look it up in the telephone

听力原文:M: Do you know Joe Brown's number?

W: No, but you can look it up in the telephone book.

How can the man find Mr. Brown's phone number?

A.By referring to the receptionist.

B.By calling the telephone operator.

C.By asking his friend.

D.By finding it in the phone book.

听力原文:Can you wait for me at the bus station?(14)A.Sorry, I can't.B.Yes, please.C.I'm O

听力原文:Can you wait for me at the bus station?


A.Sorry, I can't.

B.Yes, please.

C.I'm OK.

听力原文:W: Can you lend me the book?M: Sure. But can you promise to return it before the

听力原文:W: Can you lend me the book?

M: Sure. But can you promise to return it before the weekend?

Will the woman get the book she wants?

A.No, she won't.

B.Yes, But not now.

C.Yes, but she must return it before the weekend.

D.No, the man hasn't got the book.

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